Chapter 29: Chapter 28

Warning: Extreme violence.

Also, this is the second to last chapter for part 1. Only one more chapter for this book. This chapter hasn't been proofread yet so expect to be edited over a few days. The final chapter will be posted soon. If you wish to see it, simply subscribe to my patreon for live writing.

The next day, all of Galmora prepared itself to send off the Banner of the Claw. A hundred new recruits replenished their ranks. They were evenly distributed to balance the unit’s strength.

For this campaign, Marie and Chrysta tagged along. At first, Arlan vehemently refused their participation but they would’ve followed him out anyway. Having two powerful mages can be a powerful asset for the Banner of the Claw anyway. Chrysta had healing magic that could potentially save lives. The young lion’s condition demanded that they stayed near him at all times.

The Banner of the Claw had already been formed on the west gate along with the rest of Arlan and his retinue. They were to embark upon a campaign to retake Tudora. While Arlan was given free rein to do as he pleased, participating in the campaign was the best move for them.

The people of Galmora cheered and cried for their loved ones. There was no guarantee of returning. After fifteen minutes, the Banner of the Claw departed Galmora with three-hundred men and two mages. The summer weather blessed them with warm weather and a cold breeze from the north. An odd contrast to the war that was raging across Midland.

By nightfall, the Banner of the Claw had reached their first stop, Galdera. Outside the east wall was Ser Trent and his warm hospitality. The Lord of Galdera welcomed his guest to a prepared campsite of tents and a hot savory dinner. It was greatly appreciated that the Banner of the Claw didn’t have to establish a campsite or cook. And another bonus being able to leave without packing anything.

While everyone enjoyed their food, Arlan looked for Ser Trent to thank him. The young lion found him directing his staff. So Arlan walked over and greeted the Lord of Galdera, “Ser Trent, I was looking for you.”

“Ah, the King’s Blade,” replied Ser Trent as he turned to Arlan, “Do the accommodations satisfy you?”

“Yes, my men greatly appreciate your hospitality. From the bottom of my heart, thank-”

“-Very unnecessary. You have already given me a lifetime of gratitude when you saved my life.”

Arlan hastily embraced Ser Trent as he finished his sentence. The Lord of Galdera was surprised but he reciprocated by gently patting the young lion’s head. Ser Trent’s heart ached for these young men who were going to fight a war. “Master Arlan, please return so that I may prepare another feast for you.”

After thanking the Lord of Galdera, Arlan returned to the tent he shared. Inside were Chrysta and Marie trying on their new Aterhide armor Arlan purchased for them, Noah was reading supply reports, and JD was cleaning his longsword. Aterhide is a rare and expensive dark leather that’s skinned from an Aterwolf. While flexible enough for movement, they hardened to near steel properties around the wearer when struck. The young lion wanted his two mages to have some form of protection. It had been a long day. So the group started to retire to their beds.


The next morning arrived with a gray overcast and a thick fog. The Banner of the Claw easily departed since breakfast was provided by Galdera and the campsite was already there. They had planned to arrive at Galdo City before nightfall. So they resumed their trek to Galdo City.

But after three hours into their march, a familiar elf was racing toward Arlan and his Banner. It was Yanie from the Nymedes party. Arlan noticed she was distraught and had been crying.

Arlan yelled out toward his old comrade, “Yanie!”

The young lion was unrecognizable because of his new armor. It didn’t help that his blacksteel helmet was covering his face. Yanie didn’t recognize her old friend until he lifted his helmet visor. The elf sighed with relief when she found out it was Arlan.

“Arlan!” answered Yanie, “You and your banner need to come with me now! I was out hunting and… I came across a field with hundreds of dead Midland Soldiers!”

The enemy couldn’t have gotten through the Golden Valley Pass without the Umbras knowing. Maybe it was monsters? No, it can’t be and Yanie is not the type to lie either. We’ll just have to go see for ourselves.

“Show us the way, Yanie,” replied Arlan as he turned toward his banner.

A cautious Marie asked, “A friend of yours?”

JD answered, “Yeah, she assisted us during the phormic subjugation.”

The Banner of the Claw followed Yanie for a mile south to a meadow. After emerging from the treeline, a horrid sight revealed itself. On the field before them lay a thousand Midland Soldiers, all presumably dead.

This battle ended a few hours ago.

“Battalion! Assume battle formations!” ordered Arlan loudly.

“By your command!” answered Dimitri and Trent.

The young lion continued, “Chrysta, Marie, and JD, you three look for survivors.”

“Yes captain!” acknowledged the three.

