Chapter 187: Chapter 186: Presidential Conference

In one room in the White House stood a Latino man, looking at the documents in front of him.

“It will be time for the conference, Mr. President,” the secretary reported.

“Oh, you forget me. Work has me too busy,” commented the man with a casual smile.

He was a Latino man, with light brown hair and a neat, professional beard, who smiled with charisma.

Angel Batista, President of the United States of North America.

How did a Mexican take the first government of that great giant that occupied half of America?

That was a question that historians would surely study, but could not answer with total certainty.

Some would say by intelligence, cunning and ability, and even luck.

Historians would put him down as an ordinary, unskilled man who had frightening personal ability and mark him as the pivotal link in unifying the northern giant and then being elected ‘President’ to represent them all.

And historians would not be lying.

Among his accomplishments was the ability to unite different nationalities, circumvent the opposition and nationalists, bring in allies, and garner support for his unification policy.

By carrying out regulations with the dungeons and nationalizing them, he managed to gain the support of many medium and large guilds, along with a vast source of resources thanks to tax rates.

Such resources were used to unify the giant and, although the nation was still in the process of unification at present, his abilities could not be underestimated or despised.

Still, historians would only see what was in public and could never discover what he truly had to do to get here.

The cunning plans, the secret moves, and the deals he had to make... Some individuals are more powerful than others.

Even if the world changed during the Great Cataclysm, some people did not, and to get past them, he had to negotiate or crush them.

Even so, such history would remain buried.

“You need to take a break, Mr. President. You still have a lot of work to come.” Said the secretary in a tone of scolding and honest concern.

President Batista gave a casual smile upon hearing the secretary’s honest concern, though he did not deny the work.

Plans for unification were taken long ago, but unlike Emperor Victor in South America, being a country with a democratic system, there were too many rules and people restricting him.

Five years ago Victor arrived in South America and only four years ago he unified half a continent... The remaining time made it a powerhouse, and he became a man beloved by his people, achieving an unshakable reputation within his country.

Unlike that man, President Batista had a more complicated situation, but in just four years since he began the unification project, he could say that ‘The United States of North America’ was united as one.

As for what he had to do to get what he wanted? It didn’t matter when the goal was everything.

“We have impeachments of two presidents and four senators, dozens of governors and mayors. Trials of generals, guilds, companies, and hundreds of other people,” President Batista muttered and, with a smile, declared. “This is what it means to clean up the garbage.”

Emperor Victor’s cleanup plan began when he defeated the mafia in South America.

That man left many places safe and allowed countless individuals to escape and go free, to join the mafias in Central and North America.

Some were arrested or died in missions and among all the envoys, one reached the top echelon.

He was indispensable to the Queen of the North and became the greatest traitor of all.

On this night alone, the roots of the largest mafias of the entire American continent were captured and uprooted and those who made deals with those mafias were also arrested.

Politicians, military, and businesses were on the gallows waiting to meet their ends.

The work ahead of him was gigantic and heavy, but the reward was worth it.

With this plan, not only would his popularity increase, but it was the mark that made it clear that ‘The United States of North America’ was truly united.

Perhaps there were still internal enemies to be eliminated or crushed, but now there were fewer worries and he had built a stable foundation for this giant to stand on.

President Batista walked to the conference room as he let the aides give his appearance a touch-up.

He had stayed up all night and hadn’t slept at all because he was keeping an eye on the situation, trying to avoid any mistakes.

This grand plan sounded easy when someone put it on paper, but the continental scale coordination and preparations took a long time.

To their luck, no one knew anything, and they took every opponent by surprise, managing to take them all down without serious mistakes.

There was damage to buildings, mountains, and even deaths on both sides, but all damage control was kept to a minimum.

It was inevitable that there would be death on their side even though they acted having the advantage, such was the uncertainty of the battlefield and the Queen of the North’s forces were no joke.

Watching as a secret service mage cast a spell to improve his physical condition, President Batista smiled, receiving the finishing touches.

“Thank you,” He said calmly.

He had been tired, and the magic had relieved him physically and mentally, he had been in a very good mood.

Nothing strange when more than thirty years ago it would be inconceivable that someone like him would ascend to the giant presidency that unified half a continent.

Multiple events helped him, being the American civil war, which involved the military, players, lunatics, and powerful influences, which helped.

