“You son of a…”
Toleo pushed harder while gnashing his teeth.
“Theo, go back to the lord.”
Isla spoke towards the rider in a calm voice while continuing to hold his own against Toleo. It was an amazing feat, considering that Toleo possessed as much brute strength as Karuta.
The rider nodded quickly and ran towards the griffon that Isla had arrived on.
The bastard dared to show a calm attitude even though they were facing each other. Toleo’s anger reached its peak when he saw the insolent rider return safely. The brat should have been split into two if the newcomer had not intervened.
“You bastard!”
He drew his cutlass towards the waist of Isla.
Shiiing! Clang!
Once again, Isla rotated his spear like lightning and repelled Toleo’s attack. Going along with the momentum, Isla bounced back.
Some distance was created between the two, and they calmed their breathing while observing each other. Soon the Arangis soldiers came running and stood behind Toleo.
Isla’s eyes sank coldly.
One against many.
Moreover, the opponent was Orc Eater Toleo Arangis, the devil of the inland sea.
Even so, Isla’s attitude remained unchanged.
Spirit rose from Isla and whirled around his spear before climbing up to the spearhead and bursting into a small flame with a grinding noise.
The soldiers gulped at the sight and tightened their grip. They were filled with fear and tension just by facing the man. The presence of the young knight was no less than their young master, Toleo Arangis.
But still, they were proud soldiers of the Arangis Duchy, the ruler of the inland sea. They would bend but not break. They could not afford to dishonor their title as the Iron Sword of the inner sea.
Toleo grinned as he looked around his subordinates. All of them were seasoned veterans that had plenty of experience fighting the island orcs. They were all capable of going toe-to-toe with imperial soldiers or possessed even greater strength.
“Navaro, Cesare.”
“Yes, my lord!”
Two people came forward at Toleo’s call.
Unlike ordinary soldiers who were equipped with simple spears, the two were draped in blue capes and armed with swords.
“That is the famed Orc Slayer. I will give you two a chance.”
“Thank you.”
The two knights bowed slightly, then came forward.
They had heard the story about the incident in Leus countless times. In addition to Duke Pendragon, who managed to cut off Toleo’s arm, the young knight in front of them had killed a Latuan Orc with a single stroke of his sword.
As knights that lived by their swords, they were always hoping for a chance to compete with such a man. Today, their hopes had finally come true.
As the two knights came forward, Toleo stepped back. A puzzled expression appeared on Isla’s face.
Toleo let out a mocking laugh after noticing Isla’s expression, then put his finger in his mouth and whistled loudly.
One of the sea griffons fell away from its battle with the Pendragon griffons, then descended like lightning.
“It was a mistake for you to come here, Valvas Cavalier! I will gladly take over the little dragon’s ship! Kuhahaha!”
Along with his maniacal laughter, Toleo jumped towards the oncoming griffon.
Isla attempted to move when he saw Toleo grab onto the griffon’s talons and fly away. However, the two knights from the Arangis Duchy blocked his way.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
More soldiers lined up behind the two knights.
The griffon carrying Toleo flew towards the Irene with a few other sea griffons. Observing the sight with expressionless eyes, Isla twirled his spear and held it by his waist, pointing the tip towards the two knights and the soldiers. The silver spearhead reflected the cold light.
“Hooh? Your master is in danger, but you still remain impassive.”
“Or did you give up already?”
The two knights said mockingly.
They knew that Duke Pendragon had cut off Toleo’s arm in a duel. However, a duel was vastly different from a full-blown battle. There were many more variables. Plus, Toleo was accompanied by several sea griffons manned by the island orcs.
The two escorting battle ships of the 7th regiment were busy fighting their own battles, and the Duke of Pendragon would be hard-pressed to protect his ship against the attacks of Toleo and the sea griffons.
“Why are you laughing?”
The two knights furrowed their brows at the appearance of Isla’s smile.
“I guess the dogs follow after their owner. Both are ignorant.”
