It's our first day of school, and it is already going wrong.
“Onee-chan get up, we need to go.”
“5 more minutes please.” She replied tiredly
“No get up, we don’t know where to go.” I ran through my head the ways I can get her up. I took the blanket off, but it didn't work. Water didn’t work and just got her wet. I tried hitting her up, I’m too weak, and the light didn’t work because it was already on… I had no other way.
“ ‘Sigh’ Onee-chan I will let you grope my butt on the way to school if you get up now” that got her up really quick. After about 15 minutes, she was ready to go, so we started to go on our way.
“I know I said you could do this but why are you squeezing so hard?” I asked embarrassed. I could feel my face getting hot.
“Because I want to. Now where do we go?” Shinobu replied.
“HEEEEEEYYY, OVER HERE” We heard a shout, we looked to that direction and it was Alice waving with Leo behind her. We walked over to them.
“Hi Luna, Shinobu. Ready for your first day?” Alice asked excitedly
“Hi Leo and Alice, I think I’m ready, but Shinobu is a little...” As I looked at her she was still molesting me with a creepy yet content smile, muttering “squishy squishy” repeatedly.
“Anyways, where's John?” I asked, noticing he wasn’t here.
“He’s going to a different section of the school so we don’t go together.” Leo answered.
“Anyways, you don’t know where to go, do ya, lets go.” Alice said, we followed them. After about 10 minutes of walking we got to this giant building. It looked like a castle on top, but going down it started to look more like a school at home. Big, made of brick, and multiple buildings making up the campus, with a park for breaks and an arena outside for training. I was amazed by how nice it looked.
“Is this really our school? It looks amazing!” Shinobu exclaimed, impressed enough that she took her hand off of me.
“Welcome to the 2nd best school in the world, Bolnia Academy.” Alice announced, if the second best school looks like this then what is the best school. I looked around and saw a bunch of students crowding around a sign.
“What are they doing?” I asked, as we started going that direction.
“They are seeing what class they are in, they are separated into what type of class, and what rank.” When we got to the board I saw what they meant it was like a table
It seems that how the ranks work is by an exam. I guess there are so many people that there are two different A-rank classes. It also seems that there is no ‘nobility is better’ thing.
“Uh I know that I won’t be in the Noble class, but why am I only in the magic class out of the other ones?” Shinobu was only in the magic class as well. I’m sure we applied for all of them except for the Noble only class.
“Maybe you should ask the principal to see if there was some sort of mistake?” Alice suggested. Unlike us, she and Leo got into every class. As we were thinking, there was an announcement from the school.
“Will Luna Tsuki and Shinobu Sanguine come to the principal's room?” Right on cue, there was a call for us.
“Hey uh where is that?” I asked Alice.
“Here I will take you. Leo, I can do this myself, go to class.” Alice answered. Leo looked worried but left anyway. Before we got here I checked my status, and I had the ‘Dark connections’ skill unlocked. I guess Shiro gave me enough favor for something. Before we left for the Principal's office, I activated it. My head started hurting immediately, information from everything. The walls, the floor, the people, everything. After a while a book appeared as well. I tried touching it to open it. It didn’t work. I tried to use my mind and that worked. A search bar showed up and I thought ‘Principal’s room’ and arrows showed up in my mind.
“Hey Alice we don’t need you, I got it I know the way.” I said, trying not to groan.
“Uh ok, I guess, see you later” She replied, confused about why I suddenly changed my mind. We started heading the way the arrows pointed. Eventually we got to the door.
“Hey uh how did you do that?” Shinobu asked. Before we went in.
“Remember how I couldn’t get an appraisal skill because I had the ability to unlock one, that was it but it was more of an information skill then appraisal though.” I answered. Shinobu was shocked.
“I was thinking it was going to be where you look at something and get what it is, instead just about everything is at your disposal info wise.” She told me
“Whatever, let's just go in” I said back.
“Took ya a while huh kids.” I looked up and Riona was right at the door right next to, Lily and… OUR PARENTS AND SHIRO???! Why are they here? Nonetheless I ran up to Yuma and gave her a hug. I also went to Luca as well.
You are reading story I may be here with 10,000 other people from earth, but why am I the only one of my class? at
“Where were you?!” I was so happy to see them again. “You just left us after the guild enrollment.” Tears started to come out again.
“We did kind of disappear, huh Yuma?” Luca laughed.