A thousand Midland Soldiers killed so fast that they couldn’t even send for help. Whoever did this had to be quick, efficient, and ruthless. And if they could freely destroy northern banners like this, the Galdo Army won’t be able to march north and retake Tudora. That means…. The fate of the northeastern region will be decided here.

Arlan swiftly turned to his elf friend and said, “Yanie, I need a favor.”

“How may I help?” asked Yanie.

“I need you to relay a message to Count Emile in Galdo City. Tell him to send all available Heracul Knights here as soon as possible, the fate of the northeastern region hangs in Arlan’s success at this battle.”

Yanie nodded and sprinted back toward the path. Meanwhile, Chrysta and Marie had efficiently positioned themselves to cast [Detect]. The spell radiates multiple sonar-like waves from the caster. It reveals any active cores within a two hundred meter radius to the caster.

Arlan’s [Battle Trance] picked up nothing as well.

It was worth trying to see if maybe even one survived… The enemy could also be close by in this damn fog.

Arlan caught up to Chrysta and Marie out in the field of bodies.

“Anyone?” asked Arlan.

Chrysta’s face was pale and she couldn’t answer. Marie answered, “Not one.”

“Arlan,” JD called out, “Over here.”

The young lion came over to see JD kneeling by a slain Midland Soldier. But as Arlan looked closer, he recognized who it was… it was Ralph Pennington. He was the stuck up noble from that tavern a year ago when Arlan first met JD in Galdo City. Before the Battle of Gal-Auro Plains, JD said that Ralph Pennington apologized and even congratulated him on becoming a Knight.

In his final hour, he went down fighting. A noble sacrifice worthy of a hero.

Arlan, Marie, Chrysta, and JD continued to investigate the scene. Meanwhile the Banner of the Claw took defensive formations at the treeline only fifty meters behind Arlan. The misty fog began to dissipate, eerily fast.

Some kind of magic is controlling this fog.

Arlan’s [Battle Trance] picked up movement to the south, the direction they all had been facing. Four-hundred men to be exact. While most of the enemy were second-tier red cores. There was a sixth-tier red core, a fifith-tier orange core, and a squad of third-tier red cores. 

They’re strong. This is going to be hard-fought. They wiped out the Pennington Banner without a single casualty.

Arlan also detected an enemy channeling mana in the back. The fog was being sucked to that location as well.

Some kind of magical device allowed them to control the fog. That’s probably how they managed to get here unnoticed.

Arlan nodded at JD causing the Adjutant Knight to whistle the Banner of the Claw forth. The two mages steeled their resolve as this would be their first battle. Marie had grown her mana lanes to a fourth-tier orange core. While Chrysta was a fresh third-tier white core. If properly defended, the two mages could wreck havoc upon the enemy formation with high tier spells.

Trent positioned A Company behind Arlan on his right while Dimitri formed B Company behind Arlan on his left. While carrying his two-handed steel mace, Noah formed up next to JD and Arlan.

Noah, Trent, Dimitri, Erin, and Lem had all grown to third-tier yellow cores while the two-hundred veterans were second-tier white cores. But the hundred new replacements were only at first-tier white cores. JD had reached fourth-tier red core during their six weeks holding the Golden Valley Pass.

But as for Arlan… he had reached a fifth-tier white core with fifth-tier mana lanes. Ever since his Warlord’s Regalia awakened, it had amplified his growth beyond normal limits. The young lion now had access to sixty percent of his essence. And if Arlan activated [Undying Zeal], his fighting prowess was that of a sixth-tier orange core.

With Arlan, JD, Noah, Chrysta, and Marie at the center, their formation was formidable. The Banner of the Claw officers would maintain the sides while they hammered the center. If ordered, they could easily adapt their formation to the many situations they had trained for. Arlan drilled this into them. 

The young lion enhanced his strength and speed to the max while drawing his blacksteel claymore. JD did the same but with his longsword. The entire Banner of the Claw followed suit.

When the fog was completely gone, Arlan’s heart sank at who was on the other side. Marie and Chrysta were speechless. Out of anger, JD tightened his grip on his longsword. Arlan’s retinue could perfectly see the enemy and there was no mistaking it.

It was Iris Hawkwell and Hector Hawkwell leading his personal banner of Hawkwell Elites. House Hawkwell had sided with the rebels. Hector was the monstrous sixth-tier red core while Iris was the fifth-tier orange core. They somehow exponentially grew stronger like the other students at the Tetrasan Tournament. The Umbras were reporting a new kind of monster core being utilized in the south amongst nobles.

