Chapter 16: 16 – Combat



I go outside and head to the opposite gate of the one I went to earlier. Listening to what the old man said earlier I take a proper look at the surroundings. Hmmm I don't know what he meant. The buildings are all wood or stone. Mostly one story high with a couple that are two or three in between. Most of them have signs but that is because I'm following the main street. I try to walk while keeping my head up and trying to take in all of the details of the town. One thing I can tell is that people seem to have a little more energy than they did when I first looked outside. I think this place is almost all Humans for some reason. Eventually though my energy seems to dive down and my mood seems to get lower the longer I focus on the things around me. Whatever, I did what the old man said. I should focus on getting Points and practicing for now.


I make my way out of town and head into the forest while focusing on my Skills. I have had enough thinking for today. I need to get Points and kill bad people. 


Eventually I find a goblin that is by itself. I need to practice killing multiple opponents so I do the same thing I did last time there were two. I walk up behind the goblin and stab him where my skills guide me. Then when I feel his body fall I let go of the knife, step forward and draw my katana. Again the katana flies a little beyond my control but this time I expected it so I was able to guide its path enough that it doesn't hurt my body.


I find another goblin and do the same thing. A little less time between the stab and drawing the katana. A better path for the katana.

<Goblin Hunt Extended! Please check the Quest Log for further information.>


Goblin Hunt - Easy - 0/40

  Goblins are a general menace! Get rid of them!

  (1 Point for 40)


I have a sixth point now so I put it into Throwing to try and extend my combo.


<Throwing Skill bought, 1 Points spent, 5 Points remaining>


I do a few practice throws and compared to yesterday it's not even close. I don't know why I even bothered to try something without buying the skill first. Although it seems I can only reliably hit something within 5 meters. I quickly gather the knives I've thrown and head to look for more goblins.


You are reading story Points at

On my way I find another goblin and kobold talking to each other. I only tested it a few times but I think I can execute my combo. I jog up behind the goblin, stab his back then kick his body away, using the momentum of my kick to get in position for the kobold, grab the katana from over my shoulder and use the power of the slice to take his head off using a downward slash, I try to quickly fumble for a throwing knife but halfway through I realize it would take too long since I have two hands on my katana.


Hmmmm… I thought it would be smoother… I think about the order of my combo and come to a realization. I'll try it next time…


This time I found two goblins talking while walking. I approach a little faster than I have previously while still trying to keep quiet. When I’m within range of one goblin I throw a knife at the other goblins head then stab my initial target with my knife, I kick off and slash at an imaginary goblin then carrying the momentum I slide a little back and while raising my katana I unleash a Water Needle at a nearby tree.


Yes!! That looked awesome, It was my first time using attack magic but it went exactly where I pictured it would go. Water Needle seems to have a little more power than my throwing daggers but that works well. I still think the transition from Assassination to Swordsmanship could use some work but I have a feeling its because my Swordsmanship level is so low. I have to hunt a fu… a lot of goblins and kobolds to get more Points but there weren't any other quests offering Points at my level. I didn't focus on what skills were available so maybe I'll check tomorrow.


It's getting a little dark now so I think I'll just hunt until my hunger warning goes off.

When I finally start to get hungry I see something that seems like the final test for today.


4 goblins standing in a circle talking. I envision how I'm going to do my combo over and over again in my head. When they seem to decide to part ways I dash in and throw my knife at the furthest away, I run into one goblin at full speed tackling him with my shoulder while using the knife at the same time when he bounces away from me I take a step forward and slice down the front of another goblin, I missed his head but it did enough damage to kill him. When I raise my katana to fire off the spell the goblin is already swinging a tree branch at my face. I fire the spell at his midsection anyway and take the hit. We both stumble away from each other, I can't seem to fire another spell yet so I focusing on the katana in my hands raising it high and stepping towards him slicing it down across his torso, I rush forward and shoulder barge him while he is dazed, slice down again and fire another spell into him I slice him again on the ground and then kick his head in.


Only after seeing the goblins head splatter across the ground did I realize that he was probably dead after my first slice. I don't know why but for some reason I just got so intense after I took the hit to the face. That was dangerous. I was too focused on my own movements and forgot to focus on what they would do as well. Maybe a downside of spending too much time in Stealth? If he had a sword like me I would definitely be dead right now, instead I only have a sore head. It just makes me want to puff my cheeks for some reason.


I got 17 goblins total but only managed to find the one kobold. I should just take it all the Guild when I go to look for Quests tomorrow. I need to get the armor I ordered and I also need some new clothes since my skirt is getting dirty. I have been keeping my wings hidden ever since I killed the lord since none of my shirts fit my wings well but it's pretty tiring. It feels like I'm constantly holding my hands in the air. I also have to sleep without a shirt. 


I should also look through the Points List skill to see if there is anything that can make things other than fighting easier since I didn't really focus on that until now. I feel that the combo is pretty good if I don't lose focus like I did today. Even the combo I did on the dead goblin went quite well and that was just me going with the flow. I think Throwing is the first and last thing in the combo so I'll probably level that up last. 


Man, I feel good now. All of that stressful thinking earlier today really hurt my head. It's good to be out and about killing things and getting Points, or well on my way to getting points. I should go get my armor! It really is shaping up to be a nice afternoon.