Chapter 24: Book One – Chapter Three – Part Seven – Joining Warden, A New Friend, And A Loss Of Innocence (R-18)

The shower room was small. Two nearby small tables allowed Momo to safely store her clean and dirty clothes. A curtain hanging from the ceiling prevented water from splashing everywhere while she cleaned herself.  Those were things regularly found in a washing area.  However, there was something else.  In the center of the room stood a large metal pole. It held a blue orb on top that was the same color as the ferocious waters that lived in the ocean.

The floor, dual-enchanted with both a cleaning and teleportation skill, automatically activated whenever a ticket was inserted into the black plate assigned to that room. It didn't matter how much water or waste littered the floor. The room was guaranteed to be spotless when the door opened.

“This place is bigger than I thought it would be. I was expecting a tub and nothing else,” Momo said, talking to herself. She made sure the door was locked and started to undress. First, she took off her vest, which was more black than red.

“Finally…” the relief she felt couldn’t be put into words. For most of the sewer adventure, the vest, slick with sweat, grime, and covered in dirt, almost glued itself to her skin. Now that it was off, it was like she had found a new type of freedom.

“Okay, so next comes the chainmail… Dang, I’m gonna have to get it repaired soon,” the chain links on the back of Momo's armor were bent, probably from that attack that broke her arm. She slid on the cold hard floor, and that was what damaged it.  

She grabbed a small bag from inside her grandpa’s bag and put the vest inside it. This second, smaller bag was where she placed all of her dirty clothes.  

Next up came her white button-down shirt that wasn’t white anymore. The entire thing, dyed a mix of red, black, brown, and grey, was evidence the sewers were a filthy place to be. She gave it a sniff but regretted it almost immediately. “Oh man, I didn’t know it was this smelly… I hope it didn’t bother Servi that much.” 

Then it was time for her bra, which used to be white and spotless. It was now gray and damp with sweat all over. She unhooked it and removed it, allowing her chest to taste fresh air.  She didn’t want to admit it, but her breast size was what people considered to be ‘flat-chested.’  After putting the shirt and bra in the bag, she brought both hands to her chest and pouted as she gave them a bit of a squeeze. Unfortunately, there wasn’t that much for her to grab.  

“I guess Servi is a bit bigger, huh?” 

A bit? More like way bigger…. 

She didn’t have to worry about her sword because that was safely stored in her bag. Now that she thought about it, it was probably a good idea to place her chainmail inside as well.

After a quick toss, she looked down at her legs. Luckily for Momo, her leather pants were naturally dirt resistant. It wasn't dirty, but it had a bit of a weird smell to it.

“So that’ll have to be washed, too. I hope Servi doesn’t mind if I take a day to do laundry. I should be good for a couple of days, though.” 

The following items on her list were her panties, socks, and shoes.  

“Stay inside the bag, okay? I'll be sure to clean you later," she said, talking to her clothes. 

Now completely naked and her tail wagging slightly, her body shivered. “I’m gonna have to get in soon, or I’m gonna freeze.” 

Momo reached into her grandpa’s bag and took out a black towel. Next, she took out a white shirt that was a bit too long, a black skirt that stopped just above her knees, pink knee socks, and another pair of black boots. She also pulled out a fresh set of white underwear.  

As she laid them on the table, she smiled. The outfit laid out in front of her had a special place inside her heart. It was the first thing she bought with the money she earned, and it was all thanks to grandpa that she was able to obtain that money in the first place.  

Now that she had her clean clothes out, the only thing left was a towel, which she promptly retrieved. Well, she thought she had everything. Once she walked over to the blue orb on a pole, she remembered she had forgotten about the soap, shampoo, and a washcloth. After looking through her bag and retrieving the items, she finally had everything.  

“Now then, I’m ready to get clean!” she walked over to the blue orb and put her hand on it.  

The blue orb was a Skill Tool called a Wash Stone. It had the skill Create Water imbued inside. By owning a Skill Tool, even a person with no Skill Energy whatsoever could use the skill within, even if they didn't personally know the ability it contained. The information required to use the skill automatically presented itself to the user. Instead of drawing from the user, it gathered the Skill Energy necessary to power the skill by absorbing the Skill Energy that naturally flowed in the air around them. 

Though it was pretty small, it was surprisingly expensive. For a Skill Tool that had such an important skill, like Create Water, it would run around 30,000 dupla. Only royalty and the wealthiest of nobles or adventurers would own one. However, Warden members have the privilege of renting one, though it required that the renter be Rank 3, if not higher.  They weren't items to be given out willingly to parties or people who hadn't proven themselves. 

After putting her hand to the blue orb, Momo chose hot and pure water that flowed lightly. As it sprayed down from an invisible anchor point, she put a hand to it and adjusted the temperature until it was just right.

“Perfect!” she said, rubbing her wet hand against her cheek. She grabbed her two bottles and a washcloth before stepping in.  

“Aahhhh, it feels soooo goooood,” she said as the water flowed down atop her pink hair. She pulled the large curtain hanging overhead around her and got to washing.  

