Chapter 183: Chapter 182: Consideration

Aurora was impressed as Andrés typed on the computer while participating in the tournament.

He wore a serious look that gave the impression that he was in an intense battle.

While it was a virtual battle, he still had a professional and dignified countenance.

The objective of this second mode of the computer tournament was quite simple.

Participants were to defend an information network.

As always, they gave some fictitious scenarios to ‘animate’ the tournaments.

They had given Andrés the task of protecting a communication system in the command center of a supposed group.

Some others were tasked with protecting confidential and classified information systems, while others only protected command centers of different types.

Technology was a fundamental part of modernity and, whether a communication system was used when clearing a dungeon or when attacking enemies, technology was vital.

For communication systems to collapse, to be compromised either by infiltrating or giving incorrect information, could ruin missions, and if the mission was extremely dangerous, lives could be lost.

Mechanics with technology-related talents and who focused on the ‘virtual’ were true soldiers.

Right now, Andrés was being ‘attacked’ by several enemies, trying to affect his network.

The command center represented the central core of a network because it always held classified information or was connected to communication networks.

It was difficult to make a tournament like this entertaining, but editors recorded computer screens or Andrés’ fingers, while at high-speed narrators analyzed.

Since these were all academies, the screens were divided into each student and an overview of everyone, while different narrators explained what was taking place, individually or as a group.

“If you told me this was a race, I’d believe it,” Cithrel muttered with a half-smile.

Andrés’ narrator used a very curious style.

He narrated as if Andrés was approaching the finish line and, because of the speed he was moving; it gave the feeling that it was that way.

Step by step he was approaching the goal and while he sometimes had ‘obstacles’, the narrator explained in a very charismatic way how he jumped over those obstacles or knocked them down.

“I don’t understand anything, but I like it,” Taqiyya pointed out with a soft smile.

Aurora laughed in amusement as she listened to her and, looking at the projection, she couldn’t help but nod.

“Yes, the explanations are easy, but it truly is hard to understand,” Aurora commented sincerely.

Simple words were used to explain how Andrés was defending himself against those who were trying to bring him down, even analogies were used to give his work more impact, but if one looked at it seriously, it was hard to understand.

The work Andrés was doing was impressive.

That was because he had about four screens surrounding him and Andrés, although he was controlling one, the other screens also revealed that he was moving.

Andrés was using his AI and controlling four screens, carrying out different jobs at the same time.

Aurora had worked with Liam for a while and if she were honest, without him, she surely wouldn’t have accomplished everything at this level.

That Liam himself was in charge of organizing and preparing the Assault mission revealed that he was central to her small group of mercenaries.

And it was undeniable that virtual mechanics were important in any organization.

“Information is power... And sometimes having information can change the outcome of a battle.” Alice muttered, opening a bag of chips.

She wasn’t exaggerating.

Information was that crucial.

Knowing an issue, a trump card, a skill, even the personality of their opponent could affect the outcome of a battle.

For that reason, it was well accepted that Andrés focused on doing work behind a desk.

Sometimes those in the ‘back’ were more pivotal than those in the ‘front’.

“Will he win?” Taqiyya asked doubtfully.

The ‘attacks’ that each student received had a certain intensity and were constant with a certain level of difficulty.

The judges in charge of this tournament were conducting analyses of the whole situation.

From the speed with which the student handled himself, the efficiency with which he did it, or the skills that were used.

Basically, every relevant part was analyzed, and it was not only about ‘defending’, but doing it in the best way.

To mark the best participants, minor details were used, such as how much information they lost.

Here, Andrés was in first place next to the student from the Mechanics Academy and the Merlin Academy.

“All three have been doing an excellent job. With an impeccable ‘defense’, I guess the winner will be whoever finishes first,” Aurora analyzed without confidence.

Watching the fight, a smile appeared on Andrés’ face.

“Oh, with an impeccable skill he performed a surprise attack on the attackers in the middle of his defense... Wait, instead of using the momentum to secure his defenses, he continued attacking. He is splendidly applying the saying; the best defense is an offense,” the narrator explained in an animated and rather impressed tone.

