Chapter 102: 102

"Alright you overweight fucks, I have made you all an obstacle course!" I yelled out and boy let me tell you having a level four adventurer yelling straight at you while using killing intent to weigh down upon the entire fourth year class was downright hilarious for me as I saw more than a couple students just collapse from the weight of my mana not to mention the sheer knowledge that I could just walk up and kick there chests apart like I did to Snape.

Needless to say, the fourth-year students ran down the indicated path which led to the obstacle course as me and the teachers followed at a more sedate pace.

Seeing as I was only going to do like three lessons at most I decided I may as well have fun and spent the night clearing out a portion of the forbidden forest of the monster's within and kept all the giant spider webbing for example. But mostly I used my fusion ability to basically make large ramps and rope bridges the students would need to climb and swing over and I even beat the tar out of some of the centaur's that attempted very poorly to shoo me away the night before so I was making them shoot any students that lagged behind with flat tip arrows for 'motivation' as repayment.

"Don't look at me that way... No seriously you all plan on throwing Harry into a pit with a dragon in it, you all have no fucking right to judge a couple flat wooden arrows hitting the slackers." I scolded the scowling heads of Houses as all four took a break to see how I was going to do 'physical education'

"Not to mention honestly more than half of the students probably can't even see their feet in the shower I bet. Maybe lay off the feasts, every night?" I said sarcastically and it was true as the whole feast thing was a misnomer as literally every meal was a all you can eat buffet and the Feasts just had more themed meal set.

"Alright we admit the general students need a bit more exercise but isn't this cruel and too intense for a first workout." Professor Sprout asked me obviously trying to make me give leeway on my own accord as Dumbledore was turning a blind eye to this almost military grade exercise session as he knew Harry needed all the training and exercise, he could get to survive the tournament let alone the coming battle's he will share with Voldemort.

I shook my head and couldn't help but giggle as Malfoy screamed in fear out as he jumped off a ledge swinging on a rope and managed to land on the next platform, probably due to his quidditch practice. "Once again you people want these kids to duke it out with dragons and several other challenges... Actually, I have a question, knowing all the challenges what could someone do who never took Care of Magical Creatures do as all the challenges are heavily involved in such a thing."

No seriously the dragon, the monster's in the lake, and the monster's in the maze... If you don't know your magical monster's your fucked even if you are a once in a generation prodigy at runes, arithmancy or whatever side class you wanted to take.

"We only helped facilitate it and the ministry, plus the headmaster's are the ones who designed the events. We aren't stupid enough to put a crowd of screaming people next to a group of highly protective nesting dragon mothers." Flitwick the head of Ravenclaw said shrugging off the responsibilities off to his superiors with no shame.

I could respect that honestly.

'Still sad that you all said screw, it lets feed the dragons some teenagers though...' I thought before pointing at the puffing form of Nevile Longbottom and despite how exhausted he already looked having only completed a quarter of the mile long obstacle course, he was the only one who didnt need to be shot by a centaur to keep up the pace. "That Neville kid is a handworker despite his poor figure." I noted making McGonagall nod proud that the first person I paid a compliment to was one of her lions.

You are reading story My Upgrades Are Invincible at

"Yes, although he isn't all that great academically, he is a stalwart worker who excels at keep up a strong work ethic." McGonagall boasted making me hum in thought.

"So is he from a poor household or something." I asked conversationally making the teachers look at me in confusion and shake there heads.

"Well, its just he use using a rather old and although its obviously well taken care of, I can tell that the wand wasn't one that choose him at Olivander's or another wand shop." As I said that the older teachers obviously paused in thought and it was Flitwick who face palmed groaning.

He then went onto explain how now that I mentioned it, he recognized the engravings on the wands handle from when Neville's father Frank Longbottom received some dueling training from him.

"McGonagall maybe after the day is over you can run him to Ollivander's to get him a new wand as he should take all the chances he can to get better with a new wand before next year's Owl's come." I said and she could only nod knowing how important a proper wand having during arguably the most important tests in a Hogwarts's students' life was.

There were several other funny events during the exercise as the students learned I said no rules about using magic during the exercise to either make it easier or even to sabotage the other participants and thankfully no one got hurt though it was a near thing when Draco got hit with a tickling charm as he was climbing a rope and fell. But there were lighter moments like when Harry got into miniature duels with all his classmates as they lined as he was on a large mound with a sign on it saying whoever was atop the mound for more than five minutes didnt have to complete the other half of the course.

He only narrowly won the little event, and I destroyed the mound, so no other students got the privilege after he moved to join us teachers having held the mound even against Hermione trying to stab him in the back so she didnt have to exercise anymore.

But by the time he joined us the Drumstrang and Bauxbatons students had joined us with Olympe talking with McGonagall and I was talking to Krum about how to become stronger as he was very interested in learning how I could physically fight at that level.

But even as I explained to Krum through his heavily accented English that I can't really help him, I could feel Fleur who was closely following Olympe edging closer to me almost stalking me like a cat would though her eyes were slit and looked to have little embers within showing her Veela heritage thankfully I couldn't feel any allure due necklace protecting me from mental influences as she was laser focused upon me and her allure wasn't baking the other teenagers with how mono focused she was.