“...you also have a large Conceptual Memory too huh. How many slots are we talking?”
“Mm,” Ralf gave the question some thought before answering, “around seven thousand.”
“Seven thousand?!”
Jeff was baffled at the number. He had around two thousand and had considered it an unsurpassable number, so Ralf’s words came as a great shock.
“Yeah, around seven hundred are already filled, mostly with Blinking techniques. With activation via Conceptual Memory being the fastest method, I have every conceivable motion stored and ready for use in a slot. In our match, nearly all my Blinking was semi-automatic, that’s why I could move so fast.”
The best way to understand Ralf’s Conceptual Memory activated movements was to compare them to a character in a fighting game. A complex action, like throwing a straight punch was reduced to the push of a single button.
In the same way, Ralf simply cast his mind into the Conceptual Memory, found the appropriate slot, and activated the pre-programmed movement. He controlled his body no different than a video game character.
This was highly efficient; it alleviated his mind from the task of manually shifting the Psi around. He could then use the spare brainpower on other aspects of combat.
“Nearly all,” Jeff repeated with incredulity
Storing basic and frequently used movements like punches, kicks, and Blink Steps was common sense. What baffled him was Ralf’s ‘nearly all’ comment. During the three minutes, Ralf had made thousands of movements. They weren’t all unique, but he believed a few dozen of them were. When recalling how swift Ralf was throughout the match, a deep shock visited him.
With his large Conceptual Memory, Jeff could also save dozens of unique pre-programmed movements. But he didn’t. Accessing and activation via the Conceptual Space was a taxing process, and only became more so when more slots were filled. The process of navigating a long list of items would strain one’s Mental Energy.
This wasn’t an issue out of battle, but it was incredibly difficult while having to focus on an ongoing battle, especially when trying to activate more complex processes like high-speed movements.
One’s Mental Energy quality factored into how difficult they would find this process, but the duo hadn’t relied on this alone to see them through. Just like other many Psi abilities, this process could be improved upon. There were two methods.
The first was manually restructuring one’s Conceptual Memory to make the selecting process easier.
While normal Conceptual Memory slots arrangement was more akin to a Minecraft inventory, the duo’s was way different. While normal psionics could vaguely visualize and manipulate their Conceptual Memory, the duo could outright customize it however they wished.
Doing so in Mental Space, they had configurated it to match a video game controller setup. When they thrust their minds into their Conceptual Memory, they would be presented with six different ‘buttons’. Depending on the order and combination they chose, they’d be directed to a certain section of their Conceptual Memory, where they’d only have to choose between a few dozen options at most. At this number, their mind could easily and swiftly decide what they wanted.
The second method was practice. By repeatedly using the system as much as they did during their Mental Space training, they ended up getting very familiar with these artificial mental pathways.
By using these two methods, the duo was now able to whip out technique after technique rapidly and seamlessly without mentally fumbling about.
“Nearly all,” Ralf repeated with a nod. “There’s still room for additions and improvement though.”
‘Additions.’ Jeff got a headache at the term. ‘This kid is unbelievable.’
Following the thought, he continued with his questions. Ralf answered them merrily as he moved down the corridor. Still, while he was happy with the attention, Ralf was very careful in what he let Jeff know. Things like his nigh-infinite Psi capacity, the Mental Space, and ultimate techniques were cards best kept close to his chest.
Another thing he was being clammy on was the method he used to learn as quickly as he did, which Jeff attempted to bring up again.
Ralf sighed. “Very well, I’ll tell you the truth.”
“Really!” Jeff practically jumped at his words. Excitement filled his heart and he leaned in close, wanting the sonic waves to penetrate his ear canals just a bit sooner.
Ralf smiled wryly as he caught the giddiness in the other. ‘Guess, I can’t disappoint.’
“First, before we begin,” Ralf flicked his earring, “this outfit I’m wearing and these earrings, do you recognize them from somewhere?”
“Hmm...” Finding the question strange, Jeff slowed his steps and ran his eyes across Ralf’s figure. After several seconds and a frown, he replied with his answer. “...no I don’t.”
“Oh, I see,” Ralf’s eyes flickered for a moment before settling. He then rubbed his chin while muttering, “Mmm, I guess that’s not a surprise.”
“Not a surprise,” Jeff latched onto the words.
Ralf slowed his steps and explained, “This outfit and earrings aren’t something I randomly came up with. They’re basically the uniform of a certain faction,” he paused then added emphasis to his voice before saying, “....the Silver Path faction.”
“The Silver Path faction…Silver Path faction…mmm, I’ve never come across the name,” Jeff replied, his brows knotted from the task of running the term through his mental library and coming out with nothing. “Where are they based in? Zudrad?”
