Chapter 36: Chapter 34 – Investigation

...What the hell was that? Primal enhancement? the captain thought, staring at the steaming, unconscious body of the young girl that crashed into her subordinate. She rushed over and held the shoulder of Vahn, the man she took with her to pursue the suspect.

Captain: "Vahn, are you okay? I can't believe that girl was able to cut through the armor of the GEAr."

Vahn: "Shit... Yeah, I'm fine cap... the cut isn't too deep, just hurts like hell. Some first aid and I'll come out fine."

Captain: "Good. You're made of stern stuff, lieutenant. Now... Let's detain this girl. We should be able to get some worthwhile intel out of her." The woman said, before turning over to the body of the young girl. She had flowing, medium-length hair with a vibrant firey-orange into pink color, and fair skin with toned muscles. Her face was covered with a half-face filter mask, but the features one could see were elegant. She still gripped her sword, which had been nearly destroyed from her final attack.

The woman admired this young girl's resolve. Iris, was it? Her soul burned like fire and her determination outclassed most men. And her skills matched. Just where did she learn her techniques? Was she specially hand-picked by the alchemists to be a platform of war? These answers could be gained later. For now, the woman, still in her GEAr, hauled the girl onto her shoulder and left the room with Vahn.

Captain: "Vahn, I'll bring the girl back to drop point reaper to gather our leftover equipment. You get the tech sergeant to patch you up, and have sergeant Nicolai retrieve the girl's gun. Once you're ready, rendezvous at checkpoint golem and we'll begin the interrogation. And, bring that other girl too. They seem related.

Vahn, saluting: "Aye, captain." They returned to the entrance of the building, where the smoke had already settled, and they assessed the damage. The other girl gasped, the color draining from her face, as she saw Iris.

Christy: "W-What'd you do to Iris! Who are you people!

The girl was, however, ignored as the group of four gathered in the center of the room. Christy was bound with rope at the feet and wrists.

Nicolai: "Damn, what the hell is that girl? She really made a mess of you, huh Vahn?" the young man responded, crossing his arms.

Vahn: "Yeah, well, seems she got a damn good hit on you too. Look at that crater in your armor. What was that, a miniature Pile Bunker?"

Nicolai: "Seriously... She came out of nowhere and stuck the thing to my side. I had no idea that it was there till it was too late, and that smoke... I couldn't pick her up with my sensors. Is it magic-jamming?"

Captain: "Cut the chatter. Mara, apply first aid to vahn, then Nicolai. Nicolai, go retrieve the girl's gun when you've been treated. Vahn can fill you in on the rest of my orders, Dismissed." The woman said, and carried the girl out of the building, activating her optical camouflage circuit. The woman in her armor and the girl slung over her shoulder shimmered out of sight and vanished.

Christy watched them leave with remorse and bit her lip, biding her time. She felt powerless, helpless even. Unable to even assist her friend, and the girl she admired. All she could do was listen to the group talk.

Vahn: "Alright, the Captain is going to retrieve our equipment to Drop point Reaper. After we finish first aid here and retrieve any remaining intel, we'll go to Checkpoint Golem to rendezvous with the Captain. Once there, we'll begin the interrogation." He said, sat down on the floor as the other, smaller armored individual treated his wounds swiftly.

Nicolai: "Roger that. So checkpoint golem huh? Its further than checkpoint Demon, but it's out of the way. I guess that's cause our stealth circuits were damaged in the fight?"

Mara, who began treating Nicolai, replied "Makes sense to me, plus we have some extra baggage to lug around. Better to take the backroads and interrogate them at Golem. Its pretty secluded after all."

Once they were done being treated, Nicolai sat up and walked off into the deeper parts of the facility, after saying "Alright, I'll go grab that gun. Be back in a minute."

Vahn: "Sure, take Tech sarge with you. She'll gather the intelligence left in the facility. I'll stay up here to guard the girl and the entrance."

Mara replied, and walked off after nicolai "Roger, lieutenant." Soon, the two of them disappeared, and Vahn moved to the entrance. It was a silent wait, for the most part.

Christy: "...You won't kill her, will you?" she said shakily, looking at the floor. Vahn glanced down at the young girl.

Vahn: "...Not until we interrogate her."

Christy: "Please, even after that, let her go! If you need a subject, use me instead!" she pleaded, tears in her eyes as she looked up at the armored soldier.

