Chapter 20: Chapter 20 – Circumstances that be

The Airships that travel between districts are a means of transporting vast amounts of goods expediently, and can be safer than goods transported by Rail, as they don't carry the risk of being hit by a rockslide or falling off a bridge. However, Airships carry the risk of being attacked by the large, flying monsters that reside in the skies and peaks of mountains. The sky was, after all, originally theirs.

One such airship was shipping materials and weapons. Its destination, Gravel District 13. On it was a C-class hunter party, Harpy's Feather. They were known well for escorting Airships, but because Airships seldom see action in the first place, they didn't have many opportunities to grow.

Hunters grow primarily by killing other creatures. This wasn't the only way to grow, as evidenced by other creatures and civilians, but it was theorized killing was the most effective, because one would absorb a piece of the creature's soul, their Primal Mana. Primal Mana enhanced both physical attributes and the Mana inside the creature. This was also why kids that absorbed Primal Mana would grow faster than normal.

Incidentally, Harpy's Feather was named after the harpy feathers they collected on their first request as solo hunters, and after the request, they banded together under the name. They were stronger than most C-ranks, but not enough to advance to B-rank.

During the second day of the trip after 5 days of loading and preparing cargo, one of the spotters on deck called out in a loud voice. "Pseudo drake! There's a pseudo drake coming up starboard side!" As this was called out, the Captain ordered for All hands on deck. Arc-cannons were primed and burst-harpoons manned.

The Harpy's Feather also joined the action, manning the deck and getting their Heavy Steamrifles armed. They were expensive, but carried enough force to damage large creatures like Pseudo Drakes.

Pseudo Drakes were huge, cloud-dwelling creatures that absorbed the primal mana in the magic-dense high-altitude clouds. They were also somewhat territorial, attacking any airship that happened to be too close or too inattentive. They took a similar shape to whales, with large, glowing sails running from their head to halfway down the body. They had six huge fins that they used to propel themselves slowly through the air, and their tail, instead of being a large flipper, was a cluster of 6 long, spiny tentacles. Using these massive tendrils they would strike large creatures or airships that strayed too close to their territory. Their bodies were coated in thick, dark blue scaly hide on top, and a stormy grey on the bottom.

It drew closer and closer, its lumbering form intimidating the crew. And as it entered the Airship's range, the Arc-cannons opened fire, shooting out white-hot bolts of steel with an electric charge to rapidly propel it. The bolts mercilessly ripped through the hide of the giant, and it let out a deafening, soft bellow, the crew on burst cannons being stunned momentarily before opening fire. Massive harpoons burst from the barrel with a large crack of steam, flying into the hide of the Pseudo Drake as it spurt out glowing blue blood. One of the harpoons pierced through the thin sail, as sparkles of light and blood sprayed out momentarily.

However, this only angered the Pseudo Drake, as it propelled itself even closer and swung a massive, spiked tentacle into the ship, making the entire thing shudder and swing, some crew nearly falling off if it wasn't for Harpy's Feather. After securing the crew to let them reload, the hunters armed with Heavy Steamrifles opened fire on the head of the creature, multiple electrically-charged steel slugs piercing deep into the hide, making it bellow out in pain once more.

The fight continued on for some time, with the experienced captain doing what he could to minimize damage. Eventually, the pseudo-drake was driven off with shouts of victory emitting from the crew. The Harpy's Feather merely letting out sighs of relief. And so, the Airship continued on to Gravel District 13.


After I was promoted to C-rank, I continued taking the investigation & patrol requests for the next few days. I planned to take it slower, steadily gaining strength and training my own fighting style. Monster attacks were slowly increasing every day, to the point that goblins and other creatures became a common sight near the walls. It was temporarily forbidden for civilians to come near the gates. Personally though, it wasn't a big issue. I could easily defeat the packs of monsters regularly coming close to town.

Thanks to the efforts of the Hunter's guild, we also discovered the reason for the goblin's aggressiveness and black spots. It seems the Black Rain that would fall every few days extended outside the city as well, and the goblins without sufficient shelter would get burned and scarred, becoming extra aggressive and maddened. 

In other news, with the money I had been collecting from the requests, I also paid off my debt to the Book keeper in Sidewalk Parchment. Sometimes I would also have to deal with some petty criminals, but it was no different than any other day. I was far stronger.

Let's check my status today after so long.

