Chapter 10: Chapter 4: The Mermans Flight (Aegon, Ser Warrick Manderly) (Part 1)

15th of 8th Moon 7999

Courtyard of the Aegonfort

 It was a hot day though there was a cool breeze in the air, and the courtyard of the Aegonfort was ringing with the sounds of steel on steel. The knights of the Kingsguard were training with Corlys Velaryon, observing, despite his young age he was the best swordsman of Aegons guard and more than qualified to observe such a task, though Ser Gawen Corbray had the ability to match him on his better days.

 The children of the Aegonfort were also working on their swordcraft, under the watchful eye of Lord Jon Rosby, whom Aegon had made his Master-at-Arms, though more for his competency in leading men than his sword-skill, of which he was only average.

‘’Advance Theo, shield up, sword at the ready!.’’ Lord Rosby commanded, and Theo Tyrell, Aegon's squire nodded, holding up his light wooden shield and advancing on his opponent. Ormond Bowling, who was Orys Baratheons squire, and while a year younger than Theo was big for his age.

‘’Shield up Ormund.’’ Orys called with encouragement as the two boys came together in a clash of shield on shield. Ormunds superior strength won out in the pushing of shields, forcing Theo to go on the retreat and attempt to block Ormunds powerful blows with his sword. To his credit, the heir to Highgarden managed to block a few of the large boys downward strikes but eventually his grip weakened and the practice sword clattered to the ground out of his hand. Ormund had the chance to deliver a nasty blow with the practice sword, but held back to which Lord Rosby nodded his approval.

‘’Good Ormund….a true knight does not continue the fight after his opponent has been disarmed.’’ Lord Rosby said before granting the two a quick break, going to check on Ryam Redwyne, Aegon's page who was still learning the basics of how to wield a blade, using a wooden blade and running through various solo drills focused on footwork and hand placement, he would not train against other boys until he was officially made a squire which would not be for at least another year.

Aegon, who had been observing the melee off to the side, gestured his squire over.

‘’I should have beat him.’’ Theo said dejectedly, the lad was a proud one and did not like to lose, especially in front of the King to a younger boy.

Aegon shook his head slightly ‘’But you didn't….because you insist on fighting him as if you are of the same size and strength…in order to beat your opponent you have to know him first…and acknowledge the facts…which are he is bigger and stronger than you.’’

Theo grew somewhat red faced at that.

‘’But he is not better than you….you are both of the same speed and have similar reflexes, you lost because you attempted to block his strikes head on, steel on steel, he hits hard and you won't be able to sustain it for long.’’ The King continued

‘’But how else will I block them? My shield arm is tired at that point and he never gets tired.’’ Theo protested.

Aegon nodded to the other side of the courtyard, where the Kingsguard were sparring.

‘’You see my cousin, the Lord commander?’’ Aegon said, pointing to Corlys who was fighting both Stafford Lannister and Warrick Manderly at the same time, and quite successfully.

Theo nodded.

‘’Watch what he does…when he blocks a strike he doesn't put his sword out in front of the other with the simple goal of stopping it with brute strength…he guides it away from him….he uses his feet well to leverage his balance, if you block like that you won't feel that ringing down your arm each time you stop a strike.’’ Aegon explained.

Theo watched, clearly impressed.

‘’Your sword is an extension of your arm Theo, it's not a tool to hold between you and another sword…think of it as an arm….pushing and guiding away your opponent's blade.’’ Aegon said.

‘’I think I understand.’’ Theo said slowly, still watching Corlys.

‘’Show me.’’ Aegon said with a nod back to Lord Rosby, who was calling the squires back.

True to his word, Theo Tyrell did understand the lesson, he was much more efficient in his blocks, guiding away Ormunds strikes until eventually he had the chance to launch an attack of his own, which caught the bigger boy by surprise and eventually forced him to yield, blade at his throat.

Theo returned, a grin on his face ‘’The warrior was with me…every time he launched an attack I remembered what you said and he gave me strength.’’

Aegon shook his head ‘’It was your arm that gave you the victory Theo…not any gods….never rely on any outside intervention in the heat of battle….the outcome rests entirely on you and your actions.’’

