Chapter 283: Book Four – Chapter Eight – Part One – The Best Day of Their Lives

Turning to the ID that floated in the air, Momo swept it within her arms and hugged it to her chest. “And that was sweet of you to offer that.” 

I want to be helpful. Servi, our unique abilities allow us a chance to lend aid in ways never before seen. With that said, I have something to ask.  

“What’s up?” asked Momo. She and Servi started to walk again. Without verbally confirming it, she knew their destination was the Old Onyx clothing store.  

Do you think that we must keep our abilities hidden? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to display them to the entire world, but… 

“I get what you mean. We could use our skills here or there. We won’t brag about them, but we won’t also go through the trouble of keeping them under lock and key. That’s fine with me. If anything, I could just say my ring is a gift from my instructor. I can’t even say that’s technically true because it’s entirely true.” 


A conversation about bunny girls somehow sprung up from nothing while the group headed towards their destination. After a bit, it switched over to Srassa. This topic wasn’t about telling her about Servi's past, but it was about the girl herself. Servi opened the gate to her heart and expressed just how thankful she was to the green-eyed noble. 

Since they weren’t in the common district, they had to go all the way there to reach their destination, but it was not boring in the slightest. Especially when they happened to pass by a familiar girl walking out from her double-gated mansion. Servi and Momo were just thinking about running into her, and now it happened.  

She was by herself, but only in the visual sense. If someone looked above, they would see a few birds flying in an unfamiliar pattern while two canaries sat on a nearby house. Spirits of the aviary variety can often be used as messenger spirits by linking the sense of sight to their summoner.  It wasn’t much harder to transfer the summoner's hearing as well.  

The only daughter of the Flinn household was never alone. She always had constant guards. Perhaps not on every street, but she had eyes surrounding her at any given point whenever she left the safety of her well-guarded home.  

Srassa, from her gigantic wardrobe full of clothes often given to her by her parents as random gifts to keep her occupied, had picked out the very same outfit she had worn about a week prior. The hat was exchanged for a small hair clip, and the spurs attached to her boots were missing. A difference to note was that her plaid shirt wasn’t buttoned all the way up. The day was going to be hot, so the girl needed to make her new favorite outfit breathable. She wasn’t afraid or ashamed of her busty bosom, but she was against showing off more skin than necessary.  

Jony once had a conversation with her about the proper amount of skin a lady had to show if needed, and the naïve girl didn’t question her bodyguard for a second. She did appreciate it when he mentioned she could take those guidelines and trash them because what mattered most was her comfortability. 

If I want to be comfy, I better fold back these sleeves. Srassa did just that with a technique Jony had taught her, and soon her pretty slender arms were on display. She thought about it a moment longer and buttoned up the next button to completely eliminate whatever cleavage she was showing. If anything, she thought it looked much better this way.  

Jony was talking about a dress and not a shirt… Now that I’m thinking about it, why is it considered proper—encouraged, even— for a lady to wear a dress or gown that accentuates her breasts and legs when attending an occasion that calls for formal wear? I guess I don’t have anything against that because Jony taught me to love my body and ignore what others think, but… Srassa, is this really the time to think about dresses, breasts, and legs? You’ve been cooped up for almost a week, so it’s time to have some fun!  

She turned around, moving her eyes from the guard to a pair of girls that she knew very well. That sent a smile crawling across her face as she jogged over, allowing her to forget about that embarrassing incident.  

Momo waved, which wasn’t anything special. But Servi? Srassa thought there was something odd because her black-haired friend was also moving her arm.  

“Ser…vi? Servi? There’s something…different. Momo, is—”  

“It’s been a while, Srassa…” Servi said. She was taken by surprise when Srassa threw herself at Servi. It just took five small words to drive her to tears. For a brief moment, Servi unhooked her fingers from Momo’s grasp and hugged the girl who was becoming near and dear to her heart. The scent of flowers and fruit burrowed through her nostrils.  “Srassa… Mosie told me what you did for us. That was awfully sweet of you to take us to the stables and let us play with the cows and horses… And she told me about how you let me ride with you… And how when we were at Claire’s, and you held my hand when she cooked so I wouldn’t be alone… You did all that for me, and I just don’t know how to thank you. Srassa, you’ve got a friend for life in me."

“Servi… Wwaahhh!!!” Srassa didn’t think she could cry more than she was already doing, but Servi’s final words were just what she wanted to hear. A friend for life… Jony didn’t count. Evie was like family. Her parents were just that. Parents. The other servants responsible for the food and cleaning often came and went as frequently as the briskest breeze. It was rare for someone to stay longer than half a year. She never shared her truest worries with anyone, but Jony was subtly aware of what his mistress desired.  

