Chapter 173: Book Three – Chapter Eight – Part Five – Wetwork

“Damn, you’re back already?”  

“Yeah, I am,” Servi curtly replied to the single man standing guard outside of Deset’s entrance. He said something else, but Servi cut him off with a wave of her hand and entered. The washing basins surrounding her were all occupied with Deset’s Mafia members who needed to do laundry.  

I suppose even heartless criminals need to have clean clothes, eh? Enjoy your last few days alive, you sons of bitches. 

Servi ignored the guard standing by the door that led to the spiral staircase and walked down it. When Servi emerged into the community room, a certain red Singi’s sensitive ears picked up her footsteps.  

“Williana!!!” Carrie exclaimed. She stood up from her chair, knocking it over in the process, and hastily ran over to the girl she most wanted to see. She jumped at the last second, intending to fly into Servi’s arms, but the Human moved slightly left at the last minute and avoided the pathetic attempt at a leaping hug.  

Carrie flew past Servi, who swiftly turned on her heels, but a wave of fierce anger filled her up when Carrie converted the failed hug into an excellent roll.  

Only Momo should roll like that! Servi wanted to shout, but she held her tongue.

Stay strong, Momo. The day is coming soon, and you’ll be able to roll and sing all you want... I only hope you'd let me sing with you...

“Hey, Williana, did you finish?” Carrie asked. After recovering into a roll, she dashed backwards with a step and jogged up to her favorite Human.  

“Yeah, I did,” Servi replied with annoyance. “I gotta go report to the 6th.” 

“Good idea. As your Numbered, I’ll go with you.” Carrie used Instant Retrieval to summon her spear from who-knows-where and hugged it against her chest.  

“Do what you want,” Servi sighed.  

“Hey, show some respect to your Numbered.” Servi looked to her right and saw the Koena who spoke. He didn’t look familiar, but Servi wasn’t keeping track of everyone she saw. Why should she put in the effort when everyone was going to die?

But he wasn’t alone. Even though he sat at a table with a single chair, about half of those present in the community room stood up and walked over to the Koena as if showing support.  

“How about you fuck off, yeah?” Servi said. If he was looking for a fight, Servi wouldn’t ignore it.  

“What the fuck does a Human think she can do to a Koena? You’re unblessed. The same as me and those behind me. Don’t think you’re fucking special cause you sucked that 5th’s cock last night. Yeah, I saw it. I saw you leave with him, and you didn’t come back until late. So tell me, why are you getting special treatment just because you opened your legs?” He stood up from his chair, grabbed it, and chucked it at Servi. She raised her hands, catching it by two of its legs, and slammed it down in front of her. Part of it shattered, sending wooden bits all over.  

“Carrie, he’s about to die.” Servi pulled out the two daggers attached to her back hip.  

“Sure, go ahead.” Carrie pressed the flat butt of her spear against the floor and leaned her weight on it. “That Koena wasn’t recruited by a Numbered. Honestly, he’s just a disposable pawn. I don’t even think he’s done anything worthy of acknowledgment, and he’s been here for a few months. Hey, all you fuck offs standing with him better move. I’m starting to take this as an insurrection,” Carrie warned and lied at the same time. She knew there was no way any of them was going to live to see the day after tomorrow. There was a high chance they wouldn’t even be alive to smell dinner.  

The moment Carrie finished her sentence, Servi threw her daggers at the Koena who pissed her off. Even if they had natural armor in the form of scales, the eyes were still a weak and sensitive spot for any living thing.  

Those brown ocular organs were her targets. Servi's foe couldn’t dodge because her daggers flew that fast, covering the distance in less time than it took to blink.

“AAAHHHHHH!!!!!” he cried and yelled, but he didn’t cower in fear like Servi expected. He formed a fist tight enough to pierce his palm scales with his nails and rushed forward in a berserker-like rage.  

The crowd behind him quickly dispersed, but it seemed as if some of the Numbered had infiltrated the dissenters because they started to fight amongst themselves.   

