Star People
Chapter 8
Machines Vs Magic
August 3rd, 11 AE, just before the battle of Kilori…
The vassal states of Crogera, Vestor, and Merdain started to receive word of the Free Land Invasion and how the Empire was unable to stop it. Word of the loss of the Blue Dragon Fleet also reached their countries, further emboldening certain people to consider rebelling against the oppressive Sath. Soon, the fires of rebellion would begin to smolder in many other countries under the Empire’s control.
The Plains of Kilori…
General Kilor Vetna and General Rakar Vargos surveyed the open plains of Kilori. At present, with the reinforcements arriving from the Fifth Army, their ranks had swelled from 40,000 to over 90,000. Furthermore, additional forces were being sent from the Eastern and Western Main Bases in three to four days. Surely with this much fighting power, plus the addition of land dragon units, towed magic cannons, battle-mages and wyvern support, the Sath would be able to defeat any enemy forces. The navy may have failed, but now it was time for the Empire’s army to shine. Even though they had lost a substantial portion of their number after the Main North Base and the northern coastal fortresses were destroyed, they were still a force to be reckoned with.
From their vantage point from a small hilltop, both generals looked down upon the ranks of men assembling a huge defensive line with magic cannons being set up to give a wide field of fire. These had shorter range than the ones sent to protect the coast but could deal massive damage to approaching enemy infantry. They had well over 200 wyvern riders flying overhead to strafe enemy forces and the land dragons would incinerate anyone who got too close to the Sath army.
“With all of these forces, we are certain to win the day!” General Vargos commented.
“Just as certain as you lost yesterday with your cowardly retreat from Grevel?” Genearl Vetna asked.
“That was a strategic withdrawal!” Vargos insisted. “There was nothing I could do being hopelessly outnumbered!”
It’s easy to be outnumbered when you have ZERO courage to begin with! Vetna silently thought. He was well aware of Vargos’ battle record. Whenever he was met by a foe with moderately superior power, he would most certainly turn tail and run. Due to his position as a high-ranking noble, his many acts of cowardice had all been covered up or excuses would be made.
For now, Vetna couldn’t do anything but continue to prepare for the coming Free Land forces.
Commander Vandalin signaled for his Mech-Squad and infantry support to stop just before they exited the forest on the western flank of the Sath defensive line. He had also received word that the other three Squads of Battle-Mechs had taken up position on the eastern flank. He had just been notified by a surveillance report from high-altitude drones that the enemy forces had more than doubled from the last count.
I’m impressed that they managed to set up such a large number of men and material in such a short time! Too bad for them that all they’re doing is setting themselves up as target practice!
“Commander, are we going in?” Lieutenant Gracs asked on the communicator.
“Yes. We’ll be going in first to draw their fire. Once they start focusing on us, we’ll signal the other Battle-Mechs and Troopers to start attacking. We’ll catch them in a two-pronged action. Acknowledged?”
“Yes sir!”
Might as well get their attention!
Vandalin engaged his long-range sensors and targeting computer. He focused on a gathering of men and what appeared to be a huge lizard, some six miles away. This was most likely a Land Dragon that the drones had surveyed before. He toggled the controls to the particle cannon mounted on his Battle-Mech’s right shoulder. Once the crosshairs were lined up, he pushed the firing stud.
The Sath army was taken completely by surprise as a huge bolt of blue-white energy shot forth from the forest at the edge of the plains on the western flank of the defensive line. A Land Dragon was blown apart instantly, along with the men that were nearby. Almost immediately afterwards, a volley of smaller particle beams emerged from the forest to lay waste on the Empire’s forces. Then the Battle-Mechs emerged.
“What are those?!”
“They’re huge!”
“The enemy has giant golems!”
“Use the magic cannons!”
“Get those battle-mages over here!”
After the first few blasts from their Beam Rifles, the Battle-Mechs decided that those weapons were too excessive and switched to their 100mm Machine Guns. Following behind them were the Infantry Transports, which were also laying down fire from their cannons and machine guns.
The Wyvern Knights started to converge on the giant, walking tanks but their fireball attacks weren’t enough to even scratch hyper-duralenium alloy. Arrows and spears were practically worthless. All four Battle-Mechs simply swiveled their heads skyward and let loose with 65mm Vulcan fire. Wyverns and their riders were torn to pieces and were dropping as bloody chunks by the dozens.