Momo smiled from ear to ear and joined the hug. It was a shame the three of them had to skedaddle to the side of the road because they were standing in the middle.  The street wasn’t that small for them to be an obstacle, but because the summer festival was burning the final wick of its seven-day-long candle, it was in full swing. Luckily, Srassa’s house was just right there. They could lean against the fence until rushed emotions could simmer down.  

“It really does my heart well to see you back, Servi.” Srassa’s wet eyes looked up at her friend as a charming, thankful smile flashed across her pretty lips.  

“Thank you, Srassa. I hope I wasn’t too much trouble.” 

“Perish the thought! I was afraid I hadn’t done enough to support you.” Servi gave another hug. “How are you feeling? Are you hurt? Does anything feel funny? My mother’s nurse is inside—” 

“I’m perfectly fine. If anything, I feel a bit tight in my shoulders. I need to get back into the swing of things. But that can wait until later because I received some good news this morning.” 

“Really? About what?” Srassa suddenly remembered she had her arms around Servi’s waist, and she not-so-subtly made a little distance. Her embarrassed face was a treat to witness.  

It’s kinda cute seeing you so embarrassed, Srassa. The Singi mentally noted.  

“It’s about my instructor. She’s the one who taught me how to fight. She’s coming in tomorrow, and we were wondering if you want to come with us when we meet up with her.” 

“I would love to! Oh, what should I wear? Oh, and what time? If it’s far, I can request use of a carriage.” 

“I don’t really think there’s a dress code to meeting my instructor, so wear what’s comfortable? We were going to head out in the morning. Probably after 9 since that gives us a chance to eat a good breakfast. Thanks for the carriage offer, but it isn’t needed. We’re supposed to meet her near Luqa Village. It’s a lovely little farming village that’s just a few hours away,” Servi said. She glanced at Momo and saw her wink and nod. The details of where Itarr would obtain a body hadn’t been discussed, but what Servi suggested was fine with the Goddess. She twirled and twirled around inside their connected soul. The flashy, vivid crimson that was her home inside Servi was so incredibly warm and comforting. Her formless existence morphed into a humanoid-like shape as a smile carved itself across her face.

“Ah… I understand. I’ve heard of Luqa Village, but I’ve never been there. You and Servi went there once before, right?” 

Momo nodded her pretty head and tangled her fingers around Servi’s hand. “Yep. Tarch was our client. We had to pick some shiroblooms. They had a cow named Messy I’d like to see again.” 

“A cow named Messy? That’s cute.” 

“Hey, are you busy with anything?” Servi asked.  

“Not really. I haven’t really gone anywhere since Jony and my father are still in Adenaford. I don’t like experiencing the festival alone. Mother’s as big as cow herself, and her doctor said she was not to do anything especially laborious until after the baby is delivered. Evie is busy taking care of mother, so she’s busy at all hours of the day. I wanted to have fun with you two, but your commitment to the play meant that was impossible. Oh, I didn’t mean anything by that.” With blushing cheeks, Srassa stammered her words while trying to balance them on her tongue.  

“Then how about coming with us? We haven’t had a chance to have fun yet. I need to stop by the Old Onyx, though. I wanted to get some new clothes.” 

“That sounds like fun,” said Srassa, who quickly simmered off. Momo found it absolutely adorable because Srassa’s erratic mannerisms were similar to her own when she first met Servi. 

You are reading story The Story of a Girl & a Goddess Whose Souls Became Interconnected at

I was a nervous wreck every night. And every day. And every waking second. I constantly spoke over myself and blabbered on and on and on. I said it before, and I’ll say it again…If I was born a Human, or she a Singi, we would have definitely been sisters. We’re just so much alike that I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if somehow, someway, my personality was copied to a Human.  

After a few weeks of being together, she’ll probably stop being embarrassed at every little thing. But hold on… She didn’t get like this when we went to her family’s farm, right? That isn’t so surprising, I guess.  

“Good.” Servi held out her free hand, and Srassa stared at it as if it was an odd, mysterious object. She looked up with a raised brow. A gust of wind blew her blond hair across her cheeks, sending with it a scent of flower and fruit. “We’ve held hands before, right? To be honest, my hand’s been occupied for so long that it feels almost strange if I’m not holding something. If you don’t—” 

Srassa cut Servi’s words with her actions. The immortal girl soon received a pair of squeezed from the hands she held, and off they went towards the Old Onyx while ignoring any bigoted gazes that may have veered towards them.  

If anyone had any problem with how the three girls expressed their friendship, then a Goddess was cashing checks and taking names.  

“MY FRIEND!!!!!!” BWWHAAAAAA!!!!!” A tremendously happy Feral was spinning in circles with his arms raised in the air. They weren’t empty because they lifted a certain girl with eyes redder than the harshest volcanic flames by her waist.

“It’s good to see you, big man!” Servi’s hair smacked against her face as an equally enthusiastic voice flowed from her lips. Her immortality meant dizziness would never again cause her any discomfort. The same couldn’t be said for Feral.  

