Chapter 40: History of the Targaryen Kings Entry#1 (King Aegon I)

Histories of the Targaryen Kings


King Aegon Targaryen, 1st of his name, was the first man to gain the title of King of the Andals, Rhoynar, and the First men, uniting all seven Kingdoms of Westeros under the rule of his dragon banner in his lifetime. King Aegon's military accomplishments were extensive. In his wars of conquest he, along with his sisters, forced the combined host of Reachman and Westerlanders to retreat from the Field of Fire. King Aegon once again employed his dragon to burn the great fortress of Harrenhall along with the Iron King of the Ironborn, later putting down a revolt from a drowned priest in the Isles. Following the conquests he conquered Dorne in under two years, burning the castle of Yronwood and much of the ancient family, in his last campaign he conquered an island in the Stepstones, establishing an outpost on the island of Sunstone. Apart from these wars Aegons 17 years were largely filled with peace, with the construction of the Red Keep beginning in Aegon's reign as well as the construction of city walls around the developing capital of King's Landing. Legal reforms also took place under Aegons reign, with the practice of raiding by the Ironborn within the seven kingdoms being made illegal, along with the dissolution of the ancient practice of the first night. King Aegon , who had landed in Westeros 17 years prior in Blackwater Bay from the Narrow Sea, died at the opposite end of his Kingdom while on a royal progress, drowning off the coast of Fair Isle along with Balerion the Black Dread, his body was never recovered, though he would be known as Aegon the Noble in recognition for his just and fair temperament.

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