Chapter 20: ch 16: First things first(Part two)

Gal: Oh, please not this again...

She looked around and then continued

Gal: Conquering? Are you crazy? Didn’t we have this conversation before.It’s impossible.No one has ever done it. Also why me? Why do you think i will fight for you?

Takeshi: Hey, i never asked you to fight for me. I just need your help when it comes to training me and some advice for other stuff.The rest i will do alone

Gal: Training?What just so you can get up and go get beaten down when you are out of my sights? Just go to a random instructor if your death wish is that big!

She turned her head around and pouted.

Takeshi: Yeah, i could but...I saw you fighting,and i know what you can do. If i went to a random instructor who knows what i would be able to learn. For all i know i could be learning nothing of value.

It is imperative that i learn from gal gal. I need to learn techniques that are suitable for someone of my small stature and not stuff from random martial arts that might be amazing but require a huge amount of strength to utilize right or some random complicated technique that might not even work decently in a street fight. boxing is great but with what happened today, i don’t feel confident that even with training that i would go somewhere with it. Even if i bulked up, i will still be at a massive power disadvantage, so i need to learn ways to overcome that. If i don’t then this plan was doomed from the start.

Gal: And why would i train you so you can get beat up by random people? You seem like a good guy, and i have seen way to many good people throw their lives away over nonsense.

Gal gal face turned sad.I suppose this conversation was bringing out bad memories. The kind that you wanna dig deep and forget about.
Takeshi: I am sorry.

Gal: Shut up.

Gal gal acted as if nothing had happened.

Takeshi: I just want to tell you, that even if you refuse helping me train, i will keep chasing my dream of conquering Genjigan. It might be much harder, and it might be much more impossible without you on my side, but i will do it. I will try to do it.

Gal gal looked down and sighed.

You are reading story Fight!! (a highschool, delinquent, litrpg, action story) at

Gal: Is there really no way around your commitment to this stupid idea?

Takeshi: I think not.

Gal: I see...

She sighed again

Gal: Okay, fine.

Takeshi: For real?

Gal: Yeah for real.You will either give up, which is what i want or you will get your face smacked to shreds,and if the latter is where you are going, then i at least want to give you a small chance chance to avoid that. I mean if big sis didn’t try to help you out when you needed it then i wouldn’t be big sis,would i?

I feel happy. Gal gal is a nice person . From the way she has acted so far, she seems like the type of person to always want to help those in need. Now that i have her to train me, i might at least have a chance.

I shot up from the bench excitedly and got all giddy and asked her:

Takeshi: So when do we start?

Gal: We will start after school. But before all of that, i think you need to know what you are going to face from now on. You need to know the dangers.

Takeshi: Dangers?