Chapter 13: Chapter 5: The Bells of Norvos (Part 2)

15th of 5th Moon,

Palace Grounds of Norvos

Visenya stood upon the stone walls of Norvos, her hands outstretched on the ramparts. Nearly three hundred feet below sat the lower city of Norvos, situated along the muddy river Noyne and protected by a wooden palisade, this was where the common folk lived and it was bustling and noisy as the citizens of the towns unloaded river barges and sold carpets in the market below, the vibrant atmosphere a stark contrast to the upper city where Visenya had rested for the last two months, which was very quiet and grim.

Outside of the town stretched hills for as far as Visenya could see, upon these hills large swathes of dark birch forests. When she had first arrived in the region she had explored these hills for several days with a  local guide, who had shown her the many caves that dotted the region, supposedly once home to giants and an older people predating the Norvoshi that lived and painted the caves. Somewhere out in those hills Vhagar was also out hunting.

Following her tour of the surrounding hills, she and her guard had made their way to the city of Norvos, where Visenya relied on the hospitality of the bearded priest to stay and rest and await the birth of her child.

‘’Your Grace.’’ A voice said from behind her, startling her.

She turned and saw her Kingsguard, Ser Gregor Goode, clean shaven and holding an Iron cup. He was a quiet bear of a man, and often failed to announce his presence, yet despite his quiet nature and the fact that Visenya was hardly a woman who needed protecting, she found herself more at ease in his presence than that of the young Ser Harold Langward.

Her tour had been interesting insofar as her Kingsguard were concerned. At their first destination touring the free city of Braavos, Ser Harold Langward had overheard a rather unflattering comment directed at their party from a passing Bravo, and the two had nearly come to blows before the situation had been diffused.

A similar situation had occurred upon their arrival in Norvos. The only individuals who were permitted to wear beards in the city were the Bearded Priests, who were responsible for the city's defense and governance. Though the priests had extended the hospitality of Norvos to the Targaryen queen for as long as she required it, they insisted all her retinue shave their beards, her Kingsguard required. Ser Gregor had little problem with this but Ser Harold had taken issue with it and all but refused, earning the ire of some of the priests until Visenya had angrily ordered the young knight to shave his beard.

To be sure the young Ser Harold Langward was not a bad knight, he was brave in battle, skilled at arms, and had a good heart, but he was too brash and stubborn for Visenyas liking, a Kingsguard was supposed to protect, not start potentially dangerous situations.

She took the cup of Nahsa with a nod of thanks. When she had first heard of the odd Norvoshi drink, which consisted of fermented goats milk with honey, she had not entirely been drawn to its description, but her pregnancy had made her more adventurous in her appetite and she had come to enjoy it.

‘’A beautiful view.’’ Visenya said she found the vastness of the dark birch forests, rolling hills and the snaking river Noyne oddly calming, and she often found herself wondering where Vhagar was and what he was hunting. The dragon had followed them throughout her journey, at times lagging behind, disappearing in the shivering sea for several days while they were in Braavos, time enough that even Visenya began to worry, though the bronze dragon had returned just before they were set to sail upriver to Norvos, it always did.

Before Ser Gregor Goode could respond, Visenya heard the quick and aggressive paced footsteps upon the stone courtyard that could only belong to Ser Harold Langward.

Visenya turned to face the young knight.

‘’I judge by your pace you have important news?’’ Visenya asked, raising her eyebrows.

‘’Yes your grace…a message from Kings Landing…and a grim one.’’ The Kingsguard said.

‘’Go on.’’ Visenya nodded.

‘’Ser Warrick Manderly, our sworn brother has betrayed your family, he was tasked with taking his Lord father into custody, but instead aligned with his father to massacre the retinue sent with him and flee White Harbor for Essos…reports say Volantis but the message says to beware of the fact he may learn of our presence and seek to do you harm.’’ Harold said, his brows furrowed.

‘’Ill news indeed.’’ Visenya said, she had thought the Manderly knight the perfect candidate, young, brave and battle tested…but that had not mattered in the end.

‘’We shall protect you, your Grace.’’ Ser Gregor said simply.

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‘’And I am glad for it.’’ Visenya said, she did not truly think she was in danger, the more likely scenario was for Ser Warrick to go into hiding that make himself known by attempting harm on the King's pregnant wife.

‘’My Queen…say the word and I shall sail to Volantis…track him down and then slay the false knight.’’ Ser Harold said, with his usual bravado.

‘’That will not be nec…’’ Visenya began before a sharp sensation in her back erupted with pain.

‘’Your Grace…the child?’’Young Ser Harold asked, eyes wide.

Visenya nodded, barely holding herself up on the stone walls.

The Queen had prepared for this moment, having the Norvoshi servants assigned to her prepare a separate chamber for the eventual birth.

‘’Help me to the chamber.’’ Visenya commanded sharply and her Kingsguard nodded, with both knights taking hold of one of her arms and helping her to the birthing chambers.

Ser Harold rather dramatically kicked open the door, surprising the Norvoshi servant women inside, who had their heads shaved bald in typical Norvoshi fashion.

They quickly got the queen onto the bed and began their task, they were well experienced with delivering children, and were much more composed than the two Kingsguard who were a good deal out of their element.

As they began to prepare the Queen, Ser Gregor nodded to his companion.

‘’This is a battle the Queen must fight alone.’’ The Riverlander said simply, and the two Kingsguard left the room to guard the door.

Visenya was a woman who liked to be prepared, and she had spent the last two months resting, preparing her body and rehearsing with her servants.

Because of this preparation, the birth went rather smoothly, though not without its share of difficulty as this was Visenya's first child.

By the end of it, one of the bells of Norvos had begun to ring, a high pitched ringing that could be heard all over the city. The three bells of Norvos were very important to the Norvoshi society, with the bells telling the people of Norvos when to sleep, rise, pray, and other activities.

Visenya, tired and exhausted, managed the strength to sit up, holding the babe in her arms, looking into its violet eyes, the bells continuing their high pitched song.

She turned to one of the servants, who spoke the common tongue.

‘’What is the name of that bell?’’ Visenya asked, stroking the babes head.

‘’Nyel your grace.’’ The servant said.

Visenya turned back to the baby, looking into her eyes.

‘’Nyel Targaryen……my little dragon.’’ The Queen whispered as the bells of Norvos continued to ring.