In the courtyard, illuminated by the dim lights, the students were talking to each other about their fellow students at the Academy.
About what Joslyn, Alexey, Cristian, and the others were doing.
Some of them were friends and very close in the academy, so it was interesting to learn what they were doing and what they did during this previous month.
Near them was Cardinal Brousseau, talking with Vazquez and Shao Ya about the work they did in Africa.
High Priestess Xaali was conversing with Akira.
“Santiago, Oscar, and Liam went to buy some craft beers from Terra nova,” Alice reported and nodding in satisfaction, she added. “They know how to do their job well.”
Aurora looked at her strangely, and Aeko standing nearby held back her smile.
Her friend had been talking about the chef she had invited and, despite not wanting to say a name and avoided talking about him, she praised him well.
Such praise excited Liam, who, according to him, would be ‘eating money’ and they bought the best of the best... Looking to buy craft beers to go with the dinner.
It was hard to tell if Alice ordered a chef because this was a ‘farewell’ to the students or it was simply because she wanted to eat something delicious.
Either way, Aurora thought little of it.
With the ‘Cosmos Portals’, they could travel immediately from Zerzura to Atlantis City or anywhere in the world, so it wasn’t a farewell forever.
However, it was a completion of a month full of work in which the students behaved excellently and deserved to be recognized... And of course, no one could deny that this kind of party was not pleasant.
While Aurora was observing the situation from outside the kitchen window, she heard the doorbell ring, and thinking that the chef had arrived, she headed for the entrance.
Alice followed her like an excited-looking puppy and as Aurora tried not to laugh at the sight of her, she opened the door and her gaze froze.
The first thing she did, though it seemed disrespectful, was to give Alice a murderous look, and then she sighed.
“It’s nice to see you, Urfin. Not in this condition, though.” Aurora said with an apologetic smile at the visit.
It would be nice to see him for work or simple friendship, but for Alice to have invited him to be the ‘chef’ today... Aurora sighed as she watched Urfin chuckle at her expression.
In a kitchen whose aroma wafted through the building, Aurora helped.
“Sorry,” Aurora said after a letting out her tenth sigh tonight.
Urfin, who was preparing a strange dish of a creature Aurora didn’t recognize, put the dish in the oven and after turning it on, smiled at her.
“No need to apologize. It’s nice to cook those who appreciate excellent dishes.” Urfin said, observing the pot.
The smile showed he was being honest and his attention to his work was enough to make one realize he liked to cook.
“I think anyone would appreciate your dishes,” Aurora murmured with an inevitable smile.
Urfin chuckled and looked out the window at the students who were checking what Clémentine’s limits were.
They were having Clémentine lift everyone present to check how strong her telekinesis ability was, and now she was lifting Vanessa, who came with Cardinal Brousseau.
“It’s amazing how the students have developed. I’m sure Director Vincent will be pleased with your work,” Urfin commented as he served another plate and sent it to Alice, who was still eating in the dining room.
Dinner was already over, but that didn’t mean Alice was easy to please.
“She’s an excellent eater,” Urfin muttered, shaking his head with a smile as he checked the oven.
Aurora’s lips twitched at that comment and the happiness behind the words.
She couldn’t deny that he was a dedicated cook and, sighing again, she watched the students enjoying themselves.
“They are talented. I didn’t do too much,” Aurora replied in a calm tone.
Urfin shook his head at that answer.
Anyone could have talent, but not just anyone could develop it.
The responsibilities that Aurora gave to it and the trust, was not something they could get elsewhere.
And above all, the permission to take part in dangerous missions was fundamental to developing someone talented.
While Aurora had perhaps given her the opportunity, for her it was the students who took advantage of such opportunities who stood out.
Throughout dinner, it was likely that the students had told Urfin about their missions and events.
Urfin was excellent at relating and Aurora, who watched that dwarf work so hard, glanced at Alice.
That glutton was eating out, enjoying every dish without feeling guilty that she had invited Urfin as her chef.
“Don’t blame Alice,” Urfin interjected and starting his next dish, gesturing for her to help him, he revealed. “I didn’t come here today just to cook, but for a different matter.”
Aurora, who started chopping the vegetables, following Urfin’s guidance, gave that dwarf a sidelong glance.
Even though he was cooking, he sounded sincere with his words.
“If you need anything, you can always call. No need to come directly,” Aurora said calmly as she finished her part.
The two had worked together before on several missions, and Aurora believed they had enough trust to ask each other for help.
In case he dealt with a mission, he could always call her and she would listen.
There was no need to come personally to deal with the matter, let alone agree to Alice’s demands, to become her chef.
“No, this is different,” Urfin shook his head and after finishing all the preparations on his plate, he looked at Aurora and revealed. “This is a personal favor and an important matter. I needed to ask it personally and so I took the opportunity Alice’s invitation gave me.”
The solemnity with which he had just spoken was enough for Aurora to realize that he was not trying to cover for Alice, but that the subject was important and she paid attention.
He could settle an official mission over the phone, but as a Terranovian, Urfin liked to settle personal matters in person.