Andrés had moved rather surprisingly.

“I think that’s the answer,” Aurora muttered, feeling quite surprised by Andres’ abilities.

Just because she didn’t know about the subject, didn’t mean she didn’t understand the complexity of preparing her attack while defending.

And Andrés had just revealed a skill unmatched in his field.

Smiling encouragingly, Aurora heard a knock from the doorway in the room they were watching the tournament from and Cithrel went to open up, revealing one of the tournament officials.

“Excuse me, does Alice Campbell have a moment to speak with us?” the clerk asked calmly and, looking at those present, added. “If it’s in private would be best, please.”

Cordial and respectful.

Cithrel and Taqiyya gave a smile and took their leave immediately.

Aurora, for her part, looked at the attendant and realized that he was not just an ordinary attendant, but looked like a military professional.

However, before she could withdraw, Alice took her hand, and seeing that, the attendant smiled.

“If she’s your sister, it’s no problem.,” the attendant commented simply.

Aurora gave a smile and stayed in her place, but inside she was looking intently at the attendant.

After this challenge would come Alice’s duel with Xu Long and Aurora couldn’t deny that she was attentive to protect her sister.

Now her caution increased, precisely because she sensed the S-rank strength of the other party.

—There is no need to be so cautious. I don’t think the empire does anything excessive.

Her system gave a comment.

Even so, Aurora continued to maintain a cordial smile and waited for the words of the attendant, whose strength made it obvious that he shouldn’t be in that position.

To be a mere tournament manager, having the strength of an S-Rank was simply unheard of.

The attendant had revealed his strength directly, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t cautious.

“Is this about Xu Long’s duel?” Alice asked without changing her expression and taking a chip from her bag, she declared. “I’ll be quick to defeat him.”

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The manager’s expression trembled as he heard her and Aurora didn’t mind the domineering and slightly arrogant tone Alice had just used.

She knew better than anyone that she was now testing the attendant.

“Yes, just as you said. It’s about the duel,” the attendant informed and with a smile, he revealed. “I have come to seek your help in a small task related to the duel.”

“If you ask for me to lose, then I will refuse. I already have a contract for the win and they pay quite a few bags of chips,” Alice reported seriously.

A very loyal and professional mercenary doesn’t give up her contracts!

This time Aurora’s expression trembled more intensely, trying to hold in the laughter very differently from the attendant, who didn’t know how to understand her.

It was hard for Aurora to tell if Alice was joking to test the attendant or was she telling the truth and actually giving importance to her ‘contract’ with Jordan, Oliver, and Edward’s later one.

To call it extravagant was too little to describe Alice.

Aurora knew better than anyone.

“No, it’s not about losing, but it is very much related to your performance during the tournament,” the attendant said and taking on a serious expression, he explained. “We have found a suspect who approached Xu Long to give him a ‘winning’ method. We don’t know what the method is and Xu Long doesn’t seem to want to reveal it.”

The attention of both was immediately attracted and the attendant, taking advantage of the curiosity, continued.

“Because we do not wish to alert the suspect, we have decided to come to you for assistance. We are looking for you to give Xu Long time to use his method,” the attendant added and looking at both of them, he detailed. “Of course, today we have not come to talk to you as a student, but as a mercenary.”

His words revealed quite a bit of information and were very sincere, but at the same time, it was clear the shortcomings of the plan.

“So, you want me to let him use his method? Even if it’s a suicidal method?” Alice asked curiously.

If someone was so suspicious that the empire’s authorities were watching, then it meant that it was not someone ordinary.

If that person approached a student with a method... The method could be dangerous, even deadly.

“We have great archmages in charge of surveillance and security. By adding our barrier, we will make sure that no matter what happens we will protect you both,” the attendant replied without losing his composure and looking serious, he reported. “Even if something happens, you are a student and have nothing to do with this.”

His tone was simple, but his words made Aurora frown.

Perhaps they had better ways of getting around or perhaps there were circumstances they didn’t understand, however, it was clear from the attendant’s tone that they wished to head down this path.

