It’s a week later. Using her precious time after work, Kei enjoys the Virtumon Collaboration Event. Or rather, she was only doing collaborative events.
“Huh, what’s wrong Johann-san? I don’t usually see you here,” Zecca said.
She saw Johann absentmindedly sitting in the square at the City of Beginnings. Johann looked like she had been tricked by a fox.
“Oh, hello Zecca-chan,” Johann said.
“Hello!” Zecca replied.
“I’m in trouble,” Johann said. “I was enjoying the Virtumon Event as usual, but… I was suddenly sent back to this square!”
At that, Zecca quietly said, “Ah.” Then, she reluctantly said:
“Johann-san, I have some sad news.”
“Huh?” Johann went.
“Virtumon’s Collaboration Event ended at noon today,” Zecca continued.
“Th-That can’t be right?!” Johann cried.
The Virtumon Collaboration Event is a limited-time event. Since it ended, everyone in it was forced back to the City of Beginnings from the collaboration zone.
“Huh, then that means I can’t play anymore?” Johann asked.
“Unfortunately, yes…” Zecca said.
“I see…” Johann mumbled.
Over the past few days, Johann had been playing this game to relieve her fatigue from work, and now it looked like the end of the world.
“Ah, but you’ve been going at the event zone for a long time, haven’t you, Johann-san? Then, you should have completed a full set of limited-time summons, yeah?” Zecca said.
“Yes, I’ve already got the full set,” Johann replied.
Johann opens her menu screen and shows Zecca an inventory that does not contain that many items.
“’Chrono Dragon’ x1, ‘Metal Black Dragon’ x1, ‘War Fenrir’ x7, ‘Sword Angel’ x3, ‘Buster Beetle’ x1, ‘Meteor Bird’ x5, ‘Inukoro’ x6, ‘Hinadora’ x7…” Zecca read out loud. “Uh, Johann-san, how many rounds did you complete?”
“I couldn’t play much on weekdays, so I guess I still managed about 30 rounds,” Johann replied.
“What…?” Zecca whispered.
She’s horrified when she remembers the unskippable and a rather long cutscene for the Collaboration Event.
“I was playing while reproducing the anime, so it took extra time,” Johann added.
“Reproducing…?” Zecca muttered.
“Yes, the order of defeating the enemy, the finishing moves, etc. Come on, if you’re going to recreate it, you’ve got to say the same lines at the same time as the voice actors, don’t you?” Johann said.
“I didn’t know that was a thing,” Zecca said.
“That’s why I did my best to reproduce it!” Johann said.
Zecca’s face twitched, feeling a bit of madness from Johann who answered that all without difficulty or hesitation. The Virtumon Event only has you giving orders to your summoned beast from behind it, so it is a quest that does not involve the player’s level. However, it takes time to clear it. 30 laps of it. It wasn’t impossible, but Zecca thought she would absolutely despise doing it.
“By the way, Zecca-chan, I have a question,” Johann said.
“Yes, what is it? Please ask me anything!” Zecca said.
“Yeah. I can summon ‘Hinadora’ and ‘Inukoro’, but I can’t summon other monsters. What’s wrong?” Johann asked.
“Oh, so here’s the thing,” Zecca said.
She then proceeded to teach Johann how summons worked in this game.
Summoned beasts are divided into “Beginner”, “Intermediate,” and “Advanced” depending on their strength. And Johann’s initial summoner skill “Beginner Summoning” can summon up to “Beginner” level summons like Hinadora and Inukoro.
If you want to call “Intermediate” summons, use “Intermediate Summoning”. If you want to summon “Advanced”, you have to acquire “Advanced Summoning,” in turn.
“So that’s what the problem was, huh?” Johann said.
“Yes, so first of all, you should aim to get ‘Intermediate Summoning,’ Johann-san,” Zecca said. “To do that, you have to go to the second layer and earn the right to participate in the ranking event.”
To summarize Zecca’s story, the step-by-step process of acquiring intermediate summoning goes like this:
1. Conquer the “Dungeon of Insects” and proceed to the second layer.
2. By advancing to the second layer, you can participate in the ranking event held once or twice a month.
3. Earn points in ranking events and use them to acquire the “Intermediate Summoning Technique”.
“Tha-That road seems long, doesn’t it…?” Johann said.
