Chapter 18: 18 – Knights of the Kingdom

The Knights of the Kingdom


Now that I'm following this fellow that is leading me to these knight people I am a little confused. I think the knights might be good guys since they were surrounding the lord's house but I never confirmed if they were good guys or not. Right, I'll ask the Bounty Hunter.


“Hey Bounty Hunter. Are knights good guys?” He turns to look at me while walking, he is making a funny face. I never properly looked at him inside, He has long hair for some reason, like a girl. It's straight black though and tied up at the back, Like I do with the ties I got from Marvo.


“I'd prefer you not to call me that out in the open. I'm not sure if you're talking about all knights but the knights I'm taking you to now are good guys. Well at least I think they are.” Hmmm… This might be like the old man said. Bad guys aren't always bad guys and good guys aren't always good guys. 


“Hmmm. Well I guess we'll see. So? What do I call you then?”


“Haah. I thought you had some kind of Appraisal Skill since you knew I was a Bounty Hunter but I guess it's rude to assume that and not introduce ourselves. I'm Talou. Also as you heard earlier this is my partner Hank. What's your name kid?” For some reason Hank looks like just another person on the street. I can't place it but his brown hair, normal height and rough face just make him look like another face in the crowd even though he is walking with us.




“So Yui. You a bounty hunter as well?”


“Not yet. I just wanted revenge and money. I saw the warrants out at the guardhouse and took the Quest.”


“Quest? You an Adventurer at the moment? Also revenge? Did those guys do something to you?”


“Nnn. Did you hear about the guild raid the day before the lord died?”


“Yeah. The slave prison place, Oh… You were there?”


“Nnnn. I killed the two guys there and escaped.”


“That was you?! Wow. I'm… uhh… Sorry about that.”


“Sorry about what?”


“Well that you had to go through that?”


“Ok? I guess?” I was about to ask him about it when he stopped me.


“We are here. Now these knights are pretty serious so just stay quiet until I say so and answer their questions. Don't ask anything until the end.”


He opens the door of what basically looks like a blank stone building, no windows, no marks, nothing. It looks… odd. We enter without saying anything and then go down a few empty hallways before arriving at a blank door. Talou knocks and when a noise comes he opens the door and we walk in. 


Inside I see 3 people in full gray metal armor. Massive swords on their sides. They are all standing in a circle around a table. The biggest guy at the table turns around, he has brown hair and a pretty grown out beard.


“Talou, Your back. Any news?”


“Yea. The Poolside Players have been effectively wiped out.”


“That was quick, even for you.”


“Wasn't me. I almost died when I was blending in and going to the meeting.”


“That have anything to do with the guest you brought us?” At this sentence the other guys turn around. One with blond hair and another with brown, The blonde one is smiling but the other's face is stern.


“Yea. From what I gathered she already killed a majority of the Players and from what I hear the Leader as well. She also willingly gave me all of the information she learned so I figured she could help us out since we are a little short on hands.”


“Ok. Give a quick report.” At this Talou gives him a rundown. He got Hank’s Job changed to Bandit at the church then hooked up with a group of people from the gang that they were already friends with. They were told to go into the building a few minutes after they did. Then he just said what I already know.”


“Hooh. She got the jump on you and Hank huh. She must be pretty good if that's the case. Have you told her anything?”


“Not yet obviously. I was hoping for your approval first.”


“Hmmm. It's a bit late but as long as we get her Appraised first it should be fine. We don't have a record reader on hand but that can be done after the mission.” He then turns to me for the first time. “What do you say missy? You up for killing some more scum?”


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“Hahahaha! That's some nice smile you got there. Not a Bounty Hunter yet huh?”


“Ahh. Sir I should probably tell you but she's that girl we heard about from two days ago.”


“2 days? Ah! The last survivor huh? Well no wonder she killed those fucks on her way out then. Good on ya miss. Don't take getting captured to heart aye, a lot of my knights have been either captured, kidnapped or tortured. Use that as fuel to continue killing the scum that infect this fine kingdom.”




“Alright. Call the Priest in here and let's get this Appraisal over with so we can get started. Shaun, get him please.”


“Fine.” The brown haired one leaves and after a few seconds of silence he returns with a man that has all white clothes, white hair, a white beard and is holding a cane. He pulls out a crystal ball. I Analyze the ball and the man.


<Crystal of Appraisal

  Above Average

  5000000 Rans



<Handel    65

  Evil Priest

  Level 22

  S - 15

  D - 22

  E - 10

  M - 44>


I accept the Appraisal for now and when it shows my information the big knight walks behind the priest and looks at the information while I sneak over to Talou and whisper to him.


“I don't wanna look stupid so Ill ask you. Is the Priest like Hank and just pretending to be an Evil Priest or is he a bad guy?” His face instantly goes tense.


“Are you serious?”


“Yeah. Why?”


“One second.” He fixes his face and walks up to the priest and pulls the big knight aside. “One second honored priest. Just stay behind for a second. I just need to ask the captain something.”


“As you wish.” The priest bows and walks to the wall and waits patiently. Talou acted funny there so I turned on Stealth and snuck up next to the priest. When Talou stops talking to the captain silently, instead of returning to his spot, he moves to the door. Then the captain addresses everyone.


“Talou made a good point to me just now. Considering this is an operation and we have just invaded the privacy of our temp, we should all have ourselves appraised as well.” Everybody seems confused for a second but goes along with it. “Honored priest. If you will.”


“Of course.” He bows and then turn by turn uses the Crystal on everyone, once it's done. “Is that all Captain?”


“What? We're not done yet. Like I said, this is an operation. We need to be sure that we can trust everyone… Please show us your appraisal.” The priest shakes a little. I pull out my dagger. “What's the matter honored priest? I'm sure you know the protocols for secret operations.” 


“Well the Church is usually excluded from these tests as they usually don't take place in the operation itself.”


“As I said, Since we have a temp we should take this occasion to go all out no? It's not like there is a rule that Church officials can't get appraised. We are trying to weed out corruption after all.”


“I'll have to ask the higher ups about this.”


“Sorry mate. It's the rules that since there is an operation starting and no higher ups nearby you will either have to be under arrest until we can get you appraised or you get word from the higher ups and since I can get an appraiser here in a few minutes I think you know which will be faster.” All of the sudden I can feel a build up of Magic from the priest. It's the same as when I fire a spell except for some reason it feels icky.


Hmmm. Since he said it's the rules to arrest him… I stab him in the elbow of the arm the Magic is traveling down. I don't know why but it just feels like I should aim at the arm that's gathering the Magic. Luckily the Magic disperses and the priest shouts in pain and falls to his knees, Everyone else pulls out their sword and aims it at me who stands behind him. Except the captain who aims it at the priest.


“Chill boys. Depending on what spell that was she could have possibly saved my life. I only sensed it when she stabbed him but he was definitely channeling Evil Magic.” Everyone listens and straight away aims their swords at the priest. “And? What do you have to say for yourself?”

“Ha… Haha… Hahhahahaahaahahahhahaaaaaa!!!! Praise the Evil Gods!!! This Kingdom shall fall and Sharsa is the only one who shall meet his untimely end! Praise be to the Evil Gods!!!” I feel his Magic building up and it's massive this time but when my dagger is on the way I see a flash of gray and then the priest hits the ground and the Magic dissipates.