“The 6th expected this and told us to watch out,” Carrie said. “I don’t know how he knew this would happen, but he did. Honestly, it was a pretty pathetic attempt, all things considered.” 

I guess this means I have less to kill.  

Servi held her ground and met the Koena’s blood-crazed charge head-on. Dropping to the floor, she used her shoulder to slam into her foe’s sternum. It shattered, forcing him to cry out, and Servi didn’t miss a chance to act before he collapsed to the ground in pain. She returned to a standing position and hooked four fingers, two from both hands, in his open mouth and forcibly pulled apart.

Servi heard something crack. At the same time, she pulled her hooked fingers down and towards her and head-butted the two daggers until they completely pierced his head.

It took three tries, and that was because Servi wanted him to feel the daggers scrap and burrow deep inside his brain. His cries of pain, while enjoyable to Servi, were practical in another way. About half of the community room inhabitants who didn’t join the Koena’s side stared on with horrified eyes at a Non-Numbered brutally beat down a Koena. The other half consisted of Numbered 10s and 9s, who watched on with attentive eyes.

In both cases, it earned her respect that, while useless to her, didn't do anything to actively harm her ultimate goal. From behind, Servi heard the death cries of every traitor being put to the sword.  

“Carrie, you should have her call you by your number.” The red Singi turned to the speaker and saw Carmelo. However, he wasn’t alone. There was a second person—an Elf—with him.  

I wonder if he’s gonna make me kill him. Servi turned around and met the unknown Elf’s gaze. He kept a stoic expression, and Servi turned away and watched the twenty or so red souls flow into her ring.  

“Ah, 6th, I know that’s the rule, but I’m fine with it,” Carrie replied. She rested her spear by her side and spoke with the utmost respect. Servi knew right away it was filled with false loyalty. If it came to it, she was sure Carrie would skip off from the Mafia the first moment something better came along.  

If I played my cards right, I bet I can get her to run away if I sweeten my words. But where’s the fun in that? I wanna kill her.  

“I suppose if you’re fine with it, then it’s alright. Williana, follow my companion and me to my room. Since you’re here, I’m sure you have the proof?” Carmelo cradled his metal bow and narrowed his gaze. His eyes locked into her pouches.” 

“Yes, sir,” Servi replied.  

“Carrie, go find Old Man and wait in your room with him for Williana to return.” 

Carrie responded and wandered off to search for the second recruit she was responsible for. Even though his accomplishments weren’t anywhere as grand as Servi’s, Old Man could be very persuasive when it came to threats and extorting people for dupla. His old age and vast experiences created a long life that many others couldn’t imagine. However, when it came to fighting and combat, his frail old body couldn’t keep up with his active mind.  

Servi watched as Carmelo’s eyes scanned the faces of the now-deceased traitors and sighed. His companion asked him why Deset was full of turncoats.  

“Not here. I’ll tell you in the room in our mother tongue,” Carmelo replied.  

“Fair enough. Lead the way, Carmelo,” the second Elf replied.  

Servi walked behind the second Elf and scanned him up and down. He was tall and thin, but Servi couldn’t tell if he carried any weapons because he wore a rather form-fitting gray cloak that hugged his body. There weren’t any outlines of what she classified as weapons, but Servi couldn't take that at face value. It was likely his true strength lied in his masterful use of skills.

The fluorescent lights and brightly lit candles reflected light off his shiny, bald head and into Servi’s eyes. Curiously enough, he only had a single pointy-ear. The other one was more Human-shaped. 

It didn’t take long for the three-person parade to reach the room Servi dreaded. Even after entering it multiple times, the sheer height difference and overall feel reminded her of being trapped in a mountain range. The vast spaciousness suffocated Servi with options and choices of where to go and how to go about her dreams, but she was a girl who valued strictness and conformity. At least, she thought she did.

I’m a killer... A monster... Freedom isn’t something I deserve, but it’s odd that I have so much of it available to me. I have the power to break free of these false chains that bind me to the Mafia before Friday. I wonder if that’s why I feel so sick to my stomach? No, I can't be getting queasy. Just fight through it all and continue to kill every motherfucker you find. Make them pay for... You have to make them all pay... If you want, I'll greet you with the heads of all those who stole you away from me...