Such an event weakened old influences and allowed someone new to gain a foothold, while on a public level the U.S. government lost credibility and the trust of its people.

Anyone would lose confidence when the government could not stop terrorist attacks and the military was involved in a coup attempt with lunatics.

Receiving the go-ahead, President Batista stopped thinking about the past and took a step into the future, heading for the conference room.

As he entered, the cameras recorded in an orderly fashion as different journalists from various media sat in the various chairs with their name tags.

President Batista stepped up to the podium quietly and calmly, realizing that not only was he being broadcast nationally, but that the world was watching.

A world that was surprised by an unexpected event.

“During the early hours of this morning, we carried a cleanup plan that the Nation has been preparing for more than a year out. With the support of all government organs. We kept the mission in extreme secrecy in view of the complexity of the task,” President Batista reported, and looking at the camera, he announced. “Now we can assure the success of the mission and say that we have eliminated the mafia that was spreading throughout the American continent and we have captured most of the leaders, including the Queen of the North, recognized SS-rank.”

The announcement caused commotion among journalists who could not help but spread whispers all over the place.

An emergency report had been given last night when experts mentioned that there was no danger, but full information was not given because President Batista did not want to take unnecessary risks.

He did not want the missions to be ruined and for that reason, tonight was an eventful night for the citizens of the northern giant, who were on edge for hours.

This revelation caused everyone to be shocked.

It was one thing for the world’s media to talk and another for them to confirm the truth.

“At the same time with those captured high commanders, we have taken it upon ourselves to catch all their allies within the organs of the government, in the political, military, or civilian sphere. It is a disgrace for the people that there are Presidents who are related to criminals. However, despite this disgrace, we will judge them as they deserve,” President Batista said, and with a solemn look, he revealed. “The political trials and the other trials will be transparent for all to see. We have enough evidence to arrest each one of them and to ensure our fidelity, the Supreme Pontiff Julian together with the Church of the Order will be intermediaries in the trials. And if necessary, we will also seek the support of our guardians - the Gods of the Earth!”

How high was the confidence for detaining presidents and senators in this way?

It was to the point of bringing political trials, impeaching them, and then bringing corresponding criminal trials.

You are reading story The Guardian at

It was true that there was immunity for those who held political office as presidents or senators and there were impeachment trials to remove them.

However, the situation was no longer as it was before.

In the new constitution of ‘The United States of North America,’ there were many rights and guarantees, maintaining enormous freedom for which its member countries were known, but there were also responsibilities.

And those responsibilities were even heavier for those in important positions.

Ignoring them, evading them, or trying to circumvent them illegally could attract heavy consequences.

The ‘Great Cataclysm’ shocked the world, but it was the people themselves who really changed it.

The American Civil War or precisely that confrontation between ability users who wanted to take power and rule against the government during the early years of the Great Cataclysm proved that the most terrifying thing was a human with powers.

When a mage could cause a tsunami, create a tornado or a fighter could knock down a building with a punch, it became clear that the danger was no longer weapons, terrorists, or external enemies but its citizens who saw the laws as restricting them.

In this world where mental magic existed or gods could influence humans or the most saintly could fall slaves to terrifying individuals, the responsibilities and safety of the rulers became a priority.

It was useless to elect the ruler of a nation by democratic means when that ruler was under the control of another individual or even a god.

It was for such a reason that restrictions and responsibilities became extremely burdensome when illegality was left in plain sight.

While there was no doubt that in some countries, powerful entities or individuals influenced the rulers, in the end, it was not absolute control.

Now putting the Goddess of Order and the Supreme Pontiff who ran that church, as an intermediary to secure evidence, was a move that would make the trials extremely fair.

That meant there would be no way to evade the truth.

Adding the Earth Gods meant the last and most lethal attack.

These gods may not have as much power, but they were the ones who supported humanity from birth and while their churches distorted their ideas, these gods kept humanity as a whole as their top priority.

That they now continued to bless and choose their paladins, even though they were weakened, showed that they were still doing their job.

People might not believe in these gods, but they were respected.

It was they who protected the land for a long time and now, to say that they could be those beings who would ensure the veracity of evidence and trust was a shrewd move.

