Chapter 88: Chapter 83: The soul.

After Yao Jun had fainted, while his body could no longer move, his consciousness was still there, just in a different way. His Demon God's Gate needed to drain energy from his soul to repair itself, and it did so by fusing a part of Yao Jun's soul into itself.

When part of his soul fused with the Demon God's Gate, it allowed Yao Jun to feel the existence of his soul, even slightly control it. There was also another sensation he felt when his soul fused with the Demon God's Gate. It felt like his soul was trying to deepen his connection with the Demon God's Gate, fusing with it more thoroughly, but there seemed to be something preventing his soul from doing this.

During cultivation, as the soul was the true core of a person, they would come into contact with it sooner or later. But this was usually only when they had reached a much higher cultivation than Yao Jun. Yao Jun was not even at the 2nd Mortal Earth, but he had already felt the existence of his soul and could slightly control it, giving him a massive head start.

Being able to feel and control his soul slightly allowed Yao Jun to do two things that normal people at his cultivation level could not do. The first thing was that they could separate a small part of their soul and have it move through the surrounding area, allowing them to keep watch over a much larger area than usual. This was also called Perception by some people, as it allowed them to perceive the area around them without seeing it with their own eyes.

The second thing was not something that Yao Jun needed at the moment, but it was often used by people whose bodies were completely broken after a battle. He could detach his soul from his body, allowing it to move into a new body and take it over.

Since he could only control his soul slightly, this was not very useful to Yao Jun, as he could not move his soul out of his body fast enough to allow it to dodge an attack that would destroy it. But it gave him a start. Since he could now slightly control his soul, he could train himself to slowly control it with more ease and proficiency.

Because of this, not long after he fainted, he felt himself appear inside his Demon God's Gate. As he appeared inside his Demon God's Gate, he immediately realized that it was not his body that had appeared inside his Demon God's Gate. He appeared above the ancient tree standing at the center of the gate, his entire body floating a few meters above it.

His field of view had also changed tremendously, as he could see everything going on in an area of 15 meters around him. He didn't even need to look down to see that his body was transparent, almost completely see through. This was because he could not control his soul properly, once he managed to completely control his soul, it would look completely corporeal.

He spent a bit of time floating through his Demon God's Gate before he made his soul leave the gate, making it appear above his body. When his soul appeared above his body, he noticed that his body was currently being carried by Guo Luo through a dense forest.

She walked very slowly, making sure that no branches or bushes managed to hit his body. This caused her to suffer several small cuts that left small gashes in her clothing and on her skin. She would not even let his body get dirty from the leaves that hung down from the branches.

Seeing this scene, Yao Jun felt a mix of warmth and sadness in his heart. She worked so hard to not let anything happen to him, but in doing so, she forgot to take care of herself.

She spent almost an hour doing this before she managed to reach a small town. Seeing this town, Yao Jun's soul couldn't help but heave a small sigh. He knew that Guo Luo traveled to this town in hopes of maybe finding some medicine for him, but taking his unconscious body into a bustling town was still a bad idea.

They were being hunted by the Guo clan, and there was no telling if there was anyone hunting for them after what they did in Ash Barren's city. It would have been better to either find a secluded cave where they could hide or just stay on the back of Little Gray.

And just as he expected, several gazes land on them after Guo Luo carried his body into the town. He could ignore the gazes that looked at Guo Luo with pity, he could even reluctantly ignore the slightly lustful gazes, but there were still two gazes brimming with hostility that he could not ignore.

Sadly, since he was only a weak soul at the moment, there was no way he could warn or advise Guo Luo, he could only watch. She took him to an inn and rented a secluded room, where she then proceeded to gently wipe away all the sweat on his face. The warmth he felt at this scene could still not alleviate his worry, as he knew that it was likely that the people responsible for the two hostile gazes would soon take action.

Indeed, a knock on the door was soon heard. Yao Jun could see the two people standing outside the door, and he recognized them as the people who had sent the hostile gazes earlier. He wanted to warn Guo Luo to flee through the window immediately, but he had no way of doing so.

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Even though Guo Luo opened the door and the two men forced their way in, Guo Luo was at least clever enough to cover up his face with an illusion, making him look like someone different.

After the two men left, he watched as Guo Luo grabbed his body and immediately fled through the window, not even waiting for the two men to move a good distance away from the inn. This, in turn, made it so that they saw her flee through the window.

He could only watch as she started running away from the two men, all the while carrying his body. Seeing her shift his body to her front and get hit in the shoulder by an arrow caused his heart to feel pain, pain, and anger.

She continued to run until she found a decent cave where they could hide. She managed to temporarily trick the two men with her illusions, giving her enough time to head to the cave and hide Yao Jun's body.

She hid his body before she herself left the cave to go and finish of the two men, a decision that Yao Jun completely agreed to. If the two men were not killed, they would probably realize that they had been tricked and start searching the area much more closely.

With an arrow in her shoulder and the burden of Yao Jun's body, Guo Luo would not be able to get away fast enough for her to completely escape from the two men, there was a good chance that she would be found when the two men's reinforcements came.

He made his soul follow Guo Luo as she started going after the two men, allowing him to see everything that was happening. He was pleasantly surprised when he saw her camouflage her own body with her illusions, allowing her to go for a sneak attack.

The first attack was effective, killing one of the two men with a single attack. She took a punch from him before he died, but it could have been much worse if she had not been able to kill him.

Hearing the other man's words afterward caused Yao Jun to be slightly confused. He did not recall ever killing someone who could be a sect teacher. Was it someone he killed in Ash Barren's City maybe? Or maybe there was a misunderstanding going on?

Seeing Guo Luo start fighting against the other man and hearing her words, he couldn't help but almost feel like crying. What had he ever done to deserve someone like this in his life?

His heat felt pain when he saw Guo Luo get stabbed in the hip and then use the chance to finish off the other man, especially when he saw her head towards the cave immediately, not even checking her own wounds. He did not think much about the armor that appeared on her right arm, as he himself also had such an armor.

But what Guo Luo did not notice, he noticed. He noticed that spot of Qi that stuck itself to Guo Luo's back, and it made him feel a great sense of unease. The Qi was just hanging there, but Yao Jun knew that something like this could be used like a marker.

He watched Guo Luo return to the cave and lean against his body, quickly losing consciousness. He also saw that multicolored light that gathered around the wound on her hip, slowly healing it.

While Guo Luo was unconscious, Yao Jun did not let his soul rest, forcing it to keep watch throughout the night. He could not do anything in this form, but he could not rest easy without having anyone keep watch.