Chapter 6: Chapter 5

The name, Arlan Reeve, echoed throughout the hall. Some gasped and some murmured. A commoner was turned into a noble, a noble of House Reeves. Since Arlan was adopted the same day they had met, small rumors spread that Arlan was the Duke’s bastard son kept hidden away. The silence didn’t last long as people began to applaud the former orphan. Some were unsure how to feel but no one dared to question the Duke.

Arlan rose to his feet. He wasn’t exactly surprised nor did he predict this. The Duke sheathed his mithril longsword while Norman came forth holding a red pillow. On this red pillow was the golden lion sigil for Arlan.

Duke Louis Reeve took the sigil in preparation of pinning it on his newly adopted son. Noble parents would pin their house sigil on their children who turned fourteen. The Duke was overcome by joy as he never got the chance to do this. He leaned in and pinned the golden lion sigil on Arlan’s collar. The moment after surprised Arlan.

The Duke embraced Arlan and whispered, “Arlan, save the Midland people. I know you will do it. Becoming my son will help you do that. But that wasn’t why I chose to adopt you. Something compels me to love you like a son.”

A familiar emotion had arisen within Arlan’s heart. It was the same feeling that he felt with Miss Petrah. Duke Reeve was a great man, and he cared deeply for his subjects.

Arlan raised his arms and reciprocated the affection to his new father. Arlan Reeve couldn’t hold back his tears. Even in his previous life, training instructors and senior officers kept their distance, none were father-like.

After calming down, Arlan replied, “I promise to protect the Midland Kingdom and its people… Father.”

“My first son would’ve turned fourteen today.” said the Duke as he let go of Arlan.

Count Emile was the first Reeve to walk up. He knelt to the pair and said, “Brother, I wanted to be the first to congratulate you. You found a son worthy enough to bear the family crest. I will protect and guide him as if he were my own.”

“Rise, Emile.” said the Duke, “I have no doubts you will.”

Count Emile rose back on his feet, turned to Arlan, and held out his hand. Arlan accepted the offer for a handshake. “Arlan, come to me if you ever need anything. The Reeves take care of our own.” smiled Count Emile.

“Thank you. Uncle Emile,” said Arlan slyly. Count Emile was taken aback from being called uncle so soon. He let out a small laugh right after. Arlan’s new uncle waved over Countess Vivia and his daughters. Countess Vivia embraced Arlan and repeated what Count Emile had said.

Countess Vivia then ushered towards her daughters. The oldest introduced herself as Katalina. Then the younger daughter with shorter hair came forward and introduced herself as Katherine. Arlan felt no hostility from Count Emile and his family. This relaxed Arlan as he wasn’t sure if they’d accept him.

The rest of the festivities went on as many different nobles greeted Arlan and asked about his battle with the goblins. The celebration and food lasted for another two hours before Arlan asked his new father if he could retire for the night. The Duke sent Norman to escort Arlan to a different room. Although the Duke lived in Lionsheart, there was a wing for the Duke and his family. Only the Duke’s chambers were used for obvious reasons.

They arrived in front of the room that was meant for the Duke’s late eldest son. The room was large and held many amenities. A tall bookshelf complemented a mahogany desk on the left side of the room while the fireplace was on the opposite wall between two windows. A rug made from bear pelt lay in the center of the room. It pointed to the right wall where there was a giant bed meant for royalty. It sported decorations with numerous carvings of lions. Arlan spotted a wardrobe in the right corner.

This is going to take some getting used to.

“Norman, I’m going to retire for the night. Thank you for showing me to my room,” stated Arlan. Norman bowed then clapped his hands twice and left. Arlan was confused at the clapping. But he realized it was a signal for a maid with brunette hair to enter the room. Another maid followed in with light lavender hair. Both were in their early twenties with hourglass figures and were well endowed.

The two maids bowed then approached Arlan and started to undress his clothes for him. Arlan wasn’t sure how to react. “I will undress alone. You may leave,” said Arlan. The maids immediately stopped and took a few steps back while keeping their heads down. The maid with brunette hair spoke first, “Young Master, the Head Butler Norman told us that you are the Duke Reeve’s son. We owe our lives to the Duke and were ordered to not leave your side when you are within Highmane. We cannot dishonor the Duke’s orders.”

