Chapter 273: Book Four – Chapter Five – Part Ten – Surrounded by Love

It wasn’t just that morning came quickly. Combined with the fact that night approached with just as much haughty hastiness, it was like Momo and Servi didn’t even spend two hours at the farm. But they did. As a matter of fact, these two best friends and Srassa spent over half the day experiencing things the young Singi thought were only a dream.  

The family that ran the farm for Harold Flinn was more than just that. It was almost akin to a mini-village that lived in a three-story ranch house. The Koena and Kobolds were responsible for wrangling the bulls and cows if they became too rowdy. And the horses as well, but those main fell under the eyes of the four Elves living there. Their slender frame and hasty speed allowed them to catch up with a speeding mare or a bucking stallion with relative ease. Most of the cooking and day-to-day care was done by the few Humans that kept the house nice and tidy. The stout Dwarves spent most of the time hammering out new horseshoes. If not, they switched over to cleaning out the hooves or replacing anything that needed fixing.  

From the moment Momo sat her pretty butt down on that carriage’s soft seat to when she finally took a visit to the land of dreams, the smile never left her face for a moment. As the daughter of the man who gave the land to the farmers, Srassa technically had full reign to do whatever she wanted. She wasn’t the type of noble who would take that power and abuse it like a twisted maniacal tyrant. And not that she ever wanted to be one. That kind of self-control she had—being content with what she had rather than scrambling to obtain even more money, even at the cost of lives of a person’s well-being—was probably the reason most snooty nobles ostracized her.  

Or perhaps it was another reason altogether. Was it true Srassa's lack of friends spawned from a closed-cage childhood? Probably not because Jony was the key that allowed her to have a little bit more freedom since he was her butler and bodyguard. It was because of him that she was allowed to depart freely from her cage. Within reason, of course. The answer to that question was still clouded in so much mystery that Srassa figured she wouldn’t ever get a proper explanation.  

What was true was the respect and degree of honor given to Srassa. No one bowed to her, but every single sentence ended with either a ‘ma’am,’ ‘Lady Flinn,’ or a ‘Miss Flinn.’ 

To start off the magnificent mini-vacation, Srassa asked one of the farmhands to arrange a tour of the stables and barns. Momo practically purred at each and every horse she saw while ignoring the obvious smell of a barn that hadn’t yet been cleaned for the day. Her hands madly gave all of the equestrians their very own massage. Most replied with a pleasant neigh or a haughty snicker. Some even rubbed their long faces against her head. One horse even licked Momo’s face like a happy dog. She gave extra special attentive care to that one. Her mane was as white as snow, and the raised tail meant she was especially loving it.  

The Elf giving the tour remarked that the horse’s name was Pruina. Momo repeated it twice over, then she brought Servi’s hand to the magnificent beast. Her large eyes stared deeply into Servi as if it could read her soul. Tears staggered at the corner of her tear ducts and began to fall like the harshest rain. Even though the barn they were in was built like a stocky Dwarf, even it couldn’t contain the wails of a broken girl. 

The Elf went to preemptively calm down Purina, but there was no need. Purina was a mother four times over. Horses and Humans were far and away different in nearly every sense, but there were certain aspects of emotions that were constant across every species.  

That included motherhood.  

There were never-ending stories of an Elf adopting and raising a Dwarf, a Dwarf taking care of a Kobold, and even a Human taking a Koena in to raise as her own son. A dog who had lost her puppies could transfer the love she had for them to a litter of kittens. Even the mightiest dragons could take upon the role of a parent to protect an infant.  

What Purina did for Servi was unique, but it wasn’t as uncommon as one might seem. For the farmhand showing them around, it was something they had seen only four or five times in three centuries of living.  

The crying did stop, and the next part of the fun began with a simple ride around the farm. As much as Momo loved horses, her rump had never sat on a saddle. Neither had Servi, or so Momo assumed, and the pair had to ride separately on opposite horses with a guide taking the lead. Srassa was an excellent rider, which Momo was happy about. After a small chat, the Singi requested Srassa ride with Servi.  

