The swordsmanship class was taught by Instructor Dink on the training field. Arlan approached the field and he could feel his entire class stare. Half with admiration and half with disgust.
Arlan approached Instructor Dink and performed a Midland Army salute. Instructor Dink let out a hardy laugh as he said, “Boy, you don’t have to salute me. I’m retired and I’m just a civilian instructor now. You must be Arlan.”
“Yes sir, I’m Arlan Reeve. Sorry, I naturally salute senior officers. My father has told me quite a bit about you.”
“Ahaha, that old man Louis? How is he anyway? And what did he tell you about me?” exclaimed Instructor Dink merrily.
“He’s dealing with restabilizing the north but he’s quite well. He told me you were a mercenary that obtained the rank of Grand Marshal of the Midland Armies during the war with the Rhota Tribes,” answered Arlan.
“Bahaha, he told you quite a bit,” said Instructor Dink with a hearty laugh, “I heard about the incursions in the north. I’m glad he hasn’t lost his touch. Your father and I fought many battles together. To think he now has a son.”
“Instructor Dink, I look forward to your lessons.”
The class started with Instructor Dink going over safety rules and procedures. Arlan saw a familiar white-haired girl among the other students. Iris was in his class as well.
She must be trained in the sword like her brother, Hector.
The next lesson taught by Instructor Dink was about proper footing and grips. These were considered basic building blocks for swordsmanship. Although Arlan was already aware of this, he followed the lesson seriously. The young lion did not dare disrespect his Instructor.
Iris was the same, she knew the basics as well. After ten minutes of basic demonstrations, the class went into pairs to practice light swings and parries. Nothing with full force.
Naturally, Instructor Dink paired Iris with Arlan because of their strengths. The two bowed before each other with training swords in hand and prepared themselves.
“Iris, you go first,” said Arlan. Iris immediately took a lowered stance with her blade pointed at Arlan. She enhanced her speed using essence.
Essence? I thought we were jus-
Iris thrust forth and Arlan responded with a powerful riposte. Iris recovered immediately and used a horizontal swing to continue her barrage of attacks. Arlan realized she wasn’t planning to follow the basics. Arlan activated [Automatic Parry] in response to her continuous attacks.
A hint of frustration was seen on Iris as she wasn’t able to get a hit in. She knew Arlan was powerful from seeing the duel firsthand and hearing all the rumors. But she didn’t think he would be as strong as her brother.
During the barrage of attacks, Arlan noticed her training sword began to glow red with runes. His [Battle Trance] picked up a burst of mana surrounding her sword. Each time Iris swung at Arlan, the attacks became faster and stronger.
Impressive. She’s using magic to enhance her weapon while using essence to enhance the body. I need to learn this. The only thing she lacks is technique and experience.
Iris smiled as Arlan was able to easily keep up with her. She enhanced her speed and strength to near max. Arlan realized this and was wondering if this was even a training session anymore.
Iris’ feelings for Arlan resurfaced as she looked upon his face during this duel. His eyes told the story of a thousand battles while his expression explained his sheer focus. She could feel the connection by crossing blades with Arlan. She now understood why her heart gravitated towards him.
While the two danced with their swords, others in the class began to notice and watched in awe. They weren’t even in the same league as Arlan and Iris. Instructor Dink didn’t interfere, at least he figured it wasn’t necessary. Arlan continued to easily parry all of her attacks.
Arlan decided to thrust his sword forward into her blade, knocking it out of her hand. He then turned the sword point to her neck.
“Amazing,” said Iris as her cheeks flustered, “The way you move and fight. It’s incredible.”
“Same to you, I’ve never fought anyone who harnessed magic into their weapon like the way you do.”
“It’s not too uncommon. Anyone who can harness mana and essence together has more versatile attacks.”
“Incredible, may I ask you to teach me that sometime?” asked Arlan.
“Yes, I’d love to.” smiled Iris.
Arlan’s heart elated upon hearing Iris say “I’d love to.”
My heart is beating incredibly fast. The duel wasn’t even that intense and it’s still beating fast after.
Instructor Dink dismissed the class shortly after and the students filed off the field to their next class. Iris caught up to Arlan as they left class and asked, “Arlan, are you available tonight?”
“I have some assignments to finish.”
“There’s a study hall tonight in the library, can you finish your assignments with me there?”