“We were at a different inn and doing some last minute quests before our big job started” Yuma answered my question.
“Uh I know we heard about this before, but what job?” Shinbu asked.
“I was going to get to that.” I heard an unfamiliar voice. I looked around and there was a desk with a relatively young man in the seat. “Hello, I am the principal of the school, Alex. I am a half-elf and started this school 200 years ago. Anyways the reason you are all here is because you are going to be teachers for the combat related classes this year. It was a guild request from us.” So that doesn’t make anysense for Shinobu and I, we fight very differently than others.
“So why are we in magic class?” Shinobu asked, but I knew what the answer was going to be.
“Because you two can barely use it.” Shiro said, I was right. But Shinobu can use it pretty well.
“So anyways, the schedule will be like this.” He gave all of us a sheet of paper, which Shinobu and I also have when we take the magic class.
I can’t tell if the days are different from earths but we read them as the days of the week or they are the same. It’s probably the former. It also seems that only Shiro is doing the magic class. It makes sense though. 2 of us can’t use magic well enough according to her, the other 3 also have a different way to use magic. And the last just can’t compare to a goddess I guess.
“Wait, Alex, how do you know Shiro anyways?” Shinobu asked which is true, she is not in the guild system so unless Lily said something I don’t know how.
“Well he did try to fight me before and lost terribly.” Shiro said casually. Then she used telepathy on us. ‘He knows that I’m a goddess, but doesn’t know that you do too.’
“Yeah it was what, 150 years ago. I tried to get a spirit to teach at the school. Ms.Shiro was the only one who agreed to help. But only if I beat her in a battle. As you can probably tell. I lost miserably.” So Shiro just gave him false hope huh. I’m not surprised as she really likes playing with people. I guess she just agreed this time though.
“Is that why we are in the magic class, Shiro told you to put us in it?” I asked.
“Well of course, I can’t let my favorite contractee get behind on something that she can easily excel at. Well I think it’s time for us to go to class now, orientation is done.” Shiro said.
“Wait before that, I should probably explain how this school works.” Alex started. “There are 6 periods per day. Each of you will have to work the whole day, except for Shinobu and Luna who get the free period to do the magic class. During that period if there are no other teachers that day, they will have a double period consisting of the A classes. There is the Noble class, The three combat classes, and the other basic studies class, which is separated into two periods, History and Language arts are one period, Math and Magicless theory. Each class is 90 minutes long and you can do what you want with it.” That makes some sense. But what is magicless theory? I decided to ask about that and something else.
Um, what is Magicless theory? And why do Luca and Yuma get days off?” I got my answer from Alex.
“They get days off due to needing to do guild work. And for the Magicless theory, that is trying to find ways to get some things to work without magic. Like how to start a fire, this is so just in case we lose our magic, we can still live.” I subconsciously said the answer to that.
“Fire is started by three things, Oxygen, heat, and a fuel such as wood.” I realized too late what I said. Yuma, Luca, and Riona looked at me in a ‘why did you say that’ way while Shinobu and Shiro were laughing a lot. I really liked science on earth, I wanted to be a scientist.
“That is correct but what is ‘Oxygen’?” Alex asked, Lily looked like she had no idea what’s going on. I answered because I felt I dug myself too deep.
“Um basically the air we breathe is made up of Oxygen, Nitrogen, and a couple of other things. It is an element, not like the fire, water, wind, earth thing, a different type of element. I can probably help you with this. Oh what we call it is.” “Science, I know about that, and the periodic table too.” Alex cut me off, how did he know what that is?”
“I was reincarnated here as a half-elf. Along with Lily, but she isn’t a long living species. I actually don’t know what she is.”
“I was a human when I came here. But some stuff happened and now I am a fallen angel. I don’t want to get into it right now.” Lily said. That’s shocking.
“How do you know about the periodic table?” I know science as a concept was around a couple hundred years ago, but with how the time lines up. The periodic table shouldn’t have been invented yet.
“We were reincarnated as highschoolers in the year 2013. Time here was sped up until the giant transfer. What year is it now?”
“2028” Yuma answered, “Now how about we go to class now, I mean it is our first day. We don’t want to be late now don’t we sweeties.” She said while hugging me, Shinobu, and Luca.
“Yeah let’s make it a really good day guys.” Riona said. She seems ready. We said our goodbyes and our goodlucks and went to class. We got this.