“But I can take a few moments to enjoy this, right? I have an hour or so before meeting up with Servi,” she used her hands to rub the water against her body for a few minutes before she used her shampoo and soap. The first bottle was marketed for Singi and their ears, tail, and hair.  

She wrapped her tail around her waist and got to work.  Squirting the shampoo on the washcloth, she started from the tip and slowly made her way to the base. As she did so, she sang a song her grandpa had taught her when she was a young girl.  

good tail is clean. A clean tail is good. Be a good girl, and clean your tail. 

As she got closer and closer, she stopped singing and started moaning instead. When she got to the base, the built-up pleasure was far too much for her to handle. The strength drained from her legs and knees. A second later, she collapsed and felt the gratification that came with an orgasm for the very first time.  

“MMMMMMMMHHHH!!!” she moaned loudly and bit her lip in an attempt to silence herself. It didn’t work.  

Her body tingled with electricity, her face becoming as red as fire. In between deep breaths, she continued to moan with pleasure, the likes of which she had never experienced before. She stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, even though it was less than fifteen seconds.  

Now with her strength back, she shakily stood back up. Suddenly, the realization of what just happened echoed in her mind, and she felt extremely hot in her cheeks, but she also felt a bit confused.  

“I’ve always washed my tail like that, but it never felt as good. I wonder why…. It’s not as if I didn’t like that feeling, but it was certainly a new experience. I sorta want to feel that way again…” she said to herself, smiling as she reached back around for her tail. 

She shook her head. “No, Momo. You can’t. You can’t be late for dinner. You finally have a friend, and you can’t keep her waiting. You got to clean yourself, so you smell good,” and with that, she fought against the urge as she rinsed the soap off of her tail. But the pleasure that she felt stayed within her.

Next, it was time for her ears. She flattened them against her head using one hand and washed them with the other hand. She did the same to the other ear before rinsing them off.

Finally, it was time for her hair.  She squeezed some shampoo onto her hands. Such gorgeous flowing strands of pink required a loving touch to keep it in good shape. 

Washy hairrrr.  Washy washy hair.” She sang to herself as she rubbed the shampoo in it. It lathered up, turning the pink to white as it reached down to just below her shoulder blades. Her smooth hands massaged her scalp, and it was like all of her stresses flowed away.  The encounter with Mossi was almost a thing of the past. Even now, the terrifying assault by the boy in the sewer was the furthest thing from her mind.  The stresses of the day flowed down with the water that splattered against her soft back.

After a minute or two of lathering, she stood back underneath the flowing azure.  Waterfalls of white covered her sight for a good few seconds before her hands joined in.  With their combined effort, she was doubly sure that all of the white suds had vacated her hair.

“Now then, it’s time for the rainbow!” she sat the shampoo on the ground and reached for the bottle labeled ‘Rainbow Trail.’ Unlike the special Singi shampoo, there wasn’t anything special about this one. Momo enjoyed the fact that it smelled like fruit.

Momo rinsed her washcloth clean before putting the soap on it. Afterwhich, she moved the cloth against her pearly skin.  

“Mmm…” she moaned when she ran the cloth against her chest. Though small, her nipples were hard and sensitive. The mix of firm cloth and soft soap with hot water felt better than it usually did. She licked and bit her lips seductively while lightly pinching her left nipple with one hand. Using her other hand, she went from her chest, down to her stomach, and eventually down to her crotch. As it did, her moans grew louder and more vocal, and the pleasure felt electric. It was like a lightning bolt was about to strike her body. The moment her hand even glanced against her hairless forbidden fruit, she enjoyed the pleasures of a second orgasm.  Her tail stretched to its limits as she fell to her knees.  Moaning and groaning, one hand monopolized her nipples while the other became well attached with her maidenhood.

You are reading story The Story of a Girl & a Goddess Whose Souls Became Interconnected at

Hah….Hah… That. Felt. Amazing…. she breathed hard, enjoying the post-sensation of an orgasm. When the pleasure faded away, she resumed washing her body, now having to clean away the liquid that dripped from her sweet honey pot. It was hard for her. The urge to open Pandora's Box was mounting an offensive, and she had to fight that wanting with all of her strength.

And with that, her bathing was almost done. The only thing left was to allow the water to flow all over her body, making extra sure all of the soap and shampoo were gone.

While she did so, she fantasied about what would happen next. After drying off, she would get dressed in her favorite outfit that she only wore for special occasions. And then she would have a nice dinner with her friend.

“Friend,” as Momo said the word, she frowned a little bit. Growing up, she never had any friends other than her grandpa, but now she had one. And they were party members to boot. Questing, adventuring, and enjoying dinner at night. It was something that Momo had dreamed about forever.  Even back when she was a little Singi who used to bounce on her grandpa's knees, she always wanted a friend to talk to.

“Grandpa, I finally made a friend..."

With a tap of the blue orb, the water stopped. Momo opened the curtain surrounding her. Her skin, flushed from the heat, looked as soft as silk as she grabbed her black towel. Drying off, she smiled at the events to come. She just couldn’t wait.  