“We can’t stop them!” A wyvern rider exclaimed as his mount’s fireball simply glanced off a Battle-Mech’s shield. He and the flying lizard were then swatted down like a gnat by a torrent of 65mm shells. His comrades all perished with him within the first minute of the battle.
Magic cannons proved equally ineffective. Despite being launched by magical force, the cannonballs and grape shot ricocheted off the Battle-Mechs’ armor without even making them pause. Some switched to high-explosive rounds, with the same lack of effect. At first, the Sath forces cheered when one of those metal monsters took a direct hit and seemed to be destroyed by the massive explosion. However, when the smoke cleared, the machine appeared undamaged and kept on advancing.
When one Hunter approached a mass of infantry, they all began firing their flintlock muskets and pistols. For all the good it did, as every shot pinged off the armor like tiny pebbles. Inside the cockpit of the Battle-Mech, Lieutenant Gracs could only shake his head.
“You’re kidding, right?”
Then he engaged the 65mm Vulcan guns, turning the soldiers into a bloody mist. Those who weren’t torn apart by the barrage scattered like ants.
The Mechs were devastating the Sath ranks with single shots from their 100mm Machine Guns. The thick scaly hides of the Land Dragons couldn’t protect them from armor-piercing rounds and the Sath infantry fared no better from high-explosive rounds, turning their formations into bloody carnage. Two minutes after Vandelin’s Battle-Mech Squad had begun its assault, three more Mech-Squads and their support infantry appeared on the eastern flank of the Empire’s defensive line.
On the hilltop, both Sath generals watched in absolute horror as the metal giants advanced toward their lines at a casual pace, shrugging off hits as if they were nothing. Even spells cast by their best battle-mages were barely even noticed by those steel monsters. The battle-mages were throwing their most powerful spells and their expressions turned into complete shock and disbelief at the lack of results.
“Impossible! What kind of armor is that?!”
“Our fireballs have no effect!”
“Lighting attacks aren’t working either!”
Like the infantry, the battle-mages were swept aside with high-explosive rounds and anti-personnel explosives. In less time than it took to tell, every Land Dragon was killed and every Wyvern Knight was taken out. As the Sath ranks were mercilessly hammered, discipline broke down, causing hundreds of men to begin falling back in a panic.
“What monsters!” General Vetna exclaimed.
“We cannot stop them! The cannons and battle-mages are virtually worthless! We have to fall back!” Vargos insisted.
As much as he hated to admit it, Vetna couldn’t argue Vargos’ point. Their weapons and spells were useless against those golems. And then he saw those strange, horseless, armored carriages begin to deploy enemy infantry in equally strange metal armor. Each soldier wielded a strange staff and was launching fire spells at an incredibly fast rate. Was everyone in the Free Land army a battle-mage?
In actuality, the Free Land ‘battle-mages’ were assault troopers of the 557th Battalion. Each one was wearing the Nova-Spartan Armored Battlesuit Mark IV. It was extremely lightweight, and gave the average soldier full protection from the harshest of environments and even the vacuum of space. The helmet had advanced sensors, communication and targeting systems. The armor had both beam weapons resistance, and could withstand ballistic impacts up to 40mm projectiles from 100 yards. Needless to say, the arrows, spears, swords, and primitive flintlock weapons of the Empire were completely useless against them.
Each trooper was armed with the standard Mark II Vanguard Pulse ACMAG carbine/rifles. Each had magazines, each carrying 600 rounds of variable ammunition, plus several reloads. The Sath soldiers were being mowed down like crab grass. Many of them saw that resistance was pointless and threw down their weapons in surrender.
General Vetna had seen enough and motioned for one of his men to sound the retreat. However, he and Vargos would never hear the man blow his trumpet. At that moment, their position had been spotted by Commander Vandelin and he fired off a shot from his 100mm Machine Gun. The high-explosive round reduced the hilltop and Vetna and Vargos into unidentifiable debris. With the loss of their commanders, the entire Sath defensive line crumbled as the majority ran off and the survivors immediately surrendered.
The Battle of Kilori Plains ended in a complete rout for the Empire of Sath as the forces of Free Land stabbed deep into their territory.