“Are you going back to the academy?” Urfin asked suddenly.
An unexpected question that took her by surprise.
“I haven’t thought about it. Turbulent times are coming and I would like to leave the academy.” Aurora answered after careful thought.
Her mother had sent her to the academy to get her away from Africa, her work, and the trouble that was brewing here.
However, Aurora had been on vacation long enough.
Even though she couldn’t hire the students, they already had their own goals to help and as long as they maintained those ideals, she believed she had completed her work.
Which meant that she had already completed the one task for which she stayed at the academy and, as if that wasn’t enough, she could also improve herself, getting promoted as a fighter.
And for, above all, Aurora still remembered what Alice had mentioned, and that matter didn’t sound pleasant at all.
“That’s true,” Urfin replied, and seeing Aurora looking at him curiously, gave a smile and commented. “Two weeks ago, I just got back from Terra nova and found out some things. It is for that reason that I came with you. The mission is related to the academy and protecting someone important.”
Although he wasn’t direct, Urfin let on that he had probably found out the same thing her sister had told her.
Quite common when today’s guest chef was literally an important authority of Greece and the Falion Empire.
“While I trust Director Vincent. I would like to have someone closer to the students who is trustworthy,” Urfin explained casually and noticing that Aurora was looking at him, intrigued by his scant information, he added. “As for what will happen... Waiting here or waiting there won’t change anything.”
She was intrigued, because the matter that he asked would surely not be anything simple and less when someone like Director Vincent was involved.
As for the last words... Aurora nodded in agreement.
The matter at hand was big, big enough that they couldn’t escape it, no matter where they were in the world.
All she could do was prepare herself and wait until it happened.
“Do you want me to accept the mission that badly?” Aurora asked curiously.
Urfin was trying to convince her with some enthusiasm while revealing important issues, which probably as an authority of Greece, he should not reveal.
“Yes. I would like you to take the mission,” Urfin answered with some seriousness and then, giving a smile, he commented. “More than a job. I’m actually asking it as a favor.”
Urfin was being rather blunt, about it being more of a favor than a job, and the only answer Aurora could give was...
“I understand. I will accept it,” Aurora answered without hesitation and with a smile, she pointed at Alice and commented. “You just have to take care of convincing her.”
Through her mind, the thought of refusing did not cross her mind, and more so when Urfin was being so straightforward about it.
However, she and her sister were a team and Urfin, in coming here, was looking for both of them.
So not only did he have to convince her, but the glutton who was currently devouring several dishes, lost in her own world.
Urfin gave a smile and took the dish out of the oven.
“That’s why I came prepared,” Urfin announced with a unique solemnity.
It was the solemnity of a chef, who was bringing out his best weapon for negotiation, and Aurora had to admit that baked and glazed bird with a golden sauce was the best diplomatic weapon.
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At least with someone like Alice.
Akira said goodbye to the students who were going to rest.
The students were due back the next day, but they weren’t the only ones.
Their group also had to return, and the only difference with the students was simple.
“I’m not retiring until I finish the whole keg!” declared Oscar with his mug in hand.
“Don’t worry. We’ll join you!” replied Vazquez with a smile as Santiago at his side nodded.
“Of course!” Urfin exclaimed with a laugh, filling the beer mugs to Aeko and Shao Ya.
This important chef, for most of the party, had stayed in the kitchen being very dedicated to his work.
However, like any self-respecting dwarf, he appeared when the alcohol gave began to be served and led to the entire group loosening up even more.
Akira shook her head with a smile.
Although Urfin was a heavyweight in Greece and the Falion Empire, he could be very approachable and become the best chef, or an excellent and lively drinker, who was very sociable.
His stories and the ability to narrate it were someone who attracted anyone and Akira had to admit, she loved listening to stories of Terra nova.
“They’re gone,” Aurora commented as she approached her side.
High Priestess Xaali and Cardinal Brousseau left, along with the student Vanessa.
Unlike someone like Urfin, both women were careful of their image and were not normally late drinkers, and more so on a weekday.
Akira watched as Aurora gave a small smile at the sight of those present harmonizing so serenely.
The only exception was Alice, who was present at her own table, finishing her last dishes, not wanting to be defeated by the amount of food Urfin had prepared for her.
Even she harmonized with the general atmosphere, albeit in her own way.
“Thank you for coming to my aid,” Aurora said suddenly as the others chatted.
Those words surprised Akira and watched as her friend smiled brightly as she drank a mug of beer, infected by Urfin’s mood.
She was not drunk.
“Without you, we would have had difficult situations and we would surely have trouble getting the students to take part in the mission with the necessary assurances,” Aurora added somewhat calmly as she took a drink.
Would it be that way?
Akira didn’t know.
Aurora might look young and perhaps delicate, but Akira knew she kept secrets and behind that thinness, she hid a greater strength than anyone could imagine.
And by, above all, she was someone with the confidence to achieve what she desired once she set a goal.
Akira supposed that once Aurora decided to train the students, she would have done it with or without her help and would have succeeded in the end.
