Dineria nodded and took a sip of her steaming beverage. “I was so devoted to get promoted as fast as I could that I often took on more than I could handle. With String Bender, I could let loose my arrows from impossible angles and strike through the tiniest hole... I wasn't traveling with a party, so I was alone. And while I never did sustain any severe injuries… One day, I just thought… What’s the point of this…? I was waking up numb to the beauty of the world, and I was afraid if I kept going, I’d lose my sanity. Then came the day when I woke up and grabbed my bow…and I couldn’t stand it. Just looking at it made me sick enough to empty my stomach all over it, and I knew I had reached my breaking point…
“For my own sake, I just upped and left the town I was staying in and went back to my village… My father and grandfather welcomed me back with open arms, and they really helped me out when I needed them the most. Without my family… I really don’t know what I would have done since it was them that taught me how to love my bow...how to love myself again."
“What happened next?” Momo asked.
“You’re sitting in it… I was never a big spender, so I had quite a bit of money sitting in the bank. I don’t really know what compelled me to come here, but fate brought me to Canary, and that’s when I met Claire. I soon started this store, and now I offer classes to anyone who wants to learn. I still take on quests here and there, and if I can help it, ignore the ones where I have to take a person’s life. I do avoid my bow as much as I can. To us Elves, they’re our precious companions. And I do feel that I’ve done it a great disservice, which is why I choose to use a sword most of the time. But when the time is needed, I have no problems using my closest ally once more. Especially to protect the ones I care about.”
“Dineria… I didn’t know any of that…” Momo confessed, waiting for the words she wanted to say to bubble on her tongue.
“It’s not really a great conversational starter, so I avoid speaking about it. But I figured you and Servi needed to hear it because I’ve been in her spot… I’m proof that it is possible to come back. Momo, you and Servi can come to me at any time for any support, help, or advice.”
“Thanks, Dineria… For sharing your story and telling us that… Just like with Claire, you’re one of our closest friends, and we appreciate that.” Momo took a sip of her tea and watched Servi do the same. Even though they had heard a harrowing take, not much has changed with the girl who housed a Goddess inside. At least on the outside. Internally, Itarr took Dineria’s words to heart glossed back over her story.
“And you, my dear cute student, are one of my favorite pupils. Ah, and I can’t forget about Servi, who’s obviously very, very, very important to you. Hehehe!” Dineria placed a sly hand over her mouth and giggled.
Momo partly realized this was probably another tiny joke, so she beat her to punch the like by proudly declaring her love. For a second, the Elf looked downright shocked that Momo would have admitted to confessing with that pretty smile. Not because she was disgusted. No, it was far from it. Dineria just wanted to tease her cute student and wanted to enjoy the flustered look she would no doubt have.
Well, the joke was on her.
“Hmm… That’s good… When you say your love, hold your head up, puff you’re your chest, and proudly say it!”
“You’re not alarmed? Or—”
“If you think I was going to be upset, then you have never been more wrong about anything in your life. Momo, you’re not the only one who’s had affection for a girl… I… I used to experiment in my younger days. With men and women... Sometimes at the same time, and other times separately… People like to think Elves to be all prim and proper when it comes to desires and their lack of a sex drive, but we’re all the same as anyone else. We have our needs and wants. It isn’t anything to be embarrassed by.”
Woah… Then does that mean Dineria’s experienced?
“Does…it hurt? Sex, I mean… I’ve never done it…”
“Hmm… It can hurt. It depends on a number of factors. Now, I can tell you, and I don’t mind that because I believe sex is just one of those things that doesn’t need to be hidden away like a bad secret. Or you can learn for yourself whenever Servi is all better. Regardless of what you choose, I’m happy to share my knowledge, as little or as much, as you want.”
Momo looked at Servi, who stared at her tea. After a bit of encouragement, she finished the cup and stared at Momo, who had a decision to make. It was not a lie to say that she wanted to give her all to Servi, and having prior knowledge of sex, especially between two girls, would only prepare her. On the flip side, perhaps that inexperience might be a fond memory to look back on.
Of course, that was only partially true if Servi was a virgin, and Momo didn’t know if she was or not because she hadn’t asked before. Then again, an appropriate situation in which that question would be prudent had avoided them thus far.
Even if I’m not Servi’s first, that’s fine… She probably doesn’t know or remember if she’s been with anyone, but if she can be my first… My first kiss… Really, my first everything…
“What…do you think?”