I mean I can finish my assignment in my dorm room. I guess this is also a good excuse to check out any history books on demons and the name, “Ashra.”
“Sure, I’ll come. There are some books I want to check out.”
“I’ll see you tonight after dinner in the library. Katalina and Marie will be there too!” said Iris as she turned toward her next class.
Arlan watched her walk off just a little longer. Before he realized it, he had been standing there for a minute. Arlan heard a familiar voice from behind him, it was Nicolas.
“Arlan and Iris,” said Nicolas sarcastically, “It’s only been a day and you two seem close.”
“We’re just friends,” stated Arlan as he continued to class with Nicolas next to him.
“Arlan, here's a word of advice: Don’t get attached to Iris. She’s already been promised to the son of Duke Osmund Kaiser. The most powerful house in Midland.”
“She is?!” yelled Arlan.
“Yes, Baron Luther Kaiser. He attends another Academy to the south.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Let’s just say, House Stonemar is aware of an inevitable rebellion. We’re looking to stay out of it. If Baron Arlan Reeve was to involve himself with Iris Hawkwell, that would break House Hawkwell’s oath. That would be enough justification for war. A casus belli.”
“You know of the rebellion?”
“Yes, and I know House Kaiser is behind it.”
Nicolas has no reason to lie. I can tell he’s being serious. I’ll have to forward this information to my father and Uncle Emile. Does that mean Hawkwells will join the rebellion? Will I have to fight Iris?
Arlan arrived at his next class but something was strange. There were no other students in the classroom.
A mistake maybe?
Before Arlan could leave, a voice reached out to him from in the classroom.
“Arlan Reeve,” said the Headmistress, “There is no mistake, your final class is here. I will take on teaching you personally.”
“Thank you, Headmistress,” replied Arlan as he bowed. Arlan let off an evil grin.
If the Headmistress is teaching me personally, that’ll accelerate my growth to harness magic. I may finally be able to control mana!
“I have strict rules and you need to keep up. If I deem you inept, you will be dropped and moved to a basic class with the others. Understood?”
“Yes, Headmistress. I understand.”
“Let us begin.”
You are reading story The Immortal General at
After dinner, Iris made her way to the library. She entered the enormous hall and immediately saw Katalina wave to her. Marie was there as well with a few other girls at a table.
“Hey,” said Arlan as he entered the hall as well, “Let’s join them over at their table.”
“Arlan! Sure, let's go.”
The young lion was fatigued to the extreme, the Headmistress' lesson was even worse than the special forces training he had endured. Iris and Arlan joined Katalina and Marie at their study hall session. A few other girls were present as well and introduced themselves.
Arlan was the only guy in the group. There was a group of boys across the hall who looked on with jealousy. The study hall session was underway and they were able to accomplish quite a bit of work. The first day's assignments weren’t too heavy.
Arlan excused himself from the table after finishing his assignments and began scanning the library’s history section. There were at least ten long shelves with four rows of books each.
This is going to take at least ten minutes to look through.
There were all kinds of history books and some even caught Arlan’s attention but they weren’t what he was looking for. Any history books, especially older ones, on demons was what Arlan was looking for.
Arlan’s [Battle Trance] caught wind of someone approaching from behind. He immediately turned to see Iris approach him.
“So this is where you ran off to,” said Iris.
“I’m doing some personal research about something. By the way, may I ask you about something I heard?”
“Is it about my arranged marriage?”
“Nicolas told me you were already betrothed to Luther Kaiser.”
“Yes, I am. My father arranged it. I don’t want to but it’s for the good of my family. If it’s an issue, we don’t have to be friends.” said Iris with a worried look.
“I don’t know. I’m not sure how to feel about it. I’ve only met you for a day but it feels like I’ve known you for an eternity.” said Arlan as he continued to scan the shelves.
“I see, maybe it’s best we part here.”
She’s right, it’s best she leaves now. But…
Arlan turned to Iris who had tears streaming from her ruby eyes. Her face displayed anguish and grief. The young lion couldn’t help but embrace Iris.
Inside Iris was a battle of emotions. Happiness stood on one side by being in Arlan’s arms but sorrow was opposite with the thought of how temporary all this was. Her emotions collided.
Arlan’s mind and heart were at a crossroads as well. For the first time, Arlan’s fierce emotions overcame his cold logic.
