Chapter 24: Chapter 22 – Heaven & Earth

Iris: "I haven't eaten for some time now and I'm starting to get hungry. Christy, could you take me to the cafeteria?"

We had been talking for some time now, as the sun was just beginning to set. Max nodded and stood up from his seat on the stairs.

Max: "Right, well then, It was fun, you two. I'll actually go back to my duties." He said, before climbing the stairs onto the bow of the ship as christy nodded and led me back down into the ship.

The halls were rather cramped on this ship, I assume to save space. They were also confusing, like a claustrophobic maze. Christy seemed to already know the layout though, I wonder why? Did she like to wander or was her memory just good?

Soon we arrived at the Cafeteria, several people were already there, most were crew and a couple seemed to be civilians. If only VIPs were allowed on the airship, perhaps these were wealthy merchants or officials? I took a glance at the meal of the day as we walked over to the counter. Seems like people were eating sandwiches of some kind today. Sure, sounds good, I'm a big fan of sandwiches.

I wasn't the only curious one, people also stole glances at me. Some looked charmed, while others looked curious. I bet my broken armor attracted a lot of attention. We arrived at the counter and requested meals, and were given each a small-sized baguette-like bread, with meat stuffed into the sliced-open side of the bread. Me and christy thanked the cook, a middle-aged, dark-skinned man with a light beard, and went to sit down at an empty table.

The sandwich was delicious. There was also cheese in the sandwich, which was stuffed with slices of honeyed meat. The bread was hard and chewy, but it made savoring every bite as I ate that much easier. I finished my meal with satisfaction, breathing out a sigh as a smile appeared on my face. 

Christy: "You sure loved that, huh? Watching you eat is such a joy, Iris. Seems like everyone else agrees~" She said with a teasing smile.

Ah, so that's why I've been getting stares... My face flushed and I pouted, looking away. I had nothing to say... I just enjoyed my meal is all. How embarrassing. I stood up from my seat and looked down at Christy. "Well we're going back up on deck. Come on."

She giggled and stood up, also having finished her meal. I went and stood by the door, waiting for her to catch up. The other people in the cafeteria looked brighter now than before. I huffed as we left. At least they're happier now thanks to me.

Iris: "Christy, did you happen to see a tall, strong woman with red hair onboard? Looked like a blacksmith? Her name is Lira, she made my swords."

Christy: "Lira? Hm... Nope, sorry, I don't remember anyone like that. Still, you sound like you know some interesting people, Iris."

I shrugged in response and looked off into space. I hoped they were alright, patton too. I'm sure they made it out on the train. Soon we reached the stairs leading onto the deck, when I heard a commotion from up above. The sounds of yelling and feet stomping. I started running up onto deck, and the first thing I hear is-

"Pseudo drake spotted! Some-thousand meters away, heading towards us! Equal altitude!"

A pseudo drake? I read about them briefly in my books. Crew were running about on deck and I saw the team Harpy's Feather here aswell, looking off starboard side. I went over and Christy followed me.

Older hunter: "Milane, Can you see it from here with optical magic?"

The female hunter in the party was aiming at something off in the distance, with magical lenses hovering above her barrel.

Milane: "Yes sir... It looks injured. Like the one we fought en'route."

Max: "Ah, so e's come for a grudge match eh? Well lets show 'im what for."

Iris: "Wait, you guys recognize this pseudo drake?" As I spoke the hunters turned around in surprise, while Max waved at me a bit. I nodded at him and looked at the others. "I'm a C-rank hunter, I want to help"

The older hunter spoke up first after seeing mine and Max's interaction. "You must be Iris? You're a close-range fighter aren't you? I'm sorry but there isn't much you can help with. By the way, I'm Ivan."

Iris: "Still, I can't sit around and do nothing. I'm a good shot too, if there's any steam rifles around."

Ivan: "Then man a Burst Cannon, we don't have any rifles lying around ourselves and we need heavy artillery to hurt a Pseudo Drake."

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Crewman: "Pseudo drake closing to several-hundred meters!" I looked off the side and saw a dark, lumbering creature far in the distance.  The fact I could see it so well from here meant it was truly massive.

I turned away from Ivan and looked around. There were indeed a number of swivel-mounted guns attached to the side of the ship, with crates of harpoons between every other hardpoint. Each burst cannon was a large, cone-shaped weapon with ring sights like on an AA gun and a sturdy rubber pipe connecting to the bottom. On the back were a pair of handles with a trigger on the right, a button on the left, and a pressure gauge in the middle. I grabbed a harpoon and loaded it into the barrel of the cannon and pressed the button. I heard steam rushing through the pipe and into the cannon, and I saw the pressure rising. I let go of the button as it reached the far edge of green.

"All hands battle stations! Pseudo drake entering effective range in 5 minutes!" called out a voice across the ship. The voice was old and deep, but they felt composed. I suppose that was the captain of the ship. Christy was by my side, saying she would help with reloading and attend to any injuries on deck.

The pseudo drake was getting closer and larger by the minute. It was truly huge, maybe even larger than this ship. Then I heard it let out a tremendous bellow like a whale song. The vibrations of the sound rattled my head and I staggered a bit before regaining my focus. Now I saw other people on guns, and larger cannons began sticking out from the lower deck.

I had to remind myself that this wasnt even a military vessel, just a trade ship. I heard a crewman on deck call out a countdown for arc cannons. 10... 9... 8... 4... 3... 2... The pseudo drake was close now, as it began turning to show us It's side, like it was maneuvering for broadside. The arc Cannons cracked with lightning and a beam of light was shot out from each, with a trail of red lightning crackling in its wake. Each projectile hammered the hide of the Pseudo drake, glowing blood spurting out from the gaping wounds now in its hide.