“Williana, you stay there while I have a talk Mierkia,” Carmelo commanded. He took a seat at the same table, complete with the identical cups and plates that had been there since Servi left with the three Elven targets.  

Mierkia? I see. He had me kill for him? Were they his brothers? And they’re not calling each other by a number. Either Mierkia isn’t Mafia, or they’re both Numbered 6. I’ll assume it’s the latter for right now.  

“Yes, sir,” she replied. She rested and relaxed her posture, but she had enough tension left to spring into action if anything went wrong. Mierkia pulled out a chair that stood in front of an empty plate and sat down. Once more, he turned to Servi and immediately looked at Carmelo.  

“Carmelo, why a Human?” He asked a simple question, but the way he said it forced Servi to do a double-take. Carmelo noticed her odd movement but simply ignored it while taking a sip of a glass filled with an unknown liquid.  

That’s not the common tongue. Mosie spoke to me briefly about it a while ago because Claire brought up different languages, but why can I understand them so effortlessly? 

Servi thought hard for a few seconds before realizing she knew the answer. In fact, the one responsible was right there with her.


The answer has to be Itarr. She’s a Goddess. Having every skill available to her is a simple enough thing to accept, but her knowing every language never crossed my mind. Interesting… I wonder if I can speak it? But hold on. They don’t realize I can understand them. This could be my chance to get some extra information.  

“That’s right. That girl is nothing but a dirty Human. However, she’s very good at killing. Have you heard about Snare?” Carmelo asked in his native tongue.  

“I did. I received a report before I came here. So that was your doing?” Mierkia inquired.  

“It was her. Even I don’t know how she accomplished it, but she somehow killed that shitty traitor in front of all those patients. And she did it without anyone knowing. Even my observers didn’t see it happen.” 

“Obviously, she used a skill to do it. Have you checked her ID?” 

“I already did that. Williana knows nothing but Protection and a few other worthless skills. She says she trained because some slaver took her friends and family. She wanted to know how to fight so she could rescue them or something. I honestly wasn't paying attention."

“Then that Human is lying. Even we couldn’t kill Snare without anyone knowing, and you’re the strongest I know.” Mierkia said, flattering Carmelo’s ego.  

He smiled, accepted the compliment without boasting, and continued the conversation. “Are you getting ready for Saturday?” 

“I am. I have everyone doing what they can to gather supplies. I’m planning to do what I can so I have a shot at joining the 5ths.” 

You are reading story The Story of a Girl & a Goddess Whose Souls Became Interconnected at

“Friend, it seems that I’m going about it a different way. But I’ll have my people do the same tomorrow and Friday,” Carmelo replied.  

“Then between me, my brothers, and you, let the best man join the exclusive club," Mierkia said.

“Ah, that’s only if there is a spot open. A 5th came by yesterday, but I couldn’t pry any useful information out of him.” 

“You told me about that. You said he took that Human home to fuck like a whore?” Servi expected Mierkia to ask more about the ‘so-called job,’ but he ignored it.  

So I’m just a Human whore? I’ll show you who's a fucking whore when I rip your goddamn spine out. 

Carmelo nodded. “That’s what she told me. The next time I’ll see him is on Saturday. I can find out exactly what kind of humiliating experiments he put her through." 

“If she’s such a lay, then give her to me for a night.” 

Carmelo laughed. “Sorry, friend, but Williana's my pet. I still don’t know her secret, but she’s crazy about killing. I even took away half of her pay, and she didn’t care. I’m going to play my cards right and gain a worthy ally. The best part? I don't think she even wants the money." 

“I still find it hard to believe, but I’ve never known you to lie to me. Have you sent out anyone to follow?” 

Carmelo nodded. “I did. I sent two, but I knew she would pick up on them. If she’s as good as she says she is, then she found them quite quickly. However, I also instructed a Spirit Summoner to follow Williana. She’s an expert assassin, but she’s still only a dumb Human. She wouldn’t expect there to be a third follower. Since she’s here, the summoner is most likely putting together a report for me to look at. I’ll send you a summarized copy of what I find out.” 