Iris Hawkwell will likely be someone I’d have to face on the battlefield. Why am I hugging her? Why do I feel this way for someone I may have to kill in the future? This attachment will hinder me but my heart compels me to hold her. I could feel her pain and I should let her drown in it. For my own sake. For the sake of Midland.
But here I am… holding on to her. I shouldn’t be but I am.
Arlan realized now that he was stronger than this.
If I push her away, I’d be a coward. To go against so much of my emotions is to lose my humanity. Maybe that’s how I was on Terra. I lacked empathy for my enemies. They also had family and friends. They also had emotions and the very lives that I took. I shouldn’t be a coward. If I have to one day face her on the battlefield then so be it.
“Iris. None of that bothers me. I know things will work out well on their own.”
Even if one day we have to face each other on the battlefield.
“Arlan, I’ve never felt this way for anyone else but you. It’s strange to me.”
Iris, that’ll just make it harder.
“Iris, you can’t…”
“Nothing you say will change it. I can’t even change how I feel about you. Just hold me a little longer.”
Arlan was at a loss for words. He obeyed her request though. His own emotions wouldn’t allow him otherwise. Arlan’s [Battle Trance] picked up on Katalina and Marie from the further down the bookshelf spying on them. They were eavesdropping.
Something else popped up on his [Battle Trance]. It was a book in the fictional section. A book with faint essence.
“Iris, I need to check something out nearby. You can come with me,” said Arlan as he let go of Iris.
“Okay,” answered Iris as she wiped her tears with her sleeves.
Arlan and Iris walked over an older fictional section. Katalina and Marie followed suit but Arlan waved to them to come over. Arlan grabbed the book that was giving off essence.
The book’s title was, “The Ashra, Hero From Another Time.” written by Longinus Durel. None of the three girls recognized it but Arlan knew of the title the Ashra.
After opening the book, the first page read, “For the Ashra from Terra. One day you will find this.” Arlan closed the book and the girls were puzzled at Arlan’s odd behavior.
“I think it’s getting late. I’m going to call it a night here. But am I allowed to take this book back with me to the dorms?” asked Arlan.
“Yes,” answered Katalina, “But you need to check in with the scribes at the front.”
“Iris, Marie, and Katalina,” said Arlan, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Arlan retired back to his dorm with the book in his hand. This book was written thousands of years ago and that meant whoever wrote this book knew of the ability to cross into different worlds. Tebald was soundly asleep and Arlan used the nearby lamp to read the book on his bed.
Somehow the pages were protected with a lingering essence. Arlan had never seen essence last so long around a book.
This means the Malum Incarnate knows I’m from another world. I just don’t think they knew of my abilities or I would’ve been dead by now. It’s likely they only hold only a bit of information.
Arlan read into the night. The book was a fictional story about a hero who arrived from another world. He used his abilities to vanquish dragons, beasts, and evils from Althea. Most of it was very generic until the mention of how the demons were the ones who summoned the hero.
After they summoned the hero, he was hailed as the Ashra by the demons. The demon's original goal was to bring weapons and powers from other worlds but end up bringing the hero instead from another world.
Demons originally wanted to destroy Althea but were eventually united by the Ashra to live peacefully alongside the other races. The Ashra fought many different demons that opposed the peaceful resolution. But with the power the Ashra held, he was undefeated.
The war’s endpoint date lined up with the Cataclysm thousands of years ago.
This book probably isn’t fiction. Uncle Emile said the First Order has never appeared since then. Since Izradon called me, “Ashra,” it’s safe to assume I at least inherited this title. I don’t know if this book is about a potential version of me from before.
It’s safe to assume the Malum Incarnate wants me dead. They likely want to unite the other demons to invade Althea once more.
The book ended when the war with the demons was over. But it doesn’t mention what happened to the Ashra after the war.
I need to find out who Loginus Durel is and what happened to Ashra after the war with the demons. I also need to find out if I can go back home to Terra through these means. Maybe all this is also connected with the pendant around my neck.
Arlan immediately realized he’d overlook something.
The book had essence lingering around it, does that mean my pendant would have an essence?
Arlan used [Battle Trance] and placed the pendant on his bed. He was right. The pendant he had been wearing this whole time was also imbued with essence to preserve it. This pendant could be well over thousands of years old.