Chapter 12: Chapter 11

Arlan returned to Galdo City and immediately reported to Highmane. Count Emile was in the courtyard to receive his nephew. “Welcome back, Arlan. I’ve read your report. I’ve sent the same report to your father and your other uncle, Count Daxton.”

“Where is my father?” asked Arlan as servants came out to help remove his armor.

“Your father returned to the Lionheart on official business,” replied Count Emile.

“When will he be back?”

“I’m afraid I don’t know. He may not return in time to see you off.”

“Uncle, there are private matters I wish to discuss.”

“Come, let us meet in my study,” said Count Emile. Both Arlan and Count Emile walked through Highmane to Count Emile’s study room. Two elite guards escorted them through and waited outside the study. The two Reeves entered the room to discuss matters in private.

Count Emile broke the silence, “What is it you’d like to discuss, Arlan?”

“First, Lord Poma needs to be investigated thoroughly. I have a feeling he’s connected to the monsters somehow.”

“I see, and why is that?”

“There was some crucial information that he withheld. He also hired some mercenaries to instigate a fight with us.”

“Alright, I’ll dispatch some spies to Galdera. I’m sure that’s not your only concern.”

“During our battle with the demon, Izradon, he called me Ashra. Do you know what that means?”

“No, I’ve never heard of such a name or title. It seems to be something that predates our knowledge. Demons have been around since the time before the cataclysm. Another concern is that Demons have been known to involve themselves with a kingdom’s affairs. Izradon is likely in league with the Swora.”

“That’s concerning to hear. Even though it had less essence capacity than me, it was an incredibly strong opponent. The ‘Malum Incarnate’, do we have any records of that group?”

“Demon society is split into many different orders. If the Malum Incarnate has access to portal magic, they are likely a high-ranking group. But the most dominant order has yet to act or be seen in the last thousand years. The Grand Archives at the Capitol City, Oreta, may have some books.”

“Oreta is at least a week's ride from here, right?”

“Yes, you’ll have to leave for Lancel High in a couple of days. I can send a formal request to the Grand Archives.”

“That won’t be necessary. I’ll visit Oreta when I get the chance. That’s all I wanted to speak of.”

“Arlan, once again, you’ve done the realm a great service. I did not expect such initiative from you. You’ll be rewarded for your actions. I’ll be transferring two more platoons of soldiers to your banner.”

“Thank you, Uncle Emile. Will they be recruits as well?” asked Arlan.

“No, they’ve just completed their training. I believe one of the soldiers is a friend of yours from the orphanage. Noah I believe was his name. Also, your current platoon has been promoted to soldiers as well.”

“I’ll do my best to train them to my standards. I will now take my leave.”

“Before you go, I have another request. Vivia and I are caught in our duties. Could you escort Katalina through the city while she tends to her shopping?”

“I will ensure Katalina’s safety,” answered Arlan as he bowed.

“Thank you, Arlan. I’ll have her meet you in the courtyard in thirty minutes. I assume you’d like to take a bath and change. Enjoy Galdo City a bit more before your trip.” said Count Emile as the young lion left.

After his private meeting, Arlan returned to his room to see a hot bath prepared for him by two of his maids, Jeanette and Maria. They welcomed the young baron back with the usual formal welcome.

Arlan lay in the bath and thought about having to train two more platoons.

Two more platoons meant I’m commanding about a hundred men. I’ll have to set up the Banner of the Claw’s command echelons.

Twenty minutes had passed and Arlan’s internal clock reminded him to get up. Rising from his miniature vacation, Arlan dressed in his military uniform and pinned his lion sigil on his collar. The final item to complete him was his leather belt and mithril sword.

The young lion was ready to meet his cousin at Highmane’s courtyard. Arlan made his way through the many halls once more and was reminded of how large the castle was.

Assaulting Highmane would be incredibly hard with its defenses. I feel bad for anyone who has to. Count Emile isn’t as strong as the Duke but he makes up for it with his cunning guile. He’s an extremely sharp man.

Katalina was in the courtyard in a light yellow dress. She was accompanied by two maids and four elite guards in full plate armor. Her blonde hair was accompanied by light blue streaks. She wore a smile that complemented her outfit well.

The entourage bowed upon Arlan’s entry into the fray. Katalina turned and greeted her cousin, “Arlan! Thanks for coming. My mother and father are both busy so this is my only chance to purchase a few things before we leave for Lancel High. I’m sorry for this last-minute venture.”

“Kat, it’s not a big deal. It’s a request from your father that I’m honored to accept,” replied Arlan.

“Great! I’ll buy you dinner. Let’s go!” exclaimed Katalina as she entered her carriage’s cabin. Arlan joined her inside.

The two Reeves accompanied by the maids and guards left Highmane through the main gate. They passed through the streets as many onlookers took part in the sight. The carriage was black with gold trims and lions decorated the sides. A driver was in the front along with the pair of maids. The elite guards rode on horses to keep up.