It was known that the Earth Gods prioritized humanity as a whole and, unlike other gods; they had no other goals and could not be influenced otherwise.

“This plan has been in preparation for a long time, but it is at this time that we had to initiate it. The threat posed by the Abyssal Portals could have become a tragedy when one thinks that the country has been sick and that sickness has spread to parts of its vital organs,” President Batista said.

If one looked at a ‘country’ as a living organism with its respective organs, then the mafia was a disease that had come to affect several of those organs.

The senators and presidents who were arrested had many cases of corruption and even one was their supporter, but that did not mean he would be left alone.

Ripping out the damaged organs was the only way to solve this complex disease.

“In this immense task, the work of all the guilds, mercenaries, military and all those who took part was vital. Those who have fallen will be remembered as heroes,” President Batista mentioned, and with a serious tone, he added. “But above all, the support of Archangel Michael and the Supreme Pontiff Julian has been fundamental.”

As he said his last words, murmurs spread.

Known as Archangel Michael or Archangel of War, such were the titles the man who protected this nation bore.

An SSS Rank who was one of the strongest people in the world and that individual was one of the vital supporters in achieving the unification of this nation.

Being an American who protected these lands since the American Civil War, that man’s support brought support from both the public and other important individuals.

And although President Batista would publicly deny it, the strength of an SSS rank was essential in unifying different countries.

Such a person could provide security that would make all citizens feel safe and stop any powerful or lunatic from acting excessively.

“But there is someone who helped us start all this. Without him, we could not have managed to capture the Queen of the North and we could not have reached this point so successfully. We have differences with your nation and we had clashes, but humanity must unite when faced with a common enemy and now we hope to remain united as we face the Abyssal Portals,” Said President Batista and with a smile not minding the murmurs, he announced. “Please welcome the Emperor of South America, Victor Pellegrini.”

At the end of his words, Emperor Victor appeared from the entrance next to his secretary as he gave a smile.

No one had seen him arrive, and it was quite possible that not even the secret service had noticed.

Victor was dressed in a suit and walked to the podium with a smile of enjoyment at the surprise of the security members and journalists.

The American continent was divided in two and publicly had conflicts.

However, that was very different from reality.

To carry out the unification of several countries and turn it into one, not only needed some ability to circumvent all those who wished to stop him, convince them to join him, or eliminate them.

The loss of nationalism, the weakness of some influences, and the fall of others helped, but it was not enough.

Something more was needed... A common enemy was needed, one that represented a target and a threat.

Humans showed a sense of unity when faced with a common enemy, one that threatened to take away their benefits and stop their interests.

Such an enemy was used in the unification project.

Monsters were scary and visually terrifying, but they were easy to defeat and only wreaked havoc blindly.

While the demons wreaked havoc, they were on another continent, and while the lunatics were a concern, those individuals had to be an equal and a threat to scare everyone equally.

The South American Empire and Emperor Victor himself became that rival nation and threatening enemy that helped them grow and united factions that were once separate and hesitant to unite.

The southern empire was powerful and had a system totally different from the democratic one, being for many a tyranny, similar to an absolute monarchy with tints of freedom.

The Latin America countries shared more similarities with South America than with the United States, who wanted to unite them, and those who doubted, changed their minds when Emperor Victor acted as a threat.

Someone who would subordinate the strong, crush the powers, and not care about the laws... A tyrant who, if put in a bad mood, could be dangerous for everyone.

Such an image he represented during the years of the conquest and President Batista made sure that those who doubted the unification and his designation were the ones who felt that threat.

Sometimes closer and more directly than others.

Although those people would not know the truth and even less when for this unification project, they were not part of it, at least not of the deepest part.

The one that had Victor as a participant.

“The differences must remain in the past. The world is too chaotic for neighbors to beat each other up,” Emperor Victor said as he shook hands and President Batista accepted.

It was the kind of handshake given so that the media could take pictures that would surely be recorded for history.

“I agree with your words. We create the future,” President Batista announced, looking at Emperor Victor’s amused smile.

Perhaps to the audience, the two looked like rivals unwilling to let the other have the last word, giving the impression that the conflict of the two nations could not be resolved so easily.

However, what no one knew, and even those closest to President Batista, was that he was a member of Emperor Victor’s group of friends.

A very select and influential group, enough to help someone like him become president.