Chapter 33: Chapter 29

Star People

Chapter 29

Operation Star Point Part 1

Feb 11th, 13 AE…

0530 hours…

“Captain… Commander… we are approaching Point Alpha One… ETA… two minutes.” Ensign Gatsbu announced as the Missouri and the other Star Alliance ships began to descend toward the water.

“And what is the position and status of our allies?” Mark asked his communications officer.

Lieutenant Visera nodded. “The Lexington and its defense fleet, plus the 119th Cruiser and the 47th Destroyer flotilla are reaching Points Beta Two and Gamma Three. However, they are reporting that they will have to delay initiating their part in Operation Star Point.”

 “Why?” Reelan asked, though she suspected what the answer was.

“Since our allies, the Kingdoms of Atlans and Naran, do not have any ships or vessels that are able to fly, (save for the Deriaton One), they are lagging behind somewhat. We place their estimated time of arrival at another 3 hours or so.”

“I suppose it can’t be helped.” Mark commented before finishing off his coffee. After pondering for another minute, he addressed his communications officer again. “Send word to Admiral Kajor and General Kurdo. I’d like to suggest that we begin the operation as scheduled, within 30 minutes, regardless of whether or not our allies are in position.”

“Is that wise?” His First Officer inquired. “The plan is for all three fronts to begin simultaneously in order to make the Zedan split their forces.”

“Even dealing with one-third of the Zedan military might be too much for either Naran or Atlans. If we strike first, then we’ll be able to force the Zedan to commit most of their military against us. When our allies make their strikes afterwards, they won’t have to deal with much. It would help keep the casualties among our allies to a minimum.” He turned back to Visera. “Let the admiral and general know about this suggestion. If they agree, then we’ll go ahead. If not, then we’ll simply wait until Naran and Atlans are in position.”

“Aye, Sir!”


The supernova-class battleship Iowa…

“I like the way the Missouri’s captain thinks.” General Kurdo commented after he and Kajor had received the suggestion for the forces of Point Alpha One to begin the attack first.

“As much as I agree that it would make things easier for the other two fronts, are you certain that this wouldn’t cause any animosity among our allies?” The Velor admiral asked.

“They should thank Captain Delan for thinking about their welfare; especially those arrogant higher-ups from Naran. I was somewhat uneasy over letting Naran and Atlans join the Zedan invasion. We could have done this invasion on our own. Hell, the Missouri by itself could have wiped out the majority of the Zedan Navy with one shot from its Neo-Proton Wave Gun.”

“Yes, well the Council did think that allowing them to join would be good for future diplomatic relations. And the two nations are eager to make use of the latest enhancements to their militaries. ”

“Enhancements that we provided to them.” Kurdo pointed out with a huff. He then let off a sigh. “Even though it is against a valid strategy… I suppose we’ll wait for our allies. We’ll be doing most of the heavy lifting in this operation anyway.”


The Missouri…

“I see. All right then. All forces at Point Alpha One are to be on standby until our allies arrive at Point Beta Two and Gamma Three.”

Mark let off a tired sigh as he sat back down in his chair. Once again, Reelan made a minor break in protocol and began massaging her husband’s shoulders from behind his seat.

“I’m sorry that they didn’t go for your plan, Captain.”

“It’s all right, Commander. I can understand their decision. I suppose that we do need to keep diplomacy with the other nations. And I could imagine that invading the Zedan continent first would be seen as a grab for glory in the eyes of Naran and Atlans.”

“Maybe those snobbish Naran officers might think so, but I don’t think the people of Atlans would see it that way. In any case, we have no choice, but to wait for them to get to their positions.”


0830 hours…

“Captain, all ships of the combined fleets have reached their designated coordinates.” Visera announced.

“Then it’s time for us to begin Operation Star Point.” Captain Delan announced. “Send word to the carriers Yorktown and Lexington. They are to launch their Star Hawks and Byattas and wipe out whatever remains of the Zedan Navy!”


On both the Lexington and the Yorktown, starfighter pilots immediately raced to their ships. The hanger crews already had the squadron leaders prepped for launch. In seconds, they were fired out of the launcher bays and into the air. They were soon followed by their wingmates, many of which were in the literal sense, since Terran/Kyteeri couples were common among both the military and civilian sides.