Both sides were only separated by two-hundred and fifty meters. While the Hawkwell Banner had a hundred more soldiers, the Banner of the Claw had more high tier officers, two mages and the Warlord’s Regalia.

Chrysta worriedly said, “Arlan… It’s Iris and Hector… Are they the enemy?”

“It's us or them,” replied Arlan with conviction.

Marie angrily added, “I’ll burn that bitch.”

“Orders?” asked JD.

“You and Noah must protect Chrysta and Marie from Iris,” ordered Arlan. 

“Are you sure about this?” asked JD as he had to confirm what he was hearing.

“Yes,” answered Arlan, “I’ll fight Hector or else he’ll destroy our center. As for our flanks, trust in Dimitri and Trent to hold the sides.”

“By your command,” replied JD and Noah.

“Chrysta and Marie,” said Arlan, “Use bombardment spells at the biggest enemy clusters you see.”

“Yes, Captain!” replied the two mages.

While staring down at his claymore, Arlan’s mind was in review.

I have constantly pushed the Banner of the Claw to their limits. But to win this battle, they have to go beyond those limits. I have to elevate their resolve like never before.

A leader can inspire his soldiers to reach inhuman results. This is a tried and true method for overcoming near-impossible odds. Both Althean and Terran history have records of soldiers performing unbelievable feats. The recipe for such success can be crafted by one’s own heart.

Arlan closed his eyes and focused deeply. Cherished memories of the last three years appeared one after another. They were warm reminders of his reasons for fighting. What Arlan thought was minutes, was actually only a few seconds.

I understand now. My heart has truly spoken.

Arlan turned to his men and his voice thundered out, “Arise, Banner of the Claw and heed my words!”

All three-hundred bannermen and the adjutants fixated their attention onto Arlan. Fueled by conviction, the young lion began, “I see in each of you a fire… a fire kindled by strength, courage, and duty. That ember may eventually fade… But not today. In this moment, your flame must burn greater than ever! We will unite our flames and unleash a firestorm!”

Arlan’s fiery words resonated with his bannermen and adjutants. Their eyes stoked with the burning flame found within. The young lion pointed across and resumed, “On this field, Hector and his banner will shortly meet us. The north’s fate hangs on this battle. But from the ashes of our inferno, only we will emerge victorious. Now! I beckon you to follow me! Men of the North!”

All three-hundred bannermen let out a warcry to answer their captain’s call. The Warlord’s Regalia activated and strengthened all of Arlan’s allies in the area by one advancement in their core. Of everyone, it was most important that the new recruits increased to a second-tier red core. Their chances of survival greatly increased.

Then the young lion charged forth with his banner and retinue in tow. Hector signaled his banner to do the same as well. Both sides now racing to meet in the middle. The Hawkwell Berserker squads were aimed at Dimitri and B Company on the right-wing. Hector and Iris led their vanguard in the center. A Hawkwell Knight Lieutenant led the charge on the left-wing.

At the climax of the thunderous beat, metal striking metal rang out and cries of pain reverberated through the meadow. Arlan swung his blacksteel claymore overhead at Hector but the attack was blocked head on with a mithril longsword.

The two captains traded monstrous blows back and forth with such ferocity that shockwaves exploded. Iris activated her weapon’s runes and cut down the first three Banner of the Claw soldiers before they could react in time. As Arlan predicted, she aimed for Chrysta and Marie.

On the right-wing, Trent, Erin and A Company engaged with fifty Hawkwell Berserkers and fifty Hawkwell Elites. The Banner of the Claw started with [Rampage] but it wasn’t as effective against the Hawkwell Berserker’s massive essence barriers. They all started to hack away at the nearest Banner of the Claw soldiers with steel twin axes. Only five Hawkwell Berserkers and five Hawkwell elites died in the initial clash but A Company lost twelve men immediately.

On the left-wing, Dimitri, Lem and B Company engaged the Hawkwell Elites in an all out melee. Dimitri locked blades with the Hawkwell Knight Lieutenant. While Lem struggled to keep the Hawkwell Elites at bay. Within the first thirty seconds, both sides had already lost twenty men equally.

Meanwhile, at the center, a constant barrage of fire spells bombarded the Hawkwell center. It had a devastating effect. Chrysta and Marie were firing them as fast they could while JD and Noah would smash down any Hawkwell Elite that got close.

Iris lead twenty of her best Hawkwell Elites to puncture into the defensive line protecting the two mages. At the point of impact, Iris and her squadron cut down fifteen Banner of the Claw soldiers that were defending Chrysta and Marie.

