Chapter 20: Ritual of Darkness

Chapter 19

Ritual of Darkness

The Blinding light retreated, leaving June in darkness. Darkness, again with the goddamned darkness.

“Wake,” echoed a booming voice, trailing through the darkness. With a creeping feeling, the sense of touch came back to June, and other senses followed along. June could feel again, and resting on a hard stone surface was becoming all too familiar. Right away, she knew where she was. A scent of rot and dust dominated the cramped space. She tried to jolt up, slamming her head into something hard in the process. Panic set in once again, as she knew right away where she was.

Desperate, June beat her fists against the stone. June didn’t even register that her hands had returned to bones. The clack against the stones grew more rapid as the seconds ticked by. She wanted to cry and scream, but no tears or sounds came. Nothing moved around her for what felt like an eternity. Only the cloud of dust that shifted when the stone mercifully moved out of her path.

“Gave us quite a scare, June,” Bullin said, as he smiled down at the newly revived undead.

But he wasn’t the only one staring down at her. The twinkling and jangling bones of Varren Ebonwood also leered into the coffin. The mask of rotten mana was back again. They looked like a vision of pure horror looming over June.

“Get me the hell out of here,” said June, her voice terse and hollow. As she grasped the edges of the stone coffin, June hefted herself up and out of the container. Graceless, she lurched over the precipice of the burial container. With a clatter, a pile of tired bones tumbled to the floor. Vacant, barely glimmering violet orbs stared up at the rough-hewn stone ceiling of the chamber June knew all too well.

A meaty mitt reached down, grasped her arm, and hefted her to uneasy feet. “Come on, gettup,” echoed the voice of the dwarf.

June swayed back and forth on unsteady feet, staring at nothing.

“Come with me. We have things to discuss,” Varren said. Without another word, Varren set off, and with a wave of their ring-laden hand, ushered Bullin along behind. Bullin had to practically pull the smaller of the three along beside him.

As the trio walked, June lagged, her bones scrapping against the dusty stones. Her mind raced, despite her outward appearance. Visions still clung to the edges of her awareness, a rotting face here, a sourceless scream there. Lost in her own world, June gave no noticeable reaction to the storm inside her.

 The trio ended up back in the curio-stuffed quarters of Varren, although this time Bullin didn’t have to wait outside. On a table in the center of the room sat June’s gear, neatly arranged. Her dagger, sword and armor sat, waiting for her. Like meeting an old friend, she rushed over to don it. Until that moment, the nakedness of being unarmed hadn’t been as obvious to her. It was biting at her heels like an icy breeze.

Varren watched with a cold indifference as the younger undead gathered her trinkets and donned her leather armor.

With a wave of the hand, the regal summoner commanded their charges to sit in front of her desk.

On the polished black wood, scrolls and books sat open. Tiny trinkets whirred as if propelled by unseen hands. A small brass toy, looking remarkably like a robotic man, paced back and forth across the wooden surface.

Seated across from Varren, June and Bullin sat waiting for Varren to discuss whatever it was they wanted.

As the group settled into the upholstered chairs, a pregnant pause passed between them. It was Varren who broke the silence. “So, what did you see?” They asked. It seemed they wanted to waste no time, and dove right in.

“How—” June questioned, before Varren cut her off.

“You think you’re the only one that’s died multiple times?” Varren inquired, “how do you think I got this glorious body?” The elder undead finished with a flourish.

June tensed, unsure how to answer. Visions danced in her mind like those ominous shadows, teasing her.

“Whatever it was, forget it. Prophecy and visions can’t be trusted,” Varren scoffed, leaning in towards June. “All too often, some fool chases greatness because he saw it in a dream, only to find a waking nightmare.”

“Well, that sounds about right,” June said, slumping.

Varren’s gaze turned down, looming over the slumping skeleton.

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“Magic is a messy thing. Sometimes, dark and dangerous forces struggle for control.” Varren said, their voice taking on a softer tone. “The truly bitter pill to swallow is how we are all the playthings of greater forces and must remain content to dance on their strings.”

June didn’t respond, sinking further into the cushy seat. They could feel the wood beneath the cushion, hard and uncomfortable against her bare bones. Beside her, Bullin sat straight and statue-like, not wilting under Varren’s withering gaze.

A loud rap on the closed door of the quarters interrupted the quiet, tense moment.

“Ah, finally,” Varren said, as they rose from the chair and sauntered over to the door. With a flick of their wrist, the heavy skull-bearing door swung open. After only a few seconds, Varren returned carrying a small purple gem in their hand. “This is something for you,” Varren said as they placed the glittering gem onto the desk in between them and June.

“This is something you might enjoy,” Varren stated nonchalantly, pushing the gem towards June. The enchanted mineral glimmered with a barely restrained glow, like a wild campfire. “This item will help you adjust to your new body, in time.”

“I’ve been meaning to ask about that,” June pressed, perking up at the mention of new information. "Just what the hell is going on? I wake up here, after whatever the hell you did to give me this new body, and now I'm just going right back to work?"

With a huff, Varren responded, "Yes, you don't need to know more than that. I won’t be coy,” Varren said with a raspy chuckle. “You must absorb the power within this helpful invention of mine, but that shouldn’t be too hard for you. It just means you have some work to do,” Varren finished with a whisper, their voice a guttural growl.

So I have yet another quest to deal with,” June gruffed internally.

Momentarily, the pause allowed June to try out her new ability. June flared her Mana Vision to check over this new item.


Item Gained


Gem of Insight

With the power to mold the world around us, magic is a boon and a curse. Let the wielder who finds the true path forge their own way. For a path must be carved with the sharpest of tools.

A special magical focus that allows the user to create a magical Nexus.

Crafted by: Varren Ebonwood







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