The Star Hawks sped out first to destroy any defensive aircraft that were patrolling the skies. They would also aid the Byattas during their attack runs on enemy vessels and shore batteries. And they wouldn’t be the only ones taking part in this assault. For Point Beta Two and Gamma Three, a small group of Star Alliance destroyers submerged themselves beneath the waves and moved ahead of the allied fleet. Their job was to not only sink Zedan ships but also to clear any underwater hazards such as mines, torpedo nets and enemy submarines. Even though the Star Alliance ships could easily withstand those obstacles, the same could not be said for the Naran and Atlans vessels.

It wasn’t long before these destroyers found their underwater prey.


USN-VD-489 Thresher

“Captain, I’ve picked up a positive reading of a Zedan submarine 100 km ahead of us. It seems to be traveling on a patrol vector.” Ensign Ribok announced. He was a Nemonian and navigator.

“Very good, Ensign.” Captain Ferrels said as she walked over to the helmsman’s position. She was a young Catian with striped fur like a tiger’s. “Have you locked onto it, Lieutenant?” She asked the Velor manning the helm and weapon systems.

“Aye Captain!” Lieutenant Viskers replied. “Aqua-missiles are ready. Orders?”

 She took a deep breath before replying. “Our orders are clear. We are to eliminate all potential dangers, no matter how small they are, to ensure the safety of our allies and the success of this operation. Set one Aqua-missile at 20% and fire.”

“Aye Captain!”

At the bow of the Thresher, a panel opened up and a slender object shot out and sped through the water with ease.


Zedan Submarine Trivega…

“Captain! We just picked up the signal of something heading toward us at high speed! I think it’s a torpedo!”

“What?! Where did it come from?! We haven’t detected any enemy submarines or vessels in this area!”

“I don’t know, Sir! The signal just appeared on the edge of my detection range! And it’s heading straight for us!”

“Evasive maneuvers, now! Dive! Dive!”

The Zedan submarine immediately started to head downwards, but much to their horror, the Aqua-missile had already locked onto them and corrected its course.

“Captain! The torpedo has changed course and is following our sub’s movements!”


Those were the submarine captain’s last words as the Aqua-missile suddenly put on a burst of speed and exploded near the submarine. The shockwave was more than enough to shatter the submarine’s hull and send everyone aboard to a watery grave.

In the waters near where Atlans and Naran landings were to take place, other Zedan submarines and underwater mines were systematically eliminated, thereby clearing the way for the allied forces to begin their assault. At Point Alpha One, the Missouri and the other vessels simply let the mines detonate and the submarines fire their torpedoes. The submariners immediately learned the futility of their actions as their mines and torpedoes exploded harmlessly against the defensive barriers of the Free Land ships.

Captain Delan then had a general message sent to the Zedan submarines on an open frequency. The message was simple.

To all Zedan submarine commanders,

Surrender now. You’re only wasting torpedoes. And once you run out, we WILL sink all of you.

After several more dozens of torpedoes were launched at the Free Land fleet with zero effect, the attacking submarine force ran out of ammunition and began beating a hasty retreat. However, true to his word, Captain Delan ordered the Missouri and other ships to begin picking off the fleeing submarines. The slaughter was short but brutal as more than 30 submarines were annihilated without mercy. Finally, three submarine captains wisely transmitted their surrender and ordered their vessels to the surface. They would later spend the rest of the war as POWs.


Star Alliance Carrier Lexington

Admiral Silana nodded as she received reports of the destroyed enemy submarines and mines, as well as the three submarine crews that had surrendered. She also received word that her carrier’s Star Hawks and Byattas were just about to attack the Zedan surface ships.

This shouldn’t take too long. Silana thought.


0845 hours…

What remained of the Zedan Navy was put on full alert when they detected the three massive waves of enemy vessels as they neared the Zedan continent. Much to their horror, they were forced to split what was left of their remaining ships to deal with the approaching three waves. They were even more horrified when they lost contact with most of their patrolling submarines and had to assume they were lost. All airfields went on full alert and several hundreds of planes were sent to aid the patrol craft and repel the invading air forces. All anti-aircraft batteries were also alerted.

Then the horror increased as the Star Hawks and Byettas locked onto their targets.


“Star Hawk Prime to Star Hawk Wings!” James Wittens announced as he was about to shoot down the incoming enemy aircraft. “Clear the skies of all enemy aircraft. I don’t want to see a single Zedan emblem in the air!”

Byatta Prime to Byatta Wings!” James’ wife called out. “Lock on to all Zedan naval ships and shore batteries! Clear the waters and coastlines near Omaha!”