“I trust the people here, but Servy needs the support of those she knows… I’m sorry for making demands like this…” Momo had whispered.  

Srassa’s response was nothing but pleasantries, and she assured her she would do it. She would have to slip out of her sundress and into something meant for riding regardless, so she said it was better to put it to use for her friend. The small intermission took minutes at most, and this gave Momo the time to talk with the guides about the route and overall life on the farm.  

She recounted the time of her childhood and how her grandfather’s friend had horses. The farmhands understood Momo’s love for all things relating to farming and animals, and they shared in her excitement. Stories were passed around, only stopping when the boss’s daughter emerged from the house in gear suited for a proper cowgirl.  

Her hair was tied into a sporty ponytail. A rust felt hat with a distinct curve sat on top. An orange plaid button-up shirt guarded her chest, and a pair of denim pants protected her lovely legs. Srassa even went all the way and attached spurs to her boots and a buckle to her leather belt. The only thing missing was a lasso attached to her hip.  

Compliments from all around came her way, and Srassa hopped up on Purina with a fascinating grin of confidence. She reached down a hand for Servi, who grabbed it with all the strength of a frail kitten. Srassa had to do most of the gripping and lifting. Internally, she remarked that Servi was lighter than she thought. A pair of emerald eyes turned to the other horse nearby, and the pink Singi sitting behind the Elf raised a waving hand.  

And so, the tour of the farm continued on horseback. Servi wrapped her arms around Srassa's stomach and held on for dear life as they went around the farm’s perimeter. The guide on Momo’s horse started talking while pointing at the enclosed areas for chickens, pigs, and cows. Momo squeaked like an excitable little girl and gleefully stared at the big black and white beasts. The cows moved as their lazy body commanded, their big mouths chomping down on the grass as if it was ambrosia from the Gods.  

The pigs had their own mud pit that they loved to roll around in. Brown dirt soon soiled their vividly pink bodies, and happy, excitable oinks filled the air. The chickens clicked to their heart’s content as the tour made a stop. The guide asked if Momo wanted to feed them, and at that moment, she wanted nothing more. Srassa and Servi remained on horseback, the former placing a hand to her stomach and rubbing Servi’s fingers. Then two pairs of eyes turned and watched as Momo nervously entered the coop. She held a jar of feed in one hand while pouring some out. The rooster of the flock emerged out of a chicken house and spread its big, black wings.  

His wattles and comb were as red as pure sin, and it did not like that an intruder was galavanting around his hens. A nightly growl emerged out, followed by a powerful cluck—a declaration of war, it was! 

The foul fowl charged at Momo, who skedaddled and ran around the oversized chicken coop.  

“Whaaaa!!!! Don’t hurt me,” she cried with laughter. Each innocent, joyful giggle was reminiscent of her childhood when she imagined a chicken was chasing her around the house. The feed in the jar continued to be fished by her other hand. Her instinct alerted her to an incoming attack, and her tail wrapped around her waist with no time to spare. A moment later, and the mighty, selfish rooster would have tasted Singi.  

It was a highly comical scene that left Momo in an even better mood. She dashed out of the gate when the Elven farmhand opened it up.  

“Servy!! Did you see?” Momo said while catching her breath. She turned around and walked back to the cage. Squatting down, she waved goodbye to the brave rooster and assured him he was an excellent husband to his hens for protecting them.   

The guide asked if Moko wanted to feed the pigs, but Momo shook her head and said she didn’t want to get too dirty. But she did ask to introduce herself to the cows, and that occupied another hour of the lengthy day as they wandered over to the cow pens. Servi even hopped down, and Momo reiterated all she knew about the bovines. Her childish side came out when she tried to communicate with a playful calf.  

“Moooooo!!!” sounded the Singi.  


“Moo moo moooo?” 


