Chapter 37: Chapter 35-Putting Him in His Place

“This is Sopha, goddess of fire and knowledge.” Wait, really? Do all the gods hang around the world? Before the transfer, I didn’t even think gods existed. I mean yeah we have religions back on earth, but that’s just for people to have something to follow right? I need an explanation of what is going on.

“Ok, but I thought you were the only god down here Shiro.”

“Oh they are all down here. Or at least the elemental ones, I don’t know about the ones that don’t have an element related to them.” Shiro answered.

“Don’t all the gods have an element connected to them?” This time Sopha explained.

“That’s true but not quite exactly.  While it’s true every god is affiliated with an element, that doesn’t necessarily mean they are the god of that element. For example, the blacksmith god is affiliated with the fire element, but isn’t the god of fire.” I am following so far, but what does that have to do with me?

“Ok, but what do you mean by ‘Picking me’ I thought Shiro was just following me because she found it fun?”

“Let’s just say that’s why I picked you, but it is much too early to tell you what’s going on. I will say don’t worry about it for now. And don’t tell anyone else about this, even though we didn’t say much, you know the most.” Shiro is being vague again, and I don’t like it.

“Also make sure you don’t tell anyone who the gods are, you know that Shiro and I are gods and I’m sure you will learn of the others, but you will be the only one to know, not even your sister. At this point I’m also sure you realized that May is also a transfer, but she doesn’t know I am a god, so don’t tell her.” Alright I won’t say anything to her, or anyone about this. 

“Ok then, I should be going now, see ya tomorrow.” I teleported home and greeted Shinobu and Miley.

Shiro and Sopha, still at the school:

“Hey Shiro, are you sure about withholding information about this? I mean she is your kid after all. Wait, did you even tell her about that yet?”

“Of course not, it will ruin the fun. Maybe later I will tell her about this, but she will find out about being my daughter on her own.”

“Alright, but if she can’t find out on her own, that will be pretty bad, you even gave her a race that has never even existed as a legend in this world, she is the start of her own race. Same with Shinobu, while people knew about the vampire race, this is the first time it actually existed. Besides you even gave the king a tip on who and what they are. What’s that about?”

“I just wanted to give them an easier time, it won’t be interesting for me if they got kicked out immediately.”

“You only care about stuff if it seems fun, don’t you?”

“Of course.”

“You two are really alike in that regard, like mother like daughter I guess.”


“What if they overtake you in rank? And I’m sure at least Luna will.”

“If that does happen, it won’t be for a long time, they still have some connection to earth you know.”

“I’m sure they will find a way to still do stuff over there.”

“I wonder.”

Luna POV:

It’s been about a month since I talked to Shiro and Sopha about that. I'm still doing stuff with May, Ruby, and Sopha, except after about a week I stopped going everyday so I can still teach class without them getting so far ahead without me going. They are doing much better than day one though, especially with the club afterschool, they are able to run around the capital in 2 hours now, I decided to buy a skill from the shop with A-coins for the first time, what the skill ‘Teacher’ does is basically anyone I recognize as my student gets extreme growth and progresses faster in skill. Let’s say the slowest, weakest student in my class takes a year to get fast and strong enough to be around an A rank adventurer in power. Then let’s say we have the same person, but with me having the skill, they get a 1.5x boost, AND IT FUCKING STACKS. You can level it up to a 5x boost, of course my math is not exactly right but the idea is there. That's why they got so much better in a short amount of time, of course you can also lower or even turn off the boost, so they won’t get by with only strength alone. I waited for them to do the lap in a reasonable time, then turned it off so that they can get used to the sudden boost in stats, and they can also gain enough skill with their weapons to not use them wrong with the strength boost. Of course they are all intermediate level with the weapons, but I won’t use the boost anymore, if I do, I don’t think they can live normally. Being this young, right now people will probably just think I’m a good teacher.

I’m rambling. Back to what is happening right now.  I am having lunch with the three upperclassmen right now. They are just pampering me and stuff like hugs and head pats and such, I’m not mad, more energy for me! 

“Hey Luna, you say your sister teaches here right?” May asked, I think I know what is going to happen.

“Yeah! Onee-chan is the best teacher ever!”

“Well then, why is she so young? Isn’t she younger than us?” took you a while to question that. How old do I look, around 10? Except for my unnatural proportions. I look like an elementary schooler. Shinobu is 15 so let’s go with 10.

“Onee-chan is 5 years older than me! Isn’t she amazing?”

“You really love your sister huh? But how is she a teacher at 15?” I decided to give them a confused look.

“Anyone above an A rank could take the quest to become a teacher here.” I said matter-of-factly.

“Hold up, your sister is A-ranked?” Ruby talked this time, I saw a gleam in her eyes.

“Yes, Onee-chan is really strong!” I was still smiling.

We continued talking about Shinobu when someone came over. It was a big, muscular man, or boy? I don’t know, I think it is a student.

“Why are you still hanging out with this brat?” the person asked. So it’s a student huh.

“Why do you care about that, Jack?” May asked back. His name is Jack, I see.

