“They’re over there, sir!!!” Suddenly, the collective stomping of ten men pounded the ground while a voice yelled. It was right when Momo and company had passed under the city gates. Itarr had left the two ‘puppets’ restrained and frozen in place just a meter away.
In the far distance, Momo saw the unmistakable armor belonging to the man she was looking for. With it being as black as night, the word ‘Justice’ etched into it had been forcibly scratched out. The man wearing it was out in front, leading the pack. When his brown eyes caught sight of a pink tail waving around, he doubled his pace. It was unbecoming to leave his men behind, but he didn’t care.
Momo raised her free hand and waved at Fisher Jin, the Captain of the Guard. He commanded every soldier in Canary, and in a way, was their general. Fisher slowed his speed, covering the last five meters in a simple walk.
His hair was brown and styled, with a face that, depending on the day, was somehow youthful and experienced at the same time. The pair of muddy eyes hastily scanned the two guards, seemingly frozen in time and space. It didn’t take him long at all to identify them.
“Fisher!!!” Momo cried, wiping her newly dampened eyes with the back of her hand. Seeing a friendly face erased some of the exhaustion from the shouting match she had participated in minutes earlier.
“Momo! Servi!” Fisher said, wrapping the pair of friends in a big hug. Momo was taken back, with her breath becoming caught in her lungs. She was torn between wanting to cry or staying resilient. Weakness was something the Singi had attempted to hide for the past few days. Was it alright if it peeked its undesirable head out every once in a while?
Servi showed a different reaction. She started to shake, causing Fisher to caution away with a defensive step when he heard a low growl.
“Servy?” Momo murmured, hugging her red-eyed companion. Her embraced friend increased her violent shaking, but Momo only tightened her hug. The growling stopped. Soon, it was replaced by a ferocious howl and a threatening snarl. Servi ducked, squirmed, and twirled, escaping Momo’s hold and turning towards Fisher, who deftly dodged backwards. Servi’s red eyes seemed to glow with a frightening intensity, and her mouth drooled with thick spit. She wasn’t totally free, however. Momo still had her hand tightly gripped around Servi’s fingers.
The men that came with Fisher drew their weapons and rushed to protect their captain. “Back away! PUT AWAY YOUR WEAPONS AND BACK AWAY!!!” Fisher shouted in response. His men confusingly stared at him, then obediently followed his odd commands. Like a sea parting in half, the wall of guards made way for a man in black armor, who walked towards a snarling animal in the shape of a Human. He didn’t know why Servi was acting the way she was. Fisher briefly did his best to analyze the information available to him, but he didn’t have enough to go on.
“SERVY! STOP THAT!!!” Momo begged. She had dug her heels into the ground and pulled back with all her force. Servi snapped and barked, hollered, and screamed at the man as if she was a wild beast protecting her property. Fisher stood his ground, raising both empty hands to show he meant no harm.
Sweat soon covered Momo’s hand, making it slippery to the touch. With Servi’s shaking and violent jerks, it was no wonder the pair of inseparable friends was briefly disconnected. With nothing holding her back, Servi screamed while charging ahead to the man in black armor. She attempted to tackle Fisher to the ground, but he remained upright. She slammed her head into his chest while screaming like a dying animal.
“SERVY!!!” Momo shouted. She ran up, wrapped her arms around Servi’s stomach, and did her best to pull her away.
“AAAAEEEEHHHHHHH GGGAAAHHHHHHHHHH GGHHAHAHAHRHAGRROOAOARRRRR!!!!!!!!!” Sounds came from Servi’s mouth, but Fisher would be hard-pressed to consider them words. He continued to look down, staring into her red eyes. He saw pain and anguish clouding them. Salty water ran down her cheeks as Servi struggled to communicate what she wanted to say. “AAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH RRRRRROOOOAOOAOAAARRRR GGGAAAHHHHHHHAHAHAHHHROAHH!!!!!”
“Captain, don’t worry!” shouted one of Fisher’s underlings. The over-eager soldier drew his blade and rushed forward with it held high. It was just a plain sword one would find at any weapon shop, yet it had been polished to such a sheen that it sparkled like a diamond with the sun clashed against its silver edge.