“I see. What are your names?” asked Arlan.

“My name is Jeanette, Master Arlan.” said the brunette maid, still keeping her head down. Arlan turned to the maid with light lavender hair as she answered.

“My name is Maria, Master Arlan.”

“Just call me Arlan when we’re alone. If you both have to stay when I change, it doesn’t bother me.”

“Yes, Arlan.” replied both of the maids. Arlan resumed undressing. The maids did not react. They were used to seeing nobles change. Arlan wasn’t shy about changing in front of the maids. Life in the Terran Federation military meant naked medical checkups or changing around fellow soldiers.

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Federation soldiers were encouraged to have families or spouses. It provided a great reason for soldiers to fight harder. So Arlan was open to the idea of a wife and family. He even went on numerous dates with different women but they would never progress into a relationship.

There was always a lingering desire for something more but it wasn’t necessary to Arlan. He had bigger priorities then and still has bigger priorities now. Since it was required for Arlan to be an extrovert, he was never scared to talk to females either. He was even good at it because to Arlan, it was just another form of warfare.

After pulling over a white silky tunic, Arlan was ready for the bed. “Jeanette, Maria, do you have to stay the whole night?” asked Arlan.

“Yes, Arlan. We rest during the day when the next two maids come in during the morning,” answered Maria.

“I don’t mind if you fall asleep on the bed as well. Good night,” said Arlan as he got ready for bed. This was short-lived due to the heavy footsteps that could be heard outside the door.

I thought they would come tomorrow morning but tonight works, too.

The young baron’s door swung to reveal Duke Reeve and Count Emile. The maids instantly bowed and excused themselves out of the room. Arlan immediately bowed with his right hand over his heart. “Father and Uncle Emile, I apologize for my clothes. I did not expect company.”

“It’s fine, Arlan. You don’t have to speak so formally with me anymore. You’re my son now.” stated the Duke as Arlan rose.

“Arlan, do you like the room?” asked Count Emile.

“It’s quite extravagant. I think it’s a bit too much for me. A smaller room with a desk would work just fine. But thank you, Uncle Emile.” answered Arlan.

“Nonsense, you’re the Duke’s eldest son and my nephew now. Where you sleep is a representation of our power. It wouldn’t be right if you stayed in a smaller room.” stated Count Emile.

He was right. Displaying your power and wealth back on Terra was considered obnoxious. But on Althea, it meant everything. It can be very beneficial to have a powerful reputation.

“I understand,” answered Arlan.

“I’ve already explained to Emile what you told me. We’re both here to let you know of your duties and your training,” said Duke Reeve as he sat down on the bed.

“Arlan, you’re now the Duke’s son and a Baron from House Reeve. What you say, or do, represents this family. I trust you’ll know how to behave since you’ve been well spoken thus far.” said Emile as he hands a scroll to Arlan, “This is your special enrollment into Lancel High Academy. It’s one of the four academies across the Midland Kingdom. Lancel High Academy has the best instructors for court education, military studies, swordsmanship, economics, mana manipulation, ancient history, and other subjects.”

An academy? I’ve attended a military academy back on Terra. This should be no different. But this will prove extremely useful for learning skills, cultivating my core, and learning magic. I should take advantage of this for sure.

“When does the first semester start?” asked Arlan.

“In two months when the fall season takes over. Lancel High Academy is next to Auron, the emerald lake city. We own a Manor there that you’ll be staying at until you’re done with your first year.” stated Count Emile, “Until then, I’ll teach you about the Midland Kingdom’s inner workings and your father will train you in combat.”

“One year from now, we’ll reconvene about how we can prevent Midland’s downfall,” said the Duke. “You’ll be attending the war council when I rally the banners at that time.”

“Louis, it’s getting late now. Let your son get some rest.”

“Alright, sleep well, son. We start tomorrow in the morning.”

Count Emile and Duke Reeve left for their quarters but are replaced by Jeanette and Maria. Arlan laid down on his bed for the first time. It felt like a cloud had been pulled down to create the very bed he laid on. He fell into a deep slumber the moment he closed his eyes.