After a few minutes, they were in the west end of the market district that was meant for the high class. A tailor’s store that was quite popular among nobles was their first destination. The carriage came to a stop and was opened by an elite guard. Out came Arlan who helped Katalina down.

Nobles from smaller houses began to gossip about a multitude of topics. The gossip about Katalina was compliments of her beauty while the gossip about Arlan was disgust for his commoner background. Most of this could be heard by the young lion. Katalina caught some of the nasty comments about Arlan. Before she could react, Arlan made eye contact and nodded.

Katalina understood what Arlan was trying to get across. They both entered the store with her two maids and the guards stayed outside. Katalina and Arlan’s entrance turned every pair of eyes on them. The store was quite large with multiple outfits displayed across.

The store owner was a woman in her late thirties. She held an hourglass figure and was quite beautiful despite being beyond her youthful days. She had short natural blue hair. There were other employees but the woman knew who had just come into her store and what it meant.

The woman approached the two Reeves and greeted them, “Katalina! My darling, you look more beautiful by the day.”

“Thank you, Rita! I could never compare to your elegance though,” replied Katalina.

Rita turned to Arlan and greeted him as well, “Baron Arlan Reeve, you are quite the topic these days. It is a pleasure to meet you. I’ve heard about you from the dearest Katalina.”

Arlan bowed and said, “It is a pleasure, Rita.” The young lion scanned for any potential threats as well. His search came up empty as the store held friendly employees and customers.

“Come, my darlings,” instructed Rita as the pair followed her, “I have much to show you. I just received a new shipment from Oreta.”

Arlan followed Katalina as she enjoyed her time with Rita looking through different garments. The two women, though separated by age, shared a love for their fashion.

Arlan couldn’t understand the passion due to being raised on functionality but understood that it was common for females to enjoy their pursuit of beauty. After an hour, Katalina purchased several outfits and had her maids take them to their carriage. Rita bid the two her appreciation for their patronage as they left.

Outside the store, a girl about fourteen with long charcoal black hair waved at Katalina. The mysterious girl was a noble being escorted by an entourage of guards as well. The two girls embraced as she was Katalina’s close friend. She also wore a blue dress fitted to her figure.

“Marie, are you shopping too?” asked Katalina.

“Yeah, I just bought some gorgeous dresses,” replied Marie as she turned to Arlan, “Whose this?”

“Marie,” stated Katalina, ”this is Arlan, my cousin.”

“Your cousin? You mean the Duke’s adopted son?!” shouted Marie.

Arlan interjected, “A pleasure to meet you, Marie.”

“Say, you’re pretty cute,” stated Marie to Arlan as she turned to Katalina, “Can I come with you guys?” 

“Of course, Marie! Let’s get something to eat! Come on Arlan!”

The three make their way in the carriage to a restaurant in the same upscale district. Upon exiting their ride, the same gossip being thrown around by the crowd is heard. The trio entered with the same presence as before.

They were immediately seated due to Katalina’s familiarity with the owner and staff. Katalina ordered by simply saying “the usual is fine.” to the waiter. Small talk between Katalina and Marie passed the time until their food arrived.

The dishes reminded Arlan of food from Highmane but more aromatic and savory. The stars were roasted pheasant, baked garlic fish, and an assortment of steamed shellfish.

Halfway through their dinner, a young nobleman noticed Marie through the window.

“A friend of yours?” asked Arlan.

Marie had an annoyed expression and replied, “Nope, I would never be friends with the likes of him. He’s Jared, the heir to the Dasche Trade Company. He’s completely obnoxious and won’t take no for an answer.”

As she finished her last word, Jared came into the restaurant. He wore a red tunic and was about fifteen with white hair. He approached Marie with no care for Arlan and Katalina’s presence.

Jared professed, “My beloved!”

“I’m not your beloved Jared!” replied Marie.

“You choose to dine with this soldier?” asked Jared condescendingly while he looked down on Arlan.

“You’re mistaken. This is Baron Arlan Reeve and I promised myself to him!” proclaimed Marie.

Upon hearing the last bit, Arlan, Katalina, and Jared were all shocked to their core. Arlan knew what Marie was trying to do but it still took him by surprise.

This damned girl is just trouble.

Jared immediately locked eyes with Arlan, “YOU! I don’t care if you’re a Baron. I challenge you to a duel for Marie’s love.”

Arlan attempted to reason, “Listen, you got the wrong-”

But was interrupted by a mild pain stabbing both his feet. It was the girls who stepped on his feet under the table. Arlan glanced at the two girls and received a telegraphed hidden message. He realized he was involved no matter what so the young lion corrected himself after, “I accept your challenge to a duel.”