While Momo was exploring her body and showering, Servi was also cleaning herself. Well, she was going to but couldn’t. She had a bit of a problem using the Skill Tool.

“Dammit, I don’t know how to use this. The Dwarf at the front didn’t say anything about it.” Servi pouted, prodding the Wash Stone with her fingers.  She placed her thumb on it, sliding it down. She even resorted to scratching it with her nail, but nothing she did ever worked.

Why don’t you use Create Water? I’m pretty sure that orb has it imbued within it.  

“How do you know that?” 

It’s a hunch. Like, when we absorb a soul with a skill engraved within it, I get a certain feeling. I feel the same thing coming from that orb.  

“Alright, I’ll do it that way. I don't know how to use that thing.” 

Though it was unnecessary, Servi snapped her hands, and the clothes, both adorning her body and in her hands, disappeared. Now, as naked as the day she was born, she walked next to the orb. After a bit of finagling with Create Water, Servi was happy with the temperature of the shower as it dripped from her pretty black hair down her supple breasts, to her thighs, and finally her toes. She went to wash but realized she forgot something.  

“I didn’t ask Momo for a washcloth….” 

Using your hands would be the same thing, right?

Servi sighed. “Not really, but I don’t have a choice,” she opened the bottle with the unicorn on it. She stood away from the flowing stream and squirted the shampoo on her hands. She then massaged her black hair, making sure to rub her fingers through every centimeter of her head. By the time she was finished, and before she rinsed it, her black hair had turned white from the suds.

“Ahhh. That feels so good,” Servi said as she stepped back underneath the water. The temperature was just perfect. The hot water cleansed the foul suds purifying her hair, revealing the silky black hidden underneath.  She put a hand to her hair and gasped.  Just like Momo said, her hair was smooth and soft, and it smelled incredible.

Servi absorbed the shampoo bottle and squirted the unicorn bottle in her hands. She started from her face, closing her eyes to make sure that no soap wandered in.  Then it was her neck, then her chest. The dried blood and dirt from the day's events broke down and washed away from the incoming water. Her soapy hands glided over her breasts and nipples. Using both hands, she lightly pinched them.  

Itarr, who watched, saw in a 360-degree view around Servi. She could see even if Servi closed her eyes, but Itarr just stayed quiet, even though she didn’t exactly understand what was going on. In her eyes, Servi was currently enjoying herself and feeling good. Itarr didn't think she had the right to interfere.

After playing with her nipples, Servi continued her soapy journey down her stomach. She briefly stopped enough to catch her breath before continuing to her final location, which was a tender, lightly haired spot between her legs. Panting hard at the potential pleasure, Servi timidly stuck a single finger inside, instantly climaxing.  

The pleasure and feelings were so intense Servi sank to the ground, not even landing on her knees. With deep breaths, Servi stared at her finger, coated in her nectar, and held it close to her lips. Like a sweet-tasting candy, she ran her tongue up and down it, panting even harder. 

She didn't expect her nectar to be that hot.

This continued for a few more minutes until her reason came back. Now that she thought about it, this very moment was the first time she had to herself ever since waking up in this world. And she wanted to enjoy it. She was Human, and though she might be possessed by a God, she had wants and needs. Right now, she wanted to experience a bit of personal pleasure.

Did you enjoy yourself? Itarr said when Servi got back to her feet. She cleaned and wiped the juices flowing down her thighs, then continued washing her body as she answered.  

“You saw all that, didn’t you?” 

Yes, I did. It looked like it felt good.  

“It did. Like a wave of electricity flowing through my body. All in all, it felt absolutely heavenly."  

When I get my body back, and if it wouldn’t be too much trouble, do you think you could teach me? 

“Itarr, after everything you’ve done for me, I’d be happy too,” Servi said while she smiled.  

Thank you. I appreciate it.  

Servi finished bathing, and just like Momo, she had to fight against the urge to play with herself. As she used Fire Wall to dry herself, Servi and Itarr talked. Their conversation wasn't the most exciting, but they chatted about the town, Warden, and what they experienced today. By the end of it, they felt closer.

Servi brought an arm to her nose and sniffed.  She was pleasantly surprised by the fruity scent. 

“It really does smell good. I’m gonna have to thank Momo again.”  

Using her ring, Servi put on her black underwear, then her clothes, which consisted of a red and white buttoned-down shirt, black pants, and blue overalls. Finally, she slid some black socks and black heeled boots over her pristine feet to complete the outfit.  

"It's crazy that one second I'm naked and the next I'm fully clothed.  It's incredible."

I’m pleased to see that you're happy. Might I add that you look great? Momo is very good at picking clothes.  

“Thanks, Itarr,” Servi said as she absorbed the bottle of soap. “Well, I believe we’re done here. I gotta say, I feel much better after that shower. It's like I'm finally clean. Hey, let's head back to our room.  We have some time before we have to meet up with Momo.” 

That sounds good to me.  

And with that, Servi did one final check of the room.  After confirming she didn't leave anything behind, she left the bathing area and returned to her room.