“Come on, it’s been a month since this brat showed up, and you only ever do stuff with her whenever she is here. Why is she here anyways? She’s too young to be a student.”

“Because her sister is a teacher here, we were assigned to take care of her when she is here. Now shut up and leave.”

“Ditch the brat and hang out with us. What is the school going to do about it? Once I become a knight, I can do what I want, and I will also be too busy to hang out with you.” This guy is so obvious. OH MY GOOOOD!! Just shut up dude. 

“Why is the combat class looked down on, while he wants to be a knight isn’t? I am sure that Onee-chan can destroy this person” I said, I decided to provoke him.

“What do you mean ‘Combat class’ Your sister is a teacher of that class? WOW! I repeat May and Sopha, why are you hanging out with that trash, when you could hang out with me?” I want to provoke him more.

“Actually, I think I can even beat him. I doubt he can do much damage to me.” I teased, Jack was now really pissed. The others were worried.

You are reading story I may be here with 10,000 other people from earth, but why am I the only one of my class? at

“You wanna go kid? I will beat you to a pulp.” a circle was forming, wondering what’s going on

“Oh yes!! Please Onii-chan.” I needed to add a sex related joke of course. Get’s everyone extremely uncomfortable. Oddly enough I think May and co. are used to it now. I probably made at least 100 jokes to them. More then a couple are about wanting to fuck them.

“Actually nevermind, your dick is probably really small.” He got red after that statement, I decided this was a good time to drop a hint that I am a transfer to may.

“Glad to see that’s the same in multiple worlds, self conscious about dick size. By the way, my sister is over 8 inches. Probably 10 more than yours.” As I expected, I saw May flinch a bit, was I correct, but I also saw Ruby flinch at that as well. Going back to Jack however, he is furious now, not talking out of this.

“I wonder why the teachers aren’t stopping this, it is a senior against a child” the others are whispering, and it’s because I told them to not interfere. And they actually thanked me!! I guess he is extremely narcissistic like Nat was.

“I hope you’re ready brat!” his muscles got bigger, time for hint number two!!

“Hey I know that Pokemon  move, Bulk up right?” Yep that reveals it, both May and Ruby are transfers. Sopha was just laughing a lot though. 

“Looks like she found us out.” I heard Sopha whisper. I couldn’t turn away from that “Us” I assume she lied about also being a transfer?

“I don’t know what this “Pokemon” is but you better stop or I will hit you first.”

“Wow I didn’t know you were into “S and M” Mister” And there is the ringer folks, he is mad now!

“I warned you BRAT” He came rushing forward with his fist. I waited for the last nanosecond to dodge. Just to rub it in.

“Jack, why did you hit a child?” May stepped in, I think that will make it worse.

“What do you mean by “hit”? I am just fine, no one hit me.” I was on Jack’s massive shoulders.

“I told you that you wouldn’t beat me.” I said that then knocked him out. Everyone except for Sopha was shocked, now that they all saw me I might as well announce I work here.

“Hello students, I am Luna Tsuki, Sister of Shinobu Sanguine and the other combat teacher at this school. Hope you treat me well!” I announced in my normal voice and with a smile.

“WHAAAAAA!!!” Everyone was even more shocked, even Sopha, I guess she didn’t think I would announce it like that. It was nice but I can’t have any more fun anymore. I need to work.

I accepted my fate of being blacklisted but.



“WHAT'S YOUR RACE? YOU DON'T LOOK HUMAN” I didn’t realize I was in my succubus form. 

“Well I’m the demon race ‘Succubus’ I am also the first of the race as well.”


“I guess we had a wrong opinion of the combat class after all. If the teacher is like this, I wonder how the students are?”

“WAIT! That name sounds familiar.”




“I remember they also were the executioners of that kid and his father right?”

“OH YEAH!!! That racist, rapist! Thank god those two are gone.

“Ah yes Nat, I loved killing him. By the way, he was a student here as well.” I decided to say that, yes, mortals praise me more!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!


“Can she kill Jack next? He’s just as bad as them.” Oh really is he?  Well we need concrete evidence too. But I honestly think he is just incredibly narcissistic.

May motioned for me to leave the group and follow her, so I did and she started talking.

“So you're transferred too. I guess you noticed that Ruby, Sopha and I are transfers as well. Is your sister one too?”

“Yep and also my parents are here too!” I decided to switch back to loli mode for this. While I’m still small, my voice never really changed.

“I think you can also guess that the reason why everyone hated the combat class was solely because of Jack as well, correct?” I nodded, I actually thought that there were multiple, cause how can so much hate for a whole section of the school be because of one person? I decided to play along though.

“What are you doing after this? I hope we can still hang out, “Ruby asked. I thought she didn’t like me at all, I guess that’s not true.

“Well I still have to be a teacher, but after school you can watch our after school activities, I’m training the whole grade to be good at fighting. Even if Jack is as good as he acts, everyone can beat him even if he uses a weapon and they don’t. Solo as well. You can watch, or even join in.”


Well I’m fucked now, aren’t I.