Before Servi had a chance to speak, a red-haired Singi rushed to the front of the stage, slapping her spear against it. “Williana!!!” cried Carrie. Servi turned her head and looked at the girl who once cracked her jaw. A look of disgust was plastered on her face. When Carmelo emerged at the front seconds later, Servi’s mouth turned into a ferocious snarl.
“Williana! What’re you doing here?! Why—”
“Carrie, shut the fuck up. If you say one more goddamn word, you’ll be the first to die.” The red-eyed girl’s words were harsh and sharp like a knife. Grabbing a dagger from her ring, she threw it at Carrie, lightly grazing her cheeks. Her quivering eyes leaked water, which joined with the blood streaming down her tearful face. She received the message and fell down, turning into a whimpering mess.
Carmelo wanted to speak. Even though that one Kobold was clasped in all nadrium armor, he still had faith in his Mad Dog. She had accomplished the impossible. The trail of destruction and thousands of corpses proved that. In his mind, he only had to give the order to kill. That was it.
But the fear of failure froze his heart and vocal cords.
If his little pet didn’t win, then Carmelo knew he’d face a life worse than death. He had one chance to turncoat and explained to the boss that he had nothing to do with the slaughters that would probably result in Arcton’s destruction. In his mind, it was a gamble.
Should he say the command? Should he try to save his life? Should he have faith? Was it all a fool’s errand to believe he could usurp the Mafia from the man who created it? The power Sakdu had was substantial, to say the least. He had an iron-like grasp on three of the largest countries in the world and a whole slew of blackmail material.
Like a giant fish to a starving man, the offer was tempting. Just a single syllable stood between him and untold power.
“We can talk all we want, but first, tell me your name,” Servi demanded. Her calm voice, laced with anger, shattered Carmelo’s inner thoughts. “When I hang your head on my wall, I need a name to put under it.”
“The name is Sakdu,” replied mythril-encased Kobold. He spoke in a low growl befitting a member of his race. “Do not think your little displays of power will be enough to frighten me. I may not be as strong as I once was, but my bodyguard is the strongest of all. But let’s not turn the topic of conversation into something so brutal and rash. I wish to hear about you. To be frank, I did not expect you to make it this far. Clearly, you are something much more than a Rank 10. Would you be interested in telling me the name of the God or Goddess that has chosen fit to bless you?”
“Her name is Itarr. And for the record, I'm Servi,” Servi truthfully answered.
“Itarr? Hmm… I know not any Goddess by that name. Roger?”
“I’ve never heard of her,” replied the Elf in a lab coat. The bodyguard made a few motions with his hands when Sakdu asked him. Throughout his adventures and journeys as a warrior and mercenary, Itarr was a name that never came up.
“I do suppose there are a few Gods and Goddesses who are quite picky when it comes to giving their power to an inhabitant of the world. Now, I would like to hear about your journey. What kept you going? Was it the regret that you wouldn’t see her? Was—”
“It was a lot of things, but Momo was the main reason. You, however, were the second reason. You see, I’ve learned about myself in that week of torture. I’m good at killing. I’m very good at it. I don’t think there’s anyone on this planet that can kill better than me.”
“Hahahaha!!!! A Human thinks she can kill better than a Kobold?! Surely you jest—”
“I’m not jesting, you son of a bitch. A few days ago, I had the chance to encounter a 5th. I don’t remember his name or what he looked like, but he told me the location of the 5th base after a bit of persuasion. That’s when I met the Suits, and I killed every one of them. They all met their end. Then I met the 5ths. And you know what? I killed them too.”
“Human, do not joke.” Sakdu shifted in his chair. It creaked under the combined weight of his armor and large body.
“I’m not joking. Take a fucking look.” Servi brought out the map and letter she retrieved from the 5th base and floated them over to the boss. As he examined them with a close eye, Servi continued while Roger peeked over Sakdu’s shoulders. “I found your little bomb in the desk. Truth be told, I didn’t expect it. But as you can see, it didn’t do a single thing to deter me.”
