Chapter 20: Chapter 15: Campfire dream.

Fang Xun and her group of bodyguards joined Yao Jun and the others on their expedition, but the goal of the expedition changed from scouting the Cloud Wilderness, to finding the Mist Eagle.

Fang Xun had seen some tracks and signs that implied that the Mist Eagle was in the area, but actually finding the Mist Eagle would be more difficult. Mist Eagles are adept at hiding themselves and confusing their pursuers, the closer one got to a Mist Eagle, the harder it would be to find it.

A Mist Eagle could use its psychic powers to confuse and bewilder its opponents, but these psychic powers had a certain range, being too far away would make them useless, but if you got closer, they would only get stronger. What one thinks is tracks from a Mist Eagle might just be an illusion that the Mist Eagle set up to lure you away from it.

"So Little Lord, how come you are traveling with the others, you seem to be a bit too young to travel in the Cloud Wilderness, no?"

Fang Xun was walking next to Yao Jun as they were searching for more tracks to locate the Mist Eagle. Yao Jun had been put in charge of taking care and keeping an eye on her. Yao Qin and Peng Shi were too focused on gathering intelligence, so their strength wasn't too good, making them unsuited to protect her. Yao Xiang and Peng Yan were needed as the main fighting force since they were the ones that were most knowledgeable about Demonic beasts, so they were also unsuited to keeping an eye on her.

The only other options were Yao Jun and Peng Dong, but since Peng Yi wanted to keep his little brother close to keep him safe, and since Yao Jun was a jack of all trades, he was chosen to stay close to Fang Xun. Yao Min and Peng Yi had heard about the niece of the city lord, but it would be foolish to simply start trusting someone you didn't know, especially when you were traveling in a dangerous place like the Cloud Wilderness. So they put Yao Jun in charge of keeping an eye on her while also protecting her.

"The name's Yao Jun, they just came up with the nickname Little Lord, no need to use it. I travel with them because I want to."

Yao Jun waved his hand and gave a polite smile, but his eyes were constantly scanning the surroundings. Ever since they entered the Cloud Wilderness an uneasy feeling had crept up on him. He knew that this uneasy feeling was, in fact, the instincts of the Lightning Tiger placed in his Garden of Eden. Since the Lightning Tiger was a Demonic beast, it had a much better sense of danger than a human, so Yao Jun had been on high alert ever since they entered the Cloud Wilderness.

"But it's rather nice, isn't it? Having people that like you enough to give you nicknames? Being the niece of the city lord is so dull, everyone always keeps their distance from me, idolizing me like some kind of god. Just flying around here in the Cloud Wilderness is so much more fun."

Fang Xun placed her hands behind her head as she complained about her life, acting completely carefree and relaxed.

"I guess I can't deny that it is rather nice to have people give you a proper nickname, it's a nice change of pace." Yao Jun responded politely.

This wasn't the first time this Fang Xun had complained to him about how she was idolized while living in Golden Moon Town. They had already traveled together for an entire day, and every second sentence out of her mouth was a complaint about her life in Golden Moon.

It had already started grating on Yao Jun's nerves that she seemed to only be able to complain about the same thing again and again, but Yao Jun kept up his polite and elegant appearance. He had been put in charge of keeping an eye on and protecting Fang Xun, so it would not be proper to get angry at her for something as simple as complaining.

"Alright guys, let's set up camp for today while we still have some sunlight. Yao Jun, you and Fang Xun will be in charge of making food. Zeng brothers, you can set up the tents. Yao Xiang, Peng Yan, and Peng Dong, you guys watch the perimeter and place the Camouflage Powder."

Just as Fang Xun was going to open her mouth again, Peng Yi shouted out the order to set up camp. They had to set up camp early before the sun started setting, otherwise, it would be hard to see their surroundings and make sure that everything was secure. The Camouflage Powder was in fact just a type of powder made from dried Demonic beast excrement.

Once the powder was placed around the camp, other Demonic beasts would smell it, making them think that a Demonic beast had already claimed that place as part of its territory. The powder would work best in places where only low-level Demonic beasts roamed, as getting the excrement of higher leveled Demonic beasts was simply too hard for them.

If a Demonic beast of a higher grade than the Demonic beast who created the excrement that ended up becoming the Camouflage Powder came around, it would simply ignore it and trespass, so one had to make sure that one brought the appropriate Camouflage Powder to the appropriate place.

After around 30 minutes, the camp was completely set up. Six tents were placed in a circular formation, with a campfire in the middle. The people from the Peng clan and the Yao clan each put two people in a tent, but the Zeng brothers all slept in the same tent, while Fang Xun had her own tent.

After Yao Xiang and the others finished spreading the Camouflage Powder, everyone was gathered around the campfire, eating a stew made from dried meat and some vegetables that they had gathered as they were traveling.

"Say, Zeng brothers. You never really talk too much, so it's rather hard to get close to you, but mind answering a question?" Yao Xiang was the first one to open his mouth and talk, throwing a glance at the always silent Zeng brothers. The Zeng brothers only gave a small nod, indicating him to ask his question.