“Sorry, but I cannot pick for you,” Dineria said. She took a sip of her tea and licked her pink lips with a wet tongue. “Though I will say this. When I had sex for the first time, my partner and I had no idea what we were doing. Yes, it is memorable and fond to look back on, but we could have saved a little bit of pain and some frustration if we knew beforehand.”
“Hmm… In that case, then I want to go in blind… I don’t know if she’s had…any partners…or not, but even if she has, I think I want her to teach me… Or we can teach each other, I guess. If we’re both strangers to it...” Momo thought long and hard before speaking what she thought was quite acceptable. She was happy to see that Dineria had an approving look on her face. All this sex talk had gotten the Elf to be a little bit heated. She wasn’t a nymphomaniac, but there was no denying the fact that her desire for lust was... greater than her racial siblings. When it was time to close the store, she knew just what ‘toy’ she wanted to use…
Ahh… But I think about that later… Mmnn… I can already feel it spreading me open, though… Crap, I better think of something… Ah—
“Momo!” Dineria suddenly shouted at a volume she definitely did not intend to reach.
“Waaaa—Ma’am?!?!” she exclaimed, nearly dropping her glass. The cool-headed Elf apologized profusely and asked to see Momo’s free hand.
“Hmm… I can tell you kept up with your training… I saw that when you walked in because of how you carried yourself. But your hand… You haven’t shot a bow in over a week, have you?”
“I’m sorry,” squeaked out the meek Singi. “I haven’t really had the chance to do much more than the workout you taught me. I have a job to keep Servy safe, so…”
“Why not remedy that now? There just so happens to be an archery lane, with a target, mind you, just a couple steps away. Your darling Servy will be fine right here. Besides, don’t you want to show off your cool side? What better way than to impress her with your amazing archery skills? And it might calm you down a little bit since you seem to be so tense.”
“Servy hasn’t seen me shoot a bow since she tried to teach me that one time… Okay! Servy, watch and be amazed!!” A fired-up Momo finished off her tea, or what was left of it, and skipped over to the lane. There was already a bow and a quiver of arrows on it.
For the next few hours, Momo launched hundreds of arrows, only stopping when Dineria said it was enough. But it wasn’t all business and no play. The jokes, stories, questions, and humor kept flying around, and when it was time for lunch, Dineria offered to send out one of her employees to bring back whatever Momo wanted to eat. She had a discovered special fondness for fish and shrimp, so she asked if that was fine.
Of course, it was.
Servi still couldn’t talk, and while biting through a thick, fat shrimp coated with butter garlic sauce, Momo talked about the happy moods Servi used to have. She admitted her worries that they wouldn’t ever return, but Dineria waved it away by saying she also experienced something similar.
“The important thing is the love and support of her friends. You’re taking Claire’s advice to heart. About holding hands, I mean. And at this point, I’m sure the two of you are sharing a bed.”
“Eh?! You could tell?!” Momo said with her mouth full of grilled salmon. She nearly choked, but both Itarr and Dineria acted fast, with the latter not aware of the former's existence. The Singi said her thanks, and Dineria continued.
“Uh-huh! It isn’t that hard to tell, but watch out for those guild mattresses. They really aren’t the most comfortable thing in the world. Even a bed of nails is more preferable to those...things that shouldn't be called a bed. The last thing you need is to wake up with a sore back because they’re lumpier than a camel.”
After that, the topic moved to Srassa and her party, and Momo realized Dineria had her own worries about that. In short, the type of air Srassa gave off suggested she was easily influenced. Silverado and Desperado did not do anything that made Dineria suspect them of any foul play. Then again. Dineria still had her concerns because of what she had previously experienced at Warden.
“Back in my day, I overheard quite a few stories about a girl who was taken advantage of by her all-male party members. Either through force or the use of alcohol… I’m not going into the details, but you can probably infer what happened. Those two Koena seem like good men, so there isn’t anything to worry about. But Srassa’s my student, and I can’t help but care. And it’s the same with you, Momo. If I did have any doubts about Servi, they’re completely gone because she stepped up to save you. With that said, thank you, Servi, for doing just that. Once you’re back to us, I just might happen to have a little gift I want to give you.”
“A gift?” Momo wiped her lips with a napkin and drank the rest of her tea. The Singi loved the cold stuff, but the hot tea had its own special place inside her stomach.