Iris - Age 13 - Female - Level 22

Body - Sp: 144/144 MP 136/136

Stats - Str: 16, Dex: 20, Agi: 26, End 15, Int: 24 Luk: -

Skills - Parallel Thought {1}, Sword skill {2}, Gunsmithing {1}, Mental Resistance {3}, Disease Resistance {1}, Mana Control {3}, Dagger Skill {3}, Physical Up {2}, Critical Point {1}, Dark Vision {1}, Marksmanship {2}, Pressure {1}, Appraisal {1}, Falsification {1}

Title: A Sapling in Stone, "Bloody Cat"

Capability: 150 (196 with PU)

I had grown considerably since I first started out. I should be a fully-fledged C-rank with strength like this. But it obviously wasn't anywhere close to what I was seeking. Strength to overcome everything and protect those I care for.

It seems an Airship had arrived in town, carrying weapons and materials. Word is a popular party by the name "Harpy's Feather" was escorting it as well. Maybe I should look into getting on board and leaving this place after so long. That's what I had been thinking about while walking through the streets to the Hunter's guild. From the entrance of the guild, I could see the towering stone doors of Northgate. Impressive as always.

And just as I was about to go inside, a siren rang out through the city. Multiple sirens. Massive metal bolts at the sides of Northgate began to slide close, reinforcing the gate. A voice rang out into the city with the sirens.

"Attention all citizens, a monster wave is approaching the city walls. With them are massive siege monsters capable of damaging the gates. We ask all civilians to please evacuate to your nearest rail station. The Airship "Dragon's Wing" will be exclusive to VIP's. All citizens, please evacuate to your nearest rail station..." So only the wealthy get to evacuate on the airship, huh? Shameless.

I saw several groups of hunters already in the streets hurrying for the main gate, and I followed. I'm not sure what we're dealing with, but we had to stop the monsters from destroying the city. Several hunters also spilled out from the hunter's guild to rush for the main gate. The guardsmen were already on scene and the captain of the guards were issuing formation orders to the hunters. We would remain some distance from the gate to avoid the rubble when it would get blown through. Defense experts would form a defensive core in the middle of the road, while leaving a gap in the sides for vanguards to flank and surround the enemy. Rangers and engineers would stay behind the core and provide fire support. The guards would also be behind the core, as they more closely resembled rangers with their steam rifles instead of vanguards or tanks that fought hand-to-hand.

You are reading story An Account of Steam & Blood at

The hunter's were somewhat upset that they would be taking the brunt of the attack, but could also understand the reasoning. Then a large, dull sound pounded against the gate. THUUUUUNK... THUUUUNK... The massive stone gates cracked from the force. We could now hear the cries and roars of monsters outside. The metal bolts buckled and the defenders on the rampart were firing down and using the gate defenses, but It seemed not to dissuade whatever monstrosity was hammering the gates.

Then, minutes later, the massive gate shattered at the bottom, the metal bar warping out and nearly breaking in half. A cloud of dust rolled in from the hole as hundreds of steps and screeches started flooding in. They soon hit the defensive core, crashing up against it as the vanguards poured out to the sides and began the melee. Engineers and Rangers shot out between the gaps and over the heads of the defensive core. I could hardly distinguish what monsters were here, I could see goblins in the mix, monstrous beasts like Cavern Wolves, a kind of wolf in this world that dwells in caverns and was twice the size of a goblin. I could see insectoid monsters that stood on six legs and attacked with spear-like arms and scything mandibles, among other things. 

I took out my swords, one in each hand, and leapt over the defensive core. I dove into the sea of monsters and began slashing and ripping, spinning and cutting and thrusting through them. Monsters that lunged and swiped at me I would twist and duck and jump over, under, and through them. I connected my swords and decapitated multiple creatures, slashing through yet more as I used my claws to rip & sunder.

I became bathed in blood and my hearing dulled amongst the chaos. I could feel my mouth twisting into a smile and my throat vibrating as if I were laughing. Soon I was amongst a sea of corpses and the ground became a river of blood. Yet still more came. The Tide was endless and I became covered in cuts and scratches, avoiding lethal hits and letting my armor take attacks aimed at my vitals. I could hear a rallying cry from behind me, at the defensive core. My display may have raised moral among the hunters.

Then I saw monsters that brought my focus back. From the Hole came Reapers, several of them, and between them more dangerous and unique monsters. Creatures that had a humanoid torsos and heads, with huge pincers and the lower bodies of centipedes. These things began to enter the tide of monsters as well and things got significantly more difficult for everyone with these things joining the fray. I fell back behind the defensive line, covered head to toe in blood, and had an engineer heal me.

Engineer: "You were unbelievable out there... Most of the hunters never figured you were this strong. Just some lucky girl that never faced much real danger."

