“So this is a small bronze coin, it takes 5 bronze coins to buy a loaf of decent bread, 10 of these to make 1 of the large bronze coins I gave you the other day? Remember those 5 coins right?” <Lisa>
Lisa’s look was clearly more agitated - like when she was listening to Ali try to scoot around educating Eel before. In other words, she looked 5 seconds away from scolding someone so a lot of people had simply been avoiding Lisa’s room as a whole. The reason for her mood was quite easy to understand actually…
She was heavily pregnant with a lively child in her belly on top of being able to work. Being another source of multiple versions of stress.
The two little girls were just standing there nodding with slightly paled looks as Lisa was waving around a horse crop - slapping her palm. Of course, she wouldn’t use it on the girls but she certainly had been making use of it to de-stress.
Under the sheets would be a bobbing bulge, just under her tummy. Anyone who could see Lisa without Kee around would likely guess exactly who that bulge was and what she was doing. Occasionally the horse crop would slam down on that bulge while cursing something or another - often times complaints that went against a previous one she made such as ‘stick your tongue in deeper in my ass, mutt’ followed by ‘do you think I’m fucking Fuka, don’t be so rough’ but there would be no complaints from the Wolf.
She was very understanding of her partner perusal.
On the other side of the bed would be a certain plump bunny who would look more wry than she normally did. She came in as she was supposed to guide the girls through the town to pick up some things for the brothel and now themselves - hence the lesson in currency.
Hugging neck was an ice blue piece of fabric that went down her right and left side to support her breasts but then was tied around her waist with a bow at the back. A black mini skirt, white thigh highs and knee high boots finished the bunnies outfit… But she currently had her right hand holding up her skirt while she was pulling out tissues from the box to rub up and down on the large shaft and dabbing the head - though it wasn’t for pleasure.
She had however underestimated the thirst of a pregnant woman and so found herself devoured by Lisa - she was currently wiping down her large cum covered cock with some tissues, throwing them in the bedside bin. Tissues landing on top of a torn pair of panties…
<Ah~ Lyada looks kind of defeated - not even she’d go outside without underwear. I think Fuka might. Or Kee if ordered by Lisa...>
“Eyes on me Eel or do you have something to say?” <Lisa>
“No boss!” <Eel>
When she was facing those two men in the back alley or being charged at by a platoon of guards… None of it was as terrifying as the emotionally unstable Lisa.
“It takes 100 large bronze to make a small silver - how many small bronze coins is that.” <Lisa>
“1000!” <Eel & Emily>
Emily was so scared she even forgot to stutter which is a known height. Lisa though would just nod, seemingly satisfied before cracking the horse whip across the unfortunate Kee before a golden glow washed over her - healing any wound she had occurred from the lashing.
“Now, it’s the exact same from silver to gold and gold to platinum. Platinum is such an outrageously large sum of money however that it is hardly ever used. It’s on the level where a single platinum coin could easily buy out this whole area and have more than half left over. Only really countries deal with platinum coins. We gave you 5 bronze coins when about 25-30 is bare minimum to survive off. We are quite generous as most live in employees won’t even get payment - especially so with brothels.” <Lisa>
Once again she would pause, the girls got the hint and nodded while giving their thanks.
“A silver coin is often referred to as ‘the nobles common currency’ as it’s what they often pay in and we ourselves deal with it quite a bit - in fact we’re doing quite well so our savings can actually be counted to a good amount of gold.” <Lisa>
“So what can you buy for gold?” <Eel>
She decided to ask her question despite the fear she held in her heart over rubbing the woman the wrong way right now. Though Lisa was unreasonable right now, she proved herself not to be ‘that’ unreasonable.
“A decent question. It tends to cost a few gold for actual ownership of a plot of land as it’s buying directly from the lord of the land. A manner may cost a fair amount of silver in rent but if you bought the land it’s on you don’t have to pay anything. Lower-class homes like those in the slums often go for bronze while a middle-class home can at most cost a couple silvers. Though this also depends on the wealth of the city.” <Lisa>
Nodding to show her understanding Lisa would continue.
“I think you're probably okay to head out - been about a week since you started training right? Make sure to bring something to protect yourself and go and buy yourselves some toiletries and such since you haven’t yet. Lyada - go with and guide them.” <Lisa>
Lyada would just stand there awkwardly before asking.
“Can retrieve more underwear, master?” <Lyada>
“Did I not tell you to be ready to leave?” <Lisa>
The stoic Lyada would tremble and everyone in the room felt sorry for her but she went ahead regardless to bite the bullet.