Moo moo moo moo moo?! Moooooo…” 


“Hehe! You’re such a cute little thing, aren’t you?” Momo switched from squatting to sitting, and the adorable calm pushed itself into Momo’s lap. It hopped off and began to jump around. Happy noises escaped out, and it went for Servi. She sat down and copied what Momo did, even going so far as to have a conversation with the beast. The calf turned its head back to Momo as a bigger cow started to approach.  

She was the calf’s mother. With all the pleasantries she had, Momo introduced herself the only way she knew how.  

By mooing.  

The fun times continued with the cows for about half an hour. It was time for lunch then, and the Elven farmhand remarked he had lunch ready at the house. Srassa mentioned something about there being a nearby lake. 

Sometime later, a group of three girls shared a private moment in front of the bluest body of water Momo had ever seen. The surface was like a crystal, and ripples were so defined whenever a fish decided to pop right out. The image reflected was tarnished for but a moment before appearing once again.

You are reading story The Story of a Girl & a Goddess Whose Souls Became Interconnected at

The empty picnic box nearby had enclosed bowls of vegetable soup with freshly baked bread. A hearty cup of milk was provided for each lady. While the meal was fantastic, Momo remarked spending time with each other was the best part. She laid down on the table cloth they had set out and raised a hand to the bright sun. A cloud was limiting its lustrous rays, so it didn’t hurt her eyes that much.  

A quiet Servi soon joined her, and a hatless Srassa followed suit. Hands became connected as the three girls took in the tranquility. The slice of nature was absolutely calm and serene. Momo shared her utmost thanks to Srassa for arranging everything.  

“I am quite happy you’re enjoying it. Umm… I figured this trip could be for Servi, but it’s also for you. I know you don’t mind looking after her, and I hope you… I… I hope this isn’t prudent to say, but I figured this fun-filled day could erase away your stress… That is… If you have any…” She turned her lovely head and stared at Momo’s face.  

“Servy won’t ever be a stress… Until she’s better and back to us, I’ll be her protector forever. But I will say that I was still feeling juuust a little bit sore. Dineria really put us through the wringer…” 

“Hehe! Yes, she most certainly did… I enjoyed it, though… It…was fun.” 

“And the fun won’t stop when you’re with us, Srassa…” Momo squeezed both Srassa’s and Servi’s hands, and the two returned it. After a little bit more time enjoying the pureness of a perfect scene of nature, it was time to walk back to the house. The three still had their hands held together. The smell of flowers growing to the wayside accompanied them on their short 800-meter journey. A couple of winged-squirrels flew by to see what these strange Humans and Singi were up to. One furry critter landed on Servi’s head and almost laid down. One latched onto the bag Srassa was holding, and she stopped to pick out a small crumb of bread that didn’t get eaten.  

It was against common courtesy to feed the wildlife, but Momo and Srassa felt a few little pieces weren’t going to end the world.  

The day continued on with a tour of the farming fields since Momo asked to see that, and the rest of the time was spent relaxing with the horses. The farmhands did something better and emptied out the horse barn. They even gave her a saddle and taught her how to prepare a horse for ridding. She managed to saddle one up. With the reigns of her hands, she copied what Srassa did and went for a trek. She was always within eye-sight. And Momo wanted to have Servi hop on the back, but she was advised against that because she was a total novice.  I suppose it makes sense… Well, there is always next time… 

When the moon slithered into view, it was time for the adventure to end. Both the noble and her Singi friend were utterly worn out, and a quick nap assured the return trip was over in a snap. A groggy Momo hugged Srassa and thanked her once more before crawling out of the carriage. Servi copied her guardian’s motions and soon left as well.  

“Srassa… I forgot to mention this before, but the director wants this to be our last break. Today’s the 12th, right?” 

Srassa poked her head—complete with her cowboy hat—out of the carriage window and nodded. “Does this mean…?” 