August 3rd, 11 AE…
The War Conference Chamber…
“How?! How can this be?!” Emperor Garres roared.
The generals and high-ranking officers in the room were all in a state of shock after receiving word of their armies’ defeat at the Kilori Plains. With the Sath defensive line destroyed, there was literally nothing to stop the Free Land forces. Whatever military power they had left was just barely enough to keep control over their vassal states and defend the capital.
“We must gather all of our remaining forces and drive these Free Landers out of the Merdov continent!” Prince Vexor cried out.
“I am afraid… that is impossible… sire.” General Craxil Snee admitted.
“Why not?!”
The general took a deep breath before replying. “The loss of three Dragon Fleets, the Northern Main Base and just about all of our forces in that area is too substantial to ignore.”
“We still have three Main Bases in the South, East and West! And two Dragon Fleets! Why not use those resources?”
“Yes, why don’t we?” The emperor asked.
“Have you and Vexor learned nothing?”
All turned toward Princess Lexina as she shook her head in disgust.
“Our ships and weapons have proven to be USELESS against them! Our best battle-mages are powerless against them! What is the POINT of throwing more of the same when it doesn’t even affect them?”
“Begging your pardon, sire! I must agree with the princess on this matter.” General Snee remarked. “There have been several undeniable reports of our magic cannons firing at point-blank range at those giant metal golems with no effect! Battle-mages cannot damage them either! And our soldiers are reporting that the Free Land infantry are using some kind of indestructible armor! They have flying vessels that can travel at unbelievable speeds! Our Wyvern Knights are on the verge of being completely wiped out! The Free Land ships possess cannons with unbelievable range and accuracy! Our Land Dragons are easily slaughtered! Fortress walls are nothing to them! I do not wish to sound pessimistic but we must acknowledge the reality! We have virtually NOTHING that can stand against them.”
“I will not tolerate these excuses!” The emperor roared. “You will commit those forces to drive back the Free Landers!”
“And if we do so, what will be stopping the vassal states from rebelling?”
The emperor was taken aback a little by that simple statement, but did not change his mind. Though it was true that rumors of dissent and rebellion were starting to circulate among of the vassal states due to news of the Empire’s defeats, he was still certain that those nations didn’t have the strength to challenge his rule. Even if he were to halve the strength of the forces that were governing them.
“Very well then! You will take half the forces from the East and West Main Bases and a quarter from all the surrounding areas near the southern regions. We shall leave the South Main Base at full strength as a reserve force! That way, we shall maintain our control over our vassal states and still be able to drive back the Free Landers!”
The Emperor and Crown Prince smiled in satisfaction at what they thought was a brilliant plan. The generals and the princess however, did not share their confidence. Lexina in particular, was not the slightest bit impressed. After hearing the reports of the Free Landers easily destroying the Black, Red and Blue Dragon Fleets, and sweeping away Wyvern and ground forces with no effort, she was already convinced that the nation from the Alder continent possessed far more power than the Empire could possibly imagine.
And the stubbornness, stupidity and wounded pride of her father and brother were leading the Empire towards its demise. And the rumors of the vassal states planning on rebelling weren’t really rumors. If she didn’t do something, then her nation might suffer damage beyond all hope of recovery.
As her father and brother continued to make useless and imbecilic plans to fight Free Land, she quietly excused herself from the conference chamber and headed toward a waiting carriage outside of the palace. If her father and brother won’t listen to reason then perhaps someone else will.
August 4th, 11 AE…
The port city of Grevel…
The Missouri was a welcomed sight for all of the residents of Grevel. Since its arrival, Mark’s crew had been busy giving out Instant Ration Packets to starving families or having the Medical Corps treat the sick and wounded. The Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Vladimir Kurenov, was a skilled surgeon and physician. His assistant, a Nemonian ensign named Margol, was an excellent nurse and was good at mental healing due to her telepathic ability.
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Since yesterday, the good doctor and his medical team had set up a field hospital at the port headquarters and had been busy with the steady stream of patients that came into his office. They were simply amazed at the various healing devices and medicines that were seen as magical. Many kept on asking if the good doctor was some powerful healer sorcerer.