Jared walked outside as Arlan and the girls followed. The crowd had already stepped back as Jared was in a position further down. A duel was considered legal in Galdo City as long as no one was hurt badly or killed.

Arlan took his position opposite of his opponent while Jared drew a mithril rapier.

“Here are the terms! If I win, I will take your place as Marie’s lover. If you win, I will never bother Marie ever again.” stated Jared.

From killing large ants to demons and now a lover’s quarrel.

You are reading story The Immortal General at

“That’s up to Marie,” stated Arlan as he prepared a combat stance. Marie nodded in agreement.

“You won’t draw your blade?” asked Jared.

“No, it’s better I don’t.”

“Hmph, your arrogance makes you unfit to protect Marie.”

A crowd had gathered to see the duel, most were nobles in this area. Marie gracefully walked up to Arlan and kissed his cheek. Arlan’s face glowed pink. He was no longer a super soldier but was a teenager. His emotions erupted in a way that he was not used to.

“Darling,” voiced Marie softly, “if you win, your prize is a kiss.”

Then she coyly winked at Arlan. Her stage performance played the crowd and Jared for fools. Arlan could tell she enjoyed it. Even Katalina lavishly enjoyed impromptu production before her.

Rumors spread throughout the crowd about Arlan and Marie. Jared was fuming with rage after what he saw. His emotions overtook his reasoning and he was first to move. Arlan’s [Battle Trance] picked up Jared’s capabilities, he was a mere first-tier.

The young lion activated only five percent of his essence to enhance his speed and strength. This was more than enough to beat Jared.

The difference in abilities and experience was obvious. Arlan side-stepped Jared’s one-handed thrust with ease. The Dache Heir wasn’t holding back his attacks. Arlan could’ve been mortally wounded if he had taken that thrust to the heart.

Once reaching Jared’s flank, Arlan drove his fist into the side of Jared’s stomach, knocking him on his back a few meters. The young lion held back. The white-haired noble was on the ground unconscious.

Jared was accompanied by a few of his guards who immediately took to his side. “I only knocked him out. He should be fine, I didn’t strike any vitals.” Arlan said to Jared’s guards who bowed and carried their master away.

Before Arlan could turn to Katalina, Marie embraced him. He was paralyzed by her light touch and her face so close. The young lion was hypnotized as he gazed into Marie’s cerulean eyes. Like how she played the crowd, he was also in the palm of her hand.

A rose-like feeling compelled Arlan to close his eyes. His senses were dulled to null. He could only hear his heartbeat. His mind could only see her eyes. His sense of time paused to an eternity. He felt her soft lips envelop his.

What is this? How did she do that?

Marie pulled back and Arlan was finally given control over his vision again. Katalina let out a small cough signifying that she was there. Marie let go of her prey with an evil smile. Arlan was still starstruck.

“Thanks, Arlan. I’ve been trying to get him to stop for years!” said Marie as Arlan was still stunned.

“I never thought that anyone could beat Arlan,” replied Katalina as she giggled. After Arlan returned to his normal self, the trio boarded up and headed to another store. Reaching the place revealed itself to be a magic emporium.

As the trio exited the carriage, Marie asked, “Arlan, are you also attending Lancel with us?” asked Marie.

“Yes, I didn’t know you were also.” answered the young lion.

“I was born with advanced mana manipulation,” declared Marie proudly.

“So you’re dangerous in more than one way,” stated Arlan with a smile. Marie countered with her signature wink.

Katalina interjected, “Enough flirting, let’s go inside.”

The three entered while leaving their guards or maids outside. Inside the emporium were several different magical wands, staves, jewels, and scrolls. Glass cases held expensive items on display. A few mages were behind the counters talking to customers.

A familiar girl’s voice came about, “Arlan? Is that you?”

Arlan’s nostalgia hit hard as he turned to see two familiar lavender eyes meet his. It was Chrysta from the orphanage. She was one of the mages behind the counter. The old friend wore blue mage robes and had purple hair.

“Chrysta! JD told me you were an apprentice mage. I didn’t know it was here.” said Arlan.

“Yeah, it’s a work-study apprenticeship. I’ve missed you!” replied Chrysta as she hugged Arlan. Marie held a hint of jealousy in her eyes.

“Who's this with you?” asked Chrysta as she realized Arlan wasn’t alone.

“She’s my cousin, Katalina Reeve. And this is Marie, just met.”

“A pleasure, I’m Chrysta Coven. Wait…” answered Chrysta as she began to realize what Arlan had just said. “Did you say, cousin? And THE Katalina Reeve?”

Katalina responded to Chrysta’s confusion, “Yes that’s me. Arlan was adopted by Duke Louis two months ago. He’s now a Reeve.”

Chrysta’s expression transitioned to shock in milliseconds.

“My apologies, Milady,” admitted Chrysta as she bowed before the trio, “I didn’t recognize you till now.”

