Chapter 40: Chapter 38-Arina

“Hey you ok there?” Shinobu asked, healing her toe. I guess even with stupid stats, the bane of humanity is still pebbles and table corners. I was just lying there on the ground, I didn’t need to catch my breath due to exhaustion, but from shock. I mean anyone would panic if seemingly solid ground just gives out under you.

By the time I calmed down, the others came and asked what happened.

“I don’t really know. Onee-chan just kicked a rock and the ground in the stream gave out.”

“That’s weird, I don’t know about this at all.” it was Shiro who said that, who suddenly came out of nowhere.

“!?!! Shiro? You’re here? or is it a clone?” Shinobu asked her.

“It’s me, not a clone, I heard a scream that was different than usual so I came over.” 

I don’t think I screamed much except for the start and whenever Shinobu dies though. Once we came to the capital, I wasn’t really put into danger that was bad enough for screams. I mean I guess I can get scared easily, but not really because of danger, more like other people I think. And my emotions fluctuate easily as well. Yay for mental instability! But how was it different from usual, I don’t think I scream that mu-- Oh, right, sex. That’s what she meant. Shiro continued.

“I came here as fast as possible, I calmed down once I saw you guys were fine, but I don’t know what this is at all.” So Shiro actually worries about us huh. She was staring at the stream, the rest of our gazes slowly went towards it as well and...!?! It was a cave. And a big one too. Just a full on cave system under the dungeon. The others were as shocked as I was.

“Since when was this here!?”

“I did research on the forest before, I never read anything about this.”

“Luna, Shinobu. You guys were here for a while right? Did you know about this?”

“No, we never saw anything that led to a cave. What about you Shiro?”

“I never saw it either, I’m just as shocked as you kids.” Even Shiro was uncharacteristically shocked. Just like the time with the magic tablet. She truly had know idea what was going on.

“Come on guys! Let’s go in!” Miley recovered quickly and even wanted to explore.

“I agree, let’s go in. For research, this was never discovered, right?” Amelia was also wanting to go in, I thought she was extremely cautious from before, does it have something to do with it not being recorded before?

“I think we should go as well, it could be a threat.” Shiro joined them, and I see Kat’s tail wagging, so that makes four.

“Alright let’s go, no one seems to be that cautious so it's fine. But you three need to stick to at least one of us.” I said, pointing at the students of the group.

“Alright, fine let’s just go in.” Miley was getting impatient. She jumped down and.. She didn’t stop falling, what we thought was the ground wasn’t there. She kept falling and falling until she used her wings to slow her descent. Just 

Shiro went next and elegantly floated down. She took a while but eventually made it.

“Uh are you sure this is safe?” Amelia was cowering, I guess she doesn’t have a safe way to get down without splatting like everyone else. But Kat doesn’t have a way down as well.

“Onee-chan, we should help them.” I told Shinobu.

“Alright fine I’ll take Kat then” She reluctantly said, I could tell she really didn’t want to help them, and honestly neither did I. I just wanted to jump down right now.

“Actually I can get down just fine.” Kat said as she jumped. Randomly stopping on what I assume are foot holds in the walls.

“SEE?!?? I’M FINE!” She shouted while waving after she got down. Shinobu shrugged.

“Welp see ya!” She said while jumping, unlike the others she didn’t do anything to slow down, I eventually heard a loud *CRASH* on the ground. I looked down and she just got up like nothing happened and moved out the way for us.

“Well Amelia, get on.” I told her while getting in a position to let her get on my back.

“I-I’m ok, is there a safer way down.” for a noble, she is pretty scared huh. Well there is one way I can think of.

“See ya” I jumped down leaving her behind.

“W-Wait!! Come back!” She was shouting but I wasn’t listening. I was having too much fun skydiving. Wait, what is this actually? I’m going deeper underground not going to ground level, underground diving? Whatever. With a crash I landed just fine.

Now, how did Riona do that again? I’m thinking of doing the same thing with the pillars as she did, I think she just stomped on the ground.

*STOMP* I stomped the ground… nothing happened. Embarrassed, I did it again. I kept stomping until I thought of something else.

I tried putting mana into my feet and did it again.

“Come on, come on. Work.” I stomped again, and IT WORKED!!! A pill arises in front of me, except this time it was out of darkness instead of stone. It kept going until it made its way to the top.

“Alright get on!” I shouted, once I felt her get on it I let it slowly down, lowering it safely. I turned and saw that Shinobu had a mischievous smile on her face, what was she thinking?

“HYAH” She pushed me over. Causing me to drop her down. The pillar was gone.

