The guy that was originally supposed to do the match left because of Shinobu so they had to find someone new. I think anyone who watched didn’t want to go against me so none of them offered to go. After about an hour they found someone, I went to go eat before they found someone and still had time to get back.
“So we did find someone.” Lily said. Why do I feel like this is going to go bad.
“Buuut it is a S-rank. So depending on how well you do, you might become the first double S rank in history” There it is, but if Shinobu could handle them so easily, I can too right? I did beat 10 blade wolves at the same time.
“Also they are going to be paid after this, so Shinobu should also be safe to get S-rank or better.” Isha told us.
“Are you ready Luna?” Shinobu asked.
“Yeah I’m ready, cheer for me.” I answered, in reality I was on the verge of a breakdown. This person is even bigger than the others. I went down to the arena and I heard a very androgenous voice “Heya, how ya doin?” I look up to see massive boobs, almost as big as mine. It was a woman. I looked at her more and she was really big. She was both tall and muscular, I started fearing a lot. She walked closer and but her hand out. It was so big, I bet I could sit in a chair. I slowly got more of her features, she had ears and a tail, so it was a beastkin. It is probably a lion or tiger or something, I looked at her hair and it was orange with black stripes, so she is a tiger. I wonder how big she would be down there if she wasn’t a girl. That's when I noticed. She had a mark.
“So are you a transfer as well?” I asked even though I could tell.
“Yep, name’s Riona, what about you?”
“Um, my name is Luna. I think you have heard but my sister, parents, and I were all transferred too.”
“So that is you huh.” Then Shiro just had to teleport in and open her mouth.
“Hello, I am going to say this, go for the kill. I want you to kill her, if you don’t I will cause you suffering more than you can imagine” why is she so hellbent on me dying?
“Uh ok, I am getting paid for this so if that is part of the request I will. By the way I won’t use a weapon as my class is brawler.”
“Are you two ready?” Shiro asked, we both nodded. She signaled Lily to start the match
“AAAAANNND BEGIN!!” As soon as we heard those words we both did our respective starts. What Riona did was rush forward, but unlike the other adventures, this was blazing fast. I stepped back and then went into the shadow around the edge of the fighting ground. I started to get ready for my shadow sprint, but right when I got out and about to use it, I was slammed by a fist. Is her reaction speed that fast, or was she already waiting. I soon heard Shiro’s voice in my head
“Hey it's me, I kinda forgot to tell you but, If you want to win then you have to use magic, I won’t say how but here is a tip, feel the flow of this magic power. I will constantly annoy you during the fight until you get it” panic ensues as she did not lie “LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” this will keep going until I get it right, well hopefully I can learn it as easy as math.
I went back into the shadows to try and collect myself, with the screaming in my head and the fact i’m fighting made it hard to focus. I tried again except this time I was moving around before I came out. I ready a knife and peeked out enough to throw it. Again I was hit with a fist.
It might be finally time to use my wings. For some reason it wasn’t a skill at all, I just knew instinctively how to use them. This time, instead of slowly coming out. I immediately jumped out and… I didn’t get hit this time. I quickly unfolded my wings for the first time and flew straight up. I started to get healed by the regeneration. Good, I thought my safe spot was the shadows, but its the air.
Is what I thought. Riona shouted. “Hey, that's not fair to fly!!! Is what I would say if I couldn’t do this.” Smiling she stomped the ground then a pillar came out the ground beneath her. She was soon at my level and then grabbed the ledge of the pillar, as she was hanging she kicked it again and a pillar shot right at me with her in front. I was slammed down again. So this is a S-rank huh, I then started to feel this fuzzy feeling, then I realized, the ringing stopped, so this is what magic feels like. It's like it is powerful enough to destroy, but also can rebuild, it feels like no matter what happens to me, it will always be with me. I was still getting beaten by Riona for what felt like forever.
You are reading story I may be here with 10,000 other people from earth, but why am I the only one of my class? at
I eventually got magic power into my hands and I shot it up into the sky. Everywhere around us became dark in a 2 kilometer radius. I heard Shiro again
“Congrats, you learned how to use magic, this spell is called, ‘Darkness veil’ it turns everything into complete darkness, of course you thrive in here so go wild”
Go wild huh, I took those words to heart. I felt like I knew what to do, I started using ‘Shadow Sprint’ I kept speeding up, I was able to even control my trajectory this time, and with ‘Night vision’ I was able to see where to go, I took out a knife and started bouncing around, slashing Riona whenever I was able too.
After about 30 minutes, I activated my boost skill, it worked and I landed a kick on her face. I stopped bouncing and deactivated the veil. Everything seemed to have stopped, until eventually she fell down, she was unconscious do to blood lost.
“LUNA WINS, AND IS THE VERY FIRST SS-RANK IN HISTORY” Lily announced, I did it, I beat her. I looked up at Shinobu and she was smiling with a peace sign. I gave the sign back to her, I went over to Riona to use my healing skill on her. It worked, but after using it I fell, I couldn’t move, and passed out.
By the time I woke up it was night, I was in a room, Shinobu was there too. When she saw I was up, she started to cry. “Onee-chan, how long was I out?”
“36 hours, a day and a half.”
“What about the matches?” She smiled and pulled out 2 badges, one blood red, the other was the darkest shade of black I had seen, almost like the night.
“We are the very first Double S ranks Luna” that is amazing we actually did it.
“Well I guess that means next is school huh” I started “when is our first day?”
“It is , so rest today and we can do something fun together.” Don’t worry Onee-chan I also want to have fun with you.
“Onee-chan, can you stay and lay with me again?
“Of course I can, I love you so much.”
“Onee-chan I love you too, so much I can’t live without you, please don’t leave me.” tears started coming down from my face.
“That is the first time I think you said it back in that way, don’t worry I will never leave you, don’t leave me either though.”
“I won’t ‘YAAAAWWN’ good night Onee-chan”
“Good night Luna” and we both went to sleep