“Please, Chrysta,” said Katalina as she helped Chrysta up, “There was no need to apologize. Arlan has displayed great honor and service to the Reeve name. So any friend of his is also a friend of mine.” 

“The Katalina Reeve just said I was her friend!” chirped Chrysta with a giddy voice. Marie and Katalina giggled at Chrysta’s bubbly response.

She wasn’t like this before. She’s grown so much.

“Kat and Marie are here to buy something. Do you think you can help them?” asked Arlan.

“Of course! Right this way, you two!” said Chrysta as the three girls began their shopping. Arlan let out a sigh of relief as the three girls were getting along. The store owner wasn’t in and the other mages were shocked at how casual Chrysta was with the nobles. Arlan browsed through the store and considered purchasing a wand while waiting for Katalina to finish.

Not yet, I think I’ll hold off on magic till I’m at the Academy. I won’t know how to use it anyway, this could be dangerous.

After forty minutes, Katalina and Marie had finished buying new staves. The store owner came in and saw what was going on and was extremely happy with Chrysta as the two staves sold were equal to a three month’s profit.

“Chrysta! Are you able to leave to join us for dessert?” asked Katalina.

“Oh, I can’t,” declared Chrysta with a defeated expression, “I’m usually here till closing.”

The old store owner quickly interjected, “Chrysta, go on! It’s a request from Katalina Reeve. We cannot refuse such a simple request.”

So from three, the party was now four.

This day just keeps getting weirder.

Chrysta was blown away at the carriage as they rode to a known dessert bakery. The bakery served all kinds of cakes and sweets. They arrived only shortly after leaving the magic emporium. The sun was setting on the horizon with an orange hue that invaded the sky.

Arlan was the first to exit and helped each young lady off the carriage. The four of them sat down at a table outside the bakery as their guards surrounded them. The maids had entered to purchase cake slices for all four of them.

Chrysta felt awkward at the maids setting everything for them as this was her first experience with such benefits. Each of them took a bite from their cake slices and a light candied flavor attacked their taste buds. It was a fluffy sugar taste from the cake. Arlan realized he had been enjoying himself. Growing up on Terra, Arlan was never afforded a childhood. This was a warm and new experience for him.

This wasn’t so bad. I guess it beats getting shot at or fighting monsters.

The young lion admired the breath-taking visual being painted across the sky as the three girls enjoyed themselves with cake and laughter. Arlan listened in and realized it was about him.

“Every time he eats, he devours the food!” exclaimed Katalina.

“He’s been doing that since I’ve known him at the orphanage,” stated Chrysta with a smile.

 Marie added as well, “I noticed that earlier at dinner before Jared came.”

“Jared? Is he also a friend?” asked Chrysta.

“He’s a stuck-up noble guy that I dislike. Arlan came to my rescue earlier by dueling him so I rewarded Arlan with a kiss,” said Marie with a warm blush.

“You kissed Arlan?!” yelled Chrysta as if she had seen a ghost. Marie nodded with pride while Chrysta turned to Arlan for confirmation.

“Yes, she did,” answered Arlan. Chrysta had a small crush on Arlan back at the orphanage but after leaving for a year she had forgotten all about it.

“Chrysta, he’s all yours if you want him.” offered Marie with an evil grin.

“No, no!” blurted out Chrysta, “I don’t think of Arlan like that,”

“I guess I’ll have him for myself,” said Marie as she teased Chrysta.

They’re just talking about me like I’m not here.

While Arlan was bewildered, all three girls were enjoying the moment. They finished their fluffy slices of vanilla cake and decided it was late. Chrysta lived at a boarding house for apprentice mages and Marie lived at the Balan’s Manor on the northside. Chrysta said her goodbyes to everyone and left for home.

Before Marie boarded her carriage, she whispered into Arlan’s ear, “You’re a lot of fun, Arlan Reeve.”

And then she left a soft kiss on his cheek.

Good thing Chrysta left already, she might’ve fought Marie for that one.

During their return to Highmane, Katalina asked, “So… Arlan, have you taken a liking to Marie?”

“To be honest, I’m not sure,” answered Arlan.

“That’s a shame really,” admitted Katalina, ”I was hoping you’d fall in love with her so she can marry into the family.”

“So was that your plan all along?” asked Arlan, “Was Jared planned too?”

“Maybe,” said Katalina with a sly look.

That explains her friendship with Marie. They’re both sly and devious girls.

The same entourage that had left Highmane earlier now returned at sundown. They were both greeted by Count Emile and Countess Vivia. Katalina told her parents about the day’s events while Arlan excused himself to his room. It had been one long day and the young lion felt fatigue slam into his sore body.

Once he entered his room, he fell face-first onto his bed and immediately fell into a deep slumber. He only had one more day in Galdo City before had to depart for Lancel High.