“Definitely not. They’re not limited to one region or nation, the Silver Path faction and its members, the Pathers, are scattered all around the globe.”
“Sounds important,” Jeff commented.
“They are, Ralf said, nodding firmly. “They’re an incredibly powerful faction, whose creation dates back hundreds of years. It’s not strange for you to not know its name though, it’s a highly secretive faction, known to very few souls. Only those in high places are privy to the Silver Path’s existence.”
Jeff chewed on Ralf’s words with a contemplative look. “It’s secretive, right? So why are you telling me about it?”
Ralf nodded, as though Jeff had brought up a particularly good point. “It’s alright, I can. The Silver Path has rules, but none that forbid the mentioning of its existence to others. So, me telling you about it isn’t an issue. Staying secret as they have for so long seems like a waste to me. A diamond in the dark doesn’t shine. Only when the light strikes it can its splendour be fully appreciated. That’s how I see it. Other members have stuck close to the shadows, but I’m all about the spotlight.” Seeing the corridor up ahead, leading to the front section, Ralf turned right.
Jeff was pleased seeing this; Ralf had thrown out a juicy topic, to leave on these words would leave him eternally hungry.
“I see. Can you tell me more about this faction? Like when you first came in contact with it? Or any of its members.”
“I can, though I’m a new member so I don’t know everything there is to know. I don’t know how many Pathers there are, and most of their true identities are lost on me. The Pathers that I first ran into went by code names and wore white masks with black circles on them, and also had the same mismatched black and white earrings. I first met them just over five years ago. They showed up out of nowhere. They came as a male and female pair. The male went by R34 and the female went by H45.”
Ralf shut his eyes as though traversing back in time to the memory in question. “They introduced themselves as members of the Silver Path, explained what the Silver Path was, and then tried to recruit me into their ranks.”
“Why would they want you to join it? Is it because you’re a Fawkes,” Jeff asked seriously, not questioning the absurdity of the story in the slightest.
“In a way, yes. It turned out that the masked female was a Unique class psionic with the ability to assess one’s soul’s potential.”
Jeff’s eyes immediately widened at the words. The mere mention of a Unique was enough to get his blood pumping, even more so when it was an unknown Unique.
He wanted to fire off some question, but at the sound of Ralf’s voice, he instantly clammed up and perked up his ears to catch every syllable.
“While passing through the area, she had registered my soul with her ability. She stated that my potential is limitless and that if I was allowed time to grow, I’ll reach heights far above any other. Buttering my mother and me up with the assessment, they explained what type of faction the Silver Path is,” Ralf took another right before continuing. “Honestly, it’s not so much a real faction, as it is a status symbol. The Silver Path is just a collection of special individuals. Special in a variety of ways, as fighters, as scholars, as inventors, as artists…the Silver Path accepts all kinds of talents.”
“And their creed or rules,” Jeff interjected with the question.
You are reading story The Silver Path at novel35.com
“They don’t have a creed, and as far as rules go, there’s very few, and it’s just basic stuff like not harming other members or innocents and not failing to live up to the Silver Path brand. There is no chain of command, all members are equals, and they can basically do their own thing. The only time they have to gather up and work together is when a member is in danger or during the four-year meet-ups.”
“Sounds nice. So, you accepted their offer then.”
“I did, there were zero downsides to speak of. Mother was somehow convinced into agreeing as well.
“Somehow,” Jeff repeated with a furrowed brow.
Ralf nodded. “Yes, somehow. I suspect they used more than just sound arguments to win her over,” he said, face turning bitter.
“And then, what happened?”
Ralf took a breath and returned to his previous calm before answering, “After that, came the gifts.” he raised his right arm before clenching his fist. “The first of which was this body. They gave me a special inheritance potion that would make me incredibly strong. The next gift was knowledge. They delivered this through telepathic inheritance. A third Pather was called to perform this task, it took several weeks of lengthy sessions to transfer everything over. My combat and psionic prowess you’ve seen are products of receiving this knowledge. Their intention was simple. They said they didn’t want me to die prematurely so they gave me this shortcut.”
Hearing this, Jeff’s eyes flickered with a complicated light. He liked the idea of Ralf having somehow achieved the impossible on his own as opposed to having everything being dropped on his lap. ‘No, even with the knowledge transferred, he’d still have to digest it and know how to use it effectively. In the hands of ordinary people, it would be wasted,’ he thought in hopes of steering his feelings towards the opposite direction.
