Chapter 14: [Arc – Little Explorer] Chapter 13 – The enemy is coming in ambush!

Morning has come, I got out of the sleeping bag, then stretched.  I smiled at the presence of the main star who gave a bright light to the world.  Inside this pitiful tent, I didn't feel my mother's presence, maybe she was preparing breakfast outside the tent, it's good if that's the case, I can't wait to eat the rations again, the deliciousness is carried away to dreamland.
Not long after, my mother came, she entered the tent with a bunch of red plants.  The plant looks beautiful because of its unique stem and leaf pattern, very suitable to be used as an ornamental plant.  However, I'm not so sure the plant will be used as decoration, because we are traveling, it is impossible to carry useless things, just filling bags.
"Good morning mom."  I grabbed my hips and grinned widely.
"You look cheerful after consuming so many rations and sleeping soundly in the sleeping bag," my mother replied, she glanced at me with a wistful glance.
"Of course. Ristia is always cheerful when I sleeps well and full stomach," I said, patting my left chest.
"I see. Are you feeling hungry again now?"
"Yeah, my stomach is growling again."
“Then eat this....” My mother gave the red plant by throwing it.  I managed to grab the plant with both hands.
“Eh? Why should I eat this strange plant, mother?”  I asked, tilting my head to the left.
“You have eaten 8 packs of rations in one night, our supply of rations is low now. No protest. Eat, chew and swallow,” my mother replied.
I let out a small breath, I was a little disappointed that I couldn’t enjoy such a delicious ration.  In fact, when I was at home, I had put in a lot of rations, about 50 pieces.
I just realized something, the rations I was carrying in the big bag were thrown out when we fell from the gondola.
“Damn it!  It turned out to be my own fault!  I put the rations on the outside of the bag which was prone to falling.  Uh.  I’m too greedy.  Like it or not, I have to eat this red plant.”  My eyes want to shed tears of sadness.  However, those delicious rations wouldn’t come back even if I cried as hard as I could.
I opened my mouth and tore at the red plant with my eyes closed.
“SO BITTER!!!”  I slammed down the plant my mother gave me and trampled it.  I stuck out my tongue and rubbed it with my fingers.
My mother looked confused, she checked the red plant that I had stepped on and found pieces of a red caterpillar that emitted a green liquid.  The caterpillar’s body was cut off by my bite.
“There’s a caterpillar on the stem of this plant and you tear it.”
“Camtempillar? How dismgumting!”  I wanted to throw up when I found out that my mouth had accidentally ripped apart a caterpillar.  My own speech became a mess because I was reluctant to stick my tongue.
“This caterpillar is called Fenana, the fluid in its body contains poison, but it is not lethal. You will have diarrhea if you don’t cure it.”
“Thmis momrning is almreamdy gloomy....” I grumbled.
“Don’t worry. We have an anti-poison potion in the medicine box. Use it before it’s too late,” my mother said.
“T-Thamt’s rigmht.”  I took the medicine box out of the big bag and looked for the potion my mother was referring to.  However, I didn’t find it.
“Momther... the amti-poimson is not in the bag.”  I shed tears.
“Geez. Must have left it at home. Then we have to hurry to the explorer camp to get anti-venom,” my mother said, she stroked my hair, she tried to calm me down.
10 minutes later, we had finished unpacking the tent and putting it back in the big bag.  The dismantling of the tent turned out to be more complicated than the installation, I had to pull the support poles that were firmly planted in the ground, after that I had to fold the tent so that it could be put in a bag.
“Reamdy to leamve!”  I exclaimed, while carrying a large bag.
“Ristia, stick your tongue in, the way you talk makes mother sick.”
“I-I’m sorry mom. Hehehe.”  I put my tongue back in my mouth.
My mother sighed slowly, then she stepped into the forest.  I followed my mother from behind, drew my sword and looked around the area.
“Ristia, why did you pull out your weapon from the scabbard?”  My mother asked.
“If a monster comes to attack, I’m ready to kill it, mother,” I replied.
“There are no monsters at this height.”
“Eh? Why?”  I was taken aback by my mother’s statement.
“An altitude of 0-299 meters is a safe area, there are no monsters roaming here, because at an altitude of 300 meters there is a magical barrier that can burn monsters that try to descend down.”
“No wonder I didn’t hear about the monsters descending into town. Then we can relax, mother.”  I put my sword back into the scabbard.
“There are still poisonous plants and deadly insects, we must sharpen our eyes and instincts.”
“Insects, huh? I should have brought bug-killing spray.”
“It’s useless, the bugs in Reliquia are different from the bugs in Aska. The bugs here are much more muscular, they’re immune to chemical weapons and can only be killed with physical or magic attacks.”
“Oh, I see. I just found out there’s a bug with a burly body.”
“It’s just a parable, Tia.”
“I know. I was just kidding. Hehehe.”
“Ristia, don’t joke too much when we are in the Reliquia tower. Sometimes too much joking can lead us to death. Got it?”
“Understood.”  I immediately pouted after hearing it.
My mother started walk through the forest and through the thick bushes.  Sometimes he runs while looking at the Otometer and compass.  I followed my mother and beat the bushes with tree branches.
“Stop that. You can inflame the bugs.”  My mother forbade me to slash the twig into the bush.
“Sorry mom.”  I broke the branch, then threw it on the ground.