“I’m afraid so…” Momo yawned. “We won’t have any free time… We won’t even be able to enjoy the festival… Bartholomew said that one must devote themselves to their passion and not allow any frivolities to distract them from their destiny.  By the time we leave the theatre hall, it’s going to be almost 9 at night, and we have to get up early to get there for rehearsal… We might have a little bit of time before the show on the 24th… By then, I hope there’s enough life left in it. I’ve never heard of one lasting a whole week… In my village, we never really threw any… Maybe something small here and there, but nothing like what I’ve been seeing people prepare.” 

“Canary’s the only place with one that lasts a whole week. At least in Lando... I don't even think the founding festival in Adenaford lasts that long. Momo, if I don’t see you before then, I’ll definitely see you two at the theatre hall. You can count on me being there…” Srassa flashed a pretty smile, and Momo returned it. The noble’s head returned to the carriage as she instructed the driver to take her home.  

Momo waved goodbye and said her thanks to the driver and the guards that escorted the carriage. She hadn’t seen them during the trip, and Momo hoped they had something fun to do instead of wait. That would've been boring... And I'll feel kind of bad if they had to literally sit there and wait while Servy and I played our hearts out with the cows and horses... 

Servi squeezed the hand she held, and Momo smiled. Together, the two walked up the guild’s steps and charted a hasty, exhausting course to the fifth floor. A long soak later, a very familiar scene was unfolding before their very eyes.  

Servi and Momo faced each other in their underwear—something the two had done for over a week now. The Singi’s soft hands brushed against Servi’s exposed belly, and she very lightly applied a modicum amount of force. Next, her hands trailed upwards before jeering off to her shoulders. Finally, she pulled the beautiful girl into a hug.  

“Servy, did you have fun?” Momo whispered. Under the veil of a warm summer night, Servi returned the hug and nuzzled her cheek like an adoring puppy. “I did… Honestly, it kinda feels like today was more for me than you… But I know you enjoyed it. We got to play with the cows… I got chased by a rooster… The horses were very friendly… Oh... We. Got. To. Ride. Horses!!! How cool is that?!?!??! Hehehe!!! I can still feel Purina’s warm fur… She was so pretty and cute… But if I can say one negative about the day, it’s that I wished you and I could have ridden together… I’m still a beginner, so I know why we couldn’t… Still… If that was the worse thing, then I think we had ourselves a pretty good day!! 

“Tomorrow… Servy, we’re going to need the energy. You have the hardest role out of everyone, but I know you’re gonna ace it. Do you know how I know that? It’s because you’re already doing an amazing job! You’re really the only one Bartholomew hasn’t yelled at, and I hope he keeps it that way. He’s kind of a jerk, and I don’t really like him, but no one has any issues with his directing style. He must be something famous, right?” Momo stopped speaking for a moment and kissed Servi’s forehead. “If you wanted, I’m sure you could become more famous than him. Can you imagine it? Servy! Rank 0 Adventurer and the Brightest Star Across the Stage! I can see the newspaper now.  

“Hey, let’s talk about who’s coming to the play… Claire’s definitely going to be there. Srassa is too. Feral might, but we definitely have to ask him. Dineria is for sure…and of course, I’m gonna be front and center in the first row… We can ask Fisher and his family. I can already see Mari and Meri cheering and clapping their little hands for you… His daughters sure are cute... Between us... I think they might be a little bit more adorable if they had cat ears... Or bunny ears. You can't go wrong with those, right?

“I wish Riki and Rakkire will be back by then… And I don’t even know where those two Koena boneheads are… Ugh… I can’t believe they did that… I want to be mad—okay, I am upset at them. I'm furious! But there has to be a reason, right? Servy, I learned my mistake that I can’t just assume every little thing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely not saying Srassa deserved it or anything, but there could be a hidden story that we aren’t getting the full picture of. Does that make sense? I really don’t think Srassa is lying, but from what we know about them… They seemed nice and friendly… It feels like there’s something is lurking in the shadows, but I don’t know what it is… But whatever… Srassa is with us now.  