There was a long line of hungry citizens at the port headquarters after the Missouri had shipped 200 storage units of Instant Ration Packets to the food warehouse. Each family was given at least 50 packets to tide them over until they could get back on their feet. Since most of their food was provided for by fishing and trade, it was hoped that they would be able to recover in a short time, now that the Empire was no longer occupying them. Some of the sailors and dock workers were asking if they could enlist as part of the Missouri’s crew. These offers were politely turned down.
On the bridge of the Missouri…
“Yes, what is it, Commander?”
“We have just received word from the port master. He wants us to come to his office. It seems it is very important.”
“Very well then. You’ll come with me, along with a few security guards. Harken, you will have the bridge.”
“Aye, sir!”
The port master’s office…
“Say that again, Captain Macus? Who wants to contact us?” Mark asked.
“I was pretty surprised to receive the magic communiqué myself.” The grizzled old sailor replied. “But there’s no doubt. It had the Royal Seal of the Empire so it’s definitely authentic.”
“So does the Emperor or Crown Prince wish to speak with us?” Reelan asked. “Maybe they came to their senses and wish to surrender?”
“Oh no, it wasn’t from either the Emperor or that fool Vexor.” Macus said nonchalantly.
“So who was it?”
“It was from Princess Lexina.”
“Princess?” Mark and Reelan asked simultaneously.
“Oh, that’s right, you never met her.” Macus nodded in understanding. “Well, she’s the younger sister to Vexor and possibly the only member of the Sath Royal Family with a decent amount of common sense. She doesn’t act all arrogant like her brother and father.”
“Hold on, Captain. I remember a report from the Intelligence Department that the Emperor did have a daughter.” The First Officer remarked.
“Yes, I think I read that report too.” The captain said. “I believe she visited this port a few days after we did.”
“You got some good intelligence agents.” Macus admitted. “She did come here and she was really impressed by what you gave us.”
“The Instant Ration Packs?”
“Yes, indeed. She really liked that stuff called, ‘Chicken Pot Pie.’”
The main food warehouse of Grevel…
“What is this?” Lexina asked as Macus handed her a tiny pouch. It seemed to be made of a material which she had never seen before. And she didn’t feel anything was in the pouch, so what was this thing?
“That is one of the greatest things this port has ever received.” Macus stated. “Just tear open up the top and pour in some water. Go ahead and try it, Princess.”
Lexina stared at the object for a bit longer before doing as he said. After tearing open the top, she used a canteen to add some water to the inside. Her eyes widened in surprise as the tiny pouch suddenly expanded to more than 5 times its size. It also began to warm up as the powdered contents within started to expand and take shape as well. A rich, delicious smell emanated from the pouch. After another minute or so of cooking, a small red dot appeared on the side of the bag.
“When you see that red dot, then that means it’s done.” Macus explained as he handed Lexina a spoon. “Enjoy!”
The princess stared at the perfectly cooked food in the pouch. It looked like a kind of meat and vegetable stew with pieces of bread in it. She hesitantly dipped her spoon into the pouch and scooped up a mouthful. Then she put the spoon in her mouth.
Her eyes widened at the exotic flavors that assaulted her taste buds. It was some kind of bird meat with potatoes, peas and carrots in a savory sauce. She started gulping down the rich food at a quick pace. Before she knew it, she had eaten the contents of the pouch in under five minutes!
“What… what is this?! I’ve never eaten anything like this!”
“Heh! That’s one of my favorites! The crew of that Free Land ship calls that particular food ‘chicken pot pie.’ Sure fills you up, don’t it? They tell me that they can store this food for decades, with no spoiling. And they gave us enough to feed a 1,000 people for four months! I’d say that covered the docking fee.”
“Are you serious? To have enough food to feed 1,000 people for four months, that would fill up one or two of your storage areas!”
“Nope!” The port master disagreed as he walked over to two metal containers and slapped one of the sides. “Four months of food for a thousand and it all fits in these two metal boxes! That’s it! Talk about a space saver!”
Lexina continued to stare in disbelief at the metal containers. What sort of magic did these Free Landers use to create such a marvel way to store food? She nearly dropped the empty pouch in her hands.
“Oh, begging your pardon your Highness, but if you’re finished with your meal, then you may as well get rid of that pouch.”
“Oh… yes! So where is a rubbish bin?”
“Don’t need one! Just press your finger against that red dot and hold it there for a bit.”
