After a while Eel had finished cleaning, even managed to get {Cleaning Lvl 1} out of it - she decided that one didn’t need to be explained to her.
Using this opportune moment, while Ali seemed busy making the pair something to drink, to look at her new {Job} that seemed related to her staying here. This not so secretly making her happy as she started ‘Fufufu’ing again with a smug smile when she got it - causing her to get flicked again.
<Mrs {Appraisal Control}~>
She decided that it was a Mrs solely because she only found that Dwarf Adventurer, Earl, to be any help. Every other guy has had a strange obsession with brothels!
<| Showing {Appraisal Control} Result;
Status: {Job}
Brothel Worker: This is not the same as a {Prostitute} as you don't sell your body. However, you still work in one doing the day to day labour and generally helping the girls out. If you are a girl and have this class, you are likely also an {Apprentice Prostitute} or too young to gain {Prostitute} in the eyes of the law.
[+1{Dex}] |>
Though… That wasn’t all she was doing as she slipped her head under the mahogany coloured curtain that acted as a ‘door’ for the kitchen; apparently it was called a ‘portières’ according to Ali.
What she was actually looking at was a flush Kee clenching her fists that she held against her neck - having her neck in a vise grip between her forearms - as her elbows were planted firmly on the table. Her head shook from side to side as her entire body squirmed under the Pregnant Woman behind her.
Pulling away her face for a second, Lisa’s glasses would now be foggy while all around her mouth was wet with what looked like water except thicker. Seemingly more sticky as it wasn’t dripping like you’d expect water. The wolf looked disappointed while panting through the white panties shoved between her fangs - gazing back to see why she’d stopped. And, to Eel, it almost felt like through those glasses there was a pair of hazel eyes directly on her.
Lisa’s hands began to knead Kee’s asscheeks while planting a kiss on the left one - closest to the kitchen - then another kiss and another till she was at the bottom of the asscheek as her right hand pulled away to grab a glass from the plate Kee brought. Kee certainly seemed happy (and a bit insane) at this. Though surprised as she jolted, Lisa having moved the cool glass’ rim directly against her most private of parts.
Causing another look from the wolf only for the elf’s next whisper to not just shock the wolf but a certain tiny {Dragon}.
“To think you’d be so into this you’d not notice someone watching, you perverted dog.” <Lisa>
Her harsh words were followed by the wolf’s ears perking up and darting directly towards the barely visible Eel, causing both their eyes to open wide and faces to go red (Eel was also surprised the wolf could even get redder). You have never seen a tail wag so quickly before.
However, it was too late for the wolf as a cool tongue pressed against the bottom of her left cheek while the right was mercilessly played with. Dragging her tongue up to the top of the victimized wolf before softly biting down. Her right hand mercilessly pulling across the ass-cheek.
Echoing out as all the wolf could do was arch her spine backwards as if preparing to howl - and what a howl it was.
“NWOO~!” <Kee>
Muffled and desperate, seemed to be a ‘no’ but it was hard to see what she was saying. At a rapid pace more of the transparent fluid on Lisa’s face burst into the glass, the wolf’s torso and head thrashing from left to right but her hips seemed to arch down onto the glass.
The tip of Lisa’s lips perked up in a smirk as she washed her lovers embarrassed but plentiful - it didn’t take long for the wolf to finish. Collapsing, spread out across the table with soft tears in her eyes… She didn’t seem to be sad about it even though she was bright red.
Lisa just chuckled and spoke once again.
“Well? You're not planning to leave me like this, are you?” <Lisa>
Moving her hands and face away from the wolf but tilting her head up and turning her left cheek towards Kee. This confused the curious Eel however, like a corpse being left out too long to become a zombie, Kee crawled back up from her shallow grave.