Before Iris could reach them, Noah appeared with his steel maul swinging down on the ashen-haired assailant. Iris managed to dodge the attack. Four Hawkwell Elites weren’t so lucky as they were obliterated into parts by JD’s [Titanstrike].

Marie casted a fifth-tier spell [Ice Barrage] at JD and Noah but she made sure that the spell went around them. A swarm of ice cold missiles peppered deeply into another squad of Hawkwell Elites trying to reinforce Iris. Noah and JD kept Iris at bay but Iris was losing men to the two mages that were once her close friends.

None dared to come close to Arlan and Hector’s duel because their attacks echoed collateral force. Arlan’s blacksteel claymore swung horizontally and Hector would riposte effortlessly. Hector used his momentum from riposte to thrust his longsword toward Arlan’s head. The young lion blocked the attack with [Automatic Parry] blurring his arms into a blocking position.

Blocking like this is draining too much essence. I can’t let my Warlord’s Aura down either or we’ll get overrun. The battle from what I can tell hasn’t tipped to any side just yet. If I activate my [Undying Zeal], I’ll be draining too much essence. It’s a gamble.

Hector pushed Arlan on the defensive with his [Thousand Needles]. The Mar-Tech managed to penetrate all over Arlan’s armor. Even [Automatic Parry] couldn’t keep up with Hector’s inhuman speeds.

Arlan swung a [Titan Strike] toward his opponent, but Hector managed to sidestep the attack. The five Hawkwell Elites behind him weren’t so lucky. They disintegrated into puzzle pieces of human flesh.

“Hector! Why have you sided with the rebels?” shouted Arlan as he locked blades with Hector.

“For the survival of our house!”

“What do you mean? House Hawkwell could’ve remained neutral!”

“We cannot. Our father had pledged his allegiance to House Kaiser years ago.”

As the two captains continued clashing with their blades, they added their words as well.

Arlan demanded, “Stop this madness, Hector! House Kaiser is working with the Swora!”

“No, I will not back down! When our lands were invaded by a rogue army of the Hanbi Sultanate, House Kaiser defended us. They saved Iris. They even helped my father find me after I was kidnapped. I owe House Kaiser my life and allegiance. Both me and Iris do!”

“That doesn’t make it right for them to break the oath to the crown! This is not your fight!”

“Oh but it is. Our mother was defiled and killed by that rogue army and King Richard did nothing in our defense. He simply turned the other way to the atrocities that House Hawkwell suffered!”


“Now tell me Arlan! Is that the justice you wish to defend?”

Hector’s strikes intensified even more. Arlan now understood why House Hawkwell sided with the rebellion.

“I understand your rage, Hector. I truly do but King Richard was able to negotiate peace with the Hanbi. More senseless death was avoided for peace!”

“Don’t tell me you understand.”

Oh but I do… my mother.

Hector continued, “Ever since I was rescued, my father vowed to exact revenge on the Hanbi. He wanted to invade but King Richard was always against it. The Southern Houses were all ready in agreement. So now we must overthrow the Crown and take over. He’s an inept King that failed to defend his people.”

The two locked their blades closely and sparks flew as Arlan replied, “What happens after you overthrow the Crown?”

“Duke Kaiser will ascend as King and permit us to invade the Hanbi Sultanate. The Swora have recognized him as the legitimate King to Midland.”

“What about Iris? Is this the life you want for her?”

“She chose this path. I dare not rob her of her own freedoms. Arlan, she naturally chose her duties and family over you.”

Arlan felt his heart twist, he loved Iris. Hearing from Hector that Iris chose to fight hurt him in many ways. First, Iris willingly sided against her lover and friends for her family. Second, Arlan was further pained at the thought of how much turmoil Iris held inside. She was prepared to kill Arlan for her family, despite her love for the young lion.

You are reading story The Immortal General at

The young lion and the young hawk recoiled from eachother. The exchange helped shed light on why the Hawkwells were so bent on supporting this rebellion. It also reaffirmed Arlan and Hector’s beliefs.

There’s no stopping this. Hector has to die. Iris, please forgive me.

Hector began to glow blue and blue markings began to overtake his armor and face just like Arlan’s ability.

Hector has a regalia. That explains his unnatural growth to become this strong. But how did he awaken it and what is it?

Arlan’s [Battle Trance] revealed the surge of power. As if an old memory had resurfaced, the young lion recognized the regalia’s pattern inside Hector’s core.

Its the Gladiator’s Regalia. It imbues the user with [Gladius Might]. Which amplifies strength, endurance, speed and essence capacity by the wielder’s number of kills. I don’t know how I know this but I somehow know for sure.