“Itarr, I hope that’s fine with you. I realized I didn’t ask for your input, and I’m sorry. But I think you’ll like her. She’s smart and-- I don't want to say talented because that'll brush over the hard work she put in... So I'll say she's an incredibly hard worker. Like I said earlier, she almost beat me, and I’ve been training for a long while. So the determination is there… But like me, she just needs a little polish to see the brilliance underneath.” Momo grinned. “Hey, that was kinda cool, right? I can say some inspiring things when the time is right… 

“Servy, it has been a while since we’ve had one of these late-night talks. It’s a one-sided conversation for the time being, but I can hear you talk through your hands. And through your touch… And most especially when you’re squirming around trying to find the right position to fall asleep…” As if on cue, Servi slowly slid down until she cradled her face between Momo’s chest. She just smiled and kissed Servi’s head.  

“And now I guess it’s time to head asleep. We got over a week of constant practice and rehearsals ahead of us… Good night, Servy. I love you. And sweet dreams, Itarr…” Before her blue eyes shut, a stone ID was born from thin air. Momo promptly grabbed  and added it to her and Servi’s snuggle session.  

Wake up. Eat breakfast. Walk to the theatre hall. Rehearse for twelve hours. Walk home. Eat dinner. Sleep.  

Day, after day, after day, after day, after day, after day…  

Whenever Momo blinked, she saw nothing but the play. After just two days of hardcore rehearsal, every line was engrained so deeply within her mind that she could recite every little word.  

Even though she had the easy role of just supporting Servi, Momo ended the day feeling tired and sore. Her nightly and morning workouts did wonder to combat her restlessness, but lethargy was the name of the game.  

On the night of the 23rd, after days and days of the same old monotonous song and dance… Days after being unable to fully enjoy the joyous festival and all the excitement and delicious food it had to offer, Momo’s fluffy ears couldn’t believe what they had just heard. She was standing next to Servi and the rest of the cast and crew while Bartholomew spoke.  

“You’ve done so much and accomplished a titanic task without fearing the mark of failure. It is impossible to proclaim just how happy I am that we have all worked together. I know we all had to sacrifice a lot, and I know many of you were just vying for the chance to experience the wonderful festival we’ve been ignoring. Well, take the time tomorrow to have your fill of fun. The doors open at 7 PM, and the play will begin at 8 PM sharp. You all are expected to be here no later than 6 PM to change into your costumes.

"As a word of warning, do not consume too many sugary drinks. Tea is fine in moderation, but too much will stress out your throat. For those who enjoy alcohol, refrain from drinking even a single drop. You wouldn’t want to waste all of this effort because you were too drunk to perform, right? Think of the hard work… The blood and tears you all poured into your roles… if you honestly want to trash it all and become a drunkard, then I’m not liable for what I will do to you. Luckily, I don’t believe that will be an issue.  

“And that is the end to what I have to say. Ah, regarding your payment… We will have it ready tomorrow after the production has ended. Yes, speaking of that… Wyima has organized a little afterparty to celebrate. It will be held in the ballroom located on the second floor. We expect the play to end at 10 PM, and the party will last until it comes to a natural conclusion. Whether that means it will last two hours or eighteen hours is up to all who attend. Consider it my way of thanking each and every one of you. I know I can be overly harsh in my direction, but keep this in mind. It isn’t anything personal at all. I just have a method to my madness, and I am sure you all agree that my directing has made you a better actor.  

“Now, you’re all dismissed. Take care when going home, and get a good night's sleep.” Bartholomew removed his monocle and slipped it inside his pocket. The tuff of hair on his head seemed to wiggle as a mighty yawn purred out of his mouth. As always, Wyima followed up his boss with a few words of his own. Only then was the cast and crew free to leave.  

A hubbub of relief emerged as held breaths were released. After saying a temporary goodbye to Myrabel and the others Momo had grown friendly with, it was time for her and Servi to go home.