Chapter 9: Book One – Prologue Two – Part Four – Hint of Betrayal

“How wonderful,” Virin said. “That all of my children have come to see me. It makes your father proud and happy. Trerk, I’m glad to see you’re doing well,” he spoke with such a kind and fatherly tone that was foreign to Qina and Claus.  

Trerk got to his knee and spoke with his head down.  It was the servant thing to do.

“Yes, my Emperor. I’m doing quite well,” after he spoke, Trerk got back to his feet.  

"Lady Veris, how are you?"

“Please, Virin, I’ve known you since you were just a child. There is no need to have such formalities when you are talking to me,” Veris smiled and laid a hand across her chest.

“While that may be the case, Keywater would not be the powerhouse it is today without you. It is imperative that I show you the respect you deserve,” Emperor Virin Keywater replied. 

“Very well, then,” Veris sighed. 

How strange.... Father rarely talks like that... I wonder what happened? 

Qina didn't have time to finish her thought before her father turned to look at her.

“Are you doing well, father?” Qina said hastily.

“I am. Now, it’s not often that you and Claus come and greet me. I assume that you all want something?” 

Quick to the point, and he even knows.  

Qina opened her mouth to speak, but Claus was just a hair faster. She would have to wait her turn.  

“Father, I've come to ask for permission to join the Imperial Guard,” Claus said confidently. After he finished speaking, he tried to stand tall in the face and gaze of his father. He knew how angry and violent his father could be.

“Why do you want to join the Imperial Guard?” his father spoke both calmly and sternly. 

Claus took a second to gather his thoughts. 

“Because I want to protect this family. I am the second-born son; therefore, I am not eligible for the throne. Parrel is, and I don’t want to waste away my life by lounging around the castle,” Claus smiled.

That was pretty good, if I say so myself. 

But that smile was erased by the vexed voice that came from his father. It started low but grew louder and louder before erupting like a volcano.

“Boy, do you not realize that you are first in line to the throne after your brother? And you want to waste that away and become a member of the Guard? If something were to happen to Parrel, and something might because the world is not easy, nor is it fair, you would be the new emperor! How dare you! How dare an ungrateful child stand in front of me!” 

“Father, ple—” 


Claus tried to argue back, but he was cut off. Trerk desperately wanted to do something, but as a servant, he could not interfere. To do so would bring about his untimely death. The only one who could act was Veris, and even she was feeling the pressure. Sweat slowly dripped down her face, and she tried her hardest to keep a smile.  

The tension was thick, and not a single person wanted to move. But for some unknown reason only known to her, Qina believed this was the perfect chance to ask her request.

“Father, I too have a request,” she spoke, finding a source of strength buried deep within her essence as an Imperial Princess.

“Speak, girl. May the Gods above help you if you say something foolish as well,” her father's voice tore her strength asunder and blanketed it to the cosmos of her soul.  

Fear struck Qina. She couldn’t move, couldn't speak. It was like chains were tied all around her, and they kept getting tighter and tighter. But Qina knew that if she wanted to join the Imperial Guard, she would have to ask. Even if he said no, she would not give up on her dream. 

If I can just gather the courage again…. 

“Well, child, I told you to speak,” her father said again.  

“F-F-Father! I, too, wish to join the Imperial Guard.” 

The Emperor threw his wine glass against the ground and stood up, yelling at the top of his lungs.  

“How dare you!! Do all of my children treat being a ‘child of an emperor’ as nothing more than a passing? As if it is something you could just toss away and come back when you’re scared? Veris, I told you to educate my child, not put these false and ridiculous dreams in her head. Trerk, you were to teach Claus the basics of the sword. That is it. Nothing more.” 

The Emperor sat back down in anger.

“Your job as my children is to make sure that our empire flourishes and survives. Claus, you are to marry, strengthen our ties, and sire children! You dare to call that 'lounging around the castle?' Qina, you are to marry, forge new relationships, and give birth to heirs. That is your role.” 

“Father, please allow me permission to join. I don’t want that kind of life! I don't want to be relegated to that kind of life!!” Like a spoiled brat, Qina threw her hands to her side and stomped her feet while throwing a tantrum.

“Girl, do you even know hard it is to join it? To become a member of the Imperial Guard, one must possess a multitude of things. One, a fierce determination that will not falter in the face of an enemy attack. Two, a loyalty that has no equal. Three, the power to defend the castle, and Keywater, from any and all attacks. Claus, Qina, you have none of those three. In that regard, you two are total failures.  You easily want to throw away the life of royalty, and that shows me you two do not have what it takes."

Qina and Claus looked at each other and nodded.  

“Father, I ask th—” Claus began to speak.  

“Boy, no means no. I will hear no more of this childish talk. Bring it up again, and you two will be thoroughly punished.” 

Qina looked at Veris, the only one in the world who had an equal standing with the Emperor, for help, but she shook her head slowly. For she knew that no matter what she said, it would not help turn the tide of her Emperor's anger. He was stubborn in his ways, that much was certain once he attained the throne, but it was more prevalent in his childhood.

That foolish emperor! Doesn’t he realize these are his children? His flesh and blood? 

 “Now, you two stay there and stay silent. I have business with your brother,” Virin turned so that his gaze shadowed Parrel and his group. Albert and the two unknowns kneeled.  

You are reading story The Story of a Girl & a Goddess Whose Souls Became Interconnected at

“Yes, father? You said you had something to tell me?” Parrel said with a bit of an uppity tone, suggesting that he was happy with the events that had happened. He had the biggest smile on his face, and Qina hated that. Claus stared at the ground in an attempt to fight back his tears.

