Chapter 41: Desires and Reasoning

Chapter 44



Do we want to rule the world?



No. But that was the consequence of our knowledge.



If things weren’t under our rule, we knew there would be tyranny…in most places. The Slane Theocracy practices slavery, the Kingdoms (Re-Estize and the Holy Kingdom) are deep in poverty and have immense corruption. The others like to wage wars for no reason for the greed of nobles.



Discrimination about ethnicity between friends with those who can take the joke are no problem but actively practicing discrimination in the topic of jobs, ability, and superiority of one over the other is something that will lead to war.



Even in this broken world humanity finds a way to make conflict against itself. Namely the Empire fighting the Kingdom over a useless piece of land. While there are Dragon Lords to the West, Dwarves to the East, and Elves and other demi-humans to the south, the two human nations manage to hate each other with passion.



More importantly…I was afraid of the future of what this world might become if Momonga was left in charge. I understand that he is capable to a degree…but he really only had an elementary education. He can barely add together numbers, much less calculate the finance of a nation.



Much of the brunt work is done by the 2 people I would have trusted the least in canon. Albedo and Demiurge. Both who are evil in nature and have a slightly negative competitive spirit. One driven by pursuing the perfect evil while the other unconditional love for Momonga.



It was obvious that they were not interested in a utopia that Momonga had envisioned, but rather pursuing what they ‘thought’ he would love…which is not true at all since they have an incorrect opinion of him in the first place. The scariest fact would be that Momonga was never chained by his morals. Even back in real life when he was never really chained by his morals. Now with his emotions limited and his thought process aided by his undead nature, I fear what he will be capable of doing.



Finally, I feared he was too weak to truly rule the world and establish peace, even if it may be forced at first. Suzuki had proven his strength to the most of the world, placing himself as the Overlord of the world…but what of those who had managed to kill not one but multiple players?



The Dragon Lords were always a threat, especially those that were hiding all over the world (Deep Darkness, Vampiric, Elder Coffin) and not to mention the pure hate the Platinum Dragon Lord has for players in general. Besides, he already almost lost against a dragon lord…twice.



Contrary to that, we had experience and the resources to make this possible. Everyday, Gecko Moria was creating Elder Liches which would be sent straight to the Library of Alexandria to learn about how to administer and manage a country. A top echelon of politicians who can literally not be corrupted.



Next we had the brains to do so. Maybe not ours directly since we were powerhouses and not really rulers, but we created the perfect ideal rulers. One that knew the cost of life, but also one that can make harsh judgements when the time calls for it. The 5 Elders in the One Piece world gets a lot of shit for their attitude but in their shoes, they took the right steps. They recognized Ohara itself as a threat. They did the unthinkable…but to the world, they were correct.



You are reading story Dominance in the New World; An Overlord Fanfic at

While the truth was hard and painful, the world still believed that the World government had upheld their Justice. Of course, I pray to ?? that such a day would never have to come where thousands (or more) innocents would have to die, but these 5 NPCs that we have created are certainly capable of making that call. I’m not saying Momonga would not be able to do this, because he will certainly order it without hesitation should it be a threat to Nazarick, but rather the eagerness of his subordinates to sacrifice life and cause pain.



Finally, we knew what was coming. Technology in the world of 2138 might seem advanced compared to the New World as of now but that was a truly primitive world compared to the time right before the arrival of Joy Boy in the One Piece World.



We saw that it was possible to travel into deep space, colonize entire planets and terraform it a bit. We saw the potential of infinite energy with a new unstable element which resembled a mix of Anti-matter and a black hole. We saw a few alien species (primitive) and colonized there as well (peacefully, not like Great Britain). We had all of that technology saved and ready to be slowly released over the centuries if not millenniums.



While I am already missing my father and mother a little bit, I don’t regret not bringing me here. They raised us with the belief that we were truly their children, not some deity who was reincarnated and was using them as a transporter to go from one place to another. We were such a happy small family together that I didn’t want to break their illusion…and a Supreme Being having a parent watching over them while they rule over the World (or possibly more who knows) does not fit.



While we got to learn about and eventually accept the builders as good friends, I wanted to leave it there. They were honest people but in the end they were a liability. A liability that could potentially risk our authority. While we would have clear winners, a repeat of the 8 Greed Kings could possibly happen again and I was not willing to risk that. The main reason of why Momonga was so dominant and could smooth sail throughout the New World with his guild, Aniz Ool Gown, was because there was nobody to challenge his authority as guild master or properly question his decisions. Nobody was there to pick out Momonga’s true feelings or ask if he really had a plan. If perhaps Ulbert or Peropochino arrived in the New World with Momonga, then while it might have not been like the 8 Greed Kings (since they are close friends), things might not have went as well as it did with Momonga alone.



Diana: What should we do if Momonga doesn’t come alone?



Me: I checked that he was alone last time I saw him. They came and left throughout the day but it was only him left by the end. Honestly, he looked pretty cheerful since quite a lot of people came by to say a final goodbye to the game (and some to Momonga).



Diana: So it’s all set huh?



Me: Yeah, besides, it wouldn’t really be a problem as long as it’s not Touch Me or Luci*Fer.



Diana: The two extremes huh.



Me: Yeah. Ulbert’s pretty easy to handle at least.



Diana: How many more years now until they arrive?



Me: Shouldn’t be too long. We’ve been here for a while now. We just need to spring the trap before he or they arrive.