You are reading story Zolotaya Roza: The great tower of Reliquia at

After being in the forest for a long time, we were finally in a wide valley. This valley has two very high cliffs, it’s also a bit foggy here, and I saw a waterfall on one of the cliffs. The beauty of this valley made my heart feel at ease, I was so excited to see more beautiful places in Reliquia.

“Mother,” I called.


“How long will the poison effect last?”

“One hour after being poisoned.”

“We’ve been walking for over an hour, but I’m not experiencing any strange symptoms.”

“That means the Fenana poison doesn’t work.”

“Oh, that’s good then. It’s too bad if I get diarrhea, there’s no way I can keep defecating in this valley.”

“You have gloom, but you have luck.”

“That means being able to survive a fall from a altitude of 200 meters is thanks to luck, huh.”

“No, it's all because of me, not your luck. If I wasn't around, might end up in the gutter.”

“Hmmm....” I glanced at my mother annoyed, “Without Roseliet’s magic, mother would have landed in the ditch with me too.”

“....” My mother was silent for a moment, then she touched her chin with her right hand, then said, “Very well. After this journey is over, I will send you to a law academy. You are good at speaking, I am sure you will become a great lawyer.”

“Being a lawyer, huh? Sounds good.” I grin widely.

“Yes, it’s good. However, starting a career in the field of lawyers is very difficult, sometimes you have to defend the perpetrator, you have to be professional in accompanying the client and burying your compassion for the victim,” explained my mother.

“Then I don’t want to be a lawyer, I’d rather starve to death than defend the wrong person.”

My mother smiled a little when I said that. “What beautiful words. I hope you don’t just say big words.”

“Even though my mother taught me the values of kindness, my mother even doubted me.”

“You like reading novels, right?”

“Of course, I like it.”

“You know character development?”

“Yes, I know, so what?”

“I’m afraid that you develop into a bad character.”

“No way, wouldn't be possible."

“Nothing is impossible.... Will you promise?”

“Huh, promise?”

“If mom is gone, don’t develop into a bad character.”

I let out a small breath, then said, “Okay. I don’t want to be mean anyway. It’s up to you.”

“Very well....” Suddenly, my mother took out Roseliet from the weapon case, then cast her magic, she flew the weapon towards a large rock and slashed the neck of a black robed man who was peeking at us from behind the rock.

I am surprised. Looks like the enemy has been stalking us for a long time, fortunately my mother knew of her whereabouts, but we still don’t know how many enemies are watching us, they are hiding, what a coward.

“Ristia, you are willing to kill a human?” my mother asked.

“Of course! Killing humans is a great practice, I have to gain that experience,” I replied, frowning and smiling broadly.

“Good. Use your bow, watch your distance, and help me from behind.” My mother called back Roseliet with her right hand.

“Understood!” I lowered the large bag and took the bow that was tied to the outside of the bag, then I put 20 arrows into the quiver.

Our enemies finally appeared, they hid behind rocks and grass, they came from all directions, they surrounded us. The enemy numbered 30 people, each holding weapons, namely small axes, swords, sticks, and spears.

I can’t wait to see the angel of death kill those perverted people. I also can’t wait to show you the results of my years of training.

“Everyone, raise your weapons and kill that golden-haired girl!” Exclaimed the one who was supposed to be the leader of the enemy, he was holding a wand weapon, he looked like a magician.

“ATTACK!” All our enemies shouted, then they ran towards us.

“I didn’t think that there were so many of them. Ristia, we are going to take a blood bath,” said my mother, smiling broadly.

“Blood bath?”

Instantly, my mother turned around and flew Roseliet. The weapon circled rapidly, slashing the throats of our running enemies, their heads flying and their blood pouring down our bodies.

“....” I haven’t done anything, but my mother has killed 20 enemies. My body and hair are stained with the blood of heretics. The grass around which was originally green, now turned red. I looked at my mother, she was grinning widely and her eyes were bulging, she seemed to enjoy this massacre.

“I haven’t been bathed in blood like this in a long time. I am very grateful to you for bringing back the long buried pleasure of killing.” My mother walked slowly towards her enemies who had survived the deadly attack.

Our enemies are 10 people left, they look scared after their comrades died in a pathetic way, they give up because they will not win against my scary mother. In the end, my bow was useless, the arrows I had placed in the receptacle were wasted, my mother had beheaded those 10 bastard in turn, she didn’t give me a chance to experience killing people, she got carried away.

Seeing human corpses strewn everywhere for too long made me very nauseous. I averted my eyes, then sat down in front of a boulder, and vomited violently.

“Unlucky. Because of vomiting, I became very hungry,” I said.

To be continued....