For such a reason, she gave her friend a funny look.
“I’m talking seriously...” Aurora said with some trepidation as she realized her hesitation and, looking at her seriously, she stated. “You and your team were a big help.”
The others were still in their own conversations, and Aurora was serious and solemn enough to give her a little embarrassment.
“Is that so? You know if you praise me too much I’ll believe it.” Akira hesitated and seeing that Aurora nodded without hesitation, she smiled, a little embarrassed and murmured. “You can do this kind of mission without me and my group. You’re that great.”
She wasn’t embarrassed about being honest with her feelings and smiled when Aurora gave her a surprised look at her mumbling.
“What don’t you believe me?” Akira asked and seeing that Aurora didn’t react, she explained. “It’s amazing that you stay here for so many years. For me, it would be impossible. I don’t think I have the mental resistance to endure what Africa is, even though it has improved during these last times. It would be impossible for me to get used to it.”
Africa was a dangerous and difficult continent.
On the one hand, one could encounter the magical beasts that were as wild as they were dangerous and, on the other hand, the warlords who stirred up trouble whenever they could.
Akira couldn’t get used to fighting warlords, constantly risking her life and then having to go in search of refugees who sometimes found themselves in inhuman areas.
Carrying the responsibility for hundreds of lives and bearing the burden of people dying under her command was no simple matter.
Even less so when it was sometimes necessary to carry out assault missions to stop the cruelty of war or some lunatics.
To carry out the work that Aurora did and with the constancy of the years, it was difficult and one could even say that it was an abysmal task that required effort, dedication, and, above all, strength.
The people who worked in these missions needed to be physically and mentally strong to bear the burden of battles and the weight of death, which they usually encountered.
Akira was not ashamed to admit that she would have been tired a long time ago.
It wasn’t easy being surrounded by so much pain, death and cruelty, let alone getting used to it.
“I haven’t gotten used to it,” Aurora corrected and with a half sigh, confessed. “I still continue to feel filled with anger and frustration when I see idiots treat the lives of innocents like garbage. I still continue to wonder why humanity is so cruel.”
Why were human beings so cruel? Although a naïve question when there were so many lunatics on the loose, it was a question that showed Aurora had not grown accustomed to it.
The cruelty she was talking about was perfectly expressed by General Kavuri and his soldiers, who played with the lives of refugees, murdered and committed atrocities, without a care in the world.
No one should be able to justify their actions by saying they were at war.
The war was with the troops of the Lord of Mombasa, however, General Kavuri’s troops would mess with anyone just for pure and simple fun.
“I admire you,” Akira murmured honestly, and realizing Aurora was watching her strangely, she continued. “Not just for your actions or ideals. I admire you as a person.”
Though perhaps a bit sentimental from too many drinks, Akira was honest with her admiration and she didn’t regret saying it.
Least of all when Aurora blushed subtly, embarrassed by her words.
It was rare for her to be embarrassed like that, and Akira smiled and jumped into her friend’s arms, wanting to show how much she appreciated her.
“It’s okay. It’s not that big of a deal.” Aurora commented, returning the hug with a sigh and with a curious smile, she asked. “So, how do you want me to pay you for the other half?”
Akira sighed hearing her question.
“You ruin the touching moment,” Akira muttered, and looking at Aurora, who wore a smile for her answer, she shrugged and commented. “You know, like always.”
They not only received payment for their participation in the Assault mission, but they also earned a considerable sum from the creatures they ended up killing, including the Smilodon Fatalis.
As an S-Rank beast, its value was quite high.
In that sense, coming to Africa to work was a way to pad their pockets with some ease despite the danger... That profit they made was half payment.
Since they not only took part in the ark mission and the assault mission but also helped train the students, another kind of payment was necessary.
And the way the other half was paid was...
“Then let me know when you want me to accompany you on some missions,” Aurora replied with a disinterested smile.
They came to perform some missions and now she had to go support them with other missions in Asia, specifically the area around Japan where their guild headquarters was present.
While Asia was not as problematic as Africa, some islands scattered around Japan were sometimes infested with creatures and monsters, which were problematic.
It was at that time that her group would intervene by taking on missions to clear islands or dungeons, which others did not want and which appeared in inhospitable places.
Having support from the mercenary group would give him the possibility to take on bigger missions, and more importantly, Akira could enjoy with the two sisters a trip in Japan.
“See you!”
Waving goodbye to each other, the groups entered the Cosmos Portals at the same time.
Passing through the light blue portal, the group of students arrived at Atlantis City.
It seemed impressive how one moment they could be in one place and the next moment be thousands of miles away in a different place.
Stepping out into the parking lot, they all looked at the large, technological city with its huge, tall buildings.
It was easy to realize that they were in another city.
The atmosphere lighter, the temperature more moderate, and of course a gentle sea breeze was reaching them.
Now the students realized that their practice was truly over and they were back at home.
However, each of them was excited about all they had accomplished and proud at the same time.
Feeling as if this was their first step to becoming what they desired.