Mierkia slid part of his cloak back and checked a watch on his wrist.  

“That sounds like a plan, but I’m afraid I must leave. I have a few little things to take care of back at base.” He stood up.  

“Stay well and safe. Ah, about that favor? It involves the mayor, yes?” Carmelo stood up as well.  

“I remember. I suppose it isn’t that unexpected the foolish Human found his conscience. I’ll be there at the right time to take him out. You want him dead in the study, correct? And you want that other thing as well? You want me to test her?” 

Test? Is he talking about me? Servi wondered.   

Carmelo grinned. “Yes, and yes. If you kill him, I’ll pass up the spot for the 5th if I’m picked. As we agreed, I’ll even defer and recommend you to take my place.” Servi stared intently at Carmelo as he talked with Mierkia, and she realized just how much of a piece of shit he really was. It didn’t take a genius to figure out his end goal, but she was the final piece of his puzzle.  

Why go through so much and put it all on the back of a single girl? Surely it wasn’t the plan from the beginning because he tried to kill her during the big bank robbery. Since she survived, shouldn’t she have been a thorn in his side? Was what he wanted worth the risk? Was it possible Carmelo planned to usurp the Mafia from the boss's control using Servi's power?

“My friend! You’ve always been good to me! Stay well and safe. I’ll be looking forward to our reunion on Saturday. Oh, I’ll send word of my success via one of my observers.” Mierkia held out his arm. Carmelo smiled and grabbed his friend’s forearm. They gave each other a confident nod, and Carmelo watched as his friend walked out the door.  

Turning his attention to Servi, he told her to step up and present her proof.  

“Here you go, Carmelo,” Servi reached into her pouches and used it as a proxy to retrieve the three bloody patches of flesh from her ring.  She showed them off like some kind of trophy and tossed them down onto a clean plate. The crimson blood lightly splattered, and a tiny drop landed in Carmelo’s glass of water. Its clear essence became slightly tinted by crimson, and Carmelo threw his glass away. He waited until he heard a loud shattering noise before he spoke.  

“I see you’re as rude as ever. I have not given you the right to refer to me by my name as you talk to Carrie,” he said.  

“Yeah, you haven’t. So what?” She sat down and crossed her legs.  

“I feel that if I continue to go this route, we will only have a replica of the conversation we had before. I suppose I’ll bear my annoyance, but that means I have to take away your payment for these three contracts.” 

“I figured that would happen. That’s why I expected I wouldn’t be paid. But hey, keep the contracts coming, and I’ll be one happy girl.” Servi played the role of the girl Carmelo thought she was, and she played it like a champ. He couldn’t tell it was all an act, and it never crossed his mind for a second that she was capable of understanding the Elven language.  

Carmelo grinned and believed he had Servi eating out of the palm of his head. “I will say that I am impressed by how quickly you work. Even I haven’t been notified of their deaths.” 

Servi uncrossed her legs. “Then maybe your observers are useless. Didn’t I already say that?” 

“Hahahaha!!!” Carmelo laughed once again. “Perhaps they are! Maybe I should slaughter them and get new ones. What do you think about that?” 

“It doesn’t matter to me. Now, you said you had one more contract? Who do I gotta kill?” 

“I see you want to get straight to business. Are you trying to get it done so you spend time with Carrie?” 

“I’m not. I’m a woman who gets her job done. Now tell me who I have to kill.” Servi acted cocky, but it was all a ruse. She wanted to see how far Carmelo would bend over and ignore her blatant disrespect to keep her as an assassin. 

“As for your reasoning to speed ahead with the killings? It matters not to me. Here, the final target.” Carmelo summoned his Dimensional Storage and pulled out a single piece of paper. She reached out to grab it after he slid it face down on the table. Bits of grime and cold, leftover dried food stuck to it, and Servi audibly groaned in annoyance.  

You’re a manipulative piece of shit who happens to live like a goddamn pig.  