What beautiful blood... I found myself thinking. I brought my focus back upon hearing the signal to fire all burst cannons. Explosions of steam roared out across the ship as several harpoons were also flung into its side, making the pseudo drake cry out again and recoil. I swung my cannon to the side as christy reloaded it, and I started pouring steam into it again. I swung the cannon around and aimed at the pseudo drake, who began to fling its massive tendrils into the side of the ship.

The impact rocked the ship and near everyone lost their balance. Christy and the less experienced crewmen fell to the deck before scrambling back up. I and everyone else only staggered. Once our ship regained stability, the reloaded burst cannons and Harpy's feather opened fire. Shots pierced the hide of the beast and yet more harpoons dug themselves into its flesh. It was heavily bleeding now but I could only sense rage from it. Then it banked away from the ship, slowly gaining distance. The arc cannons weren't recharged yet so they couldn't fire as it left burst cannon range.

The people were confused as to why it was drawing back, me included. Then it dawned on me as it leveled out. "Its going to ram us!" I yelled out. I gripped the cannon for a moment before gritting my teeth and letting go. It had to die before it wrecked the ship and killed everyone on board. I stepped back to the center of the deck and got into a low stance, gripping the ground and bending my legs, getting ready. Christy looked bewildered at my behavior and so did the hunters, except max.

Max: "Wait- You crazy- Are you insane?! Are you going to try to jump onto it?!" He said, looking at me with shock. His teammates looked at the both of us like we were insane. I didn't deign to answer him though and only waited for the pseudo drake to draw closer. It entered the reloaded range of the Arc Cannons and was once again pierced by beams of light, causing the monstrosity to bellow with rage. It was getting closer... Closer... I sprang. Instantly I was sprinting at full speed, I leapt into the air, stepped off the railing and with my momentum, I flew through the air. 

Christy was shocked. The hunters and crewmen as well showed faces of shock and disbelief. It felt like time slowed down as I sailed through the sky. Then I hit the hide of the creature and dug in with my magic-enhanced claws. It hit the side of the ship with tremendous force and would've flung me off had I not grabbed on. The ship took heavy damage from the hit but It was still functional. The pseudo drake leveled out again as some space distanced us from the ship.

I pulled out my claws and unsheathed my blades, connecting them together as I stood in the center of the beast. Standing on it, I could feel how much pain it was In, and how damaged it was. I'm sorry, but I can't let you kill my friends. I plunged my blade into the hide and gripped it hard with both hands as the beast roared once more. I planted my feet and pulled out my blade, holding it two-handed as I began hacking away into Its flesh, the glowing blue blood pouring out from within it. 

Pseudo drakes had a well-protected weakness that few knew about. Their Flight core. It was hidden in the middle of its body, between the mana-gathering sails. This part of the body was especially reinforced with magic and thicker scales, but I was relentlessly hacking away into its flesh and scales, blood spurting out and covering me. I felt my body heating up immensely. Something took over and I knelt down, covering my clawed hand in mana and plunging it into the beast. I ripped through flesh until I got hold of something hard.

I dug my claws in and ripped it out brutally, blood pouring everywhere as, in my hands, was a pulsing purple orb. I stuffed it into my bag and clutched my sword with both hands as I felt the pseudo drake slowly beginning to fall. I plunged my blade into it once again and began running along its body, my sword opening up a seam In it as I ran to the head, Blue blood spurting out behind me. The drake must have been slowing down, because the ship was now almost ahead of it. The distance was... Risky. But I was going to try. 

I ripped out my sword and sprinted with all my might, reaching the tip of the bellowing pseudo-drake. I poured magic into my muscles until it felt like they were burning, and I sprang off from the pseudo drake with extreme force. I'll make it! I have to! I thought to myself. I soared through the air like a rocket, and I outstretched my hand. The railing was closing... Closer... But I began falling. Time slowed down. It felt like it was getting even further.

I had missed. I was too cocky, thinking I could get back on my own. Thinking I was so strong. I had defeated the Pseudo drake and saved everyone on board. I had accomplished my objective. So, why did this hurt so much...? Right, of course... I still didn't want to die. My claws scratched the hull, making sparks. Then I stopped falling. I looked up, and Christy was there. She caught a hold of my hand, and I held back for dear life.

Christy: "IRIS! Hold on!" She began using all the strength in her body to pull me up. Then someone else came, a man. Max. "Iris, holy shit! Come on, we aren't letting you die yet!" He too grabbed onto my arm and with the two of them they pulled me back on deck, as everyone Cheered with cries of joy and victory. I was sprawled on the ground, panting heavily. Christy fell on top of me and I could feel her squeeze me.

Christy: "You idiot! You damn stupid Idiot! Reckless doesn't even begin to describe you! If reckless was a person, they'd be cautious infront of you!"

I smiled guiltily, and let her hug me. "I'm sorry Christy, I made you worry"

Then Max came over and crouched by me, with the other members of Harpy's Feather gathered around too.

Max: "That was the craziest shit I have EVER seen! Who the hell are you, girlie?! Are you even a girl? Cause you have balls bigger than any man I've ever met!" He exclaimed, laughing heartily. Milane just looked like she saw a myth happen infront of her and Ivan looked impressed and baffled.

Ivan: "Seriously, I had heard some stories back in Gravel 13 and that tale Max told me, but you are completely unhinged, lass. Do you not fear death?"

I sat up as they all gathered around me, with Christy still clinging to me. I smirked a little at Ivan before answering. "Well, when you've already died twice..." I said, trailing off mysteriously.