Thought id take a quick moment just to share some more of the structure of the AAR. I will be writing and making decisions based on traits , so there will be times when the ''wrong'' decision is made. I will also not exclusively be writing from Aegons perspective though id anticipate those chapters taking up the lions share, but there will be times for certain events, battles, plots where another Targaryen, or even an individual from a different house will be written.
In terms of gameplay, im using only 2 mods, More Bloodlines and Colonizable Valyria. In the context of expansion, I wont be using any overpowered cb, only expanding through fabricating claims/pressing individuals claims, which may make expansion very slow but im not looking to ''paint'' the map as opposed to make interesting stories.
Finally, id imagine most people reading a ck2agot aar are pretty familiar with the world of Game of Thrones, but in the previous post I made a pretty extensive overview of Westeros, the map and most of its cultures just as much for my own benefit as any interested readers, feel free to skip but in the AAR I may reference regions and not explain them fully, in addition to this I will add more culture/regions as they become relevent in the AAR.
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