The knights replied angrily.
“There is no reason to explain myself to those who are about to die. Come, dogs of Arangis!”
The spear shook the air with a slight tremor when the master’s spirit was conveyed.
“You’re dead meat, Pendragon’s worm!”
The two knights shouted while attacking with their swords.
The Storm of the Pendragon Duchy dug deep into the two wave-like swords of the Arangis Duchy.
“Y, your Excellency! Sea griffons are coming!”
“Lower the anchor and evacuate all the crew to the cabins.”
Raven spoke with a clam look as he watched five or six griffons fly his way.
“Ye, yes! Everyone, evacuate!”
The sails had been withdrawn as soon as the battle started. The Arangis ships had already suffered from partial destruction, or they were engaged in a battle with the 7th regiment’s battle ships.
There was no reason to continue sailing through the dangerous straits. As the Irene put down its anchor, the ship stopped completely, and the dozens of sailors hurriedly evacuated to the cabins below deck.
Raven was left alone. He quietly observed the approaching griffons. None of them were accompanied by a rider. As soon as he turned his head slightly, he spotted several galleys coming towards the Irene. The enemy orcs had started rowing with all their might as soon as the Irene stopped moving.
It seemed they would arrive soon as well.
Dozens of orcs were approaching by sea and the sea griffons were coming by air. But a smile hung on Raven’s face as he saw the giant man hanging from the talon of a sea griffon.
“To come here without knowing that it will become his grave… I should be thankful.”
As if to respond to Raven’s monologue, Toleo plummeted from the sky.
The 250 pound giant dropped from a height nearing the masts, which caused the deck to rock. Along with him, three sea griffons descended on deck.
Toleo laughed crazily when he saw Raven.
“Kuhahaha! Long time no see, little dragon!”
Raven smirked and responded with a gesture towards Toleo’s arm.
You are reading story Duke Pendragon at
“What is that? It looks a little uncomfortable to slice meat.”
Toleo’s face turned red.
“It will do its job fine in cutting a baby dragon. I will kill you today and chew on your heart and liver.”
Toleo’s voice was full of killing intent as he spoke with his Orc Fear in full effect. His eyes burned deep red in a maniacal fury.
“Well, I suppose everyone is entitled to their hopes and dreams. But they say too much delusion can be harmful.”
“Kekeuk! Delusion? Let’s see if you can continue to blabber that mouth of yours when they arrive.”
Toleo pointed at the two nearing galley ships with a grin. A thin smile appeared on Raven’s mouth. Feeling offended by the expression, Toleo was about to retort once more when the cabin door burst open.
Shock was evident in Toleo’s eyes when he saw a familiar face among the large figures that were walking out slowly.
“Oi! Salty half-orc! Long time no see?”
Karuta grinned at Toleo. Judging from his complexion, Karuta seemed to have completely overcome seasickness.
“You, you…”
Toleo’s gaze shook as he observed his opponents. With Karuta in the lead, dozens of fully armed orcs were standing behind Raven. Raven smiled with his arms crossed.
“I told you, right? It’s just a delusion.”
Even though Raven whispered, it caused Toleo to retreat in a cold sweat.
At that moment, a hook was latched onto each side of Irene’s hull. The orcs on the galleys had finally arrived and were attempting to dock.
When Raven saw the sight, he glanced back at Karuta and spoke.
“It is the promised time. Go nuts.”
Karuta grinned like a fool. But almost instantly, a change occurred.
Karuta started to radiate Orc Fear. The untamed, beastly spirit soon spread to the other warriors, and a large conglomeration of Orc Fears rose like a huge flame, overflowing the deck of Irene.
“Let’s go beat them up! You orcsss!”
The warriors of Ancona spread throughout the deck. Their roar, which had terrorized Mount Ancona in the past, now vibrated the deck of the Irene.
“You orc bastards! Come on, hurry up there!”
A half-naked island orc shouted, and the others started to eagerly climb the rope towards the Irene at the command.
