Kein's POV
Hours after the reveal we went through the plan. The princess of Winshern, currently taking on the name and title, Prince Alexanderk holds a map and there were little wooden pieces that supposed to represent as us.
"The Lion piece is your kingdom."
"And mine is the Raven one." she points out the pieces that was laid out. I noticed there were a lot of red pawns on the map.
Perhaps she saw me observing it for the next of her reply was, "Those red pawns right there is every army and soldiers my father have." (Prince Alexanderk?)
"Each red pawn is a thousand soldiers."
My eyes widened in disbelief and looked more closer on the red pawns, "There's almost a hundred of them- meaning... You have a hundred thousand of soldiers being prepared to invade. My kingdom will surely not survive..." (Rose) bites her lip trying to think.
"And the ones on my side are the blue knight pieces. Each pawn means a thousand as well however-" (Princess Alexanderk?)
"There's only ten of them. You have ten thousand soldiers on your side." I look at the map, analyzing the lay out of it.
There seems to be encircled places as well.
"The soldiers on my side are mostly women who wants to rebel and start a new era of equality. I only have ten thousand soldiers however they are experienced in fighting." (Princess Alexanderk?) says confidently that it reassured both Rose and I.
"So what's the plan?" I ask with my arms crossed, already thinking what type of moves she'll do in order to counter attack.
"The cure that you'll need. I've contacted a witch from the west that will create a cure for us however we'll need a dragon's heart for the main ingredient and I cannot sacrifice my people to fight a dragon." (Princess Alexanderk?)
I groaned internally complaining, the memories of my past life when it came to quest games it's always some dragon's body part that's needed.
I swear it's always dragons.
Don't these potion ingredients ever tire of something dragon related?
"We can hire adventurers for it. There are supposed to be S ranked adventurers in my kingdom?" (Rose) suggests but I shake my head.
"Even if we make a private plead at the guild. I'm afraid they might get suspicious about the quest to kill a dragon and specifically ask to bring back a heart." I tell Rose and she sighs. The whole thing is probably stressing us both.
"Why not you Kein? You're strong aren't you. You can go and slay a dragon after all you're of royal blood." (Princess Alexanderk?) says mockingly at the royal blood part and I laugh. I volunteered for this one, didn't I?
"If it's for the cure I'll clear my schedule and I know just the people to get for that quest." I told her and she frowns.
"Listen here to think that you can't do it alone saddens me. It shows you how weak you are. You need help for a mere dragon?" (Princess Alexanderk?)
"Well excuse you some support would be nice. I'm not dumb enough to go alone. What if you ambush me on the way?!" I yell at her and she rolls her eyes.
"That is cowardly. I will never do such thing." (Princess Alexanderk?)
"Tch, I only meet you for days but I bet you would." I told her and she butted heads with me.
"You wanna go?"
"No shit I'll break your bones you little-"
I was about to grab her collar again but I feel my ear suddenly being pulled. "Ow!" I exclaim in pain looking to my side and saw Rose pulling my ear.
"But Rose she-" I stop after seeing her scary glare.
She had those eyes that has a clear message- if you fight I won't let you have cuddles.
I immediately panicked.
"Behave Kein or else." (Rose)
My anger went away quickly all because of a secret threat of my cuddles being taken away if I don't behave. "Fine. I'll behave."
"It's nice to see your beast tamed, Princess Rosarie." (Princess Alexanderk?) says mockingly and Rose glares at her too.
"Don't think she's the only one at fault here. Why don't you go be a proper adult and stop giving us cliff hangers on your plan because I need my beauty sleep. You. Don't. Want. Me. Angry." (Rose) points at her and that made Princess Alexanderk look at me in question.
I gave Kein's cousin a pleading look to PLEASE DON'T MAKE HER MAD. It'll be the end of me literally please- choose your next words carefully I'm begging you.
"I was wrong. You are not the beast in this relationship of yours." (Princess Alexanderk?) says staring at me and I facepalmed.
You are reading story Reborn as the Princess’ Knight (GL) at
"What was that?" (Rose)
"Okayyy! How about we move on to the plan right? We'll go slay a dragon and make the cure. Cecilia won't die- right? So what's next?" I tried changing the topic and thankfully Kein's cousin had some braincell left and proceeded onto the next topic.
"I plan to lead my family into a trap and execute them." (Princess Alexanderk?) says frankly and I sigh.
"You really need to work on how to explain the plan more thoroughly." I told her mockingly. Rose looks at me with a funny look on her face, "The two of you really are cousins." (Rose)
"On the wedding I want to ambush them. It won't be easy but with your help it might just be possible. Our dark magic costs us to absorb other magics but in return we can only release them when we have compatible weapons and we can't use any other magic nor much spells at all."