Iris: "...They'd be surprised then." I replied coldly to the female engineer healing me. She only looked a bit older than I was. Maybe 18, or a bit younger.

Engineer: "My name is Christy. I already know your name, and I'm aware you're a solo hunter but... You're just so cool and intense, I would really like to follow you!"

Iris: "...You shouldn't. Nothing good will come of it."

Christy: "Even so, I want to. Can't I?"

She looked at me with pleading eyes... It was hard to just say no. Maybe this was Licht's influence... Damn you Licht. "...I don't care what you do. But I have to return to the front line now. Stay safe, Christy. If things get dicey, escape to the evac. C-rank hunters should be allowed on board the Dragon's Scale airship."

Christy: "Yes! Thank you!" She said happily. I stood up and rushed back into the tide, hacking and slicing through the small fry. Soon enough I encountered one of those new creatures and fought with it. The armor was tough, but it had vulnerabilities. I ducked and weaved around the pincers and slashed through the muscle of the arm, turning it limp as I evaded its next swing, and made a two-handed thrust into the exposed throat of the creature, ending it's life.

Then I fluidly moved onto the next target, continuing to cut my way through the melee. There were 5 reapers, but they hadn't moved from the hole. And as I was looking there, I saw something absurd. I saw a girl, a bit taller than myself, but naked. Except it wasn't bare skin that was exposed, but something like chitin covering up parts of her body, and she had frills on the top of her ashen head of short hair. Wings extended from her back, still folded, and her eyes were black with blue pupils. She wore an expression of utter disinterest as she peered over the crowd. Her hands extended into a set of razor sharp claws. But her features felt familiar. I wasn't sure why.

Returning my focus to the battle, I continued cleaving through the small fry, battling primarily with the armored creatures and dispatching them within minutes at a time. After I killed the third armored, I returned my gaze to the Girl. Our eyes met amongst the battle, and we looked at eachother for what felt like minutes. Then her eyes widened in recognition, and her expression turned into one of delight. Suddenly she almost closed the gap, and I parried the swing she let down at me.

I attempted a counter attack, spinning and slashing towards her with the momentum of her attack, but she deftly bent away and lunged her hand at my throat. I bent backwards, kicking it away as I flipped back. Then I heard her voice, as though speaking through a radio at close-range.

Girl: "Iris!~ You're alive!~ I dearly hoped you would be~! It's such a shame my brother couldn't see you again~! I wonder if you found him~?"

What the hell was she talking about? I looked at her with bewilderment, and then it dawned on me. Her brother? That face... Whether I found him or not..."

Iris: "D-... Dior...?"

Dior?: "Yu~p, that was my last name~ My dearly beloved Iris~ Where were you that day I wonder? For what reason were we left in that old warehouse alone~? TELL ME!"

Her expression suddenly twisted into fury as her wings folded out and she rushed at me with tremendous speed, slashing her claws at me. I parried one and slipped behind her, using a fluid motion to connect my swords again and counter attacking, my blade hitting her chitinous sides and bouncing off. She spun around with a kick and we both took our stances. My legs spread behind me, ready to kick off the ground and my clawed hand on the ground, sword to the side. Her's was leaned forward, claws out to the side like she was going to tackle me.

Iris: "I didn't want to leave you alone. I tried to get there, but a monster beat me half to death before I killed it. I got there battered and beaten, exhausted... I wanted to look for you but I didn't know where!"

My face began to show grief, and tears ran down my face as I remembered the moment I discovered the scene. But hers slowly turned merciless.

Dior: "Then atone with your death, my dear Iris."

Iris: "...Even if it's you, I refuse to die. So, I'll put you out of your misery, Dior."

We lunged at eachother again. She outmatched me in every way except range. But she was faster so I couldn't widen the gap. I was forced to stay close and deflect her. It seems my dexterity might have been higher, because I could move easier than she could. Or maybe it was her exoskeleton. Which, her chitin covered the sides of her torso and most of her breasts and lower body, the front was overwise exposed. Perhaps to allow for greater lung capacity or flexibility. Her back was similarly exposed, but her speed and strength covered those gaps. Her feet were like chitinous high heels with clawed toes and a bladed stilt, so her kicks were just as deadly as her swings. During the fight I disconnected my swords again to use them in tandem, as the extra length would only hinder me in this fight.

I still couldn't land a proper blow on her but I was accumulating attrition. Fatigue from muscle stress and cuts. She suddenly changed her style and I was caught off guard, I couldn't evade in time and I was punched in the gut, sent flying over the defensive core and knocked unconscious. The last thing I saw was christy kneeling over me and picking me up.


The next thing I saw was an unfamiliar metal roof.