Before Theo could respond, Rhaenys came out to greet them.

‘’I saw your victory Theo…it was well fought.’’ Rhaenys said with a smile, causing the boy to blush.

‘’Fought well enough for today, tomorrow he must do it again.’’ Aegon said with a small smile.

Rhaenys nodded ‘’Visenya has assembled the Small Council brother….she was beginning to think you had forgotten.’’

Aegon cleared his throat, in truth he had lost track of time but he was not going to admit that.

He turned to Theo ‘’See to your arms and armor, and then come to the meeting with Ryam, it's a hot day we could use some wine.’’

Theo nodded and immediately set to his task.

Rhaenys smiled as they walked to the keep ‘’You work the poor boy too much.’’

Aegon shook his head ‘’That ‘’boy’’ will one day inherit the most powerful region in Westeros, if he is to lead he must learn to follow.’’

‘’And when did you learn to follow?’’ Rhaenys asked with a laugh.

Aegon was silent, he had to admit she had him there he was a man that had always been at the forefront.

The two made their way into the Longhall, turning from the throne room into a separate large chamber where the rest of the small council was seated.

The small council's attendance was ever changing, with some members occasionally being absent due to their work, though today the council was in full attendance. Orys served as Hand of the King, which had become the official term for the position due to its popularity, with Aegon giving him a silver and ruby pin in the shape of a hand that signified his position. Edmyn Tully was present as well as the Master-of-Laws, a rarity since his current assignment saw him traveling frequently to meet with lords on the King's behalf. Jon Rosby was the master-at-arms and responsible for drilling both the garrisons of the Aegonfort and occasionally Dragonstone.

Harlan Tyrell, Lord Paramount of the Reach and Theo Tyrells father was the Master of Coin, and was very competent due to his experience of being the steward of Highgarden for well over a decade prior to his appointment.

 Lord Alyn of the Kingswood was Aegon's spymaster, and though Aegon was not a man of intrigue, he respected the man due to his hard work, in less than a year successfully setting up networks in most of the major regions of Aegon's Kingdom, as well as in several of the free cities.

 Corlys Velaryon, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard also had a seat though not a literal one as he beside his cousin's chair as a guard, as did his older brother Aethen, who was Master of Ships. Ser Brynden Tully ,Edmyns brother and Commander of the Gold cloaks was present as well, while not an official member of the council, he often attended to give reports of events in the city. Visenya and Rhaenys also had seats.

 The final member of the small council was the Valeman, Grandmaester Arlan, the first to hold his position. When the citadel had declared their intention to send him a Maester to advise him, Aegon had been expecting some prattling old fool, but Arlan had proven himself to be neither old nor foolish, being quite competent. The man spoke several languages and had a mind for architecture, often touring the city and looking for suggestions to give Harlan Tyrell on how best to improve the city.

  This council of 12 individuals all shared in the rule of Aegon's Kingdoms, and the King had been pleased with their effectiveness through the first eight months of his rule.

  As usual, Alyn started off the meeting by giving information he had received about the affairs of the wider world, particularly the free cities and Dorne.

‘’Braavos has declared war on Pentos to free the slaves there, and Lorath has declared its intention to join in the war, though they have not been present in the early fighting.’’ Alyn started.

Harlan Tyrell nodded ‘’Braavos will prevail…they have the Iron Bank…I wouldnt anticipate any loss of trade from Braavos your grace….this war will no doubt be fought on Pentoshi soil….if anything it will increase…they will want timber to build new warships.’’

‘’The Braavosi fight for a noble cause….the gods abhorr slavery.’’ Grandmaster Arlan mused.

‘’Im sure they wont complain about the tribute of gold and silver they will be given at war's end either.’’ Aegon said dryly.

‘’In slightly less noble wars…the Lysene have just finished a slave raid on Last Lament in the Summer Islands…and they have now turned their sights to Volantis for another raid, which has just overthrown their first female Triarch….a tough first test for their new Triarch.’’ Alyn continued.

Aegon shook his head ‘’The Free Cities never cease to devour one another….let us hear news closer to home.’’