“DON’T DO ANYTHING!” Fisher commanded. The hotheaded guard immediately stopped in his tracks, finding it incredibly difficult to do as his captain commanded. “And that goes for everyone else! Stay put, and let me handle this!” Fisher shouted. Fisher’s reputation as a skilled warrior was known, but hardly anyone knew his violent past. That was why his men and everyone else only looked at him with glorifying eyes. If they had known his slaughterous history, even his most devout men would have turned their backs on him.
Before he looked down at Servi a second time, Fisher scanned the area once more while enduring the pain she inflicted on him. He made sure to lock eyes with everyone, sending a non-verbal message to reinforce his command.
“SERVY!!!! STOP IT!!!” Momo shouted. She took a deep breath and went limp, hoping her weight could pull Servi away. When that didn’t work, Momo pulled down, basically lifting herself as if she was doing some odd workout. When that failed, she jerked backwards and down, hoping somehow that her third attempt would be the charm. All the while, she kept shouting Servi’s name, hoping to reach her inner-essence with passion-fueled words alone.
The three were locked into an incredibly odd scene, lasting well over fifteen seconds. Fisher didn’t know what compelled him to do so, but he opened his mouth to utter a pair of words. He didn’t know why or how, but judging from Servi’s rapid anger, he knew he was somehow at fault.
And there was only one thing he could say to that.
“I’m sorry…” He whispered those two little words. His apology was drowned out by both girls’ screams, but apparently, that was all Servi needed to hear. The anger coursing through her body dissipated. Like a dying toy, the sounds coming from her mouth simmered until they vanished.
The red-eyed girl was left standing there as her arms dropped down, motionlessly hanging from her side. Whatever strength kept her immobilized vanished as well because Momo and Servi were sent flying back.
The Singi took most of the damage, sliding on her back, although she had armor to protect her. She had wrapped her arms around Servi’s flat tummy, protecting her valuable friend from succumbing to any harm or injuries. When the pair slowed to a stop, Servi leaned up and fell forward with her eyes closed. When it seemed as if she would smash face-first into the ground, a flash of pink lightning circled around her. Using her recovery rolls, Momo had scrambled, catching Servi as her head motionlessly rested against her protector's shoulder. One hand went around her back, the other around her head.
Momo softly stroked and petted her friend’s black hair while looking back at Fisher. Even someone as experienced as him was verbally paralyzed. His mouth was opened, but no words came out. His brown eyes only stared at the strange sight. The Servi he had known was someone who held incredible powers at her fingertips, capable of using skills without uttering a single word.
Where had she gone? Why was she acting like a brat who couldn’t do much more than throw tantrums? Fisher’s gut feeling was correct when Claire first came to him for help a few days prior. He had reassured her everything was fine, and she believed him for the most part, but a striking uncertainty slowly welled up within his breast.
The Captain looked to his left and right, receiving his underlings’ gazes, who waited for a command. With haste, he walked up to Momo and crouched down, but he made sure to keep his distance.
“Momo,” he said in a firm voice. “What happened? You have to tell me what happened here.”
Momo sniffled, softly speaking as it felt like her borrowed courage had run out of time. “Servy and me were walking back to Canary when we met those two.” She pointed to Sea and Jeri. “They were upset that Servy and I were holding hands. They argued with me, then I argued with them. Then… Then our arguing got louder… Jeri even drew his sword and tried to stab me, but Itarr was there… She restrained and forced them to follow behind… That’s why they’re not moving…” The timing between her words grew longer with each sentence.
“Itarr…?” So—No…” Fisher stood up and started to bark out orders. “Head out to the road and take everyone’s statements. And I mean everyone. Leave no one out, and have them be as detailed as possible. Tim, Tobba, you take Jeri and Sea to the prison and lock them up. Don’t let anyone talk to them until I get back. Itarr, can you let them go? They won’t hurt anyone, I promise.” While he shouted everything else, he had to speak that last line in something below a whisper. Itarr must’ve heard him because she did what he asked, releasing the Jeri and Sea from their invisible bondage.
Everyone cloaked in armor saluted and went to work like a well-oiled machine. Tim and Tobba, both Koena clad head to toe in silver armor, rushed over to the dazed guards. Tim held Jeri’s arms behind his back while slapping him with a pair of handcuffs. Tobba did the same, only choosing to use a thick piece of twine inhabited by a mischievous fairy, who loved to play practical jokes.
In terms of restraint, both metal cuffs and this wooden twine were above average in their ability to restrict a person’s arm movement.