She shook it and flicked off a piece of overcooked, cold ham. Then once it was clean, she took a good look at what the paper contained. Like her first contract, and unlike the last three, she had a drawing to go by. He was short, bald, and in surprisingly decent shape.  

“Does he look familiar?” Carmelo asked. He kept a simple, unmoving expression on his face.  

“He doesn’t.” 

“That’s the mayor of this fine place called Arcton. I want you to kill him. There have been rumors he’s thinking about turning tail and running to Adenaford, but we can’t have him hiding all the way in the capital city. Frankie Ost used to be a wonderful puppet that did what we told him to do... But alas, that isn’t the case anymore.” 

Servi folded it up and placed it in her pouch. “Where can I find him at this time of day?”  

“He has a house in New Arcton. He was originally our inside mole before we could spread our roots. Look for a large three-story mansion with a yellow roof,” Carmelo said.  

“Then I’ll be off. Be ba—” Servi stood up, but a quick hand motion from Carmelo ordered her to sit down.  

“You have your target, but there’s a certain way you have to go about it. First, I want you to take Old Man with you.” 

He thinks he’s slick, but he’s not.  

“No, I won’t. I work better on my own.” Servi refused, but she had the intention of caving in. She believed that if she fought against it until Carmelo forced it on her, then she would have a better time when it came to getting away with stuff. If so, then even if she didn’t need that experience and freedom, it’d be nice to have it.  

It’s better to over-plan and not need it than under-plan and suffer.  

“Williana, this isn’t negotiable. You take Old Man with you when you go tonight. Should you refuse, I will cut you down where you stand. Clarence, warn her.” Carmelo stood up and grabbed his bow.  

Three sharp gusts of wind flew past Servi, cutting her face and drawing blood while sliding off the tips of her lavender wig.  

“Fine. Old Man's gonna be nothing more than a decoy at best, and the reason I fail at worst.” Servi shrugged her shoulders. She felt the sticky crimson slide down her cheek until it traced her neck and became absorbed by her undershirt.  

I suppose it’s time for another outfit change. Maybe I can get something from Carrie.  

“If you fail, then it only meant you didn’t have it in you to become the person I needed you to be. It would also mean you couldn’t satiate your desire for murder,” Carmelo retorted. He sat down, but he still cradled his bow.  

“If that’s what you think, then keep thinking it. But fine. What time do we leave?” Servi asked.  

“9:30 PM. You and that Human are to leave here at that time and arrive at the mayor’s mansion at 11:00 PM. You two will work your way up to his study-- that's on the third floor-- and kill him. Oh, and if there’s anyone else in the room, then kill them as well. Other than you and Old Man, no one should leave the room alive. I repeat. No one should leave the room alive. No exceptions. It also goes without saying that should you kill someone with a tattoo on their neck, you know to bring it to me as proof, correct?” Carmelo put heavy emphasis on the parts that made Servi groan.  

He couldn’t have been more crystal clear even if he had said it outright. It’s so clear to me that he’s setting me up to kill Mierkia. The shitty Elf must think Humans are the dumbest animals on this planet.  

Servi stood up and pushed her chair in. “Yeah. Yeah. Kill everyone and don’t let anyone live. If it’s killing I need to do, I’ll get it done.” She tossed a hand up as she walked away. When she turned her hand to open the door, she heard a set of rapidly approaching footsteps and stepped out of the way. A moment later,  after a small argument between the guard standing outside and the mysterious runner, there was a hastily set of knocking knuckles.  

“Let who’s ever knocking in when you leave,” Carmelo ordered. His voice contained the tiniest hint of glee.

Servi silently opened the door and saw a hastily breathing Singi who couldn’t quite catch her breath. Her yellow ponytail swung from side to side as she hurriedly ran past Servi.  

Whatever, it doesn’t have anything to do with me.  

Servi stepped through the ajar door, closing it behind her, and walked with her hands folded behind her head. It was very faint, but she whistled the song Momo had sung to her. Suddenly, she stopped and glanced back over her shoulder at the Koena, who stood guard outside the room Carmelo used as an office.

Well, I might as well…