Chapter 7: 7 – Settling In

Settling in


I look through the Point List to find something to help with the things that keep me alive. Food, Water and Sleep. After quite a while of scrolling I found a few options.


Sleep Resistance - 1 Point

Thirst Resistance - 1 Point

Hunger Resistance - 1 Point

Fatigue Resistance - 2 Points

Water Magic - 5 Points

Creation Magic - 20 Points

Clock - 0 Points

Presence Detection - 1 Point

Cooking - 1 Point

Baking - 1 Point

Farming - 1 Point

Dismantling - 1 Point


Apparently the Resistance skills weren't good because they don't stop the need; they just dull the negative effects of not getting them so it's pointless. 


Water Magic is a little spendy but it seems to be useful for supplying myself with water along with a way to attack and defend at range.


Creation Magic is amazing but I'll need to save up points for that. Definitely getting it eventually though. 


Clock is amazing. You will always know what time it is just by thinking about it. It has something that can wake you up or you can set a timer. It's only 0 points for such a helpful thing so I got it already.


Presence detection is something I read at the guild. It is a highly sought after skill that allows you to sense when someone is nearby, even if you can't see them. Apparently one of the only skills that can trump it is Stealth and it needs to be a higher level then the user's Stealth. After Analyzing the skill again after purchasing Clock, it seems it can even tie into the wake up feature. Very very useful. 


Cooking and Baking are just food creation skills. To max them both would cost the same as Creation Magic so I think I'll wait on that.


Farming and Dismantling are both basic skills for getting food ready but apparently they are very helpful skills for Adventurers.


The last Skill and my favorite.


Space Magic - 10 Points


Apparently it is magic that can manipulate space, whatever that means. I know that my Magic Bag is something that was 'Enchanted' with 'Space Magic' so if I can use it to keep even more things without even using a bag it will be super helpful. It can do Teleporting and make a Space Home whatever those mean but it sounds cool. Definitely on my List.


After thinking for a little I made up my mind…


<Water Magic bought, 5 Points spent, 5 Points remaining>


<Presence Detection bought, 1 Point spent, 4 Points remaining>


I understood how Water Magic worked now. I even understood the basics of Magic itself. It's nothing fancy right now but it does have a simple attack spell and I can even create water normally. 


Presence Detection is a lot simpler but right now it's nothing so I keep putting points in until it feels right.


<Presence Detection upgraded to level 3, 1 Point spent, 2 Points remaining>


Now the area I can use the skill on is flexible and able to get anyone without Lvl 4 or above Stealth. It makes me nervous but I'll leave it until I get more points. I'd rather keep a few points in case I desperately need something.


Eventually my head starts to feel foggy and my body is getting heavier… I'm 'tired'. I take the sword off my back. I activate the Alarm for 5 hours and follow the instinct to close my eyes while also making sure to keep Presence Detection on. 

Blood flying, Squishing noises, Steps getting closer, Blood flying, flying all over me, blood all over the walls. The steps stop, they come right in front of me. "Found you!"


I sit up with a jolt, pull my dagger out and look around. The room I got from the girls is empty. Presence Detection… Nothing… There's nothing here. What happened while I was asleep? I checked the time and it's been less than 2 hours since I have slept. I need at least 4 to live so I better continue. I check every corner of the room and even check outside before sitting on the bed again and returning to sleep.


I lie on the bed thinking over everything I have learnt today. I still have no idea about this place and I have no idea when or where bad guys will appear. The book on Jobs I read today showed so many bad guy jobs and explained them in detail. Anyone could be a bad guy and nobody knows. I haven't tried Analyzing another person yet but I should try. You never know when they'll come. They're everywhere.


I sit up quickly again, Dagger still in hand like when I went to sleep. I saw the same thing again. There's so much blood… I hear a loud ringing resounding from outside. This must be the bell I was told by the guild. I remember the small one I Analyzed in the shop, to make this noise the bell should be massive. I re-equip the sword, grab my bag and head down stairs. 


"Good morning Yui. Are you having breakfast here today?" Nora engages me as soon as I set foot on the first floor.