“Hmm… Then I suppose you went to the church in New Arcton?” Sakdu used his large hands to shred the map and letter.
“That I did. Your other bomb didn’t do jack shit, but I have to thank you for the letter. It made me realize something.”
“Oh?” Sakdu leaned back and crossed his arms. The confident smile on his face said it all. Even though a Rank 10 somehow reached him, he didn’t feel his plan was in any danger of failing. If anything, Servi’s appearance only meant it was delayed by whatever length of time Sakdu chose to keep her alive. His patient nature was mature enough to wait a little bit longer.
“It made me realize that I have been too lenient with the power Itarr gave me. With only a little bit of effort, I could have the very world teeter on the edge of destruction, and only my whim could save it.”
“I’ve never met a Human that thinks so highly of herself. Please, explain to me why—”
“I destroyed the 5th base. I slaughtered those in the 4th base. I massacred those in the 3rd base. They’re all dead. The Numbered? Dead. The Suits? Gone. But I didn’t stop there.”
“…” Sakdu remained quiet. Roger narrowed his brow and stared with an unmoving expression. With the nadrium helmet, it was impossible to see how the bodyguard took Servi’s words.
“I thought to myself that it wasn’t just the Mafia that was my enemies. It was the whole city. Everybody there was responsible for rolling over, showing their bellies to whoever wanted to conquer them. They had no spine, no sense of wanting to protect what they owned. And it was that cowardice that turned Arcton into what it became. It was their fault that Momo and I were ambushed a week ago. And it was their fault that she had to see me at my worst—no, that’s not right. She didn’t see me at my worst. What I did to those who surrounded us can’t compare to the horrors I’ve brought against Arcton.”
“Do you not realize that it was your fault for allowing her to be kidnapped? Were you as strong as you say you are, then why haven’t you already wiped us all out?” Sakdu asked. Roger didn’t like that, and he made that clear by hastily grabbing his armored shoulder. “Easy, friend. She is bluffing. Why else would she not attack?”
“You say it was my fault for being weak?” Servi chuckled. “You are correct. Were I the woman I am now when it happened, I would’ve allowed my true nature as a Mad Dog to manifest from the beginning. It wasn’t until I read your letter that I truly embraced the Mad Dog persona. After I destroyed those bases, I set my targets on the various guard barracks stationed around town. Do you want to know what I did?”
“I assume you slaughtered them? Do you have proof detailing you did what you claim to do?” Sakdu asked.
Servi pointed to Carmelo, who stared with dumbfounded eyes. “The people at Deset should’ve seen the aftermath of my destruction, so why don’t you ask them what I did?”
“Well, Elf? Does she speak the truth?"
Carmelo didn't expect to be put on the spot, so his tongue was caught by the proverbial cat. It took Sakdu asking once more for the words to escape his mouth.
“Yes, boss, it is true. But it wasn’t just the guard barracks. It… It was every other base. Jade, Sabre, and even Shepard wasn't spared her wrath. I don’t want to assume the worst, but it’s quite possible that those amassed here are the only remaining members of the Mafia in--”
“I don’t wish to hear about that. Tell me about the destruction you saw,” Sakdu ordered. Those bases in Arcton were the least of his worries. They were meant to be diversions at best and meat shields at worse.
“There’s one part of town that looks like a hurricane passed through. I assume it was the Venti Aqua I received reports about, but I never knew it could be that powerful. My observers reported to me that they found blood sprayed over 5 kilometers away! How could someone be so powerful to sling water that far away?! And the dead!” Carmelo nearly became mad as the truth finally registered in his mind. How foolish! He thought he was the one who had a grip on her leash, but the Mad Dog was loyal to no one but herself. “They’re everywhere. Corpses and organs and blood and heads! They’re—”
Sakdu held a hand up, and Carmelo became quiet. His body shook with a valid fear that little have claimed to felt.