Both Star Hawk and Byatta fighters launched enormous swarms of missiles at their targets.


“This is Major Craxul to all fighter wings! Our mission is clear! We are to destroy all incoming enemy aircraft! We are to defend our homeland to the end! Radar has picked up a large formation of aircraft and ships coming toward our western coastline! It is imperative that we drive the invaders back! We must not let a single enemy plane fly over the skies of our motherland..!”


Major Craxul never got to finish as a Skybolt missile slammed into his fighter and exploded. This caused the entire Zedan formation to go into a panic as dozens of planes suddenly began exploding and dropping down toward the ocean as flaming scraps. The airwaves became cluttered with the panicked cries of men as they scanned the skies and died in droves.



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After firing off their medium-range missiles, the Star Hawks began firing off barrages of particle beams. The energy bolts sliced through Zedan aircraft like hot knives going through butter. By the time the Sky Hawks came into visual range, more than 200 Zedan fighters and fighter-bombers had already been destroyed.

And the slaughter didn’t stop.





Captain Wittens and his wingmen showed no mercy as they tore apart their opponents. In less than five minutes, the entire formation of six hundred Zedan planes had been obliterated. Only a couple dozen pilots had managed to bail out of their planes and were now floating in the water with life-jackets.

After dealing with the minor threat, (at least for the Star Hawks), Wittens and the rest of the Starfighters headed off towards their secondary target, the area designated as Omaha.


At the same time the Star Hawks were massacring the Zedan Army Air Corps…

“Admiral! The cruiser Vitor has been hit!”

“Hit?! Hit by what?!”

“We’re not certain but I think it’s those guided rockets again…”


“The destroyers Lorak and Carada have been sunk!”


“Battleship Harcker has been blown in half!”


“Battleship Carrage has received too much damage to continue!”


“We’ve lost the Cruiser Valaras!”


“The heavy carrier Varago has been sunk!”

Admiral Vigil Treyers began to panic, as his fleet of 200 ships was being decimated. Without any warning, hundreds of men began dying as their vessels were being torn apart. And he couldn’t do a thing to stop it.

The moment that the enemy fleets had been detected on radar was the moment in which the remaining Zedan naval forces went into action. However, once they got a rough estimate as to how large the invading forces were, the upper brass was not very confident that they could successfully fight against them for very long. After their horrendous losses during the Merdov and Bisra campaigns, the remaining forces of the Zedan military were now fighting a defensive war. Even with their factories on full war productions, the increased amount of material couldn’t make up for the severe reduction in their most import asset; manpower.

A great number of veteran pilots had been either killed, wounded, captured or missing in action. For the most part, the Army Air Corps was currently composed of raw recruits with little to no training. The same thing went for the Navy, especially after losing over 2,000 ships. What was even more disturbing was the fact that they had lost contact with all of their submarines.

The devastation went on for a few minutes more before the entire fleet of two hundred ships was whittled down to a paltry four. His flagship, the battleship Vohgahns, the destroyers Richet and Bergan, and the light cruiser Gokan, were all that was left. High in the skies, the survivors saw a large formation of manta-shaped aircraft streak overhead at a speed and altitude that was thought to be impossible for their own fighters and bombers. They were simply too high and too fast for them to even attempt to shoot down. As a result, every anti-aircraft gun remained silent.


The star battleship Missouri

“Captain, the Star Hawk and Byatta squadrons report that all enemy aircraft have been neutralized. The Zedan vessels in front of Omaha have all been destroyed, save for one battleship, two destroyers and a light cruiser. Commander Miryo is asking if her fighters should circle back and eliminate them, or should they just continue on to Omaha.”

Mark considered the report for a moment before shaking his head. “No. Instruct them to continue on to Omaha.”

“Aye, Sir!” The communications officer turned back to her console as Mark conferred with his second and third-in-command.

“So are we going to let those four ships go?” Harken asked.

“Certainly not!” Reelan replied. “Even though they present very little threat to us, they’re still considered a threat and therefore, we must deal with them. Isn’t that right, Captain?”

“Indeed. I do not expect those survivors to be able to damage our forces.” Mark stated. “The operation is going smoothly, at least for Omaha, and I don’t see those four ships delaying us much if at all.” He then turned to his navigator. “Lieutenant! What’s the position of the Missouri and the Omaha fleet in relation to the surviving Zedan ships?”