Hector has claimed many kills in his time as a Gladiator and including today. This is probably how he wiped out that Midland Banner of a thousand men.

Arlan activated his [Undying Zeal] in response to Hector’s [Gladius Might]. Both were now lined with their regalia’s markings and tattoos. The thick air was polluted with the smell of fire and blood as they slowed their breathing.

Hector lunged at Arlan with incredible speeds. An even louder metal rang out as both swords met. The force reverberated through Arlan’s body, it felt like an attack from Soketh.

The two continued their intense duel while the battle around them raged on. At the left-wing, Dimitri was locked into combat with the Hawkwell Knight Lieutenant who held the upperhand while Lem was going to fall at any moment due to his wounds all over. It was still a stalemate between both sides with about fifty dead on both sides and many more injured.

Dimitri needed to kill the Hawkwell Knight Lieutenant before or they would eventually lose from the difference in numbers. Dimitri held his sword with both hands firmly while blood slid down his arms. He had been wounded as well and was barely standing. Even with the Warlord’s Regalia, it was difficult to keep up.

The Hawkwell Knight Lieutenant started his final barrage of attacks from his sword and could tell that Dimitri was losing his footing. This gave the attacker the confidence he needed and swung out his final strike. The blade struck Dimitri’s face downward but something was off.

But the blow was too shallow and Dimitri had thrown himself forth on purpose and had swung his sword through his opponent’s abdomen, cutting nearly in half. The Hawkwell Knight Lieutenant fell to his knees trying to hold in his intestines from rolling out. Dimitri’s face burned with ferocity as he let out a roar and slashed the head off the Hawkwell Knight Lieutenant.

Dimitri had taken the hit to the face on purpose to draw out his enemy to a desirable state. Lem shouted out, “Our Company Officer has slain the enemy commander! Onward!”

This reinvigorated Dimitri and his men. The momentum gave them the opportunity they needed. Arlan’s left-wing will now win with the enemy in disarray who started to retreat. Thirty soldiers from B Company had lost their lives while over twenty-five had been wounded. But with the advantage, they would kill thrice as many.

Before Dimitri struck down his opposition, the right-wing was also struggling. Trent and Erin’s A Company had lost twenty-five men fighting the Hawkwell Berserkers and Hawkwell Elites. They had over thirty wounded though meaning a third of A Company were killed or too injured to fight.

Trent managed to kill ten berserkers by himself and was now trading blows with two Berserkers before him. Nearby, Erin was redirecting a few formation changes against the elite infantry.

The two childhood friends had joined the Midland Army together. There they met JD during their time as recruits. Which also led them to meet Arlan. Since then, their lives had changed for the better.

They never thought that they could ever become this strong. Yet here they were, locked into a battle against elite infantry of another house for the fate of the north. Trent was fueled by his bond with Erin. They refused to let their comrades down. This thought strengthened Trent allowing him to cut down two berserkers before him despite their towering size.

Meanwhile, Erin organized a coordinated push. He looked over at Trent when he had just struck down two Hawkwell Berserkers. Erin was happy to see Trent didn’t succumb to his opponents. But their upperhand was short-lived as the remaining Hawkwell Berserkers cut down the squad that was with Trent and surrounded him.

Erin panicked after he lost sight of his best friend among the carnage. Erin directed his squad to use [Rampage] toward the berserkers. As the twelve Banner of the Claw soldiers reached their targets, their spears easily penetrated the first four while the remaining four jumped back in time before being killed.

What was set before Erin horrified him. The feeling of hope was now gone. Trent lay in a pool of blood missing his legs and left arm. Merely his right arm clenching his sword to his chest was left. His neck had a massive wound from the side, as if the blow barely missed its mark. The torso had too many gashes to fathom.


“Trent, don’t talk. We can get you out!”

“Erin-please look at me,” uttered Trent barely as Erin knelt beside him, “Don’t lie... to me… I will die here. So you’re…now A Company’s… Leader.”

“No you won’t! Your sister needs you. Just hold on!”

“You can… Please… look after… the men.”

“Trent…” answered Erin as tears fell from his eyes while the battle around them continued.

“Look after my sister… and the men,” requested Trent as he gave his sword to Erin, “Take my sword…and kill those bastards.”

Erin accepted his best friend’s sword as Trent’s life faded. Erin rose up and the burning flame inside was now fueled by his rage. Erin yelled out loudly and dove forth with the his sword in the left hand and Trent’s sword in the right. He didn’t care for his life and ordered the remainder of A Company to press forth with him.