That information could make one think that excessive results were within the attendant’s expectation... No, by the plural form in which he spoke of the entire empire.

Still, the sincerity with which he spoke left evidence of consideration for both.

After all, Alice might seem essential, but there were always other ways to take care of this matter.

They might not even have come and surely everything would have turned out as they wanted.

This consideration for them was too much for Aurora and made her wary.

She had the feeling that this was not something related to Zerzura or to the Apicius Company, but something personal.

The way they were releasing Alice from consequences by saying they were just students and the sincerity in giving the information made her feel that way.

“As a mission, you will receive payment commensurate with the situation, and I assure you that this mission will not violate the ideals that your mercenary group represents. Moreover, you can even say that they subtly coincide because of the large level repercussions of this action,” the attendant reported in a simple tone.

Only his tone was simple, as Aurora’s frown became more evident.

There he was again, giving information of something that seemed to be big enough and secret enough for them not to notice.

Such consideration was abnormal.

Alice looked at Aurora and noticed that she was giving her the choice for her to choose.

“If the method of victory puts Xu Long in grave danger...”

“We will save him,” the manager intervened, and looking at Aurora, he reported. “As long as he can be saved by the resources at the empire’s disposal, then he will be saved.”

The Empire was a power with one SSS-rank in command and several SS-ranks, which meant they had enough resources at their disposal to save a student from any eventuality.

“However, depending on the severity of the matter, he will be punished. We can’t treat him as a victim when he now has time to talk and has said nothing,” the attendant added and, seeing Aurora’s frown, commented. “Besides, this situation doesn’t seem to be one where Xu Long is pressured or threatened. He’s doing it of his own free will.”

The empire was moving around Xu Long, using his decision for its goals.

Surely if he had reported, the matter would be handled differently and, quite possibly, they would not have come to them.

But for him to remain silent, it could be considered to be done of his own free will.

“It’s your decision,” Aurora said to Alice.

She didn’t like other innocent people being used as bait, but she wasn’t ‘saintly’ enough to care for those she didn’t like.

Ever since Alice attacked Xu Long, to Aurora it was as if she was at enmity with her.

They might think it was irrational because Xu Long almost died, however, Alice was too important to Aurora.

An importance that surpassed any limits of her own.

Alice laughed as she saw the look on Aurora’s face.

“As long as Xu Long is kept alive, then I will participate. From long ago, I’m not an ‘actress’ in a show,” Alice declared with an amused smile.

Aurora was sure that Alice didn’t really care about Xu Long’s life or death and was indifferent to whatever happened to him.

Only Alice brought it up for her, and because she respected the boundaries she had.

If Aurora could fall and cross boundaries because of their friendship, Alice could maintain ‘boundaries’ she did not believe in.

For two very different people from each other, looking out for each other marked their friendship and sisterhood.

“I understand. We will take care of everything. Payment will be sent after the mourning,” the attendant reported with a strange expression.

Perhaps because Alice took this situation as if she was an ‘actress’ and everything was a show.

When they were left alone, Alice pulled out an artifact and activated a barrier.

“Do you know someone or did something happen?” Alice asked, seriously looking at Aurora.

Aurora thought of the young man with the lovely eyes.

He had appeared in the middle of the emperor’s party and disappeared just as easily, leaving many strangers, and Aurora finally shook her head.

She felt that it came more from empire relations and that was the problem, since she didn’t know anyone to be treated this way.

“Too much has happened. It could be because they want to get close to the Director or because of my relationship with Cithrel,” Aurora analyzed, unsure.

It could be because of her parents or because of the church and if she was honest, the reasons could be multiple.

The problem was that this situation felt personal, and that made it weird.

“Well, it doesn’t matter too much. Maybe we’re overthinking it and they just wish everything would go the way they want it to,” Alice said without giving it too much thought and looking at the time, commented. “Anyway, I was going to fight Xu Long for a bit of fun.”

Aurora gave a soft smile.

Maybe her desire to ‘murder’ him had lessened, but Aurora knew Alice well enough to know that she was sometimes more terrifying when she was calm.

In the end, she could only sigh and hope she didn’t overdo it.