Chapter 18: Chapter 7: King Aegons First Royal Progress (Part 2)

The Next Morning

Hall of Dyre Den

‘’Your Royal Grace.’’ The blackhaired Septon said, bowing deeply if clumsily.

Aegon nodded for him to rise and speak.

‘’Beggin your pardon your royalship…but our small sept, which I oversee was visited some weeks ago by the crab men who came demanding taxes……though we've never had to pay taxes to Lord Brune, much less outsiders….the little coin we do get goes to helpin the orphans of those that are lost to the sea.’’ The man said, who had only introduced himself as the local septon.

‘’Crab Men?’’ Aegon said, though in truth he already knew the answer, they could only be the men of House Celtigar of Claw Isle, a small island near the point and one of the Kings original vassals, the Celtigars tracing their lineage back to minor lords in Valyria.

‘’Must be Celtigars….they often poke their noses round the point, askin for tribute and such…i've a mind to run them off each time but they always run to their ships….and ive no wish to break your peace.’’ Lord Brune mused, who had been assisting King Aegon the past few hours in holding court, with the King dispensing judgment on minor matters.

The septon nodded ‘’Aye your lordship…Celtgars…that sounds near right it does…around two dozen of them landed close by and demanded we pay them tribute….id a mind to refuse them, gather some o’ the nearby fisherfolk to resist em, but they ‘ad iron and shields while we'd only cudgels and fishing spears.’’

‘’You did well not to fight them.’’ Aegon mused, relieved that no bloodshed had occurred, the fisherfolk near the sept would have been slaughtered by the Celtigar men, who had fought in every campaign in the conquest.

‘’Well beggin your pardon your royalship…but…but they took what little silver we had, and I has a few orphans to feed, parents lost to the sea or that pox they were.’’ The septon continued, Aegon had struggled to understand the clawman accent at first but after hearing quite a few petitions he was getting the hang of it.

‘’We shall be glad to pay you for your losses, plus some extra for the children.’’ Rhaenys said with a smile. They had brought a chest of silver with them to disperse among the smallfolk they encountered.

Aegon frowned, he was understanding of the Septons plight but as a general rule he did not like giving coin to the faith, the High Septon was one of the richest men in the Kingdoms and he was more than capable of dealing with matters such as this.

Rhaenys ordered Lord Commander Corlys to fetch the chest of silver for the septon, to which he complied.

Rhaenys promised amount of a ‘’little extra’’ was an understatement to say the least as her gift to the Septon was very generous, likely amounting to more silver than he had seen in his life.

The man fell to his knees ‘’Thank you your Queenship, this will feed the little ‘uns for years it will.’’

Rhaenys had nodded and then proposed that she go and visit these orphans to which the Septon had happily agreed to arrange the short trip later that day.

Following this petition, the old lord Brune had sighed and gotten up ‘’Nature calls your grace.’’

Aegon nodded, he too was in need of a break after hours of hearing minor petitions, he nodded to Ryam Redwyne, his squire who poured him a cup of wine.

Suddenly there was a sound from outside the keep, a shout and sounds of a scuffle, with it being apparent that it was coming from Lord Brune.

Aegon drew Blackfyre and hastily made his way to the door, Ryam Redwyne and Theo Tyrell close behind him.

When they stepped out into the courtyard, they were met with the sight of Lord Brune, standing against the keep, breathing heavily, in front of them was Ser Fredder Brune, Alyns heir and eldest son holding a man with long brown hair to the dirt, a dagger at the back of his neck.

‘’What happened?’’ Aegon demanded.

‘’He attacked me….was waiting outside the door with a knife….the warrior gave these old bones enough strength to fight him off until my boy stepped in.’’ Lord Alyn Brune said, still breathing heavily.

‘’Say the word and i'll gut ‘im.’’ Ser Fredder said, pushing the dagger harder into the man's neck, who grunted in pain.

Aegon shook his head ‘’No we need him alive….he was sent by someone…we must find out who.’’

Ser Fredder nodded and roughly pulled the man up to his feet ‘’Start talking or i'll take your eye.’’

Aegon raised a hand for silence, to which the Clawmen knight reluctantly agreed.

The King sheathed his sword and approached the long haired man, who failed to meet his eyes.

‘’Look at me.’’ Aegon commanded.

The would-be-murderer slowly looked up.

‘’You will tell me who sent you…and I shall see justice done.’’ Aegon said.

‘’Justice….’’ The man said, his eyes returning to the dirt.

‘’I shall ensure you don't die screaming…..quick…painless.’’ Aegon said.

The man was silent for a good while, weighing his options in his mind before he nodded ‘’Lord Celtigar….he promised me 20 gold dragons if I killed the Clawman lord…lots of people coming and going…was easy enough to slip in.’’

‘’I say we send him to that bastard…piece by piece.’’ Ser Fredder said, spitting to the ground.