As Tim and Tobba walked the confused pair of turncoats away from the crime scene, they stared at Fisher. “Captain!” Sea cried, shaking her head and sending her long hair in a frenzy. “What happened? Where am I?” With a hint of fear, she pleaded in a voice reminiscent of a girl waking up in an unknown location.
Fisher didn’t take anything Sea said at value, so he simply remained quiet while letting his feelings be known via his intense glare. He did the same for Jeri, who seemed to show much of the same cognitive confusion. But unlike his partner, Jeri didn’t beg, moan, or ask for help or clarification. He didn’t even offer any physical resistance. Meanwhile, Sea was like a bucking horse in how she squirmed and struggled.
As wild as Sea was, the Koena keeping her restrained didn't require the use of Pulmoni Oxygeni, a technique exclusive to Koena. It increased their blood flow and oxygen levels through their bodies by moving their lungs in a circle, thereby boosting a Koena’s strength and speed, but it didn’t come without flaws. The biggest downside was the difficulty in mastering the technique. Improper use lead to over-filling the lungs, causing them to tear open. While painful, it was treatable and recoverable, with most requiring a few short days of rest.
Fisher watched as Sea’s protests were eventually nothing but a memory as he turned his gaze towards Momo, who still sat on the ground.
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The Captain of the Guard took a knee, looking at Momo and Servi. He didn’t know if he had to be the first to talk. Would it be better if Momo broke the ice? If only he had Marissa with him. His wife was an expert in dealing with children, and while Momo and Servi were adults, they were still kids in the eyes of Warden. Rank 9 didn’t mean much when there were 8 more promotions to be had.
“I…I don’t know how it all happened… Jeri seemed to be so nice… He crouched down… Talked with me, even extending an arm… He even told Sea to put her weapon away, but then he… I don’t understand… Me and Servy… I’m doing what Claire said, to hold her hand, and he wanted to take that away from me… Why?!” Momo whispered, allowing a hint of weakness to assault her essence. She looked up, meeting Fisher's eyes while tears streamed down her face. Her soft whimpers pierced his heart.
“Momo…” Fisher started to speak, but he couldn’t get the words out. Truth be told, he didn’t really know the path forward. Eventually, he couldn’t take it anymore and offered the crying Singi the thing she probably needed the most. “Momo, there’s an office I have just a few blocks away. It ain’t much, but it’ll give us the chance to talk privately. Okay?”
Momo nodded, using a hand to wipe the water from her eyes. “Okay… Come on, Servy. It’s time for us to go.” Momo patted Servi’s head and softly whispered in her ear as if she was waking a baby. After a few seconds of no response, Momo smiled and began to adjust her hold on Servi.” Oh? It’s okay… You can sleep if you want to. I can carry you.”
Fisher stood up, taking a few steps back as he watched Momo clumsily maneuvering the sleeping Servi around. It took a few long seconds until Fisher couldn’t handle it. “Momo, do you want me to carry her? It’s not a problem.”
“No, that’s okay. I gave my word to Servy and Itarr. I have to be the one who does this. I have to be her support,” Momo said, grunting and clenching her teeth. After more finagling, she softly smiled and confidently nodded.”
Somehow, Momo had slithered, sleuthed, and wiggled her body in such a way that Servi was leaning against Momo’s back. A pair of dangling arms reached over Momo’s torso, of which one was firmly connected to Momo’s left hand. Her right hand was reached around Servi's back, grasping onto her thigh and pushing it up. At the same time, Momo was acutely aware of two twin mountains pushing against her back. It didn’t take long for Momo’s face to turn the same hue as a tomato.
Wow… Servy's boobs…are really pressing against my back… Was she always that busty? NO! Momo, don’t think about that! Get your mind out of the gutter!
“Uhh… Momo?” Fisher scratched his head at the darnedest thing he had seen in weeks, not accounting for the girl with godly powers.
“Yes?” Momo asked as she stood up from her crouched position. Fisher’s voice broke her away from her daydream, allowing the heat to fade from her cheeks.
After ignoring the two noticeable twin peaks pressing into her back, carrying Servi was easier than Momo initially thought. She had believed her body would be too weak and expected there to be some strain. “I guess Servy was lighter than I thought, but I’m not back at one hundred percent,” Momo said while pulling down on the hand she held. When that downward force was applied to the hand on Servi’s thigh, which pushed up, the black-haired girl was effectively locked in place. Momo, however, had to hunch down quite a bit to where her upper body was nearly parallel with the ground.