That foolish Kobold doesn’t realize the power she holds!
“What Carmelo said was the truth, but he left some out. I assume you didn’t go into the RASP buildings?” Servi smirked.
“Oh, ho? Why would you bring up the whorehouses?”
Servi answered Sakdu. “Because the people who work there are also my enemies. They are cowards who either lost or didn’t put a fight when your cancer of an organization took root. And this is a war, yes?”
“How interesting… Do you believe that you’re waging a conquest against me?”
“Is it that strange? You’re my enemy. I—”
“How odd. I thought your focus was on rescuing Momo. If you still claim to be powerful, then why haven’t you wiped us out? Again, I ask that because I find it strange. Perhaps your friend wasn’t your goal after all??
“Do not try to twist my words around. Momo was always the goal.”
You are reading story The Story of a Girl & a Goddess Whose Souls Became Interconnected at
“If that is true, then why did you not immediately come for the forest when you came upon my letter. You did go to the church, yes?”
“It seems to me that you wanted to partake in the destruction of innocent men and women and children. Are you, perhaps, using young Momo as an excuse to keep up the slaughter?"
“Just keep spouting off bullshit, Kobold. Every word you say just makes me angrier, and you're going to regret that very soon.”
Then Sakdu spoke words that should have destroyed Servi’s heart. “You claim to have done something to the RASP buildings, yes? If you destroyed them, then I will call you a murderer of children.”
“What do you mean?” Servi demanded. She stood up. The bodyguard immediately moved in front of Sakdu with his three weapons spinning overhead.
“While the RASP buildings were meant for so much more, they’ve since turned into common whorehouses. Where do you think the babies are born when the whores get pregnant? I’ll tell you. Some of the buildings have a nursery at the bottom. They aren’t given the best care, of course, because Humans are despicable creatures, but it is what it is. Some are given the food processing plant to make soup for the Suits. Others are given to whoever will pay for a child.”
“Hahahahahaha!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!” Servi laughed so hard she had to grip her side as she fell back to her chair. “Really?! You think I care about that?! Listen, fuck face, those babies were only casualties of war. It was just the luck of the draw that they were there while I used Kaasuvuoto to poison everyone inside. The men, the women, the children, I fucking gassed them like the roaches they were. If anything, their deaths should be on your record as the one who started this war. Besides, it was a mercy. If they could choose, I'm sure they'd rather die than--”
“Do you think so little of me? Kaasuvuoto is a skill that damages the user just as much as their enemy, so I know you’re lying. Second, you keep claiming this is a war. It may be for you, but for me, it was only a simple pastime while I waited for my men to arrive. After my bodyguard kills you, I will kill that unconscious Earth Elf, I will rip Momo’s head off, and we will march to Canary. Once I achieve my revenge on Fisher Jin and his family, then I will die. Truth be told, I never cared for the Mafia as a whole, even though its name was meant to remind me of my wife and daughter. I—"
“Then why haven’t you killed me yet? Seems to me that you're scared to do anything. In the back of your mind, you know what I say is the truth. Are you thinking about your impending death? I'd be more than happy to deliver that to you.” Servi interrupted Sakdu. His grin devolved into a nasty snarl, showing off his rows of razor-sharp teeth.
“Williana, I order you, as your master, to kill Sakdu!!!” Carmelo chose what he thought was the best time to strike, making his choice very clear. He wanted to side with the Mad Dog that had accomplished what he thought was impossible.
“Bwhahahah!!! I see that you teamed with a member of the organization that caused you such hardship! Now it all makes sense. You teamed up with that traitor! I didn't think I was going to weed out the turncoats today.
“Carmelo, shut the fuck up and wait your turn. I’ll have your head rolling on the ground in a minute!!! And you, shut the fuck up!!!” Servi stood up, grasped her chair, and threw it into the crowd. It smashed into a wandering Dwarf, exploding his head into a gory mist like a flesh-filled piñata.