‘’No…I gave my word…kneel.’’ Aegon commanded, his hand going to Blackfyres hilt, the long haired man slowly went to his knees, hands shaking.

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‘’Your grace.’’ Lord Brune interjected, causing Aegon to stop.

‘’The seven have been good to me…aye ive had my share of troubles…but they've been good to me….the mother teaches us to be merciful….spare the wretches life…send him to the wall…let him spend the rest of his miserable life servin the realm.’’ Lord Brune said.

‘’If that is your wish.’’ Aegon said, his hand leaving Blackfyres hilt, he took no joy in killing, and at least now the man's life would serve some small purpose.

‘’How should I respond to the lord o’crabs your grace…shall I call my banners?’’ Lord Alyn asked.

Aegon shook his head ‘’Leave Lord Celtigar to me.’’

The King did not even wait for his sister to return from her visit to the orphans, immediately riding Balerion to the Island of Claw Isle, a trip which took less than two hours.

He had landed in the center of the courtyard, diving down from above, shocking much of the garrison before Lord Celtigar came out to meet him. Aegon had then ordered the Lord into his keep, and had all guards cleared out so that he and the Lord of Claw Isle could speak alone, all but imprisoning Adrian Celtigar in his own keep.

Aegon had then explained to the lord that he was aware of his attempt on his neighbor's life. Lord Celtigar had initially denied it but when reminded by the King that lying to one's liege was punishable by death, he had admitted it, stating that he should have been made overlord of Crackclaw point for his service in the conquest.

Aegon had decided that killing one of his oldest vassals would accomplish nothing, and instead demanded that Lord Celtigar pay a hefty ransom to free himself from his own keep, and promise never to break the King's peace again, on pain of death.

Following this, Aegon would return to Dyre Den, where he and his retinue would remain for another week before sailing north

One Month Later


The King's retinue rode through the snow, a brutal wind in the air.

Their next spot was the tiny castle of Karlspost in Eastmelt, the seat of House Moss, a minor house which was sworn to the Karstarks of Karhold. The environment was frigid, with deep snow, poor roads, and many frozen rivers cutting across the landscape making travel slow. They had arrived in the small port of Weeping Bay the prior week, and it had taken them 7 days of slow travel to reach their destination.

There were few people in this region, at least that they had seen, but on the outskirts of the tiny stone and timber castle was a small village of lumberjacks, who had all come out to witness the Kings arrival, many of them looking into the skies with wonder and terror as the Dragons followed close behind.

Rhaenys had given the villagers a generous gift of silver as was her habit before the retinue made their way to the small keep. Aegon had not protested, these people were clearly in need of silver for Eastmelt was a harsh and poor land where nothing grew.

At the front of the castle was a blonde haired man about Aegons age, wrapped in a massive cloak of bearskin that covered his whole body, and even covered some of his horses, he and a few retainers rode to meet the King.

The man bowed his head ‘’You honor us with your presence King Aegon….i'm afraid my keep is far too small for your Knights and Squires and their horses, but Ive had a makeshift stables set up for them, and land cleared for some tents, you, your sister and your closest Knights are of course welcome in my castle.

‘’Your hospitality is appreciated lord Artos.’’ Rhaenys said with a smile.

‘’You can handle our presence?’’ King Aegon asked politely, he had known that Karlspost was a small castle but he had not been expecting to arrive in such a desolate area.

‘’Normally we could not, especially so many, but my Lord of Karhold has sent sufficient provisions, as has Lord Torrhen Stark, they see your visit as an honor.’’ Lord Artos said.

Aegon nodded, relieved, he had known that his large retinue would cause some strain among his vassals but he did not wish to bankrupt House Moss.

‘’My Queen, if I may speak freely.’’ Lord Artos said as they rode into the castle.

‘’Of course my lord.’’ Rhaenys responded.

‘’I saw your charity to the tenants of the nearby village…I admire your charity, though I must say I fear it will end up in the wrong hands soon enough.’’ Lord Artos said.

‘’Wrong hands?’’ The King asked, eyebrows raised.

‘’My lands are infested with smugglers and brigands im afraid….I have tried to deal with them as is my duty, but my people are spread out and any attempt to assemble the levy alerts these criminals, who slink into the snows when I approach, what's more I do not have the food to feed my men sustain a campaign against them for long..I fear that gold will end up in the hands of the criminals.’’ Lord Artos said, it was clear that these criminals were a major thorn in his side.

‘’Lord Karstark has not attempted to deal with them?’’ Aegon asked with a frown.

‘’My liege Osric is a good man, a good lord, I have known him since childhood, but Karhold is a large region and he has stresses enough dealing with his own lands.’’ Artos Moss explained.

Aegon nodded and he, Rhaenys, and his Kinsguard made their way into the tiny castle to hold court.