“Yep! It’s a secret… I know you’re just dying to know, but my lips are sealed.”
“Aw, come on! Not even a hint?”
“Nope! Hehe! Although, I’m sure it’s one you both will be able to enjoy.”
“A bow? No… It can’t be a weapon…?” Momo placed a hand to her chin and used her entire brain.
“I mean, it could be considered a weapon…”
Ah, her innocent little mind couldn’t possibly know what it could be… I better make sure it’s squeaky clean.
“You’re gonna enjoy watching me wonder myself to death, aren’t you?” Momo narrowed her eyes and laughed.
“I think that’s my right as your instructor. Now, why don’t I give my adorable little student another lesson? Does that sound good?”
Momo stood up and stretched her arms, softly moaning when she felt a small pop of relief. Her eyes went over to the five arrows sticking out of a bale of hay that had a target painted on it. She was doing pretty well, definitely better than before she left for Arcton, but Momo chalked that it up to her mad desire to protect Servi. “That sounds amazing! Thank you!”
“You’re welcome. Now, let’s get started," said Dineria after she popped a slice of tomato into her mouth. She had feasted on a divine salad full of leafy greens and colorful veggies, and there was a deep bowl of thick, juicy grapes off to the side to serve as an after-lunch snack for the three girls.
The one-on-one lesson continued for a while, only stopping partway since Momo had to attend the ladies' room to take care of a private matter. She emerged feeling refreshed, and that positivity followed her through the stance alterations and the breathing exercises. Dineria had noted Momo developed a habit of amassing a block of tension in her shoulders during the draw but eliminated it before letting the arrow loose.
“That is fine for right now, but that practice is something you want to correct. Focus on slowing your arms when you’re drawing the strong, and remember to relax your body,” said the helpful instructor. She retrieved a bow of her own and visually displayed how she wanted Momo to nock the arrow and draw the string. And while she did improve, it wasn’t at the level Dineria expected. Was she upset? Of course not. For all intents and purposes, expecting someone like Momo to fully grasp onto her advanced training after just a month was preposterous. Truth be told, Dineria was a happy Elf because she saw all the little errors and mistakes that used to be so common disappear and vanish.
You are reading story The Story of a Girl & a Goddess Whose Souls Became Interconnected at novel35.com
I suppose she’s been training in her mind. Sounds weird, but dreaming and image training is technically a form of training. Oh, it does an instructor’s heart well to see progress…
When dinner time rolled around, Dineria wanted Momo's input on what they should eat.
“Well, how about breakfast?”
“Breakfast?” quizzically repeated the confused Elf. She blinked her green eyes twice.
Momo nodded. “Sometimes, grampy would cook dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner."
“Oooh, how fun! Can’t believe I haven’t thought to try it.” After calling for another employee, he soon left with a written order he wouldn’t soon forget.
As the girls waited, Momo said she felt bad about being waited on. Dineria cleared up that worry with a wave of her hand. According to her, she paid her employees very well to act as her maids and butlers. At least until closing time, she added on. Momo still found that a little bit confusing, but she didn’t press the issue at all. When the Dwarf did return, he did so with a pair of helpers who held an armful of plates.
If she owns her own store and can pay for so many employees, just how rich is she?
Dineria had wanted the stack of pancakes with a veggie omelette, with the former being loaded with sugar and cherry syrup. Momo was in the mood for a whole plate of eggs and sausages with a side of toast loaded with jelly and honey. She also had to order for Servi and wondered if she would have liked a loaded breakfast sandwich? It came loaded with the works, including sausage, bacon, lettuce, tomato, onion, and a generous helping of cheese.
As soon as the Dwarf handed the plate down, Servi immediately tackled it with her face. The brown sausage just ripped in half as her teeth punctured right through it, flooding her mouth and tongue with pure flavor. The tomato was juicy and ripe, and the crispy lettuce didn’t disappoint at all. Perhaps the bacon was the weakest component since it was slightly soggy and limp, but there were no complaints from this mute girl.
For a brisk moment, Momo was rightly jealous of the sandwich and wished she had gotten it. But right when she brought the over-easy egg to her mouth and felt the yellow drain on her tongue, she knew she had chosen correctly. With haste, she snatched a slice of toast and broke the yellow yolk on her other eggs, combining it all. After a bit of construction and slicing her fat sausages in half, she had the perfect makeshift sandwich.
