Ser Brynden Tully dismissed himself to return to his duties, but not before sending a dozen men to escort the King and his Hand back to the Aegonfort.
They made their way through the muddy streets, and up the Street of Steel until the wooden ramparts of the Aegonfort came into view.
It was rather unimpressive as seats went, especially considering it was the spot in which the King of Westeros ruled. The entire hill had been encased by timber palisades, though the gate was at least respectable, being made of heavy iron. The longhall, which held most of the courts lodging accommodations was the largest structure within the fort, while there was also a small kitchen keep and ramshackle sept, even less impressive then the one in the city proper. There was also a small stables as well as a barracks for the castle guard.
Aegon and Orys dismounted, handing their horses over to a groom.
‘’Water them well.’’ Aegon instructed and the boy nodded.
The door to the Longhall came swinging open and little Ryam Redwyne, the King's page, the heir to the Arbor and a boy of 6 ran towards them.
Orys grabbed the boys shoulders and stood him still ‘’Careful boy, your liable to crack your head open scampering around like that…and more importantly you could break something.’’
Aegon gave a smile at that, he had not been in the capitol so his young page was a little behind on learning what was expected of him.
‘’What is it, Ryam?’’ Aegon asked.
‘’The queen instructed me to tell you that she has gathered her appointments in the longhall for your consideration.’’ Ryam said carefully, careful not to make any mistakes in relaying the message.
Aegon nodded ‘’We shall be there shortly, go over to the stables and help that groom with our horses, he will show you how.’’
Little Ryam nodded and ran off.
Orys laughed ‘’The boy takes after his kinsman….he runs almost as fast as the Reach levies at the field of file from what i've heard.’’
Aegon chuckled at that and the two of them headed inside.
The hall was a smoky one, as similar to the Great Hall in Pyke there was a large hearth in the center of the room. At the far side of the hall was the Iron Throne, a huge, ugly and twisted mass of swords burned black from Balerions fire and hammered together by smiths from the Street of Steel. Despite its unattractive appearance, it made for a formidable sight amidst the smoky atmosphere of the longhall.
In the corner of the hall, gathered in the crowd were several formidable looking men, wearing doublets, jerkins, and gambesons, many with their house sigils emblazoned on them. Rhaenys was standing among them, laughing at a joke while Visenya stood near the throne, when all noticed the King's arrival they fell silent, with the Knights gathered bowing their heads in respect.
Aegon made his way towards Visenya.
‘’Brother…i'm glad your expedition throughout the city is over…I was beginning to think you had fallen in the bay.’’ Visenya said curtly.
Aegon nodded ‘’Tempting…but I am here now.’’
He made his way to the Iron Throne and slowly sat upon it, careful to avoid the jagged blades. This would be the first time he officially held court from the throne and he had to admit the smiths had done their job well, perhaps a little too well.
He had commissioned the throne with the tenant that a King should never rest easy in mind and in that regard it was everything he could have hoped for, it would serve as a reminder that a King must never grow lax or complacent, even on his own throne.
He turned to the gathered knights, five in total and gestured them forward.
‘’My sister tells me that out of the dozens of knights in attendance, you alone remain in consideration for the Kingsguard….for this I congratulate you….I shall now hear your name, house, and your oaths…if you would reject this honor now is the time…..this appointment shall only be ended with your deaths.’’ Aegon said, his face scanning the knights, most of them young and fit looking. None made any move to leave.
Aegon nodded ‘’Let us begin then.’’
A young knight with long stringy brown hair and dark eyebrows stepped forward, a proud look upon his face‘’I am Ser Harold Langward your grace….and it is my honor to represent the Stormlands in your guard…you shall find me worthy of this honor I am sure….and if this duty ends in my death…I hope it shall end with the corpses of your enemies strewn around me.’’
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‘’Well said.’’ Orys said with a nod of approval.
‘’I welcome you into the Kingsguard then Ser Harold Langward…..Ser Corlys Velaryon, your Lord Commander shall instruct you on what is expected of you upon his return.’’ Aegon said, earning a nod from the young Stormlander.
The next Knight to step forward,a young black haired man with the beginnings of a mustache was a face Aegon recognized as Garmon Hightower, Lord Manfreds youngest son and brother to the newly appointed Septon Leyton.
‘’I need no introduction from you Ser Garmon….I accept you into my service.’’ Aegon said.
‘’I shall be at your side in battle and in peace your grace.’’ He had said with a bow.
‘’Ser Gawen Corbray your grace…I shall represent the Vale.’’ A blonde haired man had said stepping forward, he had a rather ridiculous looking mustache though it was obviously well groomed.
Aegon nodded, and caught a glimpse of the man's sword, which had a heart shaped ruby in the pommel. ‘’Your sword Ser Gawen.’’
The Valeman nodded and in what was clearly a well practiced motion drew it from its scabbard, holding it in front of him with a gloved hand, the blades quality visible even in the smoke of the hall.
‘’Valyrian Steel….a fine blade.’’ Aegon said, impressed, it would be good to have such a weapon amongst his guard.
Ser Gawen nodded ‘’She is called Lady Forlorn…as many a woman has been brought to such a state due to this blade meeting their husbands….many at my hand.’’
The next introduction had been rather uneventful. The knight was of significantly lower stock than the others, coming from a family of unlanded hedge knights, and was not much of a talker, but Visenya had been so impressed by the man, both in his easily apparent strength and his calm temperament she had chosen the knight, who was called Ser Gregor Goode, to represent the riverlands.
The last Knight had been one of Visenyas riskiest appointments. He was older then the others, though still quite young and had short cropped golden hair, green eyes, and a shaggy beard and had a somewhat portly yet stout appearance.
‘’Ser Stafford Lannister, your grace.’’ The man had said, bowing his head.
Aegon shared a look with Visenya, out of all the Kingdoms, with perhaps the exception of the Iron Islands, the Westerlands were the one that harbored the most resentment for their annexation, and taking a Lannister into his service could be risky. Visenya nodded head, confirming her choice.
‘’A Lannister…surely a Knight of your standing has better prospects at the Rock?’’ Aegon asked with curiosity.
Ser Stafford shook his head ‘’I am a Lannister of Lannisport your grace….a lesser branch than Lord Paramount Lorens….in truth we have little relation.’’ The port city of Lannisport outside of Casterly Rock was the second largest city in Westeros only behind Oldtown.
Aegon nodded ‘’Then I welcome you to the Kingsguard, Stafford of Lannisport.’’
There was one final spot on the Kingsguard remaining, though Visenya was still searching for a worthy warrior among the Ironborn, Northerners, and Clawmen.
Following the introductions, all the knights had knelt upton the timber floor and pledged their swords and their lives to the King and his family…pledging to be at his side in peace and in war, and swearing they would father no children for the safety of the Targaryens was now their main priority.
Following this, Rhaenys had organized a feast for the new Kingsguard, where Aegon was better acquainted with the men who would serve him and his family for the rest of their lives, and he had to admit, his sister Visenya had chosen men both strong in sword skill and their loyalty.