Chapter 49: Book One – Interlude – Part Eleven – Servi’s Nightly Stroll II – Attack on the Markets

Servi turned from the burning fire to the see-through glass wall and saw that the fight between the two Elves and Albert was at a fierce conclusion.  

Ten destroyed puppets of different colors were scattered about, and all of them had a deep hole in their chest.  

Liealia was standing farther back than her cousin, who was locked into physical combat with Albert. His thin rapier matched the long naginata blow for blow, even though a naginata’s range should’ve been superior. Both were sweating profusely and had glancing injuries covering their bodies, which showed off Albert’s chest, scarred from a lifetime of adventuring. 

Servi saw Liealia's mouth moving and knew she was chanting a skill, but she didn’t know which one. And sound couldn’t travel through the glass, so she couldn’t exactly ask. Servi also wasn’t sure if she could break it.

Her arm had green energy flowing from her shoulder to her forearm as it circled around like a snake climbing  down a tree. It eventually reached the tip of her index finger, at which it pooled together to form a small ball.  Closing one eye, she held both hands out and aimed.

“Wait, she’s aiming at Llamare??!!! What are you doing?!!!!” Servi hollered and hit the glass, but it was no use. Nothing could pass from one blocked area to the other, but it didn’t matter. Liealia wasn’t aiming at her cousin. She was aiming at Albert through her cousin.  

The green ball launched like an arrow, flying straight before turning and doing a barrel roll as it went through Llamare’s legs to hit Albert's knee. It must’ve been his experience, but the injury didn’t slow him down a bit, even though an impact like that should’ve shattered it.  

Liealia spat in disbelief before reading her naginata. With a mighty cry, she charged in to join her cousin in physical combat. It was like watching one person control two bodies. Liealia attacked from the back, making careful yet highly accurate jabs that barely missed Albert by the smallest amount. Meanwhile, Llamare took advantage of the moments when Albert had to dodge. Even then, he couldn’t land a solid strike.  

It’s like he has something similar to Soul Essence of Primal Combat, but that should be impossible.

“It’s not that. Unlike the excuse I made to Tarch and Momo, he is actually reading the minute unconscious muscle movements in their bodies. Their footwork, the way they look before they strike, and even how much air the cousins inhale before they turn a certain way… He is taking all of that information and processing it faster than I can with my skill that seemed like it was created with that sole function in mind.  There is one thing that my combat data, accumulated from hundreds of souls experienced in mortal physical combat by Soul Essence of Primal Combat, is telling me. And that one thing is that Albert is someone who is not to be trifled with. He is the real deal. Every soul in my body is screaming out.  It's like they're saying that he is the warrior they all wished to be.  If we were to fight with no skills, there is no doubt that he would kill us fifteen or twenty times. Even then, I doubt we'd win."

How incredible…. 

Liealia looked back at Servi and noticed she wasn't fighting. The raging sea of flame had died down to nothing more than a tiny ember that lusted for material to burn. The flaming imagery forced an idea to pop into her Elven head, but it was impossibly risky. She shouted something to her cousin, who nodded while he fended off a flurry of attacks.  

It was like Liealia was waiting for something. Her attacks slowed down considerably, only a few glancing attempts every few seconds that resulted in Albert deftly dodging. But something was wrong, and Servi couldn’t put her finger on it.  

When she first joined in, Liealia was at Albert’s back, trying to attack his blind spot, but now she was inching closer and closer to the point where they were side by side. And as Liealia's eyes watched Albert’s expert movements, she did something Servi wouldn’t expect in a million, no, a trillion years.

Albert swung his rapier down, and he expected it to be dodged or blocked, in which he would transition to a defensive stance.

He didn’t expect his attack to land home. 

Liealia had deliberately jumped in front of the attack that was sure to be blocked. It slid across her chest and inflicted a gruesome wound that was only a few centimeters deep. Usually, those kinds of injuries were considered minor, but that was only when the weapon was not enchanted. From the moment the rapier made contact with the wooden armor, it erupted into flames and engulfed her chest. And obviously, she cried out in pain.  