Dineria was too focused on her sweet, delectable, fluffy brown tower of pancakes. If anyone wanted to get into her good graces, they really just needed to give her a gift of something sweet. A bottle of syrup or honey was the perfect present, actually, since she had a girlish fondness for the nectar. Ah, but she couldn’t forget about the vegetable omelette. Covered and packed with spinach, tomatoes, onion, mushrooms, and spicy peppers, it rang all of her taste buds’ bells.
“Woah… I feel like a pig…” Momo said. She leaned back in the chair and patted her stomach when the last bite of food descended down her throat.
“A hard workout deserves a fulfilling meal. Great your body right, and it will be your best friend. Don’t think about trying to starve it because it won’t forgive you,” Dineria replied. “But overeating can be just as harmful…”
“What’s the limit?” asked Momo.
“I don’t know… And I don’t want to know… Ahh, as long as it’s good, is there a limit?”
“Now we’re both sounding like pigs…”
“If being this full is a sin that turns me into a pig, then turn me into one! Turn me, I say! Oink!”
After the three girls finished their meal, Momo and Dineria chatted a little bit more about various things. Before long, it was getting to be closing time, and it was time for the happy Singi and her lovely Human companion to head back to their room at Warden. Prior to that, Dineria held her arms out wide and gave her student and her friend a welcome back hug.
“Ah… I guess we’re home…”
“And welcome back…”
“Oh! Dineria?”
“I forgot to bring it up earlier, but what are you doing on the 24th? Servy managed to snag herself a spot in a play that’s going on that day.”
Dineria was obviously very confused, and she was even more mystified upon learning Servi’s role as a girl who provided all of the female cries. Not even she knew how that was going to be accomplished, but Dineria said she wouldn’t miss it for anything and vowed to be there.
After another round of hugs, thank-yous, and goodbyes, the green-haired Elf escorted her friends down to the exit and watched them walk away while under the moonlight. She didn’t expect to blow off all of today’s responsibilities, and the meetings she was supposed to attend had to be postponed at the last minute, but any blowback from that could be solved with a few falsely genuine apologies and a gift. Dineria was a girl who wouldn’t ever apologize for doing the correct thing, especially if it involved the people she cared about.
Good luck, you two…
During the walk back to their rooms at Warden, Momo mainly recounted the day and focused on just how many friends Servi had made during her time in Canary. That conversation lasted for a bit, then Momo switched over to plans of the future, like branching off to Adenaford for more advanced quests to possibly buying a ticket and sailing away to the other continent on a boat. The future possibilities were endless, and that was why it was so much fun imagining what was going to happen even a few days from now. Nothing was set in stone. Therefore, it wouldn’t be wrong to wish for the best because that had a chance to come true.
“Are you feeling kind of tired? I am… It feels like my arms are about to fall off… Hey, after I take a shower, why don’t we head to sleep early?” Momo asked after shutting the door. She walked over to the bed and watched as Servi sat down. Since Momo was right next to her, and Servi was in a mood to hug… “Yeah… I figured you’d hug my stomach. Well, I just have to run my fingers through your hair. Hey, you didn’t leave any choice, you know.”
Momo just smiled and started to hum a little tune, only stopping when a dagger appeared in front of her. Her sharp eyes followed it around, and while she expected it to transform via Metal Wall, it morphed into a wide metallic basin. This odd construction hovered a centimeter or two above the floor.
“Uhhhh? Itarr? What’s that?” asked the confused girl. A second dagger appeared and took the form of a long curtain of steel. A moment later, water flowed down, hitting the makeshift tub and promptly disappearing.
Ah… My Goddess friend created a shower… Neat!
"Hold on… A shower? Do you want me to take one in the same room as Servy?” Momo was serenely calm, all things considered. “Okay… I can be close to Servy, but you listen here, girl.” She raised a finger and playfully pointed it down towards the girl hugging her stomach. “You can’t peek in on me, okay? I mean, if you were back to normal… I might…even...suggest…taking a shower…together… But with how you are, I think I’m only comfortable with friendship kisses… Even that's a stretch, but...”
Momo gently grabbed Servi’s arm and guided her up. She poked her friend’s face, stood on her tippy toes, and planted a kiss right on that waiting forehead. “I’ll be back in just a second, okay? I promise I won’t take too long. If you can hang on, there might be a few more cheek kisses in store for you. Hehe!!!” The Singi, who smiled more brightly than the ever-impressive moon, skipped away to the shower created just for her.