"So what drives you? What dreams do you have that you want to accomplish?" Yao Xiang had always found it odd how they always just followed behind Fang Xun and kept quiet. He himself always followed Yao Min, but he did it because he had dreams he wanted to accomplish, the Zeng brothers, on the other hand, seemed like empty shells that only followed orders.

"We are orphans taken in and raised by the city lord, we only want to protect his niece to repay this great favor." The oldest of the Zeng brothers, Zeng Tai spoke emotionlessly before continuing his eating.

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"This sounds like a fun topic! What about you Xiang, what do you dream about?" Fang Xun seemed to find this topic extremely interesting, so she jumped at the chance to ask the others about their dreams.

"My dream? It's just a simple dream really. My parents own a restaurant, this restaurant has been in the hands of my family for several generations already, the oldest son of the family taking over once his parents retire. I have a younger brother who loves cooking, he loves cooking way more than I do. Originally, I was supposed to take over the restaurant, but it would probably be better off in the hands of my little brother, so I want to join the kingdoms army and become a great general. That way, while I can't take care of the restaurant itself, I can still protect the country where the restaurant is placed."

Yao Xiang spoke with a smile as his thoughts drifted back to the restaurant where he spent his childhood. After reminiscing for a while he tilted his head towards Fang Xun.

"What about you? What do you dream of?"

"Me? I just want to fly freely, shackled by nothing and beholden to no one." Fang Xun waved her fist around as she spoke loudly, gazing at the sky with a dreamy stare for a short while before looking at Peng Yi.

"Your turn Peng Yi, what do you dream about?"

"Sorry but I don't have any lofty dreams like you, I just want enough strength to protect the Peng clan that my family has protected for several generations, if I can do that, then I can close my eyes and rest peacefully when I die." Peng Yi spoke silently, glancing at his little brother as he spoke. To protect his home and family was all he wanted in his life.

"What about little brother Peng Dong, do you share your brother's dream?" Fang Xun turned her gaze towards Peng Dong as she spoke. She seemed determined to wrench everyone's dreams out of them.

"I don't have any large dreams, if I can ease my brother burdens a little, then I will be happy." Peng Dong copied Peng Yi's way of talking as he spoke. He was the one who had been watching his brother the longest, so he was also the only one who knew how hard he worked.

"What good brothers. What about you Peng Shi, Peng Yan ?" Fang Xun spoke with a smile and wiped the corner of her eyes before turning towards Peng Shi and Peng Yan.

"I want to travel the entire world, I want to make an encyclopedia containing all the plants in the world. Wouldn't a book like that make it much easier to traverse the Cloud Wilderness?" Peng Shi was the first one to answer, throwing a glance at the trees and plants around the camp.

"I don't have any large dreams, I'm just a fighting maniac if I can fight stronger and stronger opponents, that will be enough to make me happy." Peng Yan spoke with a boisterous laugh, loudly proclaiming his simplicity.

Fang Xun cast her gaze towards Yao Min and Yao Qin, indicating that it was their turn to spill the beans.

"I just want to learn what is located at the deepest parts of the Cloud Wilderness, maybe write a book about my travels through the other uncharted areas of the Cloud Wilderness." Yao Qin gave a simple, yet ambitious answer. The Cloud Wilderness had existed since time immemorial, yet there were no records of anyone ever reaching the deepest parts, so his dream could be considered as ambitious as the heavens.

"My family has protected Golden Moon for generations, so as long as I can keep the city safe from Demons and Demonic beasts, I'll be happy." Yao Min gave an answer that was very similar to Peng Yi, an answer filled with determination and responsibility. Yao Jun couldn't help but think that this personality was probably what made him the leader of the Cloud Wilderness expedition team.

"Alright Little Lord, you are the last one up, make it a good one." Fang Xun grinned at Yao Jun, tossing him the responsibility of placing the finishing touches on this night.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but my dream is so simple it probably can't even be called a dream. Because of me, my parents ended up having to leave behind all their friends, moving to a tiny town at the edge of nowhere. As long as I can return them to where they belong and give them a good life, I will be happy."

Yao Jun shrugged his shoulders as he spoke. The only thing he wanted was to give his parents the life he felt they deserved. He had spent too many years being too ashamed to face his parents to have any other ambitions, so he wasn't even sure what he would do once he returned to the main branch of the Yao clan.

"Ho, you weren't wrong, that really is simple. Oh well, you are still young, who knows, maybe you will find a proper dream in the future." Fang Xun quickly finished the last of her food before standing up and heading towards her tent.

"I'm going to call it quits there, it's already getting late, and we seem to be getting closer to the Mist Eagle, so I want to be at my best for tomorrow. Who knows, we might end up finding it tomorrow." With those parting words, Fang Xun entered her tent and closed the flaps.

"You heard the lady guys, let's head to bed, we'll start searching again tomorrow morning." Yao Min took the lead to stand up after Fang Xun left, putting out the fire and heading to his tent.