But that wasn’t all.  

Llamare steeled himself as he used the enflamed body of his cousin to hide his upcoming movements. Then he stabbed Liealia through the chest, weapon and all until his arm was sticking right through it. And the blade of his weapon? It was resting right at home in Albert's heart. Or rather, the area where it used to be was destroyed by Llamare's attack.

With wide eyes, Albert smiled softly before falling on his back. Tears flowed from both his and Llamare's eyes.  

He had pierced through his own cousin's body to kill their opponent.

“NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!” in a fit of rage, Servi equipped the red armor and sword and lashed out with a vicious attack fueled by hatred. 

“THAT WAS HIS COUSIN!!! I’LL KILL HIM!!!!!!!!" Servi raged, screaming at the top of her lungs until she tasted iron in the back of her throat.

Please, calm down! Itarr’s voice wouldn’t reach Servi anymore. Pure, unadulterated anger flowed through her body like a disease through a favela.  The sight of Llamare collapsing to his knees over his cousin was far too much for Servi to take.

Servi's assault continued.  All sense of skill she acquired via her souls had been lost, and her attacks were reminiscent of a savage banging a club on a rock. She would’ve noticed that her strikes bounced off less and less if she wasn’t drunk on rage.  Thousands of hairline fractures appeared in the glass, spreading ever so slightly as the wall weakened. 

The glass finally broke, and Servi ran as hard and as fast as she could over to the crying Elf. She had her arms out like she wanted to strangle Llamare, but then she couldn't move. It was like an invisible being had its tight grip around her body.

“ITARR!!!!!!!!” she screamed, but not even she could break out of her own Telekinesis.  Her arms snapped twice, her legs thrice, and her neck once from trying to fight the invisible force holding her back.

CALM YOURSELF!!! WE CAN STILL SAVE HER!! Itarr yelled at Servi, raising her voice for the first time.

Servi stopped struggling, and Itarr let her down as she forcibly removed the red armor and sword.  A calm set of iron armor appeared in their place, clasping her in something that wasn't the color of blood.

With tear-stained eyes and a clear mind, Servi ran over and crouched beside the burnt girl. Liealia's brown skin was black as night from being the fire, and her bare chest and torn ribs were visible. A horrific burnt smell radiated up, poisoning the nostrils of her cousin. Servi put her trembling hands to the large, fist-sized hole in her new friend's chest.

We have vastly more power than we did before. We can save Liealia….  

“Please, can you save my cousin?! I’ll do anything for you, anything at all! But please…save her!!”Llamare touched his forehead to the hardwood floor and begged.

“I won't let her die!” Servi said as her hand glanced against Liealia's ribcage. The hole was wide enough for her fist to fit right in.  She used her Remedium to her utmost limit, which happened to be 592 times.  

“Come on! Come on!! COME ON!!” the gaping hole slowly started to close as the flesh regenerated.  It took a few extra seconds, but the crushed sections of white bone began to grow back.  

Ten seconds later, the hole was closed, but not even Servi and her 592 stacks of Remedium could thoroughly heal all the damage. The ribs were back to where they should be, the new lung was slowly filling with air as her chest moved up and down, and even the burnt skin was healing, but a terrible scar would forever be on the right side of her breast. But rather than thinking of it as nothing but a wound, it was evidence. Evidence that she would put her body on the line to fight for what she believed in. Pulling a cloth from her ring, Servi laid it across Liealia's naked chest so that she would somewhat be covered.  

As Servi left the two Elves alone, she walked over to Albert, who laid on his back. His separated heart would never again beat in this life.  However, he still had a bit of life left in him.  The jaws of death would not take him yet.

“Please tell….me the….. girl is ok..?” he asked, being careful not to waste the precious breath he had left.  

“I did all I could… Liealia... It's up to her, now." Servi thought about taking a sword and finishing the job, but she reconsidered. She would allow him to say his final words in peace.