“Was ready - master tore panties while pulling me in ass and telling to ‘hump like horny bunny am’ while whipping - lots of whipping...” <Lyada>
The bunny had her ears lowered for the first time since Eel had met her though it wasn’t hard to understand. Even though she found it enjoyable she knew the moment her underwear was torn she would be forced into a more unfortunate situation.
Lisa would just click her tongue and move her hand to shoo the bunny away - the girls would also take this chance to run away.
Walking through the streets Eel would just wear a white blouse with short sleeves and a pair of baggy black pants because she was told by Ali ‘not to flash people’ though she didn’t know {Light Magic} so found it confusing.
Resting on her right shoulder would be the upper part of the shaft of a simple iron spear with a wooden shaft as she held it in her right hand looking a bit smug.
Next to her would be a cute little cowgirl in a pink one piece that simply just suited cute girls like her.
<I found my path of justice as a {Hero}, cute is justice~>
It was a term she heard one time from some clients that were admiring paintings of the girls on the left wall. According to them Leaf was clearly the best girl as, although not sexiest, she was the cutest which was a rare thing at brothels.
Made sense, usually it would be hard to remain cute while living what one could sum up as ‘a shitty life’.
Leaf certainly managed it though.
In front of them would be the bunny who would have a long thin blade sheathed on the left side of those swaying hips while the right would have a smaller sheath for what seemed like a knife - a strange combo to the little {Hero} who didn’t know much. Though, she did remember being told that bunny preferred weapons were ‘a sword and sword-breaker’.
<I’m curious how fitting the name is to the weapon… It is a really fucking cool name for a knife~!>
In terms of this, she was slowly finding herself being more and more of a tomboy but she didn’t mind that. Cool things were cool and she wanted to be cool! And weapons? They were definitely cool! Same with armour even though it would be a bad idea for her to wear any since she already had {Scales (High-Dragon)} which when leveled up would be far better both for her mobility and defense… Though she still hadn’t figured out the whole ‘transform into {Dragon} mode’ so she could hardly boast about her scales {Scales} when she didn’t have them…
They were currently walking through the upper-middle class area. Eel happily looking over the large crowd of people while Emily - being Emily - would obviously be nervous and hugging Eel’s left arm. Nuzzling her face against it in fact. This in turn made Eel feel happy because it felt like she was protecting the girl like the brave {Hero} she was!
Not to mention that sweet aroma of vanilla milk...
<Cute is justice indeed~!>
“Think food good right now. People watching though - be careful.” <Lyada>
The stoic woman's voice snapped Eel straight out of her joyous moment and then looked around to the crowds again. Many eyes would indeed be turned to them - most of them males staring on the bunny’s exposed side chest and cleavage. Although the fabric covered a lot of the front of her breasts to hide her nipples there was certainly nothing on the sides or cleavage.
Even if Fuka and Lyada weren’t the most beautiful or cute girls in the brothel they would be on a normal street like this - Lyada was a high-class {Prostitute} after all and with a skirt her god shattering bulge wouldn’t be as visible.
Eel had seen the girls at work but she still found this reaction most interesting - heads turning left and right to look towards the bunny. She was clearly the center of attention - even in this male centric city people were letting her pass - and it wouldn’t be a far out assumption to think that they wouldn’t even notice the girls following behind.
This didn’t shatter her confidence in her looks, after all, she didn’t have any to begin with.
<Ah~ she’s practically bragging about her attention now~. Well I guess it must feel good though, all those eyes admiring you, watching your every move…>
Oh course, other than perhaps the woman (or at least the ones who didn’t bat for the other team), they would want to do more than admire her.
Eel wouldn’t mind that though.
To an orphan like her who had been put down and ignored for most of her life that would likely feel even better. Her gaze for a moment fell towards Emily but their gazes met. Seemingly they were having very similar thoughts about it.
And about not being left behind the other in regards to this. Whether it’s because they didn’t want to be left behind by the other or just not feel a sense of inferiority didn’t matter to them.
They both felt like they understood something but couldn’t quite put their finger on it.
So they continued to follow behind the bunny who had know idea the thoughts of the two jealous girls glaring into her back… Or ignoring them? Both were fairly likely.
It wouldn’t take very long for the group of three to make it to a restaurant - they would take the outside seats because the weather was quite nice, especially the warm sunlight on one's skin. Lyada had already left to make their orders - you could tell where she was because if you looked past the wooden windows you found all the heads turned in one direction.
As they had never even eaten anything beside bread and then what they ate at the Brothel Emily would ask Lyada to get her the same. Meanwhile Eel would ask for something light - a grilled {Giant Boar} steak (it’s light for a {High-Dragon} she assured) - because she wouldn’t want to miss a day of porridge!