Sakdu also stood up. Like his foe, he threw his chair into the crowd and stepped back until he was next to Roger. “Then it seems our conversation has come to an end. Goodbye, Servi. You had the know-how and intelligence to survive until now using whatever pitiful strength your Goddess gave you, but this is the end. You thought of this as some war, but you are little more than a pest. You, kill that Human, tear the head off of that Earth Elf, and find out where that Singi went to, and then kill her.” Sakdu gave his orders and used his incredible legs to leap away from the stage with his Elven companion.
“SHIT!” Servi shouted when she saw her nadrium-clad foe forming hand signs. She didn’t know what he was doing, but she obviously couldn’t take the risk. “ITARR, KEEP MOMO SAFE AT ALL COSTS! DON’T FUCKING WORRY ABOUT ME!!!” Servi shouted while stomping the stage, shattering it into a thousand pieces. The bodyguard gracefully landed and recovered in a roll.
Raising his hand, he recalled his three spinning axes. They flew in a tight circle right above his head. At the same time, Servi used Telekinesis, enduring the pain of controlling thousands of objects at once, and launched the remains of the wooden stage at her foe.
His axes flew in front of him and spun like a blender, keeping him safe from any potential harm as they reduced the flying projectiles to something less than dust.
Carrie somehow regained her anger, which overpowered the sadness she felt at what she thought was Servi’s betrayal and went to throw her spear. By the time it left her hand, the bodyguard had used a series of hand signals to activate Telekinesis, which returned it to Carrie. Through her crying eyes, she understood what he wanted and reluctantly fell back.
Carmelo, on the other hand, knew his Mad Dog needed all the help she could get, so he strummed his metallic bow as ten green lines of energy emerged.
“FUCK OFF AND FALL BACK!!! THIS IS MY FIGHT!!!! INTERFERE WITH IT, AND I WILL FUCKING CASTRATE YOU!!!” Though her back was turned to him, Servi shouted a precaution even though she wasn’t sure he was about to attack. Regardless, her prediction turned out to be correct. After strumming his bow one more time, the energy changed course and slammed into the ground. He also backed off, returning to Carrie and the other Deset members, but not without seeing his Mad Dog lose her left arm.
Her opponent had masterful control over his axes. They were mighty and fast, too, with enough power to cleanly cleave through anything that wasn't nadrium.
But instead of crying about in pain, Servi laughed, filling the enemy-filled camp with a shrill voice.
“FINALLY!!! I can feel it!!! This will be the fight I’ve been craving!!! You’re a tough bastard, aren’t you?!” Servi’s arm grew back, but the armor and clothes didn’t. She picked up the bloody appendage and waved it about, laughing like it was a new toy. Then she threw it behind her, not caring at all where it landed and prepared herself for the most magnificent fight of her life so far.
“COME AT ME!! FEEL THE FANGS OF THE MAD DOG!” she shouted. She bared her teeth and all, with a mean growl escaping from her throat.
Replying to Servi’s taunts, her foe performed a series of seven hand signals in the time it took for her to blink. The three spinning axes immediately rocketed forward, zigging and zagging in exaggerated motions, yet they were fast enough for Servi to be unable to follow them.
More accurately, even the thousands upon thousands of souls stored within her ring had never fought against anything resembling the Kobold-shaped monster in front of her. It was either that, or her foe was simply too strong. Soul Essence of Primal Combat was nearly hopeless against something it had no information on, and since Servi had started to rely on it to the point where it was her crutch, she froze while waiting for the afterimages.
Her punishment was the loss of both arms and legs, which lifelessly flopped to the ground. Blood squirted from each of her stumps, which joined with the crimson spewing from her separated extremities. With no limbs, her foe rushed forward as one of the three axes flew back to him. Catching it, he decided to personally end her life.
However, even though he saw her regenerate one of her limbs, he never expected all four to come back at once, which was what happened.