“I never…...expected her…… purposely take my attack………and use…..her body like…….that.” 

Servi started crying. Her emotions had gotten the best of her. “Neither did I...” 

“The…..moment….he went…….to attack…….I saw the. ……..pain he…….when…..he….realized.......had….do…. don’t……hate….him….”  

The light faded from his eyes as he went unconscious for the previous few seconds of his life.  

This is the end. Oh, Victoria, I wished I could see you once again… 

Before he passed on, a mysterious voice spoke to him through his mind. 

Idiot, you can see me again!

A strange voice caused Albert to open his eyes, and he didn’t see anything familiar. It was a large green meadow, colorful flowers were planted all around, and a single girl stood near the center. Albert laid up and discovered that he was lying down on a hill. To his left was a small pond. He glanced back to the center and looked closely at the girl as his heart beat faster and faster. A watering-can was gripped gently in her caring hand, a blue sundress covered her silky skin, and two black cat-like ears sat atop her head. Albert struggled to open his mouth and speak, but no words came out.  

Victoria!!!! He screamed in the only place he could: his mind.

Be quiet, idiot! You don’t have to shout, you know. I can hear you just fine. 

The girl turned around to reveal a Singi. Her long black hair, tied in a ponytail, lively bounced along with her tail.

Is that really you? 

It’s me... Albert, it’s really me. Victoria sat the watering can on the ground.  With a gentle smile, she walked over to Albert, who had tears dripping from his eyes.

Victoria!!! I'm sorry!!! I'm so sorry!!! Albert cried. 

For what? My death had nothing to do with you.  

I’m sorry for not helping you more... I’m sorry for letting you go back... I’m sorry... I’m so sorry! Albert felt a gentle embrace as he looked up. Victoria had her kind arms around him. It was then he realized that he wasn't in the body of an old man weathered by time, but he was in a body that reminded him of his childhood.

I’ve been watching you, you know? From the moment you killed that bastard store owner to the moment you came here, I’ve been watching. I’m both happy and sad. She said with her arms around him. I was thankful you devoted so much time and money to the orphanages. Little girls and boys would have the chance to make something of themselves, but I’m sad because you didn’t live for yourself. 

But I did.  


I lived for the both of us.  I tried to live my life in a way that would make you proud of me.  

Dummy, I am proud of you, but why would you waste your one and only life on someone like me? 

Because I love you.  

You love me?

Yes, I really do. Victoria backed off from the hug and looked at Albert, who stood up.  

Then prove it. Victoria said. Albert reached down and grabbed hold of her shaking hands before pulling her in for a gentle kiss on the lips. Continuing to hold his hand, Victoria sat down beside him.  

I was waiting for you to do that. 

I know.  



I love you.  

I love you too 

But I have to say something to you.  

What is it? 

That girl down there, the one with the black hair and blue eyes?

What about her? 

She was telling the truth about bringing back the dead.  

Albert kept silent and focused on the hand of his beloved Victoria while she spoke.

I have a little favor to ask you 

What is it? 

When the time comes, and you have the option to go back, please take it.  

But why? I want to be with you! 

And I want to be with you too... But there’s still a lot for you to do down there. Slaves like me that need saving, troublemakers to be put down, and lives that need rescuing.  

Very well, but on one condition.  

What’s that? 

I want you to come with me. That’s the only way I’ll go back. I’ll find some way to convince her. I don’t know how, but I will. I will never leave you!   

Victoria looked up, and tears flowed down her eyes.  

Yes! I love you, Albert.  

And I love you too, Victoria 

The two shared one more kiss before lying back on the hill.  Colorful flowers of all different colors grew and wilted in what seemed like a second.  The passing of time was a fickle beast that could not be contained. 

The only thing the two lovers could do was wait for that fateful day to come, the day in which they could taste the breath of life once more.

A red soul calmly floated up from Albert's warm corpse and landed gently inside the red ring worn by a crying girl. Servi silently absorbed his body as she slowly rose to her feet. Shaking her head, she wiped her eyes with her hands.  