<Going to put Bunny to shame when I’m 16~!>
She placed her spear down to rest against the table and kinda ‘ploofed’ across the table while looking towards the nervous Emily. She seemed like a small animal trying to make herself even smaller as her head darted around. It was clear she felt like she didn’t belong in this kind of place - only time an orphan gets meat is to fatten them up after all.
<Ah~ she really is cute~!>
So Eel decided to be a good friend and put her out of her misery and the best way to make someone comfortable was to simply talk.
“So what soap do you buy? It smells really good~.” <Eel>
“E-eh? I don’t use any special soap - just what we’re given from the big sisters…” <Emily>
At first she was surprised by Eel suddenly talking but soon calmed down and to calm down to voice out her confusion.
“Eh~ but you smell like that vanilla milk we get in the mornings and evenings~!” <Eel>
Saying that Emily would just blink a few times while tilting her head, looking at the girl on the table.
You are reading story I May Misunderstand The Term ‘Hero’ at novel35.com
“W-what about you though? Y-you kind’a smell like milk but kinda fruity - like stra-” <Emily>
Emily cut herself off as she looked at Eel in surprise. Eel couldn’t put her finger on it but something felt… Wrong. Ever since she had started training she found herself slowly developing some sort of ‘6th sense’ that allowed her to begin to react.
Looking from left to right she would try to put her finger on it, it started basically as soon as she mentioned the words ‘vanilla milk’ and it felt like there was always ‘something’ there…
It felt ‘familiar’ but not at the same time...
“I-I’m sorry - I didn’t mean to sniff you. Do you not like smelling like that? N-not that I lied just so we’d smell similar.” <Emily>
She didn’t mean to ignore Emily, she even felt bad about it but this felt important.
<| Congratulations Earned {Perception Lvl 1} Through Actions |>
Ah, she understood it now. It was like the gaze those two kidnappers gave her in the back alley. Reaching for her spear only for a group of three men wearing black leather armour with matching robes leapt from the roofs above - running. towards the pair of girls. Rising up from her seat she would step forward to thrust at their torso to keep them back.
However, she would fail to realize the high quality of the leather they wore - that being leather made from {Monster} hide. The cheap iron blade on top wouldn’t even do more than scratch before the core of the shaft splintered before exploding back towards her causing her to quickly hop back - traveling behind the table she was originally sat at and closer to the shop in hopes of support - her left arm rose up to cover her eyes to avoid any follow ups.
Although she would recover from basically any wound, a wound was still a wound.
But, as she did that, she came to another realization… The neither gazes of the people on the street nor these kidnappers were ever on her for more than a second. The former was obvious but if the latter was true she would have likely noticed sooner…
It felt more like they were watching to confirm something - and apparently something had been confirmed…
Confirmed about Emily!
“SHIT!” <Eel>
If she was in danger she could handle it but it wasn’t. She wasn’t even a concern to these men. She’d grown confident that if anyone wanted someone it would be ‘the {Hero}’ or ‘{High-Dragon}’ but that was conceited.
Lowering her arm to gaze to her right to see Emily who was still sitting down with a surprised look on her face for clear reasons, staring at Eel and the weapon that exploded.
But soon the men would arrive. One of them grabbed Emily by her arm to drag her into his embrace while turning around on his heel to retreat again.
“Like hell you will!” <Eel>
With that yell her voice carried with it {Intimidation} - she had already gotten a feel for how to activate it since she had used it so much before… Well once she was informed of what it was that is.
Per-usual, the men would turn to her with their guards raised but this would also mean they stopped running away - meaning she would charge straight for the one who had grabbed Emily.
Leaping at him she would use what could be said to be one of a {Dragon}s most effective weapons - her teeth. Going straight for his neck she would attempt to chomp him only for the man to quickly clue in - showing himself far from amateur - as he quickly turned himself so his shoulder would block the girl while dragging Emily into his embrace.
<| Congratulations {Fang (High-Dragon) Lvl 1} Became {Fang (High-Dragon) Lvl 2} |>
Eel bit right through his leather and into his flesh causing him to cuss out, apparently he was fairly high ranked as her skill leveled up quite nicely in return for her troubles. The man would look towards his allies who would in turn pull out their daggers and approach Eel.
Closing her eyes and not looking forward to what was coming next, she would move her right arm up and thrust it towards his neck but with a tilt she only managed to knick the side - causing less of an injury than her bite did.
Seeing this she would grip onto him with her left hand - digging her claws into his upper arm to also prevent him from trying to do anything to her himself…
Then she continued to grip. Feeling the knives stabbing into her back she wanted to scream out but if she did she’d loosen one of her two holds on the man. So she didn’t. She was surprised they didn’t just end her right away but heard the man who she was biting speak up - muffled due to the black mouth mask he wore to hide his face.