Turning around and crawling up to Lisa she would place her hands on the woman's shoulders as her mouth approached her cheek, letting her tongue stick out as she approached. Leaning down closer and closer to the elf. Soon she ended up with her arms around the pregnant elf’s neck while her tongue began to slide up and down the woman's cheek - her head bobbing up and down to accomplish this - as Lisa just slowly turned her face to let the simple movements clean her whole face from the wolf’s juices.
<Kee sure is cute~!>
Was what Eel gained from this experience, however, soon she felt a cold wind blow over her back giving her a premonition of disaster. Soon she had a cold glass of her own - this one though was slammed on top of her head.
Eel’s reaction was reminiscent of that of a mole in wack’a’mole as she turned to see a stern faced Ali looking down at her with cold eyes causing another shiver.
“What did I tell you?” <Ali>
“That only perverts watch people without permission?” <Eel>
Tilting her head softly in a cute manner, making Ali’s look soften gently.
“So, do you have something to say then?” <Ali>
A smile began to form on Ali’s face at the expected answer, but…
“I’ve decided to embrace the fact I’m a pervert~!” <Eel>
“That’s not something you embrace!” <Ali>
This having the expected outcome of a cold glass slamming down atop her head once again as Ali shouted at her. Both were interrupted as a soft chuckle played out from the main room. Despite being a chuckle, it made it Ali’s turn to shiver.
Kee was now on the right cheek thus Lisa was facing towards them, having wiped her steamed glasses clean with a piece of cloth.
“It’s only natural for her to be curious about a world she doesn’t understand - my guess is you failed to explain it like you always do.” <Lisa>
“T-that-” <Ali>
“I don’t suppose you were going to say that it’s too early for that right? As it is right now; Eel Jr is in a very delicate position as she’s not yet strong enough to defend herself, doesn’t have knowledge about the world to clearly make decisions and is at an age where most attempts of kidnapping occur. We can’t fix the first problem too quickly as she needs to train up her weakened body, the third is obviously impossible...” <Lisa>
“Yes, but-” <Ali>
“And, we already have one girl of the exact same age beginning her training to become a {Courtesan} and we both know Emily is far more shy than Eel Jr is. This is also not bringing up Eel Jr being far more mentally mature than girls her age seemingly. I’m not saying you need to sit her down and explain it all but stop trying to hide things from her - I don’t care what relationship you intend to have with her in the end but I won’t let you give up her future because of your regret.” <Lisa>
“Urgh…” <Ali>
Ali suddenly got real quiet as Eel and Kee just kind of awkwardly looked at each other with wry smiles. The wolf red faced because from feeling this was her fault from ‘getting too excited’ while Eel… Well she was Eel. She just wanted to try out the glass that was sitting upon her head (as well as the one in Lisa’s left hand if she could).
Lisa just shook her head and sighed out.
“The rest of them will be waking up soon so as punishment Ali you will clean up the table while Eel off. Kee, I need a bath so you’ll take me there. No washing yourself though… Oh and don’t forget to put your panties on.” <Lisa>
Everyone would just nod (except Kee who was just not having a good morning apparently… Or maybe she was having a great morning?). Kee quickly pulling her panties out and putting them on, forgetting about the fact she was wet down there causing her to leave a very obvious wet patch.
She was too busy aiding Lisa to stand to worry about that though as she soon wore her apron; a gift from Lisa so of course she wouldn’t forget that; as she guided the {Earth-Elf} out of the room.
After this Ali turned to Eel, finally taking the glass from the top of the girls head and handing it to her.
It was filled up with a whitish, yellow liquid that sloshed around and smelt nice as Eel moved it to her nose to sniff. Having a happy smile on her face as she continued to sniff it for a bit, causing the moody Ali to break and chuckle warmly once more.
“That’s vanilla milk - milk is meant to be healthy for you but the girls thought they didn't like the smell so Emily suggested recently adding some vanilla so it tasted like-... Well never mind, just drink it already” <Ali>
<Ah~ Ali really has a loose tongue when it comes to this kind of thing doesn’t she. It’s probably something personal to the girl.>
Or so she theorized as to why Ali keeps cutting herself off.