Alyn nodded ‘’Meria Martell of Dornes only child and heir Nymor was slain in a court duel….her new heir is her granddaughter Deria, a girl of 18.’’

‘’Your Grace…if I may, with the turmoil of her heirs death perhaps Meria Martell might be persuaded to surrender her independence without bloodshed…as to not leave her granddaughter alone to face our armies.’’ Lord Jon Rosby stated. Aegon's current plan for the annexation of Dorne was to wait for the 80 year old queen of Dorne to pass, and strike during the succession, Nymors death was significant as he was a competent man that had experience with leadership, but young Deria was less so.

Rhaeneys shook her head ‘’That old bat will never surrender.’’

Aegon nodded ‘’We stick to the current plan, we consolidate our strength until Merias death…then we invade.’’

‘’Your grace knows best.’’ Lord Rosby said, bowing his head.

You are reading story The Dragons Realm: A House Targaryen Story at

‘’Another matter…one in the Kingdoms…Lord Brandon Stark, heir to Winterfell has wed Sharra Arryn, the young Ronnels mother, should the marriage bear children the child shall have claims to both the North and the Vale…making them one of the strongest claimants in the damn Kingdoms….too powerful if you ask me.’’Lord Alyn said.

‘’It is likely any potential child would inherit Winterfell in time but Lady Arryn has two sons in line for the Vale, I think it unlikely that we would have to worry about such a powerful vassal holding two of the Kingdoms….Lady Arryn is not exactly young and if a child were to be born, any problems would not present themselves for decades…It is a problem for another time Lord Alyn.’’ Aegon said he was not concerned.

The Spymaster nodded.

‘’One final matter…Vickon Greyjoy has taken many ships to raid and reave in the shivering sea, near Lorath and Ibben.’’ Alyn said.

‘’Keep me apprised….If you have word that any ship traveling to my Kingdom is attacked then I shall be forced to deal with it.’’ Aegon said.

The King then turned to Harlan Tyrell ‘’How are preparations for the expansion of the keep coming?’’ Aegon had plans to vastly improve the Aegonfort into a true keep worthy of a King, though this would be expensive and perhaps take decades.

‘’It shall take time to gather sufficient coin your grace….I feel that within 3 years we can begin construction.’’ The Master of Coin responded.

The meeting went on for another hour, with Brynden Tully explaining the current affairs in the city, while Grandmaester Arlan detailed his latest tour of King's Landing and suggestions on how to improve the city's infrastructure. Ryam and Theo made rounds of the table, refilling cups.

 After the meeting, the Small Council began to leave the chamber to return to their duties, Aegon was about to leave as well when Visenya stopped him, a gentle hand on his shoulder.

‘’Brother…I would speak with you.’’ She said, waiting for all to leave, with the exception of Corlys Velaryon.

Aegon raised his eyebrows.

‘’I shall be leaving the capitol for some time.’’ Visenya said nonchalantly.

‘’Leaving…but we've only just gained peace…and where.’’ Aegon said with surprise.

‘’To Essos….I wish to tour the Free cities…or at least some of and I toured some cities in Westeros as children…and we spoke of visiting the Free cities together later….though we never did.’’ Visenya replied.

‘’I have only just consolidated my rule, and you would leave….no Visenya, this tour can wait, there are those that still defy my rule behind closed doors, the absence of one of our Dragons would only embolden them.’’ Aegon said firmly.

‘’Brother….you misunderstand me, I am not requesting this, this journey is one I will undertake.’’ Visenya said sternly.

‘’I am your King…and I say the tour can wait for Visenya.’’ Aegon said, he could not understand why his sister was so adamant about this.

‘’Aegon….it cannot wait…future commitments make it certain that I shall not have the chance to leave the capitol for any length of time for the foreseeable future, perhaps never.’’ Visenya said curtly.

‘’Commitments?’’ Aegon said with bewilderment.

Visenya gave a small nod, and suddenly took the King's hand, placing it upon her belly.

‘’You..You are with child?’’ Aegon asked with shock.

Visenya could no longer keep up her stern front and a smile came onto her face.