“It’ll be fine,” Zecca replied. “Most people can reach the second floor in about a month!”
Of course, Zecca’s remark is based on the senses of a human accustomed to the game. It was a thorny road for Johann, who wasn’t used to gaming in general. Seeing Johann’s anxious expression, Zecca spoke apologetically:
“I really want to help you, but once you clear the dungeon to go to the next level, you won’t be able to enter it anymore,” Zecca said. 1
“Ahaha, don’t worry about it. I’ll enjoy my time leisurely. Rather, thank you for teaching me various things. I really appreciate it,” Johann said.
Zecca’s face brightens. “Oh, that’s right!” she said. “If you want to, please use these. I don’t want to use them.”
You are reading story What Kind Of Newbie Are You?! They Said That “Summoner” Is A Terrible Job, Yet They Call Her The Last Boss at
Zecca took out three stones from her storage. Doll-like monsters were trapped in the center of each transparent stone. As Johann thought these were probably the original summoned beast crystals, she asked,
“Are you sure?”
“It’s fine. I can’t use it,” Zecca replied. “This is a Summoner Starter Set. There are three types of monsters: attack, defense, and utility. It seems like it’ll be different to clear a dungeon with only your Virtumon, so please use them.”
“Thank you,” Johann said. “I’ll be happy to take them.”
Johann puts the summoned beast crystals into her storage. After that, Zecca explained how to use the new summoned beasts for a while, then logged out because she had something to do.
“Well, let’s head to that insect dungeon right away… wait, what?” Johann said.
As Johann, the newbie, was speaking recklessly, something appears in her Gift Box. She’s already gotten the day’s login bonus, so it seems there’s something new. “What is this?” she asks as he tapped it. And it turned out to be some strange equipment.
Unique Equipment
A privilege given to those who meet special conditions set in the game.
“Chaos Apocalypse Set” Head, Torso, Right Arm, Left Arm, Legs
Defense +50, Cannot Be Transferred, Cannot Be Destroyed, Cannot Be Sold
Equipment Skill: Gene of Darkness
When the full set is equipped, it allows the player to activate all of the Skills of the usable Summoned Beasts in their Storage.
Acquisition Conditions
Limited Time Collaboration Event: Awarded to the player who has completed the Virtual Monsters event the most times, while reproducing the events of the anime. Thank you for loving Virtual Monsters.
So the descriptions read. The Chaos Apocalypse was named after the Last Boss of the anime version of Virtual Monsters, the strongest enemy that can use all the techniques and abilities of the various Virtumons. In this Collaboration Event, they were also the opponent of the 4th match.
It’s an armor set with the Final Boss as a motif, but Johann is a little conflicted.
“Why did you make equipment after the Last Boss? Couldn’t you have made it look like the main character?”
She had a fair point. However, she decided to equip it once and check her appearance.
Name: Johan Lv: 1
Job: Summoner
HP: 30/30
MP: 50/50
Strength: 20
Defense: 20 (+50)
Magic Power: 20
Agility: 20
Dexterity: 20
Head: Chaos Apocalypse
Body: Chaos Apocalypse
Right hand: Chaos Apocalypse
Left hand: Chaos Apocalypse
Legs: Chaos Apocalypse
“Basic Summoning”
The armor is a full-body black plate, and the face is also covered. You could say the overall sharpness of the design brings to mind the original Chaos Apocalypse from the anime. And as accents, there’s gold and metallic red, and the visor for the helmet emits an ominous purple light.
In addition, it has a feminine design with conspicuous breasts and body line, probably because it was equipped by the female Johann, and a cloak hangs down from the shoulders.
“This is a villain’s armor no matter how you look at it… and it’s the one that appears at the end of the show, too,” Johann muttered.
In Johann’s mind, the enemy character of the Power Rangers-like program she watched with her sister’s son and nephew the other day popped into mind. But, it really does look like that.
“It’s not cute… but I know it’s strong. And my defense increased by 50 at once,” Johann said.
And, after Johann was still troubled by dressing like the Last Boss.
“Well, I can get cute equipment later,” Johann concluded. “First of all, I have to get ‘Intermediate Summoning’.”
And now, to take a look first! Without much preparation, she headed for the Dungeon of Insects.
This is terrible game design, honestly, but I’m not surprised. There’s a shocking amount of VRMMO authors that make arbitrary restrictions that make for very terrible games.