“Blue!!” she heard a voice from behind, and she turned around. Llamare sat next to his cousin and held her hand tightly. Making her way back to them, Servi sat down and gently grasped the wounded Elf's other hand.  

Let’s keep using Remedium.  

Following Itarr’s command, Servi saw and felt the warm white light flow from her hand to Liealia's chest. It took some time, but her face twitched. A moment later, she opened her eyes.

“This isn’t heaven…. Cousin? Blue?” Liealia muttered.  Two heads came into view.  One belonged to her beloved cousin, the other to the girl who helped them in their time of need. They both were crying, and their tears dripped on her newly regrown skin.  

“Crying?” she softly said. It was hard for Liealia to speak at her regular volume.  Servi caught onto this and helped her lean up. The cloth covering her chest fell down, revealing her A-cup breasts to the world.  Or rather, to her cousin and Servi.

“Stupid…” Servi whimpered. “ You stupid idiot!” she started crying before she charged in for a hug. “Why’d you do something like that?!” 

You are reading story The Story of a Girl & a Goddess Whose Souls Became Interconnected at

Liealia returned the hug, and she smiled. “You do care…..” 

"Of course, I care! So why?! Why did you do it??!!” 

“That was the only way we could have won. That man was far too strong for us to win against without doing something drastic. And I trusted both you and my cousin. I had enough faith that you would heal me in time.” 

“But what if I didn’t?!” 

“Then I’d be dead, and that would be that. But I’m not dead,” Servi didn't like that answer. She pulled back from the hug and frowned before she pressed her finger to the scar on Liealia's chest.  

“Ow! Ow! Owowowowowow!!!! I’m sorry! I won’t do it again!! Stop!!!” The Earth Elf winced in pain and teared up. Servi apologized and used Remedium to heal her. Hearing Llamare cough from behind, Servi gave Liealia one last hug before noticing the cloth covering her chest fell down. Llamare, who just now realized that fact, immediately went red in the cheeks and turned around. Liealia didn't know why he did that. It seemed she was unaware of her topless state.  

“Here,” Servi pulled out a black bra, a red shirt, and an iron chest plate for Liealia to wear. The Elf receiving the gifts looked down and saw her tiny breasts. After she had done the math, her face took on a red hue. In a panic, she crossed her hands over her chest. “I’d imagine he wants to talk to you. You know, he cried. He begged and begged me to save you…” Servi explained.  Then, she stood up and walked away. The room was too full of valuable-looking armor and weapons, and Servi wanted to give the cousins some time to talk. Not to mention that she had to have a tense conversation with Itarr.  

I’m sorry… Itarr whimpered when Servi absorbed the thirty-second armor set. It was red and blue; perhaps it was made out of ruby and sapphire? 

“I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to yell at you but just seeing…..Llamare's fist through Liealia…. I was angry. And I would’ve killed him if not for you,” Servi quietly said.  She could feel the tears filling her eyes. “I can’t believe I did that…” 

Servi…. I think this is what sadness feels like. I guess I want to cry, but I don’t know.  

“I’m already crying…” 

Do you still love me, even after I betrayed you? Even when I said I will always support you? 

Servi wiped her eyes. “I do. I love you even more now… You stopped me when I was about to kill him. I can’t thank you enough. Do you still love me, even after I yelled at you?” 

I do.

“I’m glad… Itarr?” 


“If I should ever lose myself to anger again, would you stop me? You’re the only one who can, and you're the only one I can ask.” 

I will. You can count on me! 

“Thank you.” 

You’re most welcome. 

While Servi and Itarr were patching things up, Liealia had just finished putting on the bra and shirt and was in the process of slipping on the iron armor as she walked to her cousin. Her chest burned with pain, but it was dull enough to where she could ignore it and walk.

“Cousin?” she timidly said to Llamare. He had his eyes closed and was thinking of something fierce. Liealia flinched when he opened his eyes, and he raised his hand high in the air.  

