"Ahhh..." With drops of sweat falling from my head I fall too tired and fall on my back while sighing tiredly.
*These weeks were too hard and every day as soon as I was laying down in my bed I fell asleep due to the hard training I do.*
"Uff..." Ava repeats not much after I grumbled.
Trying to keep herself on her feet and don't fall like me, she exclaims, "Come on Lisa, you need as much training possible if you want to win the tournament." She holds her hands towards me, waiting for me to grip it.
I emit a verse for weariness before taking it.
Sweat falls on my eyes and it causes me to rub them with my free hand, " I can't keep this routine, it's too much, how should I beat some persons if I fight while my body is sore?"
"You are just searching for excuses to stop now, we have healers in the castle that can heal you in your better condition," Ava exclaims while she removes her grip from my hand and steps backward.
She rises her wooden sword infused with mana, "Get ready."
I rise both of my hands trying to stop her, "W-wait!", it was too late, she dashes forward with her sword and slashed at me, I get down at the last moment and grab from the ground my wooden sword.
She is still trying to understand what happened while I prepare for my attack.
"Take this!" I almost yell and crash her ankle with my shin, she slipped in the air while she was looking down where I just threw the hit, when she was falling, she uses her arm to pose on the ground and use enough force to get back on her feet.
*What the hell? Where did she learn that move?*
Trying to continue my attack I think of many attempts of me using various techniques.
Then it comes back to mind.
*Mud... She hates it and every substance that has its consistency.*
An evil smirk appears on my expression.
"Why do you find this funny?" Ava exclaims out of breath as she questions me.
"It's not the end."
She starts to sink inside the ground thanks to me using water on the earth to make mud.
"Ew!!!" She yells out in fear, I knew that her weakness was mud, she hates every substance that seems like mud, and of course, the one she hates most out of these is mud.
You are reading story Metamorphosis at novel35.com
"Aahaha, that's what you get for attacking me without saying it!"
I stop myself from using water and hit her softly with my wooden sword.
"I won," I say to mock her.
She frowns and says, "That's unfair." As I offer my hand to her.
"I must have no mercy, isn't this what you said some weeks ago?" I grin at her and she grips my hand, instead of using it as support she just throws me in the mud together with her.
"Wait! What are you doing?!" I yell as she takes a handful of mud before throwing it at me, "That's what you get for mocking me!" She starts grinning as she throws handfuls of mud.
She is not the only one, I grab a handful of mud too and throw it right in her face.
Minutes pass as we play along, then a cough gets our attention.
Our mentor was there watching us embarrassingly, "Who made me get two disciples..."
We laugh a little bit more before getting back on our feet.
"Look at the mess you two created, by the way, Lisa about--" He stops mid-sentence and throws me a little rock, reflexively I grab it and do some steps backward, the rock used was to make me lose balance and concentration while the attacker attacks to me.
"Mhh, Yes, yes... The training is giving effects." He exclaims while touching his beard thinking.
"Lisa, did you feel some pains in your lucius while you were training this week?"
I look at him not having an idea of what he's talking about, "Uhh, no? I felt way better than before, I have more power and speed and on top of all, I can absorb mana with not many problems."
He looks at me and says, "Then, try to use temporarily two elements of your choice."
*I'm going to use those where I have most control using, lighting, and fire.*
I raise my arms and imbue them, the left with electricity and the right with fire. As soon as I started to use them I felt goosebumps in my body, "W-what?" I mumble.
Before I feel all the imbued mana from my arms.
Jack sighs, "I knew it, the only thing that you need is controlling 2 elements at the same time now.