“Eh…hehe…” Srassa nervously chuckled and scratched her cheeks with an index finger. “Momo?” 

“Yes?” Her voice was slightly monotone, but only because of the absurdity of the situation.  

“My eyes aren’t deceiving me, right? Feral’s spinning while holding Servi like a father would his child?” 

“That’s…exactly what’s happening…”   

Right when Servi and her merry band of chatting friends had turned onto the road that had their destination, Feral was coincidentally located a couple of meters ahead. Momo had called out ahead, causing the large Kobold to turn around. He smiled a toothy grin and happily growled. His tailed bashed into the ground when he doubled back.  

Servi only had to utter an innocent, ‘Hiya, Feral,’ before fat tears spewed from his large eyes while he roared with glee.

Balance found it apt to leave the crying beast. He tumbled over and crashed hard into the ground, but the grass cushioned his fall. Doubly lucky was the fact he wasn’t anywhere near the store’s entrance since he would have gotten in trouble if he had collapsed on the newly planted flowers lining the pathway.

The Kobold had the sense to let go, lest he squash his friend, and Servi flew through the air. She recovered like an Olympic acrobat. Her feet stomped through the grass when she ran back to help her jolly green companion. His face was slightly abashed with embarrassment. The first words concerned Servi’s safety and not his own wounds, which was a single scratch that didn’t even break his skin, let alone his scales.

“I’m alright. It is good to see you again. Momo said you mentioned you’d learn how to pray for me?” She jogged behind him and grabbed his large, imposing shoulders. An exclamation of surprise came from his alligator-like mouth when he realized Servi had more strength than he thought. His slab of iron he called a tower shield was heavier than him, but he was almost actively pushing back towards the grass.  

His simple mind found it astonishing, but he didn’t think it was anything too strange, considering she once lifted his shield. On that note, he didn’t even once think that it was impossible for most Humans—especially a female the size of Servi—to do the same thing.  

“That I did. I have never done it before,” Feral said while getting to his feet. His simple shirt was dirty, so Servi dusted off the back of it. “Did it help?” 

“I like to think it did.” Servi ran around the front of him and gave him a hug. With the size difference aside, it was unique seeing a Human female willingly hug a man from a race known for their brutality and insatiable blood lust.  

“I—I—I am happy!” A crimson blush and a slamming tail meant Feral was feeling fine and overjoyed. Servi hopped back and asked him what he was up to. “Aunt Canary gave me some money for clothing. She said someone like me should have a set of fancy clothes even if the time to wear them will never come. What I wore yesterday belonged to her Husband—my uncle… He passed away before I was born. I have never met him, but he was around my size.” 

“What a coincidence. I’m here to do the same thing.” 

“Then let us shop together?” growled the beast.  

“That sounds like a plan to me. You two don’t mind, right?” 

Momo and Srassa both smiled, and that took care of that.  

The four strolled into the fancy Old Onyx and weren't alarmed to see it packed. Everyone needed clothes and other small household goods. Combined with the embers of a very successful festival and the killer bargains, the store had enough people to make back almost as much money Jon—the new owner—had flooded into it. That was fantastic since a profit was soon going to be within his reach. That all depended on if he took the mysterious gift a certain someone left inside his shop some nights ago.  

“Can I help you?” asked a sporty-looking Dwarf. She wore a proper uniform suited to her short stature with rosy red cheeks.  

“We’re just looking for right now. Oh, do you have anything in his size?” Servi pointed to the only male amongst their group.  

“That we do. Our Kobold selection is in the back corner. It's next to the fifth row of dressers. If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask an employee.” 

“Ah, there is one thing.” Five words caused the Dwarf to spin right around. The flared edge of her skirt danced upwards just a tiny bit. “Is Jon in?” 

“Yes, ma’am, he is. I’ll go fetch him.” 

The Dwarf scurried off as Feral stomped his to the Kobold section. Servi and her gal pals started to peruse the closest dresser. She remembered from the time she worked here that the entire nearly building-long dressers were actually considered a good thing since the shop’s previous owner had a method to her madness. The former owner didn’t think having smaller dressers—or even neatly spread out tables like every other clothing shop—would have helped at all.

Much like everything else, it seemed the whole world resolved around odd little design choices. Servi couldn’t wrap her pretty, little puzzled head around it. She briefly wondered if her feelings on such matter were a key to finding her past since it seemed no one had any problems with it.  

Jon, sharply dressed in a suit and tie that hugged his muscled body, soon jogged over and exclaimed surprise at seeing Servi and Momo. She introduced herself properly and thanked him for allowing her to work even while she wasn’t all there. She contributed a bit of that to her hasty recovery. Jon turned around and said the appreciation should have been the other way around because they cleaned so efficiently he opened earlier than scheduled. He asked if he could help them, and Servi explained about her want for a new outfit. He personally escorted her over to the right section once she told him her size.