Liealia braced herself for a hit that never came. Instead of pain on her head, she felt a warm hand embrace her hair.  A second hand hugged her small back and pulled her close to his chest.

“Cousin?! That hurts….” 

“Stupid fool…” he cried, his face buried in her as he ignored her. “When you told me to trust you, I didn’t expect you to do that…. Did you really want to sacrifice yourself just to kill him?” 

Liealia burrowed her head in her cousin’s broad chest as she cried.  

“Of course not, but that was the only way… I was so scared that I was gonna die. I’m glad you did that because...because I didn’t want to leave it to Blue! If she fought all of our battles, then we didn’t do anything…” 

“But if it meant losing you, I’d be happy to ask Blue! Liealia, I honestly have no idea what I would’ve done if you’ve died,” Llamare wailed loudly, like a wild beast who had lost a dear family member, and Liealia was shocked. It was rare that they called each other by their names instead of cousin, and it was even rarer for Llamare to cry so intensely.  

“Llamare!!!! I’m sorry!! I’m sorry!!” it was like a floodgate opened on both of their eyes.  

Servi glanced over at the two cousins who cried their hearts out and smiled. “I should give them a bit more time.” 

I agree.  

Five minutes later, Servi walked back over to the two cousins.   The crying had died down, and all that was left was their breathing.  

“You two feel better?” she asked. Instead of being embarrassed and jumping back, the two slowly removed themselves from the hug, but they continued holding each other’s hands. Then they both bowed and thanked Servi profusely.

“Blue, I just cannot thank you enough for saving my dear cousin. I am so, so, so, sorry for the way I treated you when we met. Please forgive me…” 

Servi put her hands up. “I should be the one to apologize. When I saw what happened and the glass wall broke, I was seriously about to kill you. Itarr stopped me, and I came back to my senses. Please forgive me.” 

“So you really do care?” Liealia asked again.  

“Of course I care. You're my friends, right? Why wouldn't I care about you two? Besides, I've really only talked to you two, Itarr and my Singi friend. If either of you would’ve died, I really might’ve destroyed this city.”

“I see…. I say we  forgive each other and be over with it, right, Liealia?” Llamare gripped his cousin’s hand a bit tighter as he stared at her. She returned the grip and smiled before agreeing.  

“Drink this,” Servi took out a small red vial from her ring and gave it to Liealia. “Unfortunately, my healing skills can’t erase the pain completely. I’m sure it still hurts.” 

“Thanks, Blue,” She undid the cork on the vial and drunk it in one swallow before Servi absorbed the empty glass she held in her hand.  



Can you summon your ID and hand it to Liealia and Llamare? 

Servi did as she asked and noticed the surface of her red ID was blank.  It was utterly devoid of any information.

Just then, the flat, empty surface of the ID had the sentences, ‘I can communicate using this. Can you hand it to them, please?’  

“Yeah. Take a look at this. Itarr wants to talk to you.” 

Confused, Llamare took the red stone tablet with his free hand and watched with wide eyes as words appeared from nowhere.  


“Itarr…? Is that you?” Liealia asked.  

‘It’s me. Are you still in pain?’ 

“No, I’m feeling better. Thank you so much for saving me. And thank you for protecting Llamare.” 

Servi overheard and became depressed. She felt uncomfortable about what she did.  

Maybe I’m nothing more than a monster. If I consider my actions so far, then I destroyed hundreds of families today. And here I am, threatening to destroy the city if Liealia died. I know I’m probably no better than Casa, Parrel, and the others. I just don’t know what or how to feel… Servi thought. 

‘You’re most welcome. I wish I could talk to you two properly, but it’s impossible at the moment. I just wanted to introduce myself.’ 

“It’s nice to meet you. I hope that we have the chance to talk again,” Llamare said. He handed the ID back to Servi. She tossed it to the ground and absorbed the smoke that was produced.  

“I’m glad we got to talk to her,” Liealia said.  She turned her head left and right, trying to find Albert.  Or if not him, then his corpse.  “What happened to Albert?” 