The new A Company Officer cut down the Hawkwell Berserkers with such burning anger that it begin to instill fear in the enemy before him. After what felt like a mere ten seconds, an entire minute had passed of constant fighting.

Erin had killed nearly all the remaining Hawkwell Berserkers while the Hawkwell Elites were routed as well. At a terrible cost, the right-wing had just won. Nearly at the same time as the left-wing. Unbeknownst to everyone else but Erin and his men, the Banner of the Claw had just lost one of their company commanders.

Before Trent’s death on the right-wing, the center also raged on. JD and Noah were still going back and forth with Iris. They were struggling to keep her from reaching Chrysta and Marie. The two mages had already incinerated or perforated over forty enemy soldiers with their spells while Iris had cut down at least twenty Banner of the Claw soldiers.

JD and Noah were keeping the Hawkwell Elites at bay while intercepting every attempt Iris made to attack her former friends. Marie was able to read the situation around her well enough to support JD and Noah in their fight against Iris. Chrysta was starting to wane and lose succumb to the fatigue of battle. Her mana lanes just weren’t developed enough like Marie was.

“Chrysta, fall back,” ordered Marie, “you’ve done enough!”

“I can-I can fight a bit more!” replied Chrysta as she manages off another [Firebolt] at a Hawkwell Elite.

Noah and JD managed to defeat a few more Hawkwell Elites who managed to puncture through their lines. Iris swiftly used this opportunity to leap over the two and position herself for an attack against Marie.

The movement was so fast that Noah and JD realized too late. Chrysta was midcast when Iris struck her blade down. A loud clang echoed. Chrysta barely deflected the attack using her steel shortsword but was sent flying back a few meters. Marie drew her steel shortsword and stood between Chrysta and Iris.

“You fucking traitorous bitch,” yelled Marie, “We were your friends! Arlan loved you!”

“Friends but now enemies,” answered Iris, “My duty to the family is much more important than my own personal feelings!”

As Iris finished her last word, she dashed forth with her mithril longsword ready to pierce Marie’s heart. Noah and JD’s hearts stopped as they weren’t fast enough to get to Marie. They had failed Arlan.

But as the point of Iris’ blade was to land a killing blow, Marie was swept to the side with a [Windshear] spell. Chrysta had only enough mana for just that final cast before she nearly fainted. Iris stopped and turned to strike Marie but knew she wasn’t in time to strike again and engaged in a melee against Noah and JD.

As Noah and JD managed to put Iris on the defensive, Marie casted a low-tier [Flamewind] spell and flames seared through Iris’ legs. The essence barrier deployed by Iris broke and parts of her legs were seared. The Hawkwell Heiress regrouped with a Hawkwell Elite squad that managed to break through the center.

Back at the duel between the young hawk and the young lion, news of collapsing wings had reached both Arlan and Hector. They were in the heat of their battle. Hector was wounded and fatigued while Arlan had a massive gash on his left abdomen. Hector somehow penetrated Arlan’s blacksteel armor and essence barrier while Arlan glanced a killing blow off Hector, wounding him.

Hector was caught off guard by the news as he expected his side to win against Arlan’s side. He miscalculated how well trained Arlan’s subordinates were. The young lion locked blades with the young hawk once more.

“Hector, it's over! Surrender before anymore have to die!”

“No! I can still win this battle if I kill you! We will decide this here and now!”

They recoiled off each other back a few meters and prepared themselves. Hector was serious as he used every last ounce of essence and mana he had to empower his sword for his next attack.

Hector… your fate has been sealed.

Arlan lowered his stance in preparation for the crucial moment. Arlan’s blacksteel claymore glowed from the golden runes etched on his blade. The young lion was prepared to decide it all on this next attack.



Hector bolted forth with his eyes on his target’s neck. Arlan replied with his own burst of speed. As the two were about to collide, Arlan veered to the side with a [Windshear] and swung his blacksteel claymore horizontally. Hector couldn’t sidestep the attack in time and decided to block the attack with the flatside of his mithril longsword.

When the two blades met, Hector expected to be glanced to the side but his mithril longsword shattered. Arlan’s blacksteel claymore broke through and penetrated Hector’s upper chest and arms horizontally. The attack continued all the way separating Hector in two uneven pieces that continued forth a few meters.

Hector was killed immediately. The nearby Hawkwell Elites witnessed the final bout and realized they were going to lose. Arlan knew this moment was crucial, he had to return to his Adjutants in the center. The young lion deactivated his [Undying Zeal] as he was nearly reaching his limits if he wanted to continue with his Warlord’s Regalia.