“What’s milk?” <Eel>
“Well, when a woman is pregnant like Lisa her chest will begin to release it - you know the wet patches on her bra?” <Ali>
“So this is Lisa’s Milk?” <Eel>
“Erm, no, this is animal milk from an animal called a cow…” <Ali>
You are reading story I May Misunderstand The Term ‘Hero’ at
Ali hoped that Eel wouldn’t end up being too curious for her own good when it came to her best friend and secretary. Meanwhile Eel would simply nod her head and take a big gulp, then another and another. Soon the glass was empty before Ali even came out the kitchen again. And so, it was time to move…
Her target? Lisa’s glass of course! Scampering across the room towards the glass she soon found herself lifted up by the collar like a cat and she crossed her arms and pouted. Hanging mid air as, of course, Ali lifted her with her left hand.
“I’m warning you now, someone else already tried the same thing you’re thinking about and if you think Lisa’s preaching is bad now… Well just try it after stealing that glass...” <Ali>
All Eel could do was nod furiously at the thought of Lisa’s cold chuckle being pointed towards her but worse! Being put down Ali would hand her a pair of chopsticks, getting a head tilt for her troubles.
“I plan to train you in using a stave - specifically spear - so it’s best to start with some simple motions. Just twirl those around your fingers - do both at the same time when you feel more comfortable doing it with one but remember to switch hands when using one without stopping the motion.” <Ali>
She would be very confused about what spinning chopsticks had to do with poking people with a stick but would follow her instructions like a good girl while watching Ali - very carefully and at a distance - move to glass away from the table after whipping it off a bit.
After which she’d begin cleaning… When she suddenly realized something.
“Wait a fucking second, I’m the owner! She can’t punish me!” <Ali>
And another win for the {Wood-Elf} was confirmed as Ali continued cleaning the table since she had already started.
“W~what are you doing?” <?>
A soft trembling voice echoed out behind Eel as she rested against the right wall beside the double doors leading to the corridor which apparently leads to another staircase up to the rooms but also a storage area and generally more extra space.
The voice was so soft and timid it was hard to pick up even during the silence, like a whisper but spoken at a normal volume.
Turning her head to look at where the voice came from, the doorway, there would be littler girl than she. This new girl was only 3’2 making her absolutely adorable creature in the eyes of Eel. Within her short white hair - reaching her neck - would be black spots. Little horns pointing out the top while a droopy white ear and black ear fell out of her hair - one at either side. She didn’t know what animal she was but she seemed to be a {Beast-Person}.
And she was an adorable one at that.
She even had droopy brown eyes that looked sleepy but it was obvious the girl was wide awake and just being cute by existing. Her lips were a bit plump and were in a soft pout with little chubby cheeks yet to lose their baby fat that continued to give her that sleepy feeling.
There was a soft clacking as Eel forgot about the sticks and focused entirely on this cute creature in front of her. She was wearing a simple white nighty and Eel got the sudden urge to pounce and hug the girl but at the same time didn’t want to scare her so would cross her arms to prevent her from ruining her chances.
“Ah, I was just spinning chopsticks, what about you? Did you want something? I’m guessing your Emily” <Eel>
<Wah, why were you so aggressive you idiot, me! Dammit, don’t be a Kee! Be a Alicia!>
The girl would shrink back as her questions were returned back to her threefold and at a rather fast pace. In her arms she would be hugging what looked like a giant green lizard, a {Monster} that she would learn in the future is called {Giant Green Lizard}. What she felt at that moment was a tear in her heart - an irrational tear that made her mouth open wide as she stared into those beady (literally) lizard eyes. She felt a flame lit in her stomach, smoldering.
This feeling would be the first time she’d felt jealousy this strong.