“He’s dead. After I….. After I stabbed him, Blue healed you and walked to him.” 

“The first words to come out of his mouth were about you. He wanted to know if you were okay,” Servi explained. 

“Llamare, I don’t think he was a bad guy at heart.” 

He nodded at his cousin's words. “I agree. Perhaps he had too much loyalty in his heart. If we get a chance, I would like to meet him again. I think he's someone I could become friends with.” 

Servi thought about telling the two Elves about her plans to bring Albert back but decided against it.  

“Aww… I never thought I’d live to see you say those words,” Liealia gently said, teasing her beloved cousin. 

Becoming red in the face, Llamare hastily spoke. “I mean, he was a worthy opponent, and I wanted to speak with him a while longer. And after experiencing what happened tonight, I just can’t bring myself to hate those few humans who really care.” 

“Oohh….. You’re not falling for Blue, are you? Hehehe!” Liealia put a hand to her face in a cat-like way and grinned.  Llamare's face turned redder than the sun. 

“Please, Liealia!!!” Llamare complained in an uncharacteristically like way, and Liealia giggled.  

Servi looked down and realized the two were still holding hands. Perhaps the two cousins were closer than family? If they were, then it didn’t bother Servi one bit. She believed love was love. As long as it was safe and consensual, what right did she have to complain or speak on things that didn’t bother her? 

“So uh… Should we go on up?” Servi asked.

“Yes. Liealia, are you ready?” 

“I am! Let’s finish this up and go home.” 

Liealia glanced around as she picked up her precious weapon. It had been lying right next to her body. “What happened to the armor and weapons?” She noticed the walls were now empty and devoid of anything. 

“I took them. Do you want some? They seem to be valuable.” 

“Thank you, but we’re good,” Llamare said. “Once we get back to our forest, we’ll be able to make gear that’s stronger than steel.” 

“The offers on the table,” Servi replied as she absorbed the large door that led out. It took around a minute and a half, but another expensive-looking item was stored inside her ring.  

Just like Albert said, there was a set of stairs behind the door.  At the top of those stairs sat an extravagant double set of doors. It was gaudy and gold.

“Parrel is behind this door… Itarr, can you put the red armor on for me? I have to do these doors.” 

Of course.  

“Red armor? Woah!! Blue?” Liealia was taken by the sudden red armor. As she put a finger to the surface, Servi shook her head.  

“I wouldn’t touch it,” Servi pulled a small cloth from her ring and held it against the armor. Smoke came up.  

“Wow, it burned instantly! Wait, is this the same armor that guy had on downstairs?” 


“How does it feel?” Llamare asked. Servi gave a positive review.  

“Amazing. It even stopped a skill called Stonehenge,” Servi announced.

“Stonehenge?!!” they both exclaimed.  Servi wasn't ready and flinched.


“Blue, do you realize what this means? Stonehenge was designed to deal with the worst of the worst. It’s a skill that deals an impossible amount of damage, and that armor saved you?!” Liealia explained. 

“Well...” Itarr brought the red sword and floated it around her, “This sword saved me from the first three attacks. And this armor protected me for the last two. The glass burned up as soon as it touched me."

"If it's that powerful, it has to be a Divine Item!” Liealia said.


“It refers to an item, may it be armor, a sword, or even a pot, that was personally blessed by the Gods Above,” Llamare explained to Servi but quickly apologized since he didn’t know more.  

“Casa said it was a family heirloom or something.  She also said it grows stronger with the user.  Something to do with the Skill Energy or something.  I wasn't paying attention." 

“I’ve never heard of a pair of divine items growing with their user. How unusual…” 

“Regardless, the door is almost gone, so get ready!” Servi announced. It disappeared into nothingness. She ran in first, using her bright red armor as a shield.

Servi expected trouble, but she didn't expect it to come in the form of a volley of black arrows. But she wasn't afraid.  She stood tall and allowed the shadow arrows to burn, igniting from the sheer heat her armor gave off.

Servi's final battle of the night was about to begin.