"The only equal ground we'll have is when we'll face them on hand to hand combat to which I'm sure you're skilled at it, having the position of a commander. " (Princess Alexanderk?)
"Psh yeah obviously, I was the top of my class on everything except magic." I told her and she nods.
"I will leave our grandfather's head to you right after. Why specifically him if you don't mind me asking?" (Princess Alexanderk?)
I don't know if I can trust her with [Nirvana], my sword. What if she takes it away and claimed it as some family heirloom? I don't trust her at all, not one bit. "Hey if you're killing them might as we save some for me you know?" I shrug and she didn't bite the bait.
"For someone who's not interested in our family, you're somewhat calm at the thought of killing them." (Princess Alexanderk)
Ugh, it's not like I have a choice. My sword and I formed a pact and if I don't kill that bastard the sword will wreak havoc on everything, the reason why it's calm now is because the spirits bounded to this is revealed to hear they're getting dibs on the grandfather's head.
"Fine, the supposed to be cursed sword treasure of this kingdom, I have it. The one that was used to slaughter over a thousand maidens." before she can even ask, I took it out of my [Storage Ring] and tossed it right at her. She catches it quickly, and observes the unsheathed sword.
"It's already formed a pact with me and it wants that old man's head in order to attain peace." I explained. She holds the sword in peace, frowning.
Wait she's frowning?
"I can hear it." (Princess Alexanderk?) mutters weakly and I nod sympathetically.
"The hundreds of voices calling out to you to seek revenge for the innocent blood. The reason why any other normal person would faint and lose their sanity is because of these voices, but we're fine to wield them." I scoffed. To think this sword would be in my hands is rather a funny coincidence, perhaps even fate would have it.
"It is the blood of the royal family that is protecting us, that is why our mind is safe." she holds the handle of it and closes her eyes. "In behalf of my family, my apologies may not reclaim the lives that has been lost but I will do everything to not let another blood sacrifice happen." she hands me back the sword and when I held it into my palm, for some reason the voices seemed to have dimmed down a little.
"Wow, that was cool." I told her and placed the sword back at my hilt.
"I don't know what cool means but those souls deserved better." (Princess Alexanderk?) turns her back against us and points at the maps again.
I went to look at my girlfriend- ehe sorry I'm getting used to the word. Ahem, she was waiting for us to finish and was staring at me patiently with a smile.
Rose was silent the whole time because she wanted me to have a family cousin bonding moment with this cross dressing princess. You really didn't have to Rose... if you weren't here I would've punched this woman hard in the face.
"I am showing you the lay out of some lands in case of emergency. I will have someone send you private letters for any updates or announcements you'll need." she says seriously taking out some sort of seal and giving it to us. "With my private seal, it's been enchanted by magic so you call only open it when you use the seal. Information is dire and if it ends up into the wrong hands this operation will not work."
Rose also takes the seal and places it in her [Storage Ring]. I did the same. "We have been conversing for too long. We should get you back to your quarters, the princess... please tell me you have your royal clothing inside your storage compartment." (Princess Alexanderk?)
"Yes I do actually-" (Rose)
"Then change immediately I don't want anyone seeing you in a commoner's outfit. If anyone were to see us together we can dismiss it, acting like I called you to get to know you better or something." she ordered and I supposed it would make sense...
Rose frowned, she looked really happy wearing commoner's outfit again. I held her shoulders gently and reassured Rose. "When we go home. We can wear all the commoner's clothing we want there so it's okay. Now that you're not bound by marriage you'll be visiting the orphanage again right?" I ask her, the tone hopeful that we can go back to the good old days of mischief and fun.
Rose smiles placing a hand on mine and nods. "You're right. I... I can do whatever I want again and I'll tell Cecilia everything."
"She'll be happy to know her little sister is going to be free soon." I told her hoping that Cecilia will also be alright. The thought of her dying scares me, especially for Rose.
Rose went to a corner and took out her royal clothing. Of course, I followed and became her shield keeping an eye on this cross dressing princess. I glared at her, I don't care if she's also a woman. Rose's naked body is mine only.
Princess Alexanderk rolls her eyes out and turns around as well. "Huh." I muttered out. I guess she does have a understanding side that's not that bad.
When Rose was done changing into her royal clothes filled with glitter and gems, completely standing out among the rest, truly a princess.
The princess of [Winshern] holds the door out for us after discussing the plan. She even accompanied us to Rose's quarters to avoid any suspicion that we sneaked out a few hours ago. "I bid you two farewell and please remove that clone at once before someone else notices." she says angrily and left.
"Oh right I forgot we left a clone version of you in there." I casually opened the door and absorbed the clone that was just sitting down on the sofa.
Tomorrow... we leave this kingdom.
Announcement: Please follow me on twitch because author needs to reach 50 followers! If you search Zerin_Lee then that's me!