Maybe in another world or universe, we would’ve been brother-in-laws. I’m sorry Iris.

The young lion rushed through a few Hawkwell Elites trying to stop him from reaching back to his lines but Arlan easily cut through. Upon reaching his lines, he saw Iris locking blades with JD. The young lion’s heart ached at what he was going to have to do. He loved Iris and knew she wouldn’t surrender, especially after she would see Arlan indicating that Hector was killed.

Chrysta and Marie were barely still casting spells. Noah was preparing to assist JD. Arlan needed to kill Iris as soon as possible to ensure their victory with minimal losses.

The young lion dashed toward Iris from behind as JD noticed Arlan through his peripheral vision. Noah was charging forth toward Iris from the left. Meanwhile, Iris knocked JD back ten meters with a thrust from her longsword. Her heart died as she turned to see Arlan running towards them. She realized what that meant. Arlan had killed Hector.

Conflicting emotions erupted within Iris, she was glad Arlan was alive but distraught that Hector, her brother was killed by him. The different emotions ran their course within the Hawkwell Heiress.

Iris knew she wouldn’t be able to kill Arlan so she turned her anger to her left. With her body aimed left, her head turned to Arlan who could see her tears stream down her eyes. She muttered the words, “I loved you.”

Arlan’s heart died and he yelled out, “NOOOOOO!”

Blood dripped from where Noah and Iris collided… And it wasn’t Iris Hawkwell’s.

Iris had thrust her blade through Noah’s throat who didn’t parry her attack in time. Chrysta and JD cried out, “No-Noah!”

 Noah fell on his back as Iris pulled her sword out from his throat. She turned to Arlan without assuming a stance. JD was sprinting toward Noah, while Chrysta was trying to keep a few Hawkwell Elites at bay.

Marie’s eyes were burning with hate as she continued incinerating waves of Hawkwell Elites trying to reach Iris. Arlan couldn’t hear a single sound anymore as he was ready to spar with Iris one last time like they did in school.

Upon reaching his former lover, Arlan was denied that duel. Instead, Iris didn’t even raise her weapon. The blacksteel claymore struck true through her stomach. She had accepted her death and dropped her sword.

Arlan looked straight into Iris Hawkwell’s eyes as she smiled warmly. Iris raised Arlan’s helmet visor revealing him to be in shock. She wiped away Arlan’s tears and placed her hand on his cheek. Iris Hawkwell leaned in and before she could kiss Arlan one last time, her head slowly drops on his shoulder and her hands become lifeless. Arlan felt her body go limb as he laid her down.

The young lion’s hearing returned and he could hear Chrysta struggling to heal Noah and JD crying profusely over his brother. Arlan didn’t know how to feel in the moment. Noah laid before them lifeless even with the healing spell sealing the wound in his neck. Around them, the Hawkwell Banner was in full retreat. It was pointless to chase after them. They were in no shape to continue fighting. So Arlan raised his hand to halt.

Arlan retrieved his blacksteel claymore from Iris and knelt beside Noah. Chrysta was still trying to wake up Noah and check for any signs of vitals. Arlan’s [Battle Trance] told him what he needed to know about Noah.

“Chrysta,” said Arlan, “He’s gone.”

“He’s not…!” cried Chrysta, “He can’t be! Noah promised Sayla… He promised that he’d return and marry her...”

Arlan looked over at JD who was still crying uncontrollable. The young lion felt the same pain but his tears were held back from the shock. Dimitri and Lem arrived from their fight covered in wounds and blood. They saw who was lying on the ground and joined JD in mourning their friend’s death.

Marie ran to as many mortally wounded Banner of the Claw soldiers as she could to potentially save them from death. Chrysta sniffled once more and did the same. The remaining Banner of the Claw were gathering their wounded. But little did everyone know, Noah’s death wasn’t the final hit to everyone’s heart.

Erin came over while holding his cape. It was wrapped around in a large shape. He was followed by the remaining soldiers from A Company. Arlan, Dimitri, Lem, and JD looked over and didn’t see Trent.

They realized that it wasn’t what Erin was holding but… Who was wrapped in his cape. It was Trent. He was laid down beside Noah and only his face was revealed. He was mangled too badly.

Arlan walked over to Erin and simply held him close as he broke down crying. Not much was said among them. After a few minutes, a hundred Heracul Knights led by Count Emile appeared from Galdo City. Before them was a mess of bodies from the Pennington’s Banner to Arlan’s Banner and the Hector’s Banner.

Count Emile ordered the Heracul Knights to provide aide to any wounded soldier they could, priority to any majorly wounded soldiers. Count Emile dismounted upon arriving at Arlan’s location.

