Chapter 9: chapter 9

I handed Amara control over my will, telling her that we needed to find Riley since she was in danger. I could feel myself being pushed aside as she seized control of her wolf body. She raised her muzle and concentrated on the relationship she shared with Riley's beast. As she started running full speed along the streets, I felt a tug in my chest: the bond between her and Riley's beast was not damaged in the same way that our human connection was. But the reason why I couldn't locate her was a problem which would be addressed after we got Riley back.

Adam trailed behind her, running without tiring. She ran for a solid hour, turning streets after streets, until she came to a halt in front of what appeared to be an abandoned structure. It was a skyscraper that had been damaged by time. The windows were sealed with wooden bars. There was a lot of dust and bricks all over the place. Amara looked around and howled, a summons to Riley's beast. She found her. Adam stood next to her, softly petting the fur behind her ears. I was terrified she'd snap at him and bite him, but instead, to my surprise, she turned toward him and waggled her tail, licking his palm.

- You did well - he said.

I could sense her pride as if it were mine as she wagged her tail and rose up going to enter the building.

- Let Rose back - Adam said, stopping her from going any farther.

She hissed at him, and I could feel her struggle with my will to keep control of the wolf body. There was a reason I'd never let her take control. She was aggressive, vicious, and possessed a strong predatory drive. She was an amazing tracker, able to locate Riley's beast in another nation, drawn by the bond they had. But once she was free, she vowed blood and vengeance. I nearly never used my wolf form, lest my wolf's will take control of both of us. I couldn't resist her if she refused to let me take over again; I'd be a quiet witness to her atrocities. It happened before, and it will happen again if I let her. Unfortunately, that was my only option right noe; she could locate Riley, and I couldn't. The reason why I couldn't feel the draw toward Riley anymore was a riddle we'd solve as soon as my twin was safe and sound.
As Adam approached her, Amara snarled again, her fangs bared with saliva dripping on the floor: she was a predator who tracked down her prey, and she desired the luxury of putting down anybody who dared to threaten our family. I could understand her motivation, but I couldn't let her do it since there would be fatalities beyond my control. Perhaps there were innocent people inside the building as well. She would not wait to ensure that just Roberto's men were killed. She would murder them all without hesitation. After all, she was a beast. She felt no guilt or sympathy. She would be driven only by her instinct to protect our family, her pack.

- You did well - Adam reassured her one more - but you are not allowed in. Do you understand why?

She hissed as she stared him in the eyes.

- I know you want to claim dominance over them for harming Riley - he said her as he could read her thinking as well.

She chewed the air around his hands and snapped at him.

You are reading story The Original Alpha at

- I know - he patted her on the head - let Rose deal with them, and I'll make sure they pay for what they did to your family -

I could see Amara was considering what Adam had said to her. I never believed she'd listen to anyone but her instincts for defense and predation. I had no idea why she would obey Adam; she had never obeyed anybody before. Even I had some difficulty managing her, but we all developed a bond through the years, and she understood her role in our family and pack. Maybe she felt the same attraction to him as I did? Maybe it was her emotions all along that I felt while I was with him?
Adam caressed her again, and I felt realif as I feel her finally letting me take charge. I was about to shove her aside when she abruptly changed her mind and ran into the building, disregarding Adam's shout, to which she responded with a howl, a war chant threatening death and destruction.

I had no idea why Adam felt the need to stop her. I admired his concern and effort, but why did he do it? Did he sense something about her? about her being a ferocious and out-of-control animal? Did he detect my distress and think that was the correct thing to do? The more time I spent with Adam, the more unanswered questions ran through my mind.

Amara dashed inside the building, smashing the door open like a fucking wrecking ball. She howled once again as she hurried down the dusty stairwell she found within. Adam rushed after her. What we saw in front of us astounded us all. There was a basement at the bottom of the stairs, lit by a solitary lightbulb suspended from the ceiling. Boxes, broken furniture, and shards of cement from the wall littered the floor. Riley hung from the ceiling at the far end of the room. She was naked since she had previously changed into her wolf in the park, and her body was restrained by a combination of iron chains and ropes. I wondered how they forced her to shift back to her human form since she was stronger as a wolf; I highly doubted she'd switched of her own volition. Although her face was somewhat obscured, I could see blood all over her cheeks. Her eyes were closed, and I couldn't tell if she was breathing from the distance we were. Her legs and arms were coated with dried blood, with some bones bending in an unnatural way. Her injuries did not transfer on to me in my wolf form as they did when we were at the park. I desired to shift to my human self to relieve her pain. I couldn't bear seeing her like this, broken and wounded; I would gladly take all of her agony to see her unharmed again.

Amara let out a thunderous roar as she took in the spectacle in front of her. I didn't blame her; if I could control my body right now, I would have yelled at the top of my lungs to let everyone know that I was there, ready to battle whomever had done this to my twin.

Riley stirred when she heard Amara's revenge cry.

- you're here - her faint voice praised my beast.

A swarm of Roberto's men appeared from the shadows behind her shattered body.

For once, I was relieved that Amara was in charge of our body as she let hell break loose.