I’m sorry, Servy, but I’m still a bit weak. After a few days of resting and getting back my strength, I’ll be able to carry you properly.
“…Does that position hurt you?” As a friend, Fisher was deeply concerned for Momo’s well-being, and that included any potential back problems the Singi may have in the future.
“I’m fine! If it does hurt, then the pain is worth it… You know, Servy had to go through a lot more. A sore back doesn’t even compare to what she had to endure… If I can’t even bear this for her sake, what kind of friend am I?” she replied.
“I… I see. I’m sorry.” Fisher looked up from Momo and stared at the line of people wanting to enter Canary. Ever since Servi attacked him out of an unknown rage, nearly all eyes had been glued to him and Momo. While he wasn’t one to care about any rumors, he realized if word got out about what happened, the more unsavory residents of Canary could twist the truth in an attempt to socially hurt him.
Even if it did, it’s not like it’ll change anything. I only have to deny them…but what’s this about enduring more than a sore back? I’m certain it involves what went down in Arcton. Hmm… I received that report about that crater as well… Something tells me Servi’s involved in all that. It seems like she has her hands in everything…
“Once you have the statements, you can let them through! I want them organized by the time I get back to my office!” Fisher shouted. A pair of his guards acting like gatekeepers turned and saluted him, then started to wave the angrily waiting people through. Fisher turned his attention to Momo. “Are you ready? My office is only a few minutes away.”
“Okay. Lead the way, and me and Servy will be right behind you,” she said with a joyful smile.
Fisher started walking, taking it slow to give Momo the chance to keep pace. “When you two didn’t come back after a week, Claire came running to me.”
“She did?” A few people walked around Momo, overtaking her since she moved at a snail’s pace.
“Yes, she did. She even wanted me to get some men together and march on Arcton. Since I told her I couldn’t do that, she practically forced me to patrol the city entrances every few hours. She said if I didn’t, she’d sic Dineria on me.”
“Hehe! I know how Dineria can be. I’m just so upset we worried Claire so much… I hope she can forgive us…”
“I’m sure she will… You said ‘Itarr’ earlier… Did Servi tell you about her?”
Momo nodded the best she could from her current position. “She told me everything...and then some…”
“I see…”
“I’m glad we ran into each other so quickly. Not just because of Jeri and Sea, but because I wanted to tell you what happened in Arcton.”
Fisher and Momo reached a well-cleaned alley after three minutes of walking. They proceeded down it, coming to a fork in the road. Fisher turned left, walked for another few seconds, and stopped in front of the cleanest door Momo had ever seen. He brought out his Dimensional Storage and fished for a key while speaking. “Momo, I want to apologize for those two. Jeri’s been a guard longer than I have, so I thought I could trust him. That's why I sent him and Sea, who I trained, to patrol the roads leading to Canary. I never expected him to pull something as foolish as he did.”
“It’s not your fault, Fisher. It’s not like you told him to attack us, so it’s okay. To be honest, I’m even surprised you believed us.”
Fisher shook his head. “Momo, it isn’t okay. At the end of the day, I am the captain, and the men and women of Canary’s guards are my responsibility. I’m responsible for them! If those Elves didn’t come to find us, I would not have made it as quickly as I did!” The Captain of the Guard took failure harder than he should have, especially considering his promise to Servi. He vowed to become a man good enough for his family while making up for his sinful past. Did he really let it all fall apart mere weeks after that declaration? “And I believed you because I know you wouldn’t lie about it. I get the feeling Itarr wouldn’t have frozen them in place without a good reason...”
“Fisher, it’s okay. I mean that. At the end of the day, me and Servy are alright. And with Itarr helping us, we weren’t in any danger at all because we had a bunch of stacks of Protection on us. And by a bunch, I mean we had about eleven thousand. She wouldn’t have allowed anyone to die. Besides, we came out of it no worse for wear. Please, don’t beat yourself up,” Momo pleaded.
Fisher sighed, then subtly nodded as he removed his hand from his Dimensional Storage. There was a brass key held between his thumb and index finger. He pushed it into the lock, turned it, then pushed the white door open. Fisher kept it open for Momo to walk through, and it took her 45 seconds to do just that.