‘’Yes Aegon…Grandmaester Arlan has confirmed it…..a little dragon grows within my belly….our little dragon.’’ Visenya said, the King's hand in hers.

The King had good reason to be surprised, though he loved his sister, it was well known that he frequented Rhaenys chambers much more often, with it being said for every one night with Visenya he spent 10 with Rhaenys.

‘’Visenya…..if you go….our child will be born in Essos, away from me….away from their birthright.’’ Aegon said, his tone gentler.

Visenya shook her head ‘’The Free Cities are the children of Old Valyria, as will our little prince or princess, they will have their whole lives to live in Westeros, but they are of Essos as well…they are Targaryen.’’ Visenya said.

‘’And if something were to happen while on this journey…I know you can take care of yourself but it is not just you you are responsible for.’’ Aegon said.

‘’I will have Vhagar, and Dark Sister.’’ Visenya said dismissively.

‘’Vhagar cannot protect you inside buildings….as I remember you telling me in the Hightower when you spoke of Balerion…if you go you will take Kingsguard with you and a retinue.’’ Aegon replied.

‘’It's not necessary.’’ Visenya said.

‘’It is….Ser Gregor Goode and Ser Harold Langward will accompany you, as well as 100 men at arms and knights from Dragonstone.’’ Aegon said firmly.

‘’Brother…’’ Visenya started but the King shook his head.

‘’That is my condition.’’ Aegon said, and Visenya nodded curtly, seeing the futility of argument.

‘’I shall make preparations then…and I suppose I should inform Rhaenys she is to be an aunt.’’ Visenya said, kissing the King's cheek before leaving the room.

‘’Congratulations cousin.’’ Corlys Velaryon, who had been standing at guard near the door said.

Aegon nodded, as Corlys bowed and left the room as it was Ser Warrick Manderlys shift to guard the King.

Aegon sat at the table and nodded for Ryam Redwyne to pour him some wine. It had been a long day and he had just learned he was to be a father…he deserved some reprieve, though unfortunately his relaxation would not last long.

There was a knock at the door, to which Ser Warrick had opened it, revealing Lord Alyn Chyttering, his spymaster.

‘’The hour is late, Lord Alyn.’’ Aegon said tiredly.

The man had nodded ‘’Aye it is your grace, and forgive the interruption but I received a raven…and as the saying goes….dark damn wings mean dark damned words.’’ He had said in his usual coarse way of speaking.

‘’Go on then.’’ Aegon said.

Alyn hesitated ‘’Perhaps it is best said in private your grace.’’ With the spymaster giving a not so subtle look to Ser Warrick Manderly.

Ser Warrick had bristled at that and Aegon shook his head ‘’Whatever can be said in my presence can be said in that of my Kingsguard…I have put trust in them.’’

Alyn had nodded ‘’Very well….I received a raven from my network in the North…there's trouble…in White Harbor.’’

Alyn gave another look to Ser Warrick Manderly, whos house was the ruling power in White Harbor.’’

‘’Go on.’’ Aegon said, though understanding of his spymaster's hesitation.

‘’Lord Willem Manderly….father of your kingsguard here… plots to murder Brandon Stark…heir to Winterfell and the North…newly married to Sharra Arryn.’’

‘’You lie spymaster…’’ Ser Warrick suddenly said, his voice with obvious signs of anger at the accusation against his father.

‘’That is enough Ser Warrick…continue Lord Alyn’’ Aegon said, raising his hand to silence his Kingguard.

‘’My best guess as to his reasons are he wishes for his house and descendents to become the New Wardens of the North in time, and he understands that if Brandon Stark and Sharra Arryn should sire a wolf pup, the child would put those plans in danger as both the Vale and North would be joined…to powerful to depose.’’ Alyn explained.

‘’Send a raven demanding he end this plot…I will give him one chance, for his house's contribution in ending the Sisterman rebellion.’’ Aegon commanded and Lord Alyn nodded and set to making preparations.

Two weeks would pass with no response from the Lord of White Harbor, despite multiple ravens being sent so finally Aegon was forced to take action. He tasked Ser Warrick Manderly, his Kingsguard, to sail to White Harbor under the King's own banner with a force of men to take his Lord Father into custody.