Behind the curtain, she made sure there wouldn’t be any way for Servi to inadvertently catch her in the nude, then timidly dressed down to her birthday suit. An infectious smile still covered her pretty face as her tail whipped around. A stray hand dipped itself into the flowing stream. It was so clear and crystalline-like Momo didn't know that this was the purest water known to man. “Umm, if it isn’t too much trouble, can you make it just a little bit hotter? Okay. That’s perfect. Thanks, Itarr!”
Just about ten minutes later, a girl stepped out from behind the privacy walls in nothing but her cutest underwear. Though it was her cutest pair, it wasn’t all that different. Momo fumbled with the clasp behind her back and made triply sure it was hooked and secured. Her panties shared the color of her tail, but it held horizontal stripes of white, giving it a rather childish appearance.
Still, she was half-naked, standing in the middle of a room as the metal objects behind her disappeared into Servi’s ring.
Momo’s soft skin was flushed not from embarrassment but from the rather hot shower she had endured. Her hands touched her heart, then moved to brush against her stomach as she felt the moisture from her hair vanish. It was nearly dry, but now it held no traces of water at all. A second later, it was the same with her skin.
“Was that you, Itarr? You didn’t have to dry my body, but I do appreciate it. Now I don’t have to wait. I can just hop right into bed with Servy.” Upon saying her name, the girl in question sat up since she was patiently sitting on the ground. In a flash, the clothes left her body, leaving only behind that black underwear that drew Momo’s eyes so much. Servi crawled into bed and laid down on top of the covers, her beautiful head taking up half of the pillow. Momo followed suit, and soon enough, she was lying just right there on her side, staring at the girl. In her eyes, she was most the beautiful girl in the big, wide world.
Servi harnessed enough willpower together to give her lovely Singi a hasty smile, and Momo gave a small kiss to her friend’s cheek. She reached out with her hands to touch her stomach, then an idea came to her head. “Servy, do you think you can turn over? Just for a second? I want to try something out.”
It took a moment, but Momo soon felt the bed shake as her friend altered her position. She took that opportunity to slide in close—close enough that her blossoming chest was pushing against Servi’s back. One hand snuck under Servi’s body while the other approached over, and when they met on her warm stomach, the fingers clasped together.
“If we sleep like this…” Some more shuffling later, Momo had her nose resting against Servi’s head. “Wouldn’t that be nice? We’re really like a couple of lovers… Then again… You are facing the other way… Hmm?” Servi wiggled, then did her best to turn right around until her forehead touched Momo’s lips. A pair of arms then wrapped around her back, and they were back in a familiar position. “Or I guess this is good too. I guess my way was pretty selfish for me… But this way… I can really enjoy your cuteness… I can stare at your pretty eyes… Stare at your pretty nose… You’re just so...stunning… And not to mention that we’re pushed right against each other… It’s kinda silly, but it feels like your boobs are trying to fight mine…
“Okay, that’s kind of weird. Ignore that, please... But Servy… When you get better, I’m gonna have a ton of things to say… Even if you remember everything that I’ve said until now, I believe I gotta repeat it.”
The Lux Spheres Itarr had provided for the two girls vanished, allowing darkness to reign once again. For a second, Servi shivered and shook with something resembling fright. The blanket below them vanished and appeared on top a moment later, its warmth protecting them from the rather chilly summer night. It just took a small, friendly kiss for Servi to simmer down, and Momo stared at the lightly damp spot on her darling’s forehead. “Since it is nighttime… We might as well just go ahead and sleep. Good night, Servy. I love you, and I’ll see you in the morning. Itarr, sweet dreams… Oh, can you summon Servy’s ID again? I was telling the truth when I spoke about hugging it. Ah, there it is. It’s gonna be snuggled right between us, okay? Now, I’ll see you in the morning as well.”
With her final wishes said, Momo closed her eyes and buried her nose in that very familiar patch of black hair. The ID was very noticeable, but it wasn’t overly thick and uncomfortable.
You know, Itarr… I do love you as well… But I’ll think I’ll wait for you to get a body before I say that… If only to see how embarrassed you get! Hehehe!!! Wait… Can Goddesses even get embarrassed? Guess I should try to find out beforehand…. Ah, well… That’s a mystery for Future Momo. Present Momo, goodnight and sweet dreams…