“Don’t kill her - she smells different but I can definitely smell the skill on her!” <Wounded Kidnapper>
<Skill? I haven’t checked my list in awhile but what skill could you smell?!>
She heard the sound of men clicking their tongues as they continued to stab into her - once they realized she regenerated quickly they were far less kind with their attempts.
<| Congratulations {Fang (High-Dragon) Lvl 2} Became {Fang (High-Dragon) Lvl 3} |>
<| Congratulations {Claw (High-Dragon) Lvl 1} Became {Claw (High-Dragon) Lvl 2} |>
<| Congratulations {Claw (High-Dragon) Lvl 2} Became {Claw (High-Dragon) Lvl 3} |>
<| Congratulations {Regeneration Lvl 6} Became {Regeneration Lvl 7} |>
<Yea! Con-gra-tu-fucking-lations me~!>
The damage was even getting worse and worse to the point where even her {Regeneration} leveled due to the harsh treatment…
<I wish I had decent armour - even if it only stopped one more stab it would be more bearable… I wish I had at least a spear to pierce this fucker! Hell anything would work if I could knock him around a bit!>
As she thought that the stabs began to slow down - or rather seemed to take more time getting through her skin and pulling out. Then she heard something interesting.
<| Congratulations {Scales (High-Dragon) Lvl 1} Became {Scales (High-Dragon) Lvl 2} |>
After that a soft ‘shing’ played out when the weapons collided with her back - like they were gouging through the metal instead of flesh - obviously she couldn’t turn around to look but she had a feeling that was soon confirmed.
<| Congratulations {Fang (High-Dragon) Lvl 2} Became {Fang (High-Dragon) Lvl 3} |>
The wounds stopped hurting her back and felt more like someone was poking her over and over. Then she thought back to what she wanted after that…
<I want something to pierce through this bastard in front of me?>
Then, a familiar gruff but warm voice echoed in her ear. ‘You are a {Hero} who uses a spear, yes, but more than that you are a {Dragon} who are terrifying for their natural weapons. Focus - what can help you protect that girl!’ It had been over a month till she last heard him but she thought, knowing what she knew, she may be able to hazard a guess to who this man was.
But… What could help her?
<{Claws} and {Fangs} are too structured and require me to move so I can’t use them… Wings? Ali said I should have them? No - I want a tail!>
Just above her but felt warm as something lashed around on her command - it was clumsy though and instead of hitting his neck like she wanted it ended up puncturing into his left armpit as he held Emily to his chest.
This was still lethal though.
<| Congratulations {Fang (High-Dragon) Lvl 3} and {Claw (High-Dragon) Lvl 3} Have United Into {Natural Armaments (High-Dragon) Lvl 3} Through Your Efforts |>
The man dropped Emily and stumbled backwards to grab onto what had pierced through his artery but he was simply losing blood too fast and had no way to recover it. Falling before he got his third step in.
<| Congratulations {Human Lvl 5} Killed: Awarded {150;Exp} |>
<| Congratulations Became {Level: 6}: Currently Have {AP:50} Saved |>
Her first thought was…
<Realy?! He was only Level 5?!>
But then a thought came to her… She only had trouble due to their equipment really. If they were skilled couldn’t they have carefully slit her ligaments as that would - even if for a second - have made her lose her grip on the man.
<They were only child kidnappers after all… Humans are indeed scary...>
And after saying such she would release her mouth from the mans shoulder - honestly feeling a bit loopy from the whole thing. Blood dripping from her mouth as she would bear witness to a long purple tail waving behind her. Shimmering a rich violet made from several wide but fat around the tip ‘v’ sections (similar to a spine but way bigger to the point it almost seemed artificial it was so perfect) with crimson on the tip which could only be referred to as spear like… But the bladed head would not only be pointed at the tip but seemed to have sharpened edges like the spear she had broken earlier.
<So it can slash as well? Convenient~>
Looking up she would try to find the other two men but one would already have a rapier sticking through his throat - while the other would have his knee kicked in with the blade of a dagger pressed to his neck. The back of the dagger had teeth that went all the way to the edge of the fuller…
Terms she learned quite recently but she felt too weak at feeling the safety with having the bunny here caused her tension to leave her, turning to her side she saw the crying face of a certain cowgirl. Seemed to be shouting something
<Ah~ how rare but still so cute~. But, sorry, I need nap time~…>
And so, watched by those droopy but surprisingly wide hazel eyes she would close her own. Falling into a slumber.