Having come full circle, Ralf took another right turn, “Aside from combat knowledge, the Silver Path transferred all sorts of knowledge into my head, on various topics like science, astronomy, arts, technology, business models…you name it. The Silver Path has accrued a lot of knowledge over its long history, with some unique and revolutionary stuff that even the Society of Learning are ignorant about.”
“Ooh, like what?”
Ralf rubbed his chin. “An electronic device that allows you to watch movies and videos without any psionic power at all. It’s called a television. Or a handheld telephone called a cellphone that allows to you call someone from anywhere on the globe, and again no psionic powers needed. These aren’t just ideas either. From my implanted memories, I know these things are already built and used by the Silver Path.”
“Amazing, do you have one of these devices?”
“Unfortunately not. I’ll have to ask them for one next time I see them. Though, I don’t know when that’ll be. Probably soon though.”
“They didn’t stay in contact,” Jeff asked with a raised brow.
“Nope. Though, to be fair, they couldn’t.”
Ralf nodded. “Telepathic inheritance is done in two stages. First, the Mental Master injects the subject with the desired information, and then the subject has to enter an unconscious state where the telepathic array holding the dense cluster of information slowly releases its contents into the subject’s Mental Domain where it is absorbed and processed. The length of this unconscious state depends on the volume of information, its quality, and the quality of the telepathic array.”
Jeff nodded. Ralf’s words were practically straight from the textbook.
“Before undergoing the telepathic inheritance, I knew this much. I thought it was a small price to pay for what I could get. I thought I’d be out for a week or a month…but I was very wrong. The Silver Path’s telepathic inheritance was very different than those described in those books.”
“How long were you out for?” Jeff asked with a little trepidation as he noticed the shadow creep onto Ralf’s expression.
“Five years.”
“Five years?!”
Ralf smiled bitterly. “Yeah, five years. It’s not even been two weeks since I woke up.”
Jeff was truly shocked at the revelation, so much so that his tongue was paralyzed for the next few seconds. After recovering, he patted Ralf’s shoulder.
“To lose so much of your life, I couldn’t imagine it. That must’ve been tough on you, Ralf. How are you doing, adjusting to things?”
“I’m doing good,” Ralf said, a complicated smile surfacing on his face. “Things are good. The sleep was a mixed bag of emotions, but it was worthwhile, I don’t regret doing it, and would even do it again given the chance. Also,” Ralf raised his right hand and from it, a Psi flame danced on his palm, “this enhanced body and Psi mastery has been wonderful. It would have taken years for me to reach this level if I had done it normally. I have a few complaints, but overall, I’m grateful to the Silver Path.”
Jeff smiled, “Glad you’re taking it in stride.” He gave Ralf’s shoulder a few pats before returning his hand to his sides. “As they say, every cloud has a silver lining.”
Ralf smiled.
The pair took another right turn, returning to the corridor connecting the front section.
Moving down it, the two fell into silence.
Jeff’s curiosity still burned strongly. He wanted to fire another hundred questions out. The more he learned, the more interested he became, Ralf was like a box of endless mysteries. Still, while he desired it, he felt that asking any more would be akin to overstaying one’s welcome.
So instead of that, he took a step back and began digesting the shocking revelations he had already received.
It was only upon doing so, did he come to realize how unbelievably ridiculous the ideas Ralf had been talking about were.
Powerful secret faction, unknown Unique, special telepathic inheritance, multiple personalities, etc. Any single one of these claims was baffling enough, but together, they formed a cauldron of absurdity that completely scrambled Jeff’s mind.
Wanting an escape from this state, he asked the only question that would allow him to free himself from this mental conundrum.
“Ralf…how much of all that was actually true?”
“You don’t believe me?”
Jeff shook his head lightly. “Your combat prowess, Psi prowess, and mental abilities rivalling a Natural’s are extraordinary. Whatever the explanation for them is, there’s no doubt it’d be extraordinary as well. So, your explanation, as absurd it was, still made perfect sense. I reckon there are a few grains of truth in it. Also, even if it is false, I’d rather believe this version where there’s some super powerful mystery faction backing you than believe you’re a vessel of Dimitri,” his eyes dimmed momentarily, “that would be quite a shame. So, back to my question, how much of your words were actually true?”
Ralf took a moment to consider his answer before responding. “Mmm, all the important stuff is.”
“Everything…seemed pretty important though.”
Ralf nodded at the observation then patted Jeff’s shoulder. “You just have to trust me on this. You know I would never take you for a loop,” he said, flashing a cheeky smile at the other.
Jeff’s face instantly twisted up at the sight. ‘Haa, this kid. I see, I think I understand him a bit better than before.’
Ralf gave him two pats before striding forward. This time, instead of heading right, he continued straight.