You are reading story Points at

"No. I would like some food though." Two meals spaced through the day and if possible a little food in the middle is what's needed to live.


"That's what breakfast is, Yui. Food in the morning. Take a seat and I'll give mom your order." I headed to the table I sat last time and waited for food to arrive. I contemplate 'breakfast'. Why is it called something different based on time? Isn't it just food in the end? Does it also change based on place? Analyze just said food. It didn't say anything else. Is she wrong or lying?


"Here you go Yui." The older lady puts a plate and a cup on the table.


"Yes. Excuse me but why is this food called breakfast? Is it something different from food or is it a choice of name?" I pry for answers from the smarter one.


"I'm not sure where the word comes from but it usually applies to the first meal since you have slept. It doesn't have to be morning, just the first food you eat when you wake up. Dinner is usually your last meal before you go to sleep. Lunch is a full meal in between those. I only know the meaning behind the word snack. Snack is a term used for having a small amount of food during the day, it is usually dried meat around here and since old dried meat makes a similar noise when broken people catch on to calling it that." 




"Yes, Well I will see you later." As she turns to leave Nora is standing behind her with her mouth open.


"What's that? Why do you know that?"


"It's general knowledge for an Innkeeper." She walks past Nora and heads back into the room. Nora stands there for a second. "Being an Innkeeper is deeper than I thought." She shudders and heads back into the counter. I quickly eat my food since I'm already late, pay for another night and head towards the guild in Stealth.

Arriving at the guild about 10 past 6, I enter and am surprised at how empty it is. I figured since I started at first bell others would as well. I head to the empty counter, turn off Stealth and approach the man I talked to last time.


"I'm late but I'm here for the Alchemy request."


"You're not late. I meant any time after the first bell is fine. Although it is refreshing to see someone here this early. Requests get posted at the second bell so it will be busy around that time. Head to the shop and Sam will handle your request." I do what he says and head towards the shop.


A man with messy brown hair is arranging the things on display. He has his back facing me so I take this chance to Analyze him.


<Sam    25


  Level 5

  S - 3

  D - 2

  E - 5

  M - 3>


I'm not sure if he doesn't have skills or I can't see them so I take it as is. Not much information gets inserted into my head except that he is Human and apart from a serious issue in his right leg he is perfectly healthy.


"Sam. I am here for the Alchemy request." He turns around.


"Right, ok. Just wait a second." He finishes up with the shop then leads me through a door in the shop to a storeroom and stops at a desk. He then points at 2 barrels.


"Today we need Minor Basic Healing Potions. The request is for 5, so anything beyond that is not necessary for the quest but much appreciated. If you can do Basic Healing Potions you will get 150 each. Other potions aren't necessary right now so don't bother. I need to tend to the shop but the barrels with the herbs are there, Water Stone here and bottles are in that drawer. Thank you for your help." He takes one more look at me, smiles and leaves.


<Alchemy conditionally loaned. Complete Quest to permanently acquire.>


I understand how to make Minor Basic Healing Potions and Minor Basic Antidotes along with a few other minor things that can be made.


I grab 5 of each of the herbs in the barrels (Mana Grass and Flaral Herbs), set them on the desk, Grind up the Flaral Herbs in the mortar and keep going until it's a fine powder, do the same with Mana Grass in a different mortar but slowly add the ground herbs to it, once it becomes a thin paste add it to a bottle and use Magic Water from a Water Magic Stone to slowly fill the bottle while mixing, once full put it onto a set Alchemy Circle which is basically a circle 20cm wide with a smaller circle inside and a lot of triangles in a certain pattern, channel Mana into the circle slowly and once it turns a solid red it's done.


I am excited that I made it. After a quick Analyze to prove it's done.


<Minor Basic Healing Potion


  250 Rans

  (Small Heal)>


I quickly get to work and after a little time I finish the fifth one.


<Alchemy for the Guild! QUEST COMPLETE! Congratulations! Alchemy is now permanent. Reward granted>


<Alchemy upgraded to level 2>