The first of the batch to reach the deck widened their eyes in shock. As soon as they clambered on, a group of shadows suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
Bang! Boom!
The island orcs were taken back when a roar resounded, and the hull started shaking. However, it did not take them long to identify the source of the commotion.
Ancona Orc warriors equipped in metal armor were charging towards them at full speed.
The equipment of the Ancona Orcs was on a different level than those of the island orcs. While the island orcs were equipped with weapons made of animal bones or crude iron, the Ancona Orcs possessed maces refined from the quality iron of the Pendragon Duchy. The Ancona Orcs began to rampage without waiting for their opponents.
Boom! Thud!
They hurriedly raised their own weapons, but it was useless. The Ancona Orcs performed the dance of death as they smashed apart the crude weapons of the island orcs and continued to bash in their heads.
The large body of the sea griffon fell backward with a shriek.
The red blood and the brain fluids of the dead griffons overflowed and colored the deck. In an instant, three griffons had become chunks of meat by Karuta’s attacks.
Karuta’s beastly instincts coupled with Orc Fear caused him to rapidly look around in search of his next target. His eyes glowed red like a predator.
But unfortunately, there was no more prey to feast upon. The sea griffons hovering over the Irene had already fled elsewhere, spooked by the spirit of the Ancona Orcs.
Nevertheless, Karuta was not disappointed.
The noise and screams from the galleys indicated another fight for him.
“Keuhahaha! Good, good! Kill, and kill them again! Kuguahahaha!”
Karuta jumped off the deck with a roar, though it was difficult to differentiate whether it was a cheer or a roar.
Thud, thud!
After a moment, dull sounds and shrieks resounded from down below.
Toleo desperately gritted his teeth at the sounds.
He had not expected there to be so many orcs onboard the ship. In addition, it also appeared that the two other merchant ships also carried several orcs as well.
“Have you awoken from your delusions?”
“You… you motherfucker!”
He swore, but it was ineffective.
The smiles of the man as he pulled out his two swords clearly indicated that everything had been within predictions. The deck was full of blood and death to prove it.
‘Wait, don’t tell me that he purposely sent the Valvas Cavalier to my ship…!”
Toleo became certain.
There must have been many different, more efficient methods of attack, but they had chosen to recklessly rush into the Blue Dragon with a barrage of griffons. It had been a bait to lure him into attacking the merchant ship.
“You fucking bastard, did you lead me here on purpose…?”
Toleo became infuriated at the realization. It was clear that the little dragon had provoked him towards this ship by stimulating his desire for vengeance.
Even if he had chosen not to rush towards the merchant ships, the results would have been the same. While he dueled with the Valvas Cavalier on the Blue Dragon, they would have taken care of the island orcs before coming to the Blue Dragon.
“I guess you’re not completely stupid after all. Now then, what are you going to do?”
Raven slowly stepped towards Toleo, his hands grasping the Widow’s Scream and the crescent-shaped scimitar.
A spirit even greater and powerful than those of the Ancona Orc’s Orc Fear swirled around Raven’s body.
Toleo flinched and retreated several steps involuntarily.
He had crossed swords with the brat once before.
Therefore, Toleo thought that he had an accurate grasp of the brat’s skills, and he sharpened his swords accordingly. But the spirit that was emanating from the approaching brat was…
“T, this! This is impossible…”
He exuded unparalleled power that was comparable to his brother Arigo, the heir to the Arangis family. No, perhaps it was even greater.
“You will die today, Toleo Arangis. Those responsible for the assassination attempt on the crown prince, the death of Luna Seyrod, and…”
Raven took the last step before continuing, recalling the faces of the two men he would never forget.
“The injustice of the Valt family. All of you will soon perish.”
“Uah… Ugaaahhh!”
Drool dripped down Toleo’s mouth as he listened to Raven’s words. In the face of the fierce spirit, Toleo rushed towards Raven with a last spurt of his strength, as if he were attempting to shake off despair.