You are reading story I may be here with 10,000 other people from earth, but why am I the only one of my class? at

I heard screaming getting louder and louder until Shiro swiftly flew up to catch her. As Amelia was crying Shiro drifted slowly down, comforting her like Shinobu and Shiro do to me.

“Is it just me or did Shiro become more like a parent than before?” I whispered to Shinobu, and she nodded her head.

“Yeah but it shouldn’t matter that much, that just means we are safer right?” I agreed, but it still is weird though. No matter, let’s explore!

As we went through the empty cave, all we could hear was the dripping of water falling from stalactites on the ceiling, forming puddles, we kept going deeper and deeper, nothing to be seen, we kept going.

“This is lamer than I thought.” Shinobu was getting impatient, and the rest of us were getting bored as well. I wanted to do something interesting down here.

“Now you kids, we will probably find something soon.” Even Shiro was unsure about what’s to come. We still should be on our toes though, who knows what will happen.

As we continued to walk around we eventually found something, it was a hole filled with goop.

“I think those are slimes.” Amelia said, it was blue and I could see something in the middle of them. This was the first time I saw slimes. Which usually are the most basic enemies. And looking at the others, it’s the same here. They were still cautious though.

I decided to stick my hand into the pile and scoop one up.

“Hey stop that!” Amelia shouted while slapping my hand.

“But why?” I was confused, I think they realized I’ve never seen a slime before.

“Tentacles,” Amelia whispered to me and Shinobu.  WHICH IS THE ONE THING SHE SHOULDN’T HAVE SAID!!!

Shinobu and I immediately knew what we should do when we heard that great phrase. I dove in and collected one and ran around with Shinobu so the rest couldn’t catch us while Shinobu was doing the ritual. Of course by rest, I mean the ones who actually cared or didn’t know what we were doing, as in Kat and Amelia. Shiro and Miley were just enjoying watching the show of us using a precious summoning slot for a slime, and the other two chasing us.

We eventually got the ritual down and stopped running, the slime became Shinobu’s summon. The other two finally caught on and gave up.

“I shouldn’t be surprised with the personalities of you two.” Amelia said with a sigh. Kat just agreed with a nod.

“Onee-chan let’s name the slime!” I already thought of one though.

“I was thinking of something simple like Pudding.” Shinobu said, giving her an idea.

“I like Arina!” I really don’t know why, but it just felt right to me.

“Surprising, especially with how you named Venus. Oh well let’s go with that.” Shinobu turned to the slime, “You are Arina ok?” The slime smiled with it’s little gooey face. It’s surprisingly cute and has a lot of emotions. 

The slime started glowing, like last time to become a pet version. This time though… it got bigger? It also became more humanoid as well. After a bit it gained some “features”, resulting in it becoming more feminine. Soon the color began to change, and she became a highschool girl with a tall height and small sizes.

“So another tomboy is part of the harem, welcome” Miley said  first, what did she mean harem? I’m not trying to collect a harem. Was Shinobu trying to? Knowing her, maybe. 

“W-where am I? What’s going on?” Arina asked, I see she doesn’t know much.

“Are you my master?” She asked while looking at  me,  Oh no, that's not a good sign. I looked over to Shinobu, implying that it was her.

“Are you my master then? She asked again and Shinobu answered.

“No you were right the first time.” she smiled while saying that. Arina looked back at me.

“Master!” She came back over to me and hugged me like she’s my mother, it feels weird since she looks the same age I used to be, but it doesn’t matter, it still feels nice having someone taller than me hold me.

“Wah-wah-wahhhh, mom!” yes I know that our parents are still alive, but after everything that happened, I’m starved for motherly attention. Shu-Shut up I’m not weird.

“I-is she ok? Did you guys lose your parents? I’m so sorry for you, I never knew. ” Amelia asked, I could see in my peripheral vision she was worried.

“Nah they are alive, I think she just misses them, we haven’t been away from them for this long. The four of us were always together except when the two of us had to go to school.” Shinobu answered, deciding it probably isn’t a good time to interfere right now.

Arina took notice and started patting my head. I could feel her body start changing, I could feel her getting bigger and her body a little wider, I felt long hair fall onto my back, I looked up and saw Yuma’s face, her human one. Not how she looks now after the transfer. The tears started streaming out. I couldn’t remember how she looked before, but I know now. I buried my face into her and continued crying. I needed this. 

“It’s ok, you are doing a great job right now.” Arina continued to pat my head, as well as started comforting me with words.

“I know it’s tough, being thrown into a random place here, away from me and Luca, but you’re doing great right now, and you are very strong too. And you are doing great teaching as well.” Mom(Arina) continued this until I cried myself to sleep.