Vexor’s sibling did just that and she let off a gasp of amazement as the pouch simply disintegrated into nothingness.
“You see that? Not only is it easy to keep, easy to cook and easy to eat, but it leaves no mess! Me and the others are planning to go to Free Land and buy more of these Instant Rashin’ Packets! It’s worth the trip!”
“Yes… it certainly is…”
End of flashback…
“She kept on going on and on about how many uses the Instant Rashon’ Packets had. Stuff like for long sea voyages, famines and soldier food. She raised a lot of points.”
“It sounds like we’ve got a very open-minded member of the Sath Royal Family.” Reelan remarked.
“Like I said ma’am, she’s the ONLY member of the Royal Family with any common sense. If you want somebody who will listen to what you have to say, she’s the one you should talk to. And she’s the one who sent that message.”
“So the Princess wants to talk to us?” Mark asked.
“Yep. Guess she heard that you guys were back in Grevel. The message clearly stated that she wanted to meet with the captain of the giant metal ship of Free Land.”
“Interesting. Is she here?”
“Nope. She used the magic communicator to send that message to my office. Now here’s a map on how to get to the place where she wants to meet with you. It’s a little ways inland…”
An hour later…
“Princess, is this really wise?” Lexina’s bodyguard asked. Her name was Rosani Carille. Not only was she Lexina’s personal bodyguard, but also Captain of the Emerald Thorn Knights. She was very attractive and had long, blonde hair.
The Emerald Thorns was an all-female, elite division of knights that Lexina had created and developed since childhood. Each knight was skilled in horsemanship, archery, and swordplay. They were well-trained and disciplined.
“This is our best option, Rosani.” Lexina stated as she waited outside her carriage on a secluded plain near a small valley.
“Your father and brother might see as treason.”
“Better for them to see me as a traitor, than to just stand by and watch the Empire fall into ruin, due to their incompetence and idiocy.”
“This is the Emperor and the Crown Prince you are talking about! Your father and brother! Your family!”
“And what would you do? What could you do?” The princess stressed. “You’ve seen the reports. We have virtually NOTHING that we can use against the Free Landers. Whatever weapons or magic they possess greatly SURPASSES anything we have! We’ve already lost three fleets, one of our main bases and thousands of soldiers and sailors. I just cannot stand by, and see my father and brother continue to throw away more lives, just to satisfy their injured prides.”
“Are you… planning to usurp your father’s and brother’s authority?”
“I do not say this lightly. However, many of the generals and nobles agree that my father and Vexor are becoming reckless. And they too, do not see a victory in this war. Some of the vassal states are already starting to build up their forces in preparation to rebel. I’ve heard that the situation in Ardelous is extremely volatile. If they do rebel, then my father and idiot sibling will be trapped in a two-front war. If that happens, then the Empire of Sath will die.”
Before Rosani could say anything else, she, the princess and her entourage, all heard a series of noises above their heads. All looked up toward the sky and saw three objects coming over the horizon from the north. In middle was a vessel that looked like an arrowhead with tapering wings near the rear. The other two were far more sleek and smaller than the center one. They all cut through the air quite easily and came to a complete stop in midair, high above them.
Rosani and the other knights began drawing their swords in preparation for an attack, but Lexina quickly waved them down. She pointed to the emblem that was on the sides and wings of each craft, the insignia of Free Land.
“It looks like Free Land has decided to grant my request to speak with them.”
The middle craft, which happened to be the Missouri’s main shuttlecraft, descended down toward the ground. The escorting Star Hawk fighters maintained their position, hovering at an altitude of 150 feet.
The shuttlecraft deployed its landing gear and made a quiet touchdown. Once its engines powered down, the side hatch opened up and four armed men appeared with rifles held at the ready. A minute later, two more individuals exited the craft and began walking toward the Princess’ group. It was a tall, human male in uniform and a blue-skinned, elven female, also in uniform. Both stopped about 20 feet from Lexina and her guards.
“Princess Lexina Locra, I presume?” Mark asked as he and Reelan saluted.
“Yes.” Lexina nodded as she stepped forward.
“I’m Captain Mark Delan of the space battleship Missouri of the Star Alliance Fleet of Free Land. This is my First Officer, Commander Reelan. We hear that you’d like to talk to us.”
To be continued…