“Are y-you okay?” <Emily>
<Ah~ healing~...>
Just hearing the caring girl worry for her sake was enough to cool the embers - though she was angry at that fucking lizard…
<Look at it, bragging… Wait… Why do I care about a lizard getting a hug?>
Placing her right hand on her forehead she would check her temperature and it seemed like she wasn’t ill but as soon as she saw those little droopy eyes look worried towards her she would begin to feel herself burning up.
“Are y-” <Emily>
“I-I heard you the first time! I’m just…” <Eel>
<Wait… What am I doing this for? I know this is the first time talking with someone my age like this since all the kids were afraid of me or looked up to me but I didn’t think I was this sad… Is it a fever? No, doesn’t seem like it. Then?>
“Being weird?” <Eel>
After saying that she heard a snicker from further into the room slowly turn into a laugh. Turning around she saw Ali with her hand over her mouth, turning away to not meet eyes with Eel as Eel would just pout and cross her arms.
Letting out a deep breath after she was finished, Ali would look towards the confused bundle of cuteness. Though, when their eyes were about to meet Emily would always look away.
“That little bundle of nerves is called Elizabeth Jr and is a {Brothel Worker}, she goes by Eel. The one you're trying to talk to, Eel, is Emily. She’s an {Apprentice Prostitute} who we brought in a few weeks ago and haven’t had a chance to decide a nickname for her but before you ask she’s a half-breed between a {Cow-Person} and {Dwarf}.” <Ali>
Seeing Emily look towards Eel made Eel retreat in defeat with a reddened face - unable to handle this girl.
“I wonder if she’ll end up like Kee… No, Kee was only pathetic after they got together...” <Ali>
She mumbled to herself, shaking her head and giving out a drawn out sigh, as she slowly walked up towards the girls so she could see them better.
“Lisa seems to want you two to be roommates since you both, what’s the word… You both have had little experience with people your own age? I think the idea is maybe you two will open up but based on Eel’s reaction she may struggle.” <Ali>
Hearing this Emily would turn towards Eel with teary eyes and a sad pout.
“I’m sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable. I don’t mind if you want to stay far away while in our room - I’ll move if I’m allowed an-” <Emily>
“No! It’s not you it’s me, I just feel all tingly and hate that lizard!” <Eel>
“The plushy?” <Emily>
Eel sounding her age… If not younger.
“You seem very nice and I’d be happy for you to be my first!” <Eel>
That line made Ali blow out air in shock at the choice of words. She knew the girl didn’t know what that series of words meant (especially in a building like this) so all she could do was calm her tired heart.
“Y-you really mean it? I’ve never really spoken to anyone as my mother was a slave and she didn’t wa-” <Emily>
“Why would I care about any of that? You're cute and kind so none of that matters to me! Plus I’m not just a bastard but an illegitimate one! I also don’t even really know my mother...” <Eel>
Eel didn’t know why but she desperately didn’t want those words to come out of Emily’s mouth. She also may have gone too far by claiming direct ownership but Ali couldn’t exactly say anything and just awkwardly slipped away.
“Y-you mean it?” <Emily>
“I wouldn’t rather room with anyone else.” <Eel>
Nodding her head, confidently with a smug smile and walked up to the girl, wrapping her arms around the girl's chest from behind to embrace her. In return the girl got real clingy, throwing the plush to the side and wrapping her own arms around Eel’s waist and pushed her head against her chest.
Although she could clearly feel ribs under due to how thin Eel was, it felt unconditionally warm to the girl.
Resting her nose into the white and black spotted hair she would gently sniff and not even be stealthy about it while her right hand moved down to Emily’s waist to softly comfort her as she cried into Eel’s warmth.
<Ah~! Smells like vanilla milk~ I don’t want to let go of her~... I wonder who to blame for making her cry...>
And so, by the time the woman came down they would be very confused about the two young girls hugging off in one corner of the room. The purple haired girl clearly sniffing the cow girl's hair while caressing her - the smaller one that they all knew gently sobbed into a new girls chest.
Wondering if they should report a crime.