“Arlan… my boy, what happened here?”

“Pennington’s Banner was ambushed by the Hawkwells earlier today and we had arrived to see they were wiped out. It turned out to be Hector Hawkwell and his Banner whom we engaged. We had no choice but fight or they would get away and destroy many other banners in the area. Threatening our hold over the north. We barely won.”

“Arlan, I’m sorry about your men. We didn’t know that House Hawkwell had sided with the rebels. This was their first appearance, how’d they get so far north?” asked Count Emile.

“I’m not entirely sure but it likely has to do with that artifact urn. My men have secured it. It can control the fog.”

“I see. You and your men have once again done a great service for the north. Arlan, you and your men should return to Galmora for the duration of this campaign.”

Arlan looked over at his men who were mourning the loss of their brethren. Arlan had set out from Galmora with three-hundred men. And after this battle, ninety of them were killed in this battle and thirty of them wounded beyond recovery. Twenty were lightly wounded who would recover in a few days. This left a hundred and eighty able men for their campaign. The Umbras would likely be recalled to assist the lost in numbers.

“Uncle Emile.”

“Yes, Arlan?”

“We’ll be joining you on this campaign.”

“Arlan, you shouldn’t.”

“No, we will. The fights not over yet, we just need a few days to lay our dead to rest.”


The next day, a camp was deployed near the battlefield as people from Galdera, Galmora, and Galdo City arrived to help heal the wounded and bury the fallen soldiers. Count Emile’s main force arrived and scoured the area to eliminate any remaining Hawkwell soldiers in the area. Most had already fled south. The Banner of the Claw laid to rest their fallen soldiers.

Arlan personally revealed the names of each soldier in his casualty list. Jocko made sure that their families were paid stipends. It was the least Arlan could do for his men who made the ultimate sacrifice. Some priests from the temple in Galdo City arrived to perform funeral rites. Erin sent a letter to Renia asking her to take in Trent’s sister until he returned.

Sayla arrived with Layla to assist with the relief effort. Unfortunately, JD and Arlan had to reveal to her about Noah’s death as she inquired them where he was. She broke down crying with Layla comforting her. He had promised to take her hand in marriage before he had left and that just reopened everyone’s eyes for tears.

After dismissing his retinue and banner, Arlan retreated to his tent. Alone with his own thoughts once more. Memories of the battle playing back in his head. From the sight of the thousand dead Midland soldiers to the moment he killed Hector. Then to the sight of Noah, Trent, and Iris dead on the ground before him. More of his men flashed before his eyes as they were buried.


He removed his armor and felt the pain of Noah’s empty side. They usually stayed in the same tent. Arlan felt someone coming up to the tent and quickly wiped his tears into his sleeve.

“Arlan?” called a familiar voice.


“I heard about the battle from Jocko and I rushed here with the others.”

“Thank you… It… It wasn’t an easy battle.”

Emmeline swept Arlan into her arms. He had lost so many men along with Noah and JD. Then his hand was forced to kill Hector and a girl he had once loved, Iris. The young lion was hurt badly. Not physically though. The internal mountain Arlan needed to cross over was incredibly steep. The mountain was his grief and will. Beyond that was his state of mind to continue on.

The two spent the remainder of the evening together inside his tent. Emmeline was the only person Arlan could feel at ease with. While his heart was still in pain, he could feel the once insurmountable mountain, grow smaller and smaller with his betrothed around. She had a magical effect on him that helped him push through.

The morning after arrived and Arlan had his men say their goodbyes once more and marched to Galdo City with his Banner. Count Emile returned to Galdo City with his men as well and as he left the Galdera Garrison in charge of securing the area in case of any more surprise attacks.

Emmeline stayed by Arlan’s side as this was the last time she would see him for months. After another day of rest, the Banner of the Claw senior leadership arrived in Highmane to discuss with Arlan their next move. Marie, Chrysta, and JD were present as well. During the council, Arlan expected them to want to return to Galmora. But instead, he was surprised at their responses. They would be willing to follow him to where he wanted to go. JD asked if they’d be joining the Midland Northern Corps in retaking and defending Tudora.

Arlan replied with a simple no that surprised everyone. They begin to murmur amongst each other until Arlan stood up and said, “Tudora will be reclaimed whether we join the Northern Corp or not.”

“So are we retreating to Galmora to recuperate?” asked Erin.

“No,” answered Arlan.”

Marie confused, then asked, “Where are we going then?”

Arlan answered, “The Banner of the Claw will be invading the Swora.”