Taichen nodded as she displayed the tactical map on the main holo-viewer. “We’re approximately 30 miles southeast from their position. If we maintain our current speed, we will be within visual range in about 10 minutes of so.”

Mark nodded as he addressed the helmsman. “Ensign Gatsbu, increase our speed to 30 knots.”

“Aye, Captain!”

“Visera! Inform the rest of the Omaha strike force to continue on to their objective. This little ‘errand’ isn’t going to take very long for the Missouri.”

“Aye, Captain!”

As the Missouri pulled away from the rest of the strike force, Mark turned back to his First Officer and wife.

“So you intend to face off against those surviving ships?” Reelan asked.

“I’ll give them a chance to surrender. It’s got to be obvious by now that surrender is the only sensible option they have.”


Five minutes later…

“Good grief, what a bunch of idiots.” Harken commented as the Missouri’s defensive barrier took the full brunt of the Zedan barrage.

After coming within visual range of the four surviving Zedan vessels, the Missouri sent out a transmission, demanding for their surrender. The reply was immediate and simple.

The four Zedan vessels opened fire on the Missouri. Of course, their weapons proved useless against the barrier as the shells and torpedoes harmlessly exploded against it.

Mark let off a tired sigh while shaking his head. He turned to his second-in-command. “You try to do some people a favor, and this is the thanks you get.”

“Shall we counterattack?” Reelan asked as the Zedan forces continued to pound away at the barrier with no success.

“I suppose, if only to get them to stop wasting time and ammo.” He then addressed Harken.”I’ll leave this matter up to you. We need those Zedan morons to surrender now, while I’m still in the mood to LET THEM surrender.”

“Acknowledged, Captain.” The Catian Lieutenant Commander stood up and addressed the helmsman. “Ensign Gatsbu, prepare to fire the forward secondary guns. Load kinetic shells at around 5% power for the destroyers and cruiser and 10% for the battleship. Target their engines.”

“Aye, Sir!” The young Velor said as he prepared the guns to fire. Five seconds later, he nodded at the readouts. “All guns are loaded and ready, Sir!”


The Missouri’s secondary turrets swiveled about and launched four shots at the Zedan ships. Despite the Zedan vessels’ attempt to evade, each shot landed on target, thanks to the Missouri’s advanced fire-control systems and the shells’ ability to correct their trajectories during flight. Each shell punched through the deck armor like it was made out of paper and slammed into the boilers. There was a contained blast within each of the ships’ interiors. Almost immediately, all four ships came to a dead stop. Their sterns were letting off thick plumes of smoke and one could only imagine the crews were desperately putting out the fires. As a result, their guns fell silent.

“Good shooting, Ensign!”

“Thank you, Sir! I used to bullseye grandars in my aero-skimmer back on our homeworld of Velor.”

 “Captain, I do believe they are now willing to listen.” Haren announced.

“Very good, Harken.” Mark then turned to his communications officer. “Send out a message to those ships on an open channel. Tell them that we won’t be holding back again. I expect to see white flags raised within the next two minutes. If I don’t see them, then I’m sending them all to the bottom.”

Visera nodded as she sent the message. In less than thirty seconds, white flags were raised on all the Zedan ships, indicating their total surrender. After being immobilized by a single shot apiece, the admiral and the captains of the ships weren’t going to try their luck against the Missouri again.


After calling in a transport vessel to pick up the new mass of POWs, the Missouri set course for the area designated as Omaha. Despite being gone for less than half an hour, the Missouri received word that the beachhead at Omaha had already been secured.

During the time that the Missouri was on its little ‘errand,’ the rest of the Omaha strike force had easily pushed their way through the Zedan defenses. The mines and other hazards had been cleared. The shore batteries were swiftly neutralized. Air superiority was established without delay. Furthermore, the Battle-Mech Division known as the 472nd, were already setting up a base of operations a little further inland.

All seemed to be going well for the invasion of the Zedan continent.

Then they got the news about the other fronts.

“What? You’re telling me that the Sword and Juno beachheads have not yet been established?” Mark exclaimed.

“Unfortunately,” Visera explained, “due to the slow movement of the Atlans forces, and the insistence by the Naran forces that they take part in the coastal bombardment, the Star Alliance ships and crews had no choice but to delay their own operations. The Free Land commanders hope to at least take their primary objective by the end of the day, or by tomorrow at the very latest.”

Mark could only sigh while pinching the bridge of his nose. This was not going to be the fast and easy campaign as he hoped it would be.

To be continued…