Vahn: "Subject...? We aren't like you alchemists, we don't experiment on people." The man shook his head slowly with disapproval, and turned away partially.

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Christy looked confused. "Huh...? I'm not an alchemist!" but her words fell on deaf ears. The man decided further talk would be meaningless, and began to ignore the girl. Either because the man didn't believe her, or thought that she was brainwashed, the girl's words no longer reached him, and she, too, fell silent.

Some minutes later and the other two returned. The smaller one, Mara, also a girl, held several files under her arm and Nicolai, a man rivalling Vahn in height, held Iris' gun. Christy's expression soured once more.


I awoke to an empty room, a stone table infront of me, and bound to a chair via chains.

Iris: "Why is it that, every time I lose consciousness, I wake up in a completely unfamiliar environment? I'm getting sick of it." I muttered to myself. Everything hurt however. Every muscle in my body screamed at me, my ribs felt cracked and poked my lungs, my right thigh stung like hell and felt a bit wet. My gut had a similar stinging pain on my left side. Looking down, I found a pair of holes where they shouldn't be. Guess I got shot, twice.

The pain made me breathe heavily and I groaned with pain at times. At least I had been bandaged. I looked around the room. Empty, dusty. Not even a box in sight. One the end furthest from me was a door. Solid, simple, and currently locked. Probably. That was just a guess, but honestly, this looked like an interrogation room, and if I was in here alone, I must have been locked in.

Iris: Licht, do we have mana? can I heal?

Licht: We have mana. It's just completely rampant at the moment, which is why we're in so much pain. As for healing... 

Iris: Right. Guess not, then... And fighting... Is out of the picture. What a shitty situation... I'm reminded of when we met.

Licht: At least there isn't a new hole in our heart and head this time.

Iris: Is that meant to be a consolation prize?

Licht: Well, at least you didn't explode, otherwise we might not have even made it this far.

Iris: "We'll make it farther. I wont die here, even if I have to bite my way out."

A moment later, the door opened with a hefty grinding sound and in stepped a tall woman with straight black hair cut short and red eyes, wearing a grey uniform and a grey mantle with red trimmings. She held a bag slung over her shoulder, and commanded a sharp, cold expression. Her assets... Weren't lacking. In the beauty department either.

Woman: "You're awake. Iris, right? I'm Y'vanna." She said, taking a seat opposite me. I only replied with a cold glare, making my hostility apparent. "I'll get right to it since I especially hate your kind. Where are the rest of your hideouts? If you tell me where the rest of you alchemist scum are, I'll be a bit lenient with your treatment."

I tilted my head with confusion. Alchemist scum? Me? "...I have no idea what you're talking about. Alchemists? aren't you-" I was quickly cut off as the woman leaned closer while striking the table.

Y'vanna: "Give it up. We know you're with the alchemists of the deep. Only monsters can use Primal Enhancement, and that tag you have for the hunter's guild is obviously forged. So is your status. We have your friend that you've brainwashed under protective custody too, clearly you tricked her into following you along so that you could change her into a monster."

I was speechless. My mouth slightly agape and my eyes wide. I want Licht to just slap me to death right now. My forged status... I had no idea the consequences would be so high. And, primal enhancement can only be used by monsters...? I had no idea where to start or how to convince this woman, Y'vanna.

I slowly composed myself as much as I could before replying. "Well... I'm really not with the alchemists. I was hunting them. And, I'm the one that forged my status... Here, the forgery should be reset now. Please check it." I released my skill and brought up my status to check it was right, and saw it was, including some stat and skill improvements.

The woman sighed and shook her head as she muttered something and looked at me. A few moments later, her eyes progressively widened and her jaw dropped, before turning into shock and confusion. She gave a really commanding and composed atmosphere before, but I guess I'm just that far out of the norm...

Y'vanna: "Th-This is ludicrous! What the hell is all of this?! At 14?!" She shouted in disbelief. She didn't feel like the gullible type, and the fact that my forgery was found out so easily must mean she had a way to differentiate. "...You must be an experimental chimera made by a high-ranking engineer in the Alchemists. That is the only explanation." She said, biting her lip and looking at my eyes.

Iris: "I'm telling you I'm not... Would hearing my story convince you?" I said, looking back at her with frustration and dismay.

Y'vanna: "I'll listen, but the others will be here to offer a second opinion." She said, before getting up and bringing her back with her, leaving the room and slamming the door shut. This was going to be a long day, or night. I wasn't sure what time it was.