Chapter 19: What Goes Around Comes Around

Chapter 21



The Twenty became the ‘Twenty One’ as a new groundbreaking item was introduced to the Yggdrasil Community.



Invidia’s Mirror. Named after the Roman Goddess of envy. Just once, it can copy any item…including other World Items. But like most of the twenty, it would disappear once it was used and appear anywhere in the World Tree.



Despite this, the item caused a massive stir as players realized the potential this item had.



Player: What if I get Ouroboros and then Copy it? Does that mean I have 2 Ouroboros’s then?



Was a popular question in the beginning.



Dev: That would be true. Both Ouroboros would be useable just like the original. However, once the cloned Ouroboros is used, it will disappear and not appear back into the cycle.



Player: Shitty Dev



And now…it was in our possession. The day it was released, we went hunting for it day and night all over the World. We only had a general idea of where it was before some idiot used it on a Divine Class item and we had to search for it again.



But eventually…we got it. We had to kill the guy a couple of times but when he finally dropped the item, it was worth it.



Me: Everything is set in motion. We have everything we need for the death of the World Tree except for ‘that’, Everything else is a bonus we would gladly appreciate.



Diana: We still have 3 years until that though. I heard father allowed us to plan for Ragnarok to a degree. You know how you’re going to do your part?


Me: Easy. I know what I’m doing *smug face*



Diana: Besides that, did you hear the rumor?



Me; What rumor?



Diana: Well, we set ourself up as Pacifists at first but…well, we have the highest kill count



Me: So?



Diana: All the remaining members of the guilds we destroyed created a new guild.



Me: ok…?



Diana: They named it ‘Anti-Society’



Me: Oh shit.



Diana: Yeah, I think you know what I’m getting at. I checked their numbers, but it’s a total of 50,000 people. It’s the largest guild in the game.



Me: Did we really kill that many?



Diana: We’ve actually killed more than that. Also, it seems like they’re forming alliances and getting ready for a massive raid somewhere.



Me: It’s us, isn’t it?



Diana: By logical thinking, that would be correct.



Me: …we’ll be fine.



Diana: *pff* Too bad they don’t know what they’re messing with.



Me: Wait till they arrive on the second floor.



Diana: Oh God, the traps *pffff!!!*



Me: hahahahaha!!!!



We felt so evil as we imagined just how angry they would get as they fell into traps that were specifically designed for people who avoided traps on traps for those traps…traps.


















This was going to be fun.



Chapter 22



POV WrathHog, one of the Employees and (technically) member of Society



Those poor fools, they had no idea what they were getting into. Society wasn’t a guild they can beat with just numbers. There were so many traps imbedded into the Guild itself, not to mention the NPCs that can rival a high ranking Level 100 Player alone…not to mention the quality of the Items they gave the strongest ones.



Not only that, I knew it by heart the type of traps we set on the second floor. It wasn't the deadliest floor, but it would be the floor that would drain them of everything they have.



Me: Those poor fools. I can already see all the rage quits.



AngelicHog: If they rage quit during the raid, they’ll just die later. You know how those girls take intruders.



Me: They don’t care about anything, but when it comes to anyone hurting their NPCs…*shudder* You better hope not to have something important on you.



AngelicHog: The last time someone pissed them, they spawn-camped and killed them over and over. I think he was down to level 10 when they decided it was enough.



Me: That is honestly one of the cruelest things I have ever heard.



AngelicHog: Well, I think that’s enough for now. We need to mass-produce as many of these before the raid arrives.



We were producing a slowing trap and an AOE Debuff trap to add to the bunch already on the 2nd floor. I can’t wait to see their reactions.




POV Kara



It finally happened. The Anit-Society and their allied guilds, numbering near 60,000 players gathered in front of our guild base. To be honest, I was surprised that there was even this many players still playing the game actively. Stuff on this scale was usually done in the first few years of the game, not during times like this.



Me: Sis, I’m going up. I’m going to troll them in the hallway.



Diana: You have fun then, I’ll be in the control room. Do you want to bet how far they make it?



Me: 7th Floor



Diana: Hmm…I’ll say 6th Floor.



Me: We’ll see. I’ll go up then.



As I teleported upwards using the Guild Ring, I stepped outside the guild boundaries and let my Title Effect work…suddenly, I felt more powerful than I was ever before in the game.



Guy: You and your sister are going to pay for your crimes!!



Me: What crime?



I feigned ignorance. Well, to be honest, I didn’t really do anything wrong. This was what this game was all about. Using and manipulating information to your advantage. This was what it was all about.



You are reading story Dominance in the New World; An Overlord Fanfic at

Guy: You burnt down our guilds…! Guilds that we poured our hearts and souls in!



Me: If I remember correctly, we offered each and every one of you a choice. You can surrender your World Weapons or we attack you. Except for Seraphim, we just hated your guts.



Guy 2: Fuck You Bitch!



Me: Did you see the state your guild master was in? Hilarious



I brought up a photo of the guy sniveling on the floor begging us not to break the Guild Weapon.



I used it to provoke them as many of their former guild master and members have also shown similar attitudes.



Guy: We’re going to destroy your guild! You’re going to die here! We’re going to do the same thing you did to us!!



Me: Weren’t you one of the guys we spawn killed to level 10? I’m impressed you brought up your level up so quick. Good for you mate.