Servi’s legs regrew first, starting from her feet, continuing on to her legs, and ending to where they connected with her hip. Next came her arms, which regrew while simultaneously grasping a nadrium greatsword when it emerged from thin air. The biggest grin flashed across her face as her blade connected with his axe. Even though both were fueled by incredible strength, Servi just couldn’t overpower him. She struggled to push him back as he tried to break her guard. Flashing sparks of blue and white erupted from their clash, clouding their vision, yet neither seemed to be affected.
Servi’s mind raced fast and hard as it quickly scoured her souls’ years of combat memories. The bodyguard sensed something was amiss when she slightly shifted her weight, so he kicked out his leg to push her away. She flew back through the air, turning nearly ten times a second. Thrilled with the battle, Servi used Air Step to kick off when she eventually righted herself and charged right back at her greatest foe.
He met her incoming slash, which was powered by a shrill yell with his nadrium gauntlets as more sparks erupted between the two. His weapon slipped out of his hand at the last minute and flew above with his other two. Servi saw that immediately ducked down as the three axes cut off three centimeters of her head. But it wasn’t just the axes she had to worry about.
After all, her foe had two arms.
She did her best to party the incoming punches and backhands, yet his strikes were so precise that it sent a rumbling up her arm. As the wielder of True Immortality, such petty things caused no problems in the long run. But her movement was slowed by just a few fractions of a second, which was enough time for her opponent to act. With speed that defied even her, he performed a series of hand motions and spun in a tight circle. Even his tail was reinforced by a sturdy set of nadrium platting. Servi did her best to dodge out of the way, but she felt an invisible grasp kept her locked in place. For the shortest instant, she was completely immobilized.
“Telekinesis?!” she shouted as her chest exploded into gory bits. Her crude leather armor never stood a chance in hell. She flew back but raised her hands up. Grasping onto her Air Step platforms, she leveraged her momentum and swung around. The force of gravity pelted her weakened self as Servi launched herself up, and the bottom 60% of her body surrendered from the rest as she left it behind. It grew back as she soared high in the sky, bits of flesh rained down from above. Suddenly, her left and right arms became encased in a pair of nadrium gauntlets that were a bit too big. A second later, her body was encased in new clothing, which hid her sensitive bits of any prying eyes below.
“YES!!!! THIS IS THE FIGHT I’VE BEEN WANTING!!!!” Servi shouted as she balanced on an Air Step platform. The bodyguard looked up from below and did another series of quick hand motions. Servi decided that meant the battle was back on, and she kicked an Air Step platform as she raced back to the earth. The bodyguard sent two of his axes up in the sky on a direct course for Servi.
She met his axes with her own nadrium gauntlets, knocking them out of the way as her heartbeat increased ten-fold. The adrenaline and thrill were something she never imagined while the distance quickly closed between them. She cocked her left hand back and waited oh-so-patiently for the chance to knock his head off.
His eyes narrow, and his breathing slowed to a crawl. Like the girl descending from the sky as if she was a bomb dropped from a plane, he also cocked back his arms.
Did he mean to decide the battle with a single blow?
Carrie and Carmelo stared on with a dumbstruck expression and a still heart. Neither of them could even come close to the power displayed in front of him. Even if they could achieve that godly level, they had nothing on Servi’s regenerative abilities.
They closed at a rapid pace. With the bodyguard's expression hidden underneath a helmet created from the mightiest material in the known world, he placed his bet on the strength of his powerful muscles.
The moment before their punches were to connect, the bodyguard did something Servi never would’ve expected.
He simply sidestepped and allowed her to smash face-first into the ground. Like a glass vase filled with crimson, her body shattered and sent various muscles, organs, and bones spewing over a hundred meters. Only her arms remained in one piece, and that was only because of the nadrium gauntlets.
Using the heaviest parts of her as a base, Servi slowly grew. Her chest and head were formed first in a bloody red mist which dissipated to show her pale, white skin and black hair. Then her waist and legs grew back not even half a second later. As she stood up, a new set of clothes appeared, covering her naked body.