“Starting tomorrow, you are to move to the Kingdom of Lando. More specifically, the city of Canary,” The smile on Parrel’s face quickly turned sour, and he verbally lashed out at his father.  

“Father, what is the meaning of this? Why should I, a glorious member of your family and heir to the throne, move to some backwater kingdom in a town I've never heard of?” Parrel aggressively motioned and waved his hands as he spoke, as if emphasizing his unhappiness.  

“Due to some unforeseen failures, the relationship between Keywater and Lando is terribly strained. War could start at any moment.” Everyone in the room, sans the king and his two personal guards, were taken back at this statement.  

War? Why have I not heard anything? Veris thought. It was rare for her to not be in the know when it came to the empire. But now that she thought about it, it had been a while since she participated in a council, especially since she was the Royal Advisor.  The Dryad didn't want to dare think the emperor did not want her input when it came to war.

But could it be possible? Veris had felt things-- feelings and an uncomfortable sensation-- for many months.  She had thought it was just one of those things she had to deal with as she got older, but was it some sort of warning?

Virin continued. “Lando's king has requested that an important member of the family been sent to their kingdom as a show of goodwill. And I have chosen you.” 

“But why me? Why not Claus or Qina?! I have a wife, and my child is to be born soon!” 

“That is why I chose you: an heir to the throne, his wife, and their unborn child. It is the perfect combination I needed,” it was as if Virin was speaking to a stone and not his son.  

“But fath—”  

The king stood up and interrupted his son.  

“Boy, there is no more discussion to be had. You may take your wife, Albert, and the two personal guards behind you. In addition, you are permitted to take a small amount of money so that you may live comfortably for a while. After that, you need to provide for yourself.” 

Virin said his piece and carefully studied his son’s face.  

Parrel cursed under his breath and turned to leave, only to be stopped by the opening of the door. 

A man, holding a scroll, calmly walked in. His body, covered with a black robe with the hood up, shadowed his physical appearance. The only distinguishing feature was an emblem of a key carved out of Veris's tree, attached to the man’s breast. The only ones who had this emblem were members of the inner council. The core group that kept the empire running.  

The Emperor looked annoyed at best and downright angry at worst, but he tried to not let it show on his face.  

“Spymaster, you better have a good reason to interrupt me.” 

“My apology, my dear Emperor. I have come before you to let you know that we have captured an assassin,” the Spymaster spoke with such a deep voice that didn’t befit him.

“And why are you reporting to me?”  Virin sighed. 

“Because, my dear Emperor, the assassin was your wife, the Empress.” 

The Spymaster master then yelled at the door, which remained open. Five people marched in.  Four were guards, and the last was a woman. The Empress. Wife of Virin. Mother of Qina, Claus, and Parrel.  

She had metallic chains with little leeway tethering her hands and her feet to each other. Her once shiny blue dress was nothing more than a collection of dirty scraps held together by faithful threads. Dirt and mud blanketed her face that held no smile or any other emotion.  Who would have thought that someone like the Empress, the almighty wife who seemed to be untouchable, would once find herself in chains? No one.  That's why the situation was so confusing and impossible to process.

Yet, there was one person who was able to act when he should've been the most stricken by this terrible news.

“Spymaster, you are telling me that my wife is the assassin? You better have some irrefutable proof, or you and your family will pay dearly. I will strike you down myself.” Virin walked towards the Spymaster, who stood undeterred. Virin had a subtle grin on his face that went unnoticed by everyone and stopped just past Claus. It was almost as if he expected this development. Like it was planned from the beginning.

Meanwhile, all three children were staring at each other dumbfounded.  It took a few long seconds for them to act.

“Father, why is mother in chains? Tell that man to release her!” Claus eventually struggled to say after gathering some courage. He ran up and grabbed hold of Virin’s regal looking-robe.  

“Please, father!” Qina added in.  

He turned around to the kids and raised his hand.   

“I will not repeat it! You two are to be silent!” 

With a heavy echoing sound, Virin slapped Claus across the face. Due to the differences in age and power, not to mention that Virin’s God was a God of Combat, Claus slid across the floor while holding his cheek.  

“Gah!” he cried out. When he stopped sliding, Trerk ran over to the boy, the room rumbling, and helped him up. Now on his feet, he held his cheek tightly while staring at his father with tear-soaked eyes.  

“Father! You hit Claus!” Qina screamed as tears ran down her face.  

“Shut up, or you will be next!” Virin threatened as he turned his back to his children.  

“My dear Emperor, here is a scroll we found. Written on it is a series of instructions she was to follow. Please, have a look at it yourself.” Spymaster held out the scroll, and Virin violently took it and read it. His eyes, grown wise from years of battle and ruling, scanned line by line, word by word. Not a single person made any noise during this tense time, especially after what just happened.  

“My wife,” the Emperor summoned a small ball of fire with a snap of his fingers and held the scroll over it. The moment the paper touched, the entire scroll instantly turned black as ashes fell to the floor. “I have loved you for years and years. Ever since I laid my eyes on you, you have been my everything. My one and only.” 

Virin spoke in a low voice that barely above a whisper, but it was loud. Everyone believed he was speaking from the heart.  

“Father, what was written in the scroll?” Qina asked, but she received no reply. It was like her father couldn’t hear her.  

“Why? Why were you planning to kill me? Why me and not the children as well? Were they in on it? You terrible children! You dare try to commit patricide?! After I've done everything for you... You repay me by working with your mother to kill me!" his voice, now a scream, bounced around the throne room like a volatile explosive. The sheer amount of stress was too much for Claus and Qina, who passed out from the shock. Trerk held the prince, and Veris cradled the princess. The two mentors stayed silent.  

Perhaps it was for the best that the twins fell unconscious, considering what happened next.