Guy: Don’t listen to her! CHARGE!!



Crowd: *ROARR!!!* *cheering*



As they rushed forward, I teleported into the base area and into a long and narrow hallway. Like the battle of Thermopylae. Using the walls to my advantage, they can’t surround me or literally pile on top of me to hold me down anymore.



I stationed the PXS-1.0 behind me so he can take care of the few that I miss.



Guy: There she is!!! Go!!



Me: *Summon World Item* Come to me! Gungnir, the Spear of Odin.



With lightning, a massive golden spear with carvings of runes on the side formed in my hand.



The dumb ones continued to surge forward, not realizing that I had a SPEAR in a NARROW HALLWAY that was a freaking WORLD ITEM.



Me: Oh you poor fools. “ODIN OWNS YOU ALL”




As I threw the spear directly at them, dozens of them were skewed and killed before the spear magically reformed in my hand. I repeated this a few times before they realized what was happening. Apparently they thought the people in front of them were blocked by some sort of wall.



Guy: Don’t go in single file! She’s going to kill all of us here!



Guy 2: It’s to narrow! We can’t!



Me: *throws*



Guys: *arrghhh* NO~~!!



Guy: Throw them above you! Send your comrades forward!!! We can’t face her here!!



The death toll was already high for them. Do what they want but I did my part of this battle already.



Right outside the hallway where thousands of players were crowding into the narrow hallway, I ordered PXS-1.0



Me: Self Destruct.



PXS-1.0: Understood.



Without a moment’s hesitation, it jumped straight into the middle of the mass of players. Just as a white light started to form and cries of panic ensured, I teleported out and into the control room.



Me: How many?



Diana: At least 10,000, probably closer to 20,000.



Me: The fun’s just starting. Wait till they experience the traps.



Diana: Oh my god the traps.



As the remaining players arrived on the players, the moment they stepped away from the stairs they were flung everywhere, stepping on traps, activiating other traps. The best part of it was that we made the traps reset themselves since we didn’t want to go there and fix every single one. Traps sprung were sprung again as a second person behind them unknowingly stepped on them.



Guy: We need a health potion right now!!






Guy 3: NO~~ We Need HELP HERE!!!



We laughed for hours as they struggled on the floor. Failing to go pass even the simplest of traps as their numbers were blocking the view. We put some problems there for them to solve. In a world where Elementary Education is considered rare, I think it might’ve been a little unfair for us to put an Integral Problem, but hey! They have computer brains.



All of us, even our employees brought some popcorn (which sis and I can actually eat and enjoy) and sat around the screen, watching the intruders cry in agony as they, yet again, set off another chain of traps.



It took hours, but once they were less than half their numbers, they managed to finally push through into the 3rd floor…only to discover that they can barely see anything,



Someone started to use Visibility and Appraisal magic when…



*pew* *CRACK* *thud*



Guy: …what? Someone try again



Guy 2: Clear Fo— *pew* *thud*



Another player was dead. That was how we programmed Sarah to fight. Sense and take out those who have a method to see her first before easily killing the rest.



With most of them having their HP still low and MP all but drained from the previous floor, they can’t help but simply hope that Sarah wouldn’t target them next as they scattered all over the map. Half trying to find the way to the next floor while the smarter half knew that the only way to get a staircase to the next floor would be killing the Floor guardian…which would be Sarah.



Me: Ahh~ This is so funny. I can feel all of their experience storing here. So much of them too!



I looked at the ring which was glowing as it absorbed inhuman amounts of experience from all the kills.



Diana: Not just that. Just think of all the dropped loot! Gold, Data Crystals, rare items! Shame that they don’t have any World Items with them.



AngelicHog: That would be because you two are hogging all of them



Me: Not really. there’s still at least 15 out there



AngelicHog: …holy crap how many do you actually have?!



Diana: That’s a secret.



In the end, sis won the bet with the last of them reaching the 6th floor. Almost all of them were wiped out on the 4th floor by the Leviathan and our strategic placing of Shanks.



A very small few managed to barely beat Doc before hopelessly continuing onto the 6th floor knowing that turning back would mean death anyway. The last of them fell at the hands of our good friend John.



Our plan to humiliate didn’t end there as we recorded the entire scene and we released parts of it where it didn’t show too much of our defenses. For example, me killing hundreds of them in one go, or them just drowning on the 4th floor and literally being eaten alive.



The video went viral and another age of Yggdrasil soared for a while with guilds trying to recreate what we had been able to do. Even with over 50,000 people failing to penetrate a technically 2 person guild was something that was equal to that of a legendary feat. The message was clear.



Don’t Fuck with the Society.



I’m glad that they learned their lesson. While this was particularly fun, it wouldn’t be so if they continued to attack non-stop and prevented us from doing other things.



While it did cost a bit to revive all the NPCs and repair the damage to the dungeon itself, the loot and items dropped from the players easily covered all the costs many many times over. In fact, our treasury got significantly larger as they faced a ‘penalty’ for failing the dungeon raid. They quite literally owed us money. Money in which if they didn’t have, the system would automatically send every loot they earn directly into our treasury. Beautiful system.



Now, all there was to do and wait